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>dumps 64 GB crash log
nothin personnel kid.

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I have to reset the game every few hours because the memory leaks causes all text to be messed up and then eventually crash so I know to reset it when text becomes bugged.

What is this, a PC game? LOL

what version?

Latest version I believe.

Is it as good as the first? Still debating if I should get it

I meant what platform are you using to play the game
PS4 or switch

I never played the first but everybody's been saying that 2 is a vast improvement with more freedom to build whatever and quality of life improvements.

works flawlessly on the switch
dunno what else to say cept git gud

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It's more focused on quests and less on exploration, but it has some QoL improvements on the inventory that make it more pleasant.

couldn't you record changes from an initial state, or would that make loading times ridiculously long?

There's definitely some frame drops and noticeable stuttering especially during the late game but it's still very playable.

1 GB save files you goddamn cocksnot.
1 gigabyte. Do you understand?

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this is a rare flex


They're already ridiculously long.

Do you not have an SD card? It's a non-issue.

I played for 12 hours straight yesterday on PS4 and didn’t have any problems.

That’s the reason I didn’t get the game.
>play demo for 20 minutes
>560mb save
Fuck you

>saves over 12gb of world data inside of 100,000 2mb chunk files

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Oh no, I'd say 1GB save files are very much an issue, unless you're an oblivious idiot trying to do damage control.

The monster taming makes me want that new DQM game so bad.


I don't see the issue, it's just a gig

Want to buy this game
Guess I'll wait until they patch it

Fucking Jesus I was like astonished when I saw that the other day

There will be one with Erik and his sister.
News about it should be coming soon I think, can't remember the exact date.

I don’t understand, what’s the problem
I don’t go to /g/, I don’t understand this

There's nothing to patch. The game literally saves all block position, if you play voxel games its pretty common the longer you play and the more you edit in the world.

In case you're actually retarded and not trolling: save files shouldn't be anywhere near that big in size.

Well how big should they be? Maybe it takes a lot of space to save where all the blocks are and stuff

for a save file

a big save file

Take a save file as a book. The bigger the book the longer it takes to read.

I take it this is your first Mineclone? Depending on the size of each island, I assume it would work similarly to how Minecraft handles its data, with individual blocks accounting for a set amount of Kb, which can go into the millions of blocks per sector. Good explanation of the breakdown here:

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Honestly cannot imagine being this booty blasted over a single gigabyte.
Thank god I'm not an idiot.

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yeah i don't think any mineclone is safe from this

Except Dragon Quest Builders isn't randomly generated you mong.

You cant back up the switch saves on an SD card. When the Switch internal save storage is full, then you are fucked and have to delete your old saves.
The console is shit.

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What does that have to do with how data is stored, in a game where you can change every block? you mong

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It has randomly generated areas

Because Minecraft has literally near-infinite possibilities of what kind of data needs to be stored and what kind of blocks are loaded in and out of chunks, meaning most of it can't be pre-determined, necessitating the insane filesizes.
That's not the case with DQB.
That must be unique to DQB2 because I have no seen a single one in DQB.