Hey guys...

Hey guys, so my girlfriend is a cam girl (which I fully respect and support) and she's doing a 1 week business trip with her manager. Due to the nature of her job, she isn't supposed to have her phone available during the trip. I've never met her manager since she keeps her personal life confidential (he might not even know I exist, which I prefer). She asked to me make sure the house is spotless when she gets back, which I absolutely will do because I'm a good bf.

So I've got about 6 days free from the duties as a boyfriend, what games do you guys recommend? Switch games only please.

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imagine the false flagging incel making this post.

sm64ds is pretty kino tho

Can i buy her socks?

I wanted to like the concept for this thread. But it literally reads like you are a bitter incel who hates women. You need to tone it down next time, make it more believable.

Why would I be falseflagging?

10/10 kino.

Not up to me!

Did you think this was funny? Or maybe that it will make someone mad? This is lile the lowest Yea Forums tier humour there is.

Whats so funny about it? Can I get some game recommendations? Is this not what the board is for? Quit fucking with me, recommend me some switch games.

Picture the guy posting this. Smirking and chuckling to himself thinking hes being ‘subtle’ and clever. This is obvious and unfunny bait OP.


Attached: C31C1428-A532-4448-B962-FE732BA02380.png (604x657, 1.01M)

>its another OP thinks he's funny episode but he's actually the bitterest of all the fagets

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I dont understand whats so unfunny..? Is it because I mentioned my girlfriend? Is that why you're all so triggered? Fucking incels.

>im not the incel, YOU ARE!

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Learn from your mistake for the next bait attempt OP. Don't come off as such a cuck from the start.
Things like "which I fully respect and support" make it too obvious

Anyways. Ive been playing Lets Go Pikachu and its actually really fun.

What the fuck is happening in this image

Next time try being less subtle (and less of a faggot)

have sex

Work on your bait dude

0/0 bait thread OP, you should feel ashamed

Pissing into his own mouth for some reason

god what a terrible thread

Your circumstances regardless of whether or not it's true(it totally is not), as to why you have free time has no bearing on getting a fucking game recommendation.
In other words, 0/10 bait. Never post again.

Any good bestiality website?, only shit I find is from like 1980

everything on Yea Forums nowadays is just people trying to come up with the quickest way to make the most people possible mad

Buddy, you lay it on far too thick. Remove the respect and support altogether or replace it with hesitation. In fact just remove the whole cam girl thing because it would make the trip or whatever she's doing more eyebrow raising to the wised Yea Forumsirgins.

>his gf disappears for days with someone else
>turns off cell phone

Lmao user, hate to break it to ya but.. she might be cheating on you!!!
Maybe that guy isn't even her 'manager', just a guy she is fucking.

And you want games for the switch? That must mean you're a.. nintendofag, haha! So the jokes were true, you nintendo fans really are cucks hahaha! I feel so sorry for you! I hate nintendo and your story makes me feel good.

>falling for such obvious bait

Sure is summer, alright.

I'd call you out on falling for his bait, but that would mean I fell for yours. God, this website.