Why won't Bethesda get a new fucking engine? Even unity would be better than the fossil they have.
Why won't Bethesda get a new fucking engine? Even unity would be better than the fossil they have
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It's not the age of the engine that matters, it's how you use it ;)
Their engine is the equivalent of a world war 2 veteran with alzheimers
You have zero idea how game engines work so stop this shitty meme.
The engine is fine.
Bethesda Game Studios isn’t limited by the engine but rather by hardware limitations.
This is why the PC versions can run much better with even higher graphical and technical settings.
So please, just because your PlayStation or Xbox can’t run it as well as the PC version doesn’t mean it’s the engines fault so shut your mouth if you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Quake 3 is older and IW are still using it for Cowadoody.
Thanks, for clearing that up, Todd. But if that's true, why did you design fallout 4 with consoles as the primary focus?
What in the seven realms of fuck are you going on about?
lmao no,
>You have zero idea how game engines work
Ah, yes. The Star Citizen defense.
Technically Bethesda bought the engine, so if you go way back in the code you could probably find stuff just as old as quake 3
either the engine is fucked and they need to stop using it or they are so fucking incompetent using it that they need to learn something else
both scenarios point to ditching it
Sure, and gamebryo probably wasn't as competently made as id tech 3, but still. This has nothing to do with the engine and everything to do with Bethesda being incompetent.
Because they are lazy as fuck. I don't know how Bethesda manages to do anything really.
They should start hiring modders like Valve did.
Bethesda could have updated their engine better, yes. However, making a new one still has objective benefits.
Not that I would trust them to do it though lmao
They built a brand new engine for infinite warfare, and not the joke of a new engine like ghosts.
this new engine has NOTHING to do with idtech.
>either the engine is fucked and they need to stop using it or they are so fucking incompetent using it
>or they are so fucking incompetent using it
it's bethesda. what do you expect?
Fallout 4 was designed for consoles, yes. That is the platform that Bethesda believed would sell the most on. This isn’t Bethesda Game Studios fault.
Every new Creation game looks like a turd with increasing amounts of glitter. Fallout 4 was embarassing. You'd have areas that look great initially because of various shaders and effects they had going, then you go up to a coke machine and the texture looks like it's from 2001. Like wtf.
Of course it is, they've historically made most of their revenue on PC.
So now you’ve proven that not only do you not understand Game Engines, but you also don’t understand the Publisher/Developer relationship.
The Developers HAVE to listen to what the Publisher wants in order to receive funding. There are tons of contracts involved that you wouldn’t understand and that I’m not going to sit here and explain how they work.
Please, just stop pretending you know what you’re talking about.
>So now you’ve proven that not only do you not understand Game Engines
That was my first reply to you, you seem to have some kind of behavioural disorder. Go take your lithium.
Also Bethesda OWN Zenimax, they're self publishing. You should probably refrain from posting anymore.
Zenimax is separate from Bethesda Game Studios.
Just stop, you are making a fool of yourself in front of everybody.
>Zenimax is separate from Bethesda Game Studios.
Zenimax was founded as the publishing arm of Bethesda Softworks, they're self publishing. You sure are confident for how little you know about the subject.
Because nowdays, people who work in video game companies are the worst coders.
Because that would cost money.
You idiot. You retard. You absolute fucking buffoon, you simpering ape creature. The engine is the only thing that allows Bethesda to even make games at the scale they do. Their modular level design would either be impossible in other engines, or they'd end up tweaking so much they remake their old engine anyway. Their engine is literally built for the express purpose of making massive games with an unparalleled level of interactivity and detail.
I'll say this, and those among us with more than 80 IQ can copypaste it every time some moron says "DURR DA ENJIN":
The creation engine is the best possible engine Bethesda can use. If they switched engines, their games would immediately suffer. Even a brand new engine would inevitably evolve to become the creation engine, because it has all the tools they need. It's been used for so long because it's fucking good.
You know NOTHING, dream boy. Get a job
They're swimming in money, they have more than enough to make a better engine.
Yes, brainlet, but consider this.
They do not want to make a new engine. They do not need a new engine. Their current engine is the best engine they could possibly use.
Armchair critics scapegoat THE ENJIN DA ENGINN for every perceived flaw in BGS games, but it's funny, none of them ever try porting those games to supposedly better engines. I wonder why? It's almost as if.... The "engine".... Is a nebulous concept.... That gamers don't even actually understand....... Whoa.
Did you read what he posted? The released Infinite Warfare with an updated version of the old engine, like they've been doing since Modern Warfare
1. People keep buying their games.
2. It costs time and money to develop a new engine (this is time you have to shift over veteran manpower for the development of the new engine and no work can be done until the engine is complete). This process usually takes 3+ years.
3. If you use an old engine you can re-use code and other stuff more easily.
So until Bethesda feels that they're forced to, they will most likely keep using their old engine.
>anything over 60FPS causes physics issues
i love bethesdas games but the creation engine fucking sucks
>Why won't Bethesda get a new fucking engine?
Because the engine they use has been essentially tailor fit for the type of games they make. I'm not trying to be apologetic for them, but the shit they do is stupid niche, there are basically no other engines that can handle a large open world with the persistence to remember where you flung the kitchenware on your visit to Fuc Werwasitaghin before you go back to doing whichever random assortment of main, radiant, and sidequests you want to do in whichever order and generally keep things sane. And quite frankly the engine is the least of their worries. People like to drone on about it, but if it can be made to work, it's generally good enough. The big underlying problems with their games of late are things that have nothing to do with the engine.
Now if you think their games are fucking horrible with gamebryo/creation, just fucking IMAGINE how goddamn busted it would be if they grabbed another engine that was made with barely a thought for the edge case they preside in and tried to get that fucking contraption to work. All of their goddamn jank that we see now has been the result of fucking YEARS of refinement, would you really want the fucking apes that work there to go back to square one and try to figure it out all over again? This isn't like a simple FPS game where you can swap engines and change around some values to make physics and shit look and feel enough like the old engine that it isn't even noticeable, the engine IS the goddamn game for bethesda, it's there to make the world seem incredibly interactive and seamless, and the game is built on top of that.
And anything over 60fps is a meme so who cares. Yeah you got scammed and shelled out for a 144hz monitor or whatever. Not our problem. Enjoy your placebo!
Damn, you typed all that and I didn't even read it
Imagine thinking a high refresh rate is a meme
It's hard work and they're not only lazy but also incompetent
While there are issues present that may not necessarily be the engine's fault, there is no doubt in my mind that the Creation engine is definitely outdated. It was a fork of the Gamebryo engine used in Fallout 3 and has glaring issues that are there due to either bad/ inefficient programming, oversight, or laziness.
Prime examples include physics multipliers being tied to framerate, animation speeds being tied to FOV, and the fact that they can't even do ladders without either teleporting or a loading screen.
They've been adding and adding and adding so much that you have this tumorous mass of "TODO: quick fix" and half baked implementations that it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay ahead of the curve.
If they had actually bothered making the engine more modular right off the hop it'd be fine but they obviously didn't.
Yeah, that retard doesn't know what he's talking about. Bigger number good. Small number bad. 8k monitors soon fellow gamers!
>"Lmao these retards buy our shit games every single year"
>"aah hey toad there you are, say something funny for the camera hhaha"
I'll make it simple for you then. I'll even put some meme arrows in front of it and maybe throw in a retarded frog to better suit your tastes.
>engine not why they make dumb gameplay designs
>new engine make performance and bugs worse with new learning curve
>engine they have do what they need, not many other engine do
This user has no clue who Robert Altman is