Triss Merigold
The Witcher Netflix
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Triss Mongoloid
looks good, the shot is very dark, if you put her into a brighter light scene she'll look perfect for triss
are they purposefully trying to fuck it up?
>she'll look perfect for triss
post a pic to prove it. she doesn't even look like a redhead in the slightest.
The comforting thing about capitalism is that all my favorite games are too big of financial flops for anyone to want to bother to ruin with shit like this.
In essence, it is difficult to disagree with the self-described Marxist philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Zizek, who summarized the current cultural climate adequately when interviewed on the subject: “You can feel this (in the #metoo movement) a big pressure to take revenge- it is a voice of fury, fury and revenge- and this is always bad… Lenin knew all along that the point of revolution is not merely to take revenge (although he certainly utilized the revolution to do so,) however, he also understood persuasive measures other than violence- ‘if we have capitalists who are good organizers, we should use them- offer them another deal …’Here, another authentic grievance, a voice of protest, was appropriated by the bourgeois liberal individualism." Zizek is correct in his observation of #metoo, yet it is also entirely correct when utilized to critique the fury and discussion occurring around The Witcher. The minority actors hired to fulfil the role of European, Caucasian characters have not been advertised, interviewed, or publicly discussed being chosen due to their acting prowess, love or obsession with the material, and how they plan to be as authentic to the themes and essence of the material.
You know what ginger is backwards user
how old is she? I used to fuck a 42 old milf that looked exactly like her. sex was crazy good
Indeed, the entire television series seems clouded by the ‘bourgeois liberal individualism’ which has permeated throughout North American film and television. Instead of a marketplace of cultural ideas permitting minorities in Western countries to tell their own original stories, these minorities are given the status of ‘underdogs’ who must ‘punch up’ past their own metaphorical cultural weight-class in order to compete with the Western fables and tales of old. Therefore it is perfectly just and applicable in this twisted view to recast the voice actors of The Lion King, or The Little Mermaid, or indeed The Witcher, with minority-casting, done solely to fill this delusional political narrative. Or indeed, to change the entire thematic structure of the story to enforce a new radical political and social stance; regardless of whether or not it is applicable to the material; which seems so often maliciously appropriated out of a sense of vengeance and financial gain, rather than the genuine invocation of art and expression. This sends a dangerous message to non-Western cultures that they must adapt European fables, tales, and folkstories and then recreate these tales with their ‘ethnic twist,’ entirely devoid of universal morality, expression, emotion, or purpose beyond fulfilling a marketing niche designated by a corporation. Should non-Western film makers, writers, or actors seek to create something original and representative of their own cultural or historical heritage, they will simply not get the massive distribution that these monopolies allow.
Thank God I don't have any personal investment in the franchise.
You have to ask?
Haha wouldn’t it be funny if some user posted pictures of Triss showing off her BIG BUTT. I bet that would be really embarrassing to see for her haha her face would be as red as her hair.
>he doesn't even look like a redhead in the slightest.
>has to be like my game not the book the game is based on
ITT: we bitch and moan about things we don't understand
you mean black staining
She looks like some fortune teller gypsy who scams people.
>not the book the game is based on
you mean a redhead?
How can people not see what's going on? It's so blatant.
Is this Ciri
Triss "Parvati" Soprano
They aren't adapting the books
>Yennefer isn't a poo in the books
>Triss isn't a goblina in the books
>Vigo isn't a nig in the books
I think yennefer is even worse, but yeah, they fucked up with the 'muh diversity' cast
at least ciri looks passable
>Triss is a nigger in the books
Is Raven trans in the new one? What the fuck
REGular NIGger
She's like a budget Maya Rudolph.
fuck off to Yea Forums this isn't fucking video games
People only care about the games you dumb fuck
the witcher creator didn't get shit for the game (cause he thought it would fail and took cash) so when netflix came knocking he said "do whatever the fuck you want with my IP just gimmie money".
the witcher author is such an idiot.
she's no ginger in the books, i've seen them all
For diversity points, is Roach going to be casted by a camel?
>Witcher is only popular because of 3
>Netflix decides to ignore what made the series very popular and instead focus on the books and changing key characters
>make the trailer for dynamic like Game of Thrones
Soooo they don’t want to make Witcher show they just want a Game of Thrones show to get loads of money.
how do you see books
What a boomer retard.
More like Gypsiloid
And they also want to slip through their agenda. Notice in the trailer how all the elves are black.
*shit smearing
>she's no ginger in the books
yes she is.
>they just want a Game of Thrones
Ding ding ding
>they just want a Game of Thrones show to get loads of money.
Yes. I'm surprised everyone is taking so long in making a GoT replacement.
>dat feel when Black Company show is apparently ion development with Eliza Dushku attached to it
>all the elves are black
Yea Forums always told me that elves were niggers.
>around elves watch yourselves
jebane żydki niszczą polska historie
>>Netflix decides to ignore what made the series very popular
what, white people?
Too ugly.
>google search image
>first result is resetera
Go back to where you came from you fucking troglodyte
Those are dryads. On the books they are of multiple colors, but obliviously not blacks
Hack and slash mechanics and sex scenes
Jesus Christ (who wasn't white), are you the same idiots who complain about Casca being a brownskin in stories like Berserk?
The presence of exotic looking characters isn't really even an eyebrow raising issue considering oversea trading is established so foreigners should be part of the setting.
>the most racially pure race in the witcher universe.
>pure to the point were the Elven King refuses to fuck Ciri because she looks too human
>americans turn them into a melting pot
based retards
replacing white characters with black people for no reason other than ideology is about as dumb as you can get
I don't really care about the race change but they have to pick such ugly fucking actresses
Like the fuck dude shes supposed to be a Witch who can alter her appearance to look as banging as possible
The world and setting of the Witcher is so fucking kino, and Geralt is such a badass, but I seriously hate every actual piece of media from this series. The games are dull, the books are poorly written(could be a translation thing I guess) and I have no doubt this will be just as terrible.
Holy shit they're not even trying to hide it
Triss is supposed to look 20, not 40.
No-one is complaining about having a pre-existing non-white character in a story, it's when they change established white characters to brown, you stupid fucking tranny ape.
Nobody complains about Casca because she has always been brown
For anyone defending this how many of you could recognize this person as Triss without being told who she is?
Isn't starfire like an alien or something? They also could put a cute skinny black chick at least.
Maybe she's a 10 for the setting, why do you expect the live action counterparts to look like unrealistically perfect video game models.
it's to spite the video game community which they believe to be one of the the most racist and misogynist groups out there.
Good, better black than red
according to a polack friend of mine the 2002 shitty polish tv series of the witcher had a per episode budget is literally 200 dollars, and yet it somehow manages to look so much better than this.
Because they're literally just friends of somebody in the business. There's no meritocracy, it's all neptism, all the way to the top.
>"Hey, you know that dark skinned girl, the friend of whosiewhatsit. Yes the one in that shitty TV show? Lets get her, she knows Frank."
Ngl Yen's actress is pretty cute but everything else is a fucking clown show. Shit looks like a highschool play.
how is that trying to be GoT then when that's all that show is
>unrealistically perfect video game models.
This isn't a japanese game, Triss and Yen don't look "perfect"
OMG I'm so triggered guys! It's not a white woman what do I do!?!?!?!?
that's a really unflattering photo of her to be fair, with the wrinkled forehead expression... she's not super attractive but she's ok... I think... I can't accept the Nilfgaardian armor. There is just no reason for it to look like a black ballsack.
Dilate, like the Gypsy tranny they cast for Triss.
Yen's actress look nothing like she was describe as in the book what the point?
>head angled down to hide her nigger jaw
I don't think anyone complains about Casca being brown nor is that relevent as Casca was never anything but a tanned warrior goddess. This is good b8 btw.
Chicago school play.
>hook nose
Casca has been brown always not changed with no reason in an "adaptation".
>tries to make geralt look like geralt
>make two of the most popular characters unrecognisable
> games are the only reason this shit is popular
> Everyone will compare presentation to the games
> The books and games are in accordance with each other regarding thematics and aesthetics and even Sapkowski caved in to it, despite how much of a bitch he is.
yea there is no hiding that
What now, you piece of filth?
>that Starfire
That can't be real
tarfire see
> are you the same idiots who complain about Casca being a brownskin in stories like Berserk?
Making up false talking points to prove yourself, how pathetic. Also a strawman. Literally no one complained about Casca, everyone knew what she was.
This isnt a case of exotic characters, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Disingenuous fuck. Exotic characters are already established in the Witcher, the Middle East exists, its called Zerrikania.
You just have a nigger fetish and want to ruin stuff people like so you can bait them into a race argument.
You trash of a human being.
Sapkowski is eternally butthurt about the games and refuses to accept that they're the only reason the brand is popular outside Slavland.
Not from their point of view. Progressives are incapable of self-awareness
>engaging in earnest with resetera shitposters
Wasted effort user.
Fuck niggers and their victim culture
>they actually used the shitty leaked nilfgaardian "armor" in the show
I remember so many people claiming it would be cgi or a place holder..
the idea that the show would be good was placeholder in my mind.
>People are still falling for the blackwashing controversy meme
They do this literally to generate buzz and you faggots eat it up every time. Stop giving them attention when they do this.
This. White men are the real victims.
Imagine turning on the TV one day and there's someone with BROWN SKIN on the TV?
And then people wonder why we go around screaming racially charged insults at people. How is it fair that we White men have to be virgins AND see nonwhites in media? Where's our march?? Where's our parade?? Where's our champion for rights to all-white media??
>Real victims are the ones that act like niggers and get called for it
THere's literally commercials on TV that tell you to love no not tolerate not ACCEPT but LOVE people because they're not white. And if you fail to LOVE complete strangers for not being white you're making the world a worse place.
To be fair, their reimants are never really described in the books. They're literally only ever described as 'the black ones'.
This but unironically. Ship the Blacks back to Africa, they hate it here anyway. Stop letting White people fall through the cracks catering to a race of room-temperature-IQ Neanderthals who shouldn't even be here.
I don't watch television so I don't know what you're talking about. Can you provide an example of one?
This is the textbook definition of a fallacy.
It's crazy how you're allowed to erase gingers from media and it's okay because they're "white". Celtic people have been getting kicked into the mud since fucking Roman times. Fuck.
here's your (You) resetranny
>black company show
Now there's a book that already has plenty of niggers in it, no need to brownwash it. I hope they jump straight to the siege of Dejagore because that shit was the best.
Well that is just sinister.
>fuck old people
>fuck your culture
>it's our duty to uplift brown people
>if you don't do so you're racist
Played 5 times a day
whats with the trend of niggerfying redheads? little mermaid also got BLACKED
Fuck off, shitskin.
The proceedings will still go to ((them)) and one Polack who are apparently white.
Now where's Mumbo Jumbo Netflix show or something like that?
>Be white/mediterranean
>Fight each other since the dawn of mankind
>Constant warfare speeds up technology and the elimination of genes that can't into war/technology
>Conquer everything, create the strongest empire the world has ever seen
>Suddenly become cucks
>Give women the right to vote
>Suddenly become even more cucks
>People from other races, who you've brought technology and medicine to, and whom you accept into your countries, hate you
>Become even more cuck
What the fuck happened to white people? I'm not even white, btw. But you guys were top dogs. Nobody fucked with you. What the fuck went so wrong and lead to all of this?
You saw that part with the bearded Arab kissing the old woman on the cheek while she's imprisoned with him in the back seat of a car? What demonseed conjured this scenario?
Did you see the part where they called old people racist?
Our women hate us and our ancestors sold us out so they wouldn't have to put them back in their place.
at least they picked cute Ciri
how did you even find that vid, it has 15k views
Netflix Loses $17 Billion in Value in One Day
They don't call it a slippery slope for nothing. Once you start falling it gets worse and worse, faster and faster. Give an inch and they'll take a mile.
>never described
>so let’s make them look as retarded as possible!
It's on TV all the time, along with ones they don't have hosted. I just knew the name of it
The evangelical left will not settle until every aspect of life (including literature, art, and fictional worlds) has been remade to reflect their political and social worldview. It's not about brown people being on TV, it's about the literal subversion of western culture a the behest of a totalitarian progressive ideology.
It's crazy how ugly triss and yen are. It's going to be ridiculous seeing the interracial sex scenes between them. Really unfortunate. Oh well netflix will just have to lose another 17 billion next quarter as well.
Who would win in a fight
Yeah, because she's young, pretty, and apparently moron who's given completely in to the progressive agenda.
It's almost worse in a way than if they'd just cast one more nigger.
You just don't know what the real world is at this point. It's very real to you because that's what reality is when you're not at the top of the pyramid. The whites you know and love so much still exist but the whites have stratified and all the unworthy are lumped in with the rest of the rabble, meant to be nothing more than modern day slaves feeding the capitalist system.
Those at the top are still ruthless. They're just more cunnning, underhanded and exclusionary than they ever have been before in history. This game was over before it started, mate.
Are you trying to say the average white peasant or the average roman soldier would have put up with all of this? In the same way that an average white basedboy today does?
She looks like she complains in restaurants.
>are they purposefully trying to fuck it up?
That is the goal with everything these days
Isn’t Triss a hunchback or something? Maybe this is pre-magic makeover.
Strong men create good times, good times, etcetc
Complacency is the downfall of any empire
The author of the book is on the creative team. He hates CDPR because he was stupid enough to not take a percentage cut before they made millions. It's his way of a vendetta.
>All these basement dwelling armchair racists crying about nogs
>Ignoring the fact every other aspect of the trailer was shit
The sets lack any detail, they look on par with star wars episode 1 full cgi sets. The lighting is all digital and that looks like crap and doesn't play with the actors correctly. The nilf armor still looks like a fucking joke.
The fact Triss is a nog and Yenn looks like a man in drag is the least of the shows problems.
No, yenn is a hunchback. Triss is confirmed redhead in the books, though.
Fuck Americans are so fucking stupid. Red heads are literally Celts, Celts were literally light skinned Africans that migrated north from Iberia. They're fucking nogs without a tan.
Notice how Anglos kicked the fuck out of the Celts then the Celts fell into their natural role as slaves for us? Because they're fucking nogs.
This black actress is genetically closer to any firepubes than any White man.
Leave it up to Americans to think that just skin colour alone defines whites or European. The only true European whites are Anglos and Nordics.
>Ignoring the fact every other aspect of the trailer was shit
Not me.
This isn't just an empire, though. An entire race of alpha chads have turned into cucks.
Good on you user
>Yen's actress is cute
I disagree with this faggot ass opinion though.
>The author of the book is on the creative team
They wouldn't have had to. That was different era and a completely different brand of order.
Ted Sarandos is your man. This is CEO of all operations, Netflix, Los Angeles, California. Ted Sarandos __ Epstein Gang and a close, close friend of The Committee To Elect Hillary Clinton. He donated big bucks to same. He's also in tight with former President Barack Obama and donated large amounts to him as well. All close buddies. Epstein removed as a keystone endangers the whole bunch. Sarandos __ CP and __ a pedophile. His nog wife is a _____ and a beard.
There is a group that has infiltrated Netflix but it is not called The Committee or anything else. The group does not have a formal name. Nor do any identical groups situated currently at any of the other networks, and let me tell you, anons, these groups have infiltrated all of them. Not one standing stick and brick nor streaming network does not contain board members or decision-maker players who are not all members of this nameless group. Any form of telecommunications the left believes can get in minds and influence mass thinking, these groups began infiltrating beginning years ago. Look up The Long March Through The Institutions.
Here is what unifies these groups and their members.
>Allegiance to One World, One Race, One Language (you guys call this Globohomo, and you are not wrong)
>Commitment to The New Communist Party and its ideals; this is to be distinguished from the classical Old Party as seen in older Russia and China. This is an entirely different phenomenon.
>This hierarchy: gay Jewish pedophile male, gay Jewish male, gay POC male, white heterosexual liberal female who obeys and believes in Party values, white heterosexual liberal male who will obey these females, Latino "party allies", Muslim "party allies", useful assets (think what clams call aloof quarry), everyone else, dissenter white males.
>Old nigger scrotum armor
Seems to be really popular.
Looks like shit soicuck
>totally racist
>but believes the out-of-Africa theory
Ginger hair is a neanderthal gene, Nigel.
For a brown she ain't bad. They could've just as easily cast another Nubian for Yen.
No he left early on
A therory is they want to lower Cavill worth for future Superman negotiations by making this a huge flop
What part of "Netflix" did you not understand?
It's not their official channel, it's all funded by the Foundation for a Better life which is pretty much a commie thinktank
These are the things they want you, your friends and your family to believe.
>Homosexuality is good (because it weakens family structure and personal integrity)
>Feminism is good (because it weakens family structure, leaves women center-less and demoralizes men; it also boosts abortion levels)
>Transgenderism is good (because it demoralizes culture and enables a wedge issue by which pedophilia can be normalized)
>Pedophilia is good (because age is just a number, right, anons?)
The core values however are these:
>Questioning anything outside the narrative is wrong
>Jews are always right
>Blacks are your friends
>Hispanics are especially your friends
>Muslims can be trusted and are not violent and will not fundamentally alter your society in ways that cannot be corrected within a century
The stranger ones:
>Meat is bad (increases testosterone, which is bad because that fuels our enemies)
>Cigarettes are bad (increases independence of thought and desire to go out, rise up, speak, organize, socialize offline and become a threat - this was the sole reason they are demonized)
>Families are bad
>Being normal is bad
>Distrusting the internet is bad
>Interbreeding is good
>White men are VERY bad
Television and films are very powerful mediums and can alter the way masses of people think. This is why the U.S. government once had specific bureaus to regulate and inject it with specific agendae through all the years. Corporate interests know this now. The intention today is to couple with your governments in order to topple everything that you once believed and replace it with their vision of the future. All VODs and stick and bricks have been infiltrated to do this. This is why all your skeins look weird, perverted, foreign and sick right now.
This is what happened to Netflix.
>The games are dull, the books are poorly written(could be a translation thing I guess)
It is an issue with translation. You see the same thing with LNs and VNs translated from Japanese into other languages. The prose and dialogue come off as clunky and amateurish.
>A therory is they want to lower Cavill worth for future Superman negotiations by making this a huge flop
I'd fucking believe that.
I despise how the go to response for any criticism is
>its an adaptation of the books not the videogame sweetie
I fucking read the books and these shits wanna tell me how they are supposed to look like? Fuck man why cant we get any descent adaptations without politics ruining them.
Now do all the races replaced by whites.
I fucking knew it looked familiar. Nice one, user.
Fuck Janice.
Well his name is heavily linked to it so it certainly would but a dent on his bankability.
Because there's nothing left to aspire to. You want to rule the world? fucking why, when there's infinite entertainment to be had on the RGB cannon- space is fucking empty, there's nowhere to go until musk stumbles over a way to noclip the worldmap
Celts literally came from Africa, they were part of the moor invasions of Iberia then migrated north from there. Fact. Anglos descended from a uniquely European homo sapien and Neanderthal admixture.
would you mind posting some actually attractive Yea Forums thots?
Is this 50 y/o bitch trying to see how many lines she can put on her forehead?
I will rip your hearth out and eat your soul.
Make you humble.
Why does Yea Forums suck Elon's dick so much? He gives even more lipservice and empty promises than President Trump.
With his eyes
Maybe 20,000 years ago muhammad
>Sardinian like Neolithic farmers did populate Britain (and all of Northern Europe) during the Neolithic period, however, recent genetics research has claimed that, between 2400BC and 2000BC, over 90% of British DNA was overturned by a North European population of ultimate Russian Steppe origin as part of an ongoing migration process that brought large amounts of Steppe DNA (including the R1b haplogroup) to North and West Europe
>henry cavill not wearing shirts all the time
>all these ugly women
I conclude the show is made for gay men. It will fail anyway since everyone is worn out on fantasy shit after game of thrones sucked so hard and nobody will want to invest their time in this
And it looks cheap as fuck
This. The ice white skinned snow people who get sunburn in cloud-cover came from the desert.
>Red heads are literally Celts
hol up. Ignore the image even though it proves you wrong. That is NOT who the fucking Celts were. And there is no red-headed race. That was an accident that came form browners fucking blondies.
Bc hes le epic random memester xDdxDx. Corporate overlords sucking your soul out is ok when they post funny image on twitter
Most Netflix shows are targeted at women and gay men.
This reportedly has a GoT tier budget.
>blue eyes
>pale skin
>red chestnut hair
>looks young
yep, seems like a nigger to me
Yeah for paying Cavill.
It's written and run by literal nobodies.
>GoT tier budget
Didn't HBO say something similar about the budget and scope of season 8? Look how that turned out.
Will Netflix get their shit together or will they try and out progressive Disney?
>This reportedly has a GoT tier budget.
Obviously went on actors pay and monster cgi because there is no chance it went into the sets. Also bare in mind that Got budget means shit, look at season 8's entry to kings landing. Looked like the fucking cardboard castle from the simpsons.
This is a lie forced on us by the foreigner elite who have weaseled their way into England, to the point where our crown is foreign. England is currently experiencing a thousand years of darkness and has been ever since our last King, Harold Godwinson, was murdered. We're due to end the age of death in 2066 and begin the new English golden age, but English people are descended from a mixture of great Celtic Heroes and Germanic Heroes. Even the man who many Norse knew as a god, Wotan, is our forebear and the Pagan invasions of the sons of Lodbrok brought the genes of the legendary Sigurd / Siegfried into our genepool (for his wife was the grandchild of that very same Siegfried). English are an admixture of the ancient Brythonic peoples and Germanic tribes, and thus have the potential to be the most powerful race. Note that the Queen's family is a different, inferior type of German, from the tribe that murdered Sigmund father of Sigurd and also the tribes that fought alongside the Huns when they attempted to invade Europe against the Franks and forebears of the English race alongside the Romans.
see if not games what are they adapting?
>there are people who still find blacks appealing
This isn't the 90's anymore, folks.
Actually for the first time since netflix's inception they're actually losing US customers, and people think it's because they're alienating white people.
>celts came from an invasion that didn't happen until the 8th century ad
You are officially retarded
>people think it's because they're alienating white people.
post proofs please
Who are they trying to fool?
>chad henry cavill has to fuck ugly roasties so they can feel wanted
What a delightfully original post. Truly a man of cognitive sovereignty.
It's so funny how their two biggest shows, Friends and The Office, have 99% white casts. And Warner Media is taking them back next year.
Also Netflix has been caught using black people in thumbnails for movies with a majority white cast.
It couldn't be because the Obamas an Susan Rice are on Netflix' payroll, could it?
you mean an anagram of
ok but if the wound is allowed to heal it will close up
>that face
Idris is the only example I'm cool with, Starfire is especially shit.
Thanks for the reminder then.
How else he's supposed to look
Here's Geralt season 2.
It's also funny how their best rated show of 2019 (Dark season 2) is pretty much 100% white.
And so was Chernobyl.
Very informative thank you.
With how much media fellatio he got over 007 I'm surprised they didn't cast him as Geralt.
he can't keep getting away with it
They're not that stupid
I thought he was alright as stringer bell and people kept telling me how amazing his detective show was, when I watched it it seemed like just another detective show.
>translation: i am having a literal brain aneurysm at the fact that people continue to do things i disapprove of even after i told them to stop
For future reference ask for "sauce" not "proofs" so you don't look like a zoomer faggot
He's not a bad actor, not an especially great one either
oh my god, cavil, no.
it would be a very short list
the last time i can think of anyone getting away with that is Strange's teacher in the MCU. And that's just because people's worship of Tilda Swinton is stronger than their disapproval of the whitewashing
More like Triss 'Merimutt
So I'm waving my crystaled scepter at the street lights making them turn on brighter and while I was doing it some little kid no older than like 11 or 12 was like "hey asshole hey retard hey asshole" just started talking some shit so I said to him I says "your mom didn't raise you right and you have no dad, you little shit I'm bigger and better than you dude do you have any idea who the fuck I am?" I'm like "I'm a youtube celebrity dude I'm a local youtube celebrity I have almost 9000 subscribers on my channel you aint shit" As soon as I brought up his daddy issues the kid just lost it he was like "HOW DOES HE KNOW" and he just started crying dude, and right when he started crying I kept on insulting him I went off on this dude and I said "bro I'm puttin your shit on blast when I get home for a youtube video" and I drank my beer last night fuckin passed out you know, yeeeeah dude
You sure you know what 'identical' means?
otherwise geralt would look like this
What a qt. What's her name?
Isn’t he supposed to be ghoulish and creepy looking? He certainly was in the first Witcher game. Like some sort of fucked up albino Dracula character.
God damn, a woman quickly looking away and smiling is like the most sure fire sign she's attracted to you. Take note of this, autistim bros.
Where did his mustache go?
Nobody cares about the books, which makes this attempt to make a got on netflix that much more hilarious.
Henry Caville
That's the comic. Isn't he a literal albino in the books?
>beefcake hot dad with a chin that could cut glass
Did I stutter?
>Yea Forums got upset because of a black male 007 rumor
>tfw the new 007 is confirmed a black woman
Yeah, kinda, he's been way to handsome in second and third game, nevermind Cavill
Geralt is supposed to look inhuman.
It doesn't make sense in TWIII how humans ostracize him for having...weird shaped eyes.
No. Now you're just all over the place. Gay, too, I should add.
> not adapting the games
fine and acceptable, the game had to take liberties with the story for gameplay purposes
> not adapting the books either
For what purpose? None of the characters fit the description of what they are in the books, why even bother with the witcher name? It might as well be something else entirely.
I'm just happy they finally killed James Bond, and with a nigger no less! Hilarious
I'm sure his armour looking like samurai road leathers is a total coincidence too.
>two random White girls are more attractive than 95% of the people in world could ever hope to be
Fucking genetics.
Also way to force the Henry Cavill response despite me saying "her".
aka none
Have you not seen the visual novels? You think the games invented that or something?
>no beard
>no cat eyes
>medallion isn't a huge chunk of metal
>only carries 1 sword
You need to get your eyes checked.
W1 Geralt’s face there looks exactly like W3 Lambert.
His armor in shitflix version doesn't looks like any ingame armors, and shit like silver staples literally described in the books
>why even bother with the witcher name?
It's an established brand with a non-negligible audience
>TV trash book adaptations have good costume design
>>medallion isn't a huge chunk of metal
>check this 'cause I hadn't paid attention
>they could literally have bought him a better medallion from etsy
This shit would be funny if it weren't so goddamn sad.
This. The books were full of poos and niggers, as we all know.
anyone have the post that said the lead designers wanted them to look like dicks.
>change white characters into black ones
>"lol get fucked whities"
>change black characters into white ones
>"omg you can white face everything you nazi scums"
Like this, with much less muscle from the witcher 3 interpretation.
Triss Negroid
looks like a dehydrated mads mikkelson
The can't cust uggos on the main roles
Whitewashing is a thing and it has been for eons. Where were any of you guys when all those stories from Asia were retold in the west with everyone being turned into Whites? Moreover where's your outrage over a Jewish Arab from the desert being turned into some pretty svensk in European Christianity?
In essence, it is difficult to disagree with the self-described Marxist philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Zizek, who summarized the current cultural climate adequately when interviewed on the subject: “You can feel this (in the #metoo movement) a big pressure to take revenge- it is a voice of fury, fury and revenge- and this is always bad… Lenin knew all along that the point of revolution is not merely to take revenge (although he certainly utilized the revolution to do so,) however, he also understood persuasive measures other than violence- ‘if we have capitalists who are good organizers, we should use them- offer them another deal …’Here, another authentic grievance, a voice of protest, was appropriated by the bourgeois liberal individualism."
Zizek is correct in his observation of #metoo, yet it is also entirely correct when utilized to critique the fury and discussion occurring around The Witcher. The minority actors hired to fulfil the role of European, Caucasian characters have not been advertised, interviewed, or publicly discussed being chosen due to their acting prowess, love or obsession with the material, and how they plan to be as authentic to the themes and essence of the material. Indeed, the entire television series seems clouded by the ‘bourgeois liberal individualism’ which has permeated throughout North American film and television. Instead of a marketplace of cultural ideas permitting minorities in Western countries to tell their own original stories, these minorities are given the status of ‘underdogs’ who must ‘punch up’ past their own metaphorical cultural weight-class in order to compete with the Western fables and tales of old.
>Why are movies in a white nation casting white people?!
Racists, all of them!
>white nation
Therefore it is perfectly just and applicable in this twisted view to recast the voice actors of The Lion King, or The Little Mermaid, or indeed The Witcher, with minority-casting, done solely to fill this delusional political narrative. Or indeed, to change the entire thematic structure of the story to enforce a new radical political and social stance; regardless of whether or not it is applicable to the material; which seems so often maliciously appropriated out of a sense of vengeance and financial gain, rather than the genuine invocation of art and expression.
Have we truly entered a realm of culture creation where the primary method of making financially successful material is to cannibalize the West’s past on the altar of diversity? Where writers, actors, and directors are hired not for the content of their character, or their demonstrable care and affection for their work, but instead for the color of the skin? I cannot possibly think of anything more vitriolic, divisive, and racist than to select a popular Western piece of fiction and intentionally sabotage its originality.
This sends a dangerous message to non-Western cultures that they must adapt European fables, tales, and folk stories and then recreate these tales with their ‘ethnic twist,’ entirely devoid of the creation and creator’s concept of moralty, expression, emotion, or purpose- the only purpose of such a show is fulfilling a marketing niche designated by a corporation. Furthermore, while it is certainly not suggested here that art, culture, and media should not also generate revenue and profit, the financial success of a show should be a result of authentic intent. If a piece of media seems entirely designed around generating a profit, it is one’s obligation as a consumer of culture to avoid these works and fiscally punish production studios, punish writers and actors, and signal a desire to financially reward media which generates authentic cultural content.
God damn.
Certian tribes of Atlanteans that survived fled to Japan and Ireland mostly. Whites used to exist with early Japanese islanders.
Jews hate Atlantean descendants
Are you assuming everyone from the middle east is brown? Also Jesus was a Jew and Jews are "white".
Just as one should be wary if a writers room dedicated to a Japanese franchise dedicated to pontificating philosophical questions, such as Ghost in the Shell or Grave of the Fireflies is in-fact littered with European technocratic, internet-obsessive ‘social justice warriors,’ one should also be exceptionally wary if the writing staff for a Polish fantasy adventure series which tackles, in various levels of seriousness, poignant issues of organized power structures and how isolated individuals (the Lodge of Sorceresses, rites of succession in society, etc..) is in-fact being staffed by schizophrenic and incompetent young and ‘diverse’ writers. The lot of which seem to relish their ignorance of the original material rather than espouse their love for it. What does this lead to?
A system in which ethnic minorities in the West are encouraged to plagiarize Western stories and fill such content with token-placed minorities roles, not as a means to tell a new exciting story or to push the boundaries of storytelling, but to market their product towards a ‘woke’ and ‘diverse’ marketplace, to maximize profit under the guise of diversity and equality. This robs culture-creators of their own original ideas, their own original experiences, and instead encourages the rewriting of another culture’s tale- which alienates that culture group, while also alienating one’s own culture group by forcing those actors into roles which are, at the very least, not culturally, religiously, or socially similar to their own experiences in any plausible way. Unfortunately, this trend will continue so long as culture is curated solely for the purpose of generating outrage and profit.
Ok. I can see this has instantly gone squarely nowhere so, on that note, good day to you.
>Uh oh somebody caught me being a hypocrite
Why have I never seen in either of them in anything ever?
What race that even is?
im Eastern European I don't understand.
There's different kinds of Jews. The White Jews of today literally descend from Europe. They're not originals and were all sired in through ceremony. You'd know them better as Ashkenazim.
Besides, the testaments do describe him. He had brown skin and hair "like a lamb's wool".
Ashnazi jews actually share quite a bit of DNA with the middle east. They're just inbred as fuck.
>Why are movies in a mixed nation casting a mixed cast?
Anti whites! All of them!
Geralt was described as handsome for witchers and bangs several normal women. Hes not THAT ugly. Hes def not cavill tier but not monster either.
Only 5% of people are of mixed race. Keep gulping down that propaganda nigger.
A mixed cast == mixed race
>White nation
>Besides, the testaments do describe him. He had brown skin and hair "like a lamb's wool".
Go ahead, which verse is this?
The fuck you on about? There are no schools in Chicago.
Gonna go ahead and say that it's canon that these bitches can use magic to look as beautiful as they want and yet we're getting this ol' bullshit.
that is not an attractive human. maybe thats the intended vibe idn im not a Witcher fan.
>I'm not even white, btw.
And you're talking about cucks lol.
In 3, Geralt isn't even that muscular. He's actually only a little more buff and toned than the average (not starving) peasant would have looked with their shirt off in the middle ages.
>it’s a resetera futilely tried to change Yea Forums into their site episode
Just leave us alone, fuckers. You have your own site.
The hell kind of Christian are you even? Just onne of those fake ones that knows absolutely nothing about his own "religion" but merely just likes to belong to a club?
>Revelation 1:14
>The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. >His feet were like bronze
You probably also think that Greeks and Spaniards aren't white you racist
Do you actually have a BTFO.txt file of bible verses you permavirgin?
No it's not supposed to be that way.
I'm one of those lucky individuals whose first schools were private lutheran churches.
Does she poo in the loo? Yennifer is also a poo
>white like wool, white like snow
Yes, that surely matches the pic you posted of an arab with black hair. I’m SURE that describing it as “white like wool” also intended to convey it as having a wooly texture, and not a white color.
Have you ever worked with bronze? When it's burnt, it has a nearly-golden shimmer. His hair was white like wool, as white as snow. Not wooly and white as snow. I like that you took out His feet were like bronze [GLOWING IN A FURNACE] to suit your spin, though or the fact that his face shone with the brilliance of the sun.
>not white
Soulless Soul
>his feet were like bronze
There's a whole lot of dark brown White dudes in the desert, let me tell you.
Then you'd know that "bronze feet" doesn't literally mean his feet were bronze fake faggot
Who fucking cares you weirdo. Go back to /pol/
Companies openly discriminate against whites. Non-whites are given a lower bar to get accepted into universities. The government also hires non-whites with worse credentials simply because they're non-white. This is actual oppression. Police officers are even more likely to kill a white criminal than a black criminal and there are more black-on-cop murders than cop-on-black ones. Tell me: when one group is oppressing another group, what is the response? The people being oppressed try to escape the oppressors? Do whites move into non-white communities, forcing the non-whites to flee from their oppression? No, it's the exact opposite; it's called "white flight," not "brown flight." Even South Africa was empty when the Dutch landed there and then blacks moved in complaining that the country (which was 100% made by whites) belonged to them. And yes, it's also true in media, constantly taking things made by and for whites and replacing the whites with non-whites and reselling it as the "updated" version. If whites did that to media full of non-whites, it'd be called exactly what it is. Can you imagine if someone picked up New Jack City and said, "This movie is too black?" You'd be eviscerated. Yet people say "too white" all the time and it's considered completely normal and benign. It's not, it's an attack on whites. The coupe de gras is that this is in white countries, made by white people for white people, and the inclusion of non-whites was something their governments forced upon them despite every U.S. President up through Truman explicitly stating that white people belonged in the West and non-whites didn't, and the people almost unanimously agreed, even when presented with (false) data to convince them to change their minds. Don't even get me started on how the presence of black kids cause white kids' grades to drop and suicide rates to go up. This is an injustice that will be righted.
But who gives a fuck about live-action video game shit?
it's posts like these that really remind you that the Bible was written by a bunch of peasants from 2000 years ago.
And I’m sure that they used that descriptor because of his skin tone, even though they’re describing his feet and not, you know, his skin. It’s not like it’s meant to convey an image of him walking heavily, describing his feet as being like ARMOR immediately before describing his voice as a roar and immediately after describing his eyes as on fire.
I’m sure it was just a foot-fetishy fixation on his skin tone via his toes. That makes way more sense.
It sounds amazing but I found the games boring and the books awkward due to translation
You know, that pic thta was posted wasn't posted for no reason. That's a forensically reconstructed image of what Jesus must have looked like.
It was mostly written by one dude, Paul, who was very much not a peasant and is acknowledged as a saint. There are other books written by other saints, one of whom supposedly became the angel known as Metatron.
I'm sure that's totally going to be a realistic adaptation just like how Hermione is black.
The witcher trailer is at 10 mill views already its too late to bring it up.
Post more BTFO.txt you faggot larper
We trusted them
They flooded our countries with non whites, infiltrated the media, finance and politics
Remember Cheddar Man? And then when they came out and said it was bullshit afterwards?
Same deal.
It all happened when Women were given a chance to vote.
How did they fucking do this without the skeletal remains? Fucking doubt out the ass
And how many Whites do you know have names like Iesua Nazareta? "Jesus" is an anglicized name.
>The coupe de gras
>The cup of fat
Is this that superior white intelligence I hear so much about?
It's a fantasy and those characters don't exist in real life. Triss not being a redhead won't change a thing in the story. Her traits regarding looks aren't even a crucial part of her persona, she only has to be bautiful like every sorceresess because they use magic to manipulate looks.
Seethe more.
That being said, Triss still doesn't look good. She is quite a few years younger than Yen. And while Yen is looking 18 yrs old, Triss's looking mid 30.
>They analyzed three skulls from archeological dig sites and were able to figure out a possible shape of Jesus' head and facial muscles, but they were NOT able to accurately determine the color of his skin and hair with that.
Not even Jesus' forensics that they used.
>implying these niggers can act and aren't just diversity hires
>Literally trying to argue that an Arab guy living in the desert 2000+ years ago was really european
The books were either written by the disciples of the apostles or scholars after the fact, not peasants. Not that it matters, most people throughout history were just peasants. A man is still a man.
Knowing or not knowing some foreign words has nothing to do with intelligence, although black people wish it did because tests of knowledge are the only time they come close to white people. Not that white people have high IQs to begin with, just much higher than them.
>casca was a nigger
white women get brown when they work outside all day, not that lazy modern day legbeards would know that.
I actually don’t doubt that Jesus, if he existed, likely looked a lot more like a modern Israeli than the Ted Nugent expy he’s typically portrayed as.
That said, your choice of source is fucking retarded and near as I can tell the Bible itself never really describes Jesus in a way that would indicate his race. It’s just sort of something you infer from where he was canonically born, what his race is likely to be. You’re intentionally misreading passages from the Bible to try and make poetic language into a literal description and that’s just fucking stupid so I’m calling you out on it.
You’ve done the equivalent of arguing that someone is really a robot because they are said to have “ruled with an iron fist”.
cant believe how backwards Yea Forums is now. people are getting baited by white haters the same way people got baited by nigger haters. no one gives af, being white is great, prove me wrong
That wont stop them, user. They have to keep losing money for them to be Gawkered. They are also betting on The Witcher to get back those lost revenues.
>it's a fantasy
Guess the whole thing might as well take place underwater, and the dialogue be contemporary urban lingo. I mean who cares about authenticity to the source material
I actually worked with netflix on the witcher show and Hissrich had very little choice on who to cast.
The auditions consisted of hissrich interviewing the women and maybe do some script reading. Then Mr.Sapkowski would come into the rome and hissrich would very hesitantly leave the room. She would try to stop him but Sapkowski would simply say "I know what the witcher desires".
After a Anya had been "interviewed" he came out and said "Yennefer has been found. The witcher is satisfied"
I like you, user
Casca was brown in the manga, she wasn't replaced. Not that it actually matters, though, because Casca is still white. She's from Midland, which is fucking Gaul.
Honestly going by those illustrations it would have made more sense for the mutt playing Triss to play Yen.
At least they got the Fringilla being "deathly, morbid, utterly ghastly" right.
Who drew those illustrations and why did they make all three women look jewish?
>all this arguing about the race of Jesus
he was a jew, any other bullshit is just that.
At any rate, they appear to be relying mostly on the books to try and get the show to gain traction. That may not be the smartest idea. Especially if they decide to put their own spin on it while completely ignoring the games.
Twilight? Most of the fans read the books.
Harry Potter? Most of the fans read the books.
So basically, what they're looking at having to do is pull off a Game of Thrones. The Witcher universe does not have that much mileage in it's books.
Arabs swamped the Middle East in the seventh century and replaced a lot of the population with mass rapes and murders. Jesus was not an Arab. Israelites were an Aegean people. Architectural archeology supports this, they were also similar enough in appearance that the King of Sparta was convinced that they (Greeks) and Jews were from the same descent and declared that their troubles were the troubles of Helenes as well (1 Maccabees).
Nah the story of side quests of the game are great youre just a fucking piece of shit the combat is not that bad
Everyone hates their betters, I just think it's hilarious that for three thousand years we're still getting shit. It only means nobody's toppled our streak
America was always a white nation. It only changed in the 50s/60s against the will of the people. Casting brown people is basically acknowledging that this horrible act was justified and it wasn't. The Founding Fathers didn't even believe it was possible for a black person to be a citizen; even if freed, they still wouldn't be white, and they made America FOR white people.
Mages are the jews in the witcher.
I had no plans of watching this but now I will actively avoid watching.
Good, do us a favor and unsubscribe from Netflix as well
Germanic Jews are caucasian, they just don’t count as “white” because they’re fucking Jews.
This, the middle east used to be more diverse.
It's amazing, and ironic, how everyone has seemingly created their own version of Jesus in their own image.
Why is it such a common refuge of the stupid to insist that complaining doesn’t lead to change?
Remember a few months ago when they delayed the Sonic movie by a year because of all the memeing about his appearance? I do.
user, Arabs are Caucasian.
Kensworth hands down, he's the only one to experience his oppression in person
>why did they make all three women look jewish?
Because Poland.
So there you go. What’s your point then? Obviously the term “white people” means something more specific than pure ethnicity.
The argument is that Jesus wasn't a Jew. No one is suggesting that he was both a Jew and White somehow, retard.
>Arabs are Caucasian
Arabs are Semitic
It's almost like what you read in a book doesn't actually have that big of an effect on what you believe and how you act. It's almost like religion is a meme and people will just take whatever they want and call it whatever they want and no one can say otherwise. It's almost like white Christians and white atheists have the exact same moral beliefs which are completely different from non-white Christians and non-white atheists.
It's. Almost. Like. That.
I mean, I’ll admit I’m no Bible scholar (or even a Christian) but isn’t he often described as “King of the Jews”? That feels sort of significant.
I was going to post those two black washed volkswagen german commercials a few years back where they showed shitskins as native germans but it seems they've been taken down
ayo jesus wuz black n shieet nigga
tv taught me that lil white boi waycist
>The argument is that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Wait a minute since when? And how could that even be possible??
They're not adapting the books either.
A lot of the east did. There were more caucasoid groups spread over the East then there are today. Sogdians and Tocharians were white, and fought the Chinese Empire and lost, RIP boys and Alans who were from who-know-fucking-where in the Middle East were all blonde. Scythians were steppe mongols and were described as being grey eyed and light haired. People don't understand just how much population replacement went on in the past. They didn't have the huge population centers we have today. It was entirely feasible for one ethnic group to be wiped out by another and replaced. Obviously it didn't just happened to "Whites" either, ancient white people did it to other people just as was done to them, but the state of the world today is not a mirror of how it has always been.
Uh, yeah, white people refers to European Caucasians. Which means it doesn't refer to Non-European Caucasians. They're still both Caucasians. It refers to a more encompassing group, just like how cats and rabbits are both mammals, but they're not both carnivora. Why am I teaching you this?
No user, you can't be caucasian and semitic
Technically you don't have to be a Jew for that. European royalty often were of different nationality than the people they ruled over.
is this nigga serious?
No one complains about Casca because she was always brown. This isn't a "wah I hate niggers get them off my screen" it's "stop casting established caucasoid characters as niggers just as an excuse to have more niggers".
Arabs belong in the Semite group, so yes the current meme-nations are of the same shitfold in those times.
He was a Jew you fucking mongoloid.
Caucasian refers to a skull shape. Semitic refers to a language. The people who speak Semitic languages have a Caucasoid skull. The original three great races were Caucasoids, Mongoloids and Negroids. Which one do you think Arabs fall into? I already told you the answer.
>looks good, the shot is very dark, if you put her into a brighter light scene she'll look perfect for triss
I never said I agreed with the argument, I'm merely pointing out that's what the argument is.
It doesn't make sense to me that there would be a lily white blue eyed European looking guy wandering around Israel 2000 years ago but that's the idea. Of course we are talking about the immaculately conceived son of God so I suppose whatever region he was born it is irrelevant and he really could look like anything. The rules of DNA obviously wouldn't apply to him, and him looking completely different from all those around him would only further highlight how special he was.
because sonic fags are autistic.
He's referring to the Jews, especially observable in Ashkenazi Jews, having a relative Neanderthal ancestry which survived the passage of time.
What the fuck do you think Jews are genius?
literally looks like if I dipped my balls in soot lmao
>Y-chromosomal Aaron is the name given to the hypothesized most recent common ancestor of the patrilineal Jewish priestly caste known as Kohanim
>The original scientific research was based on the hypothesis that a majority of present-day Jewish Kohanim share a pattern of values for six Y-STR markers, which researchers named the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH).[1] Subsequent research using twelve Y-STR markers indicated that about half of contemporary Jewish Kohanim shared Y-chromosomal J1 M267, (specifically haplogroup J-P58, also called J1c3), while other Kohanim share a different ancestry, including haplogroup J2a (J-M410).
A Jew was just a different kind of Arab, you dumb cunt.
No user, caucasian doesn't mean skull shape, and semitics aren't caucasian.
Yeah but isn’t Christianity meant to be a subversion of that idea, which is why it’s full of all that anti-royalty shit about how the meek will inherit the Earth?
Or something. I don’t know what we’re even talking about anymore.
Inverse. An Arab is a different kind of Jew.
Yidish precedes Arabic. Same Semite shit, different lingual collectivization.
>casting gigachad as the witcher
a wise choice
lol we still are the top dogs
leave your nerd bubble every once and a while
Jesus also said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Which begs the question why so many rich money hoarding Christians exist.
/pol/ really made you all retarded, you know? Bet you fucking seethe seeing interracial couples walking around in public, if you actually went out in public, which is highly unlikely.
ah fuck lads, seems it is time to unironically create a ginger sharia state
What, science is racist now?
There was a specific place he was born though, in bethlehem. He was the son of two other jews, neither of whom seemed to be very intelligent. One claimed she was a virgin who never cheated on her husband with Arab chad and the other believed the story.
The boy was born in Jew central from Jews and among Jews, and his magical conception meant he was supposed to be the messiah everyone was waiting for to save the Jews and only the Jews. This whole insinuation made the less retarded Jews really, really fucking angry though.
Remember when Geralt got his ear chopped off in the books?
im secretly glad they didnt cast maddz in this shithouse hes to pure for it
have sex
What's wrong with her face? What fucked what to make that literal goblin?
>/pol/ really made you all retarded, you know?
I've never spent more than thirty seconds on /pol/ because I found it boring and uninteresting.
>Bet you fucking seethe seeing interracial couples walking around in public, if you actually went out in public, which is highly unlikely.
I couldn't care less what people do in their personal lives. If some dumb whore decides to burn the coal she can pay the toll. It's not my problem.
I don't give a shit about muh white race. I give a shit about companies with retarded agendas butchering work I care about and shitting all over any integrity it once had.
How do they pick such a good cast for geralt but shit for every single female?
la creatura...
Men are allowed to be attractive but women aren't in current year
That facial structure is probably aboriginal. Probably some nigger raped a native to spawn that.
Jews have more Neanderthal admixture than the average white person, yes, but so do the Irish and Asians. I don't know what this has to do with anything.
I don't know what to say other than, "That's wrong."
Seriously, budget Maya Rudolph.
because he's literally the only person besides maybe Bezos who gives two shits about space.
and as everyone with a brain bigger than a pea knows, space is the only way of the future no matter how you slice it.
not hard user.
No offense but you /pol/niggers are fucking stupid. Even when whites aren't the majority, as in, 50%+ of the population, they will still outnumber every other race in their country.
It's a white country and will be for quite a long time.
>caucasians means anybody we're related to from the past 40,000+ years
Yeah no, that's not how race works. Caucasians are people who originate from north of the caucus mountains. Pre Yamnayas
*farts in your face*
It wasn't just Sonicfags. The entire internet ripped that trailer to shreads. A rare moment of unity.
see then there's some people who just like what he is doing/funding
I'm neutral about him, I don't know jackshit about him and I don't care but some of the technologies he is pushing forward are good
even if his companies crash and burn he'll still have pushed those few fields of research ahead by two decades compared to traditional progress rates
Kek, she looks like 35 old hag while in books she is described as girl in adolescence
I thought his casting was ok. Maybe if his face was little sharper like in 3.
this board is full of dumb motherfuckers and zoomer normies (this culture is now normalized and the majority of internet users are like this) and don't really have any intelligence
The guy in the middle is her father and the woman on the right is her mother. They're from the UK so I'd wager her dad is English but I have no fucking clue what her mom is.
Ah so she's kike/nigger hybrid. That explains it
>marx statue
The number of people who like Karl Marx is really amazing to me. No wonder communism was able to spread like wildfire during the 20th century.
This bitch kind of looks like those wide-faced weird fat-faced-but-not-fat Indians.
well yeah serfdom sucked
the people working on the show are all women and gay men
Her Instagram is...really something.
Anybody else think it's weird that all these nigger mutts in hollywood almost always have a kike father?
Yeah it's weird because /pol/ told me jews stick to their own and encourage whites to mix with niggers to weaken their race and lower their intelligence. But how does that work if jews are doing the same thing to themselves?
>combat Female Genital Mutilation
Whoa whoa whoa, she's Islamophobic? We better report this to Netflix.
Why the fuck isn't this flopping even though it's SJW propaganda.. This can't be fucking happening...
He said whites, not jews.
it's not even out yet lol.
It makes sense if jews are the ones perpetuating the degeneracy.
This shit have so low budget that I don't think it is even possible for it to flop
explain this
every fucking time
It's called hair.
>everyone complaining about how the actress looks
>not how horrible the shot looks
this looks like a fucking commercial, like she's about to start selling me something
The one on the left has a jewish mother that looks like a tranny.
This was renfri before they changed her
Looking more like yen than yen.
Gingers are the niggers of white people so I guess it makes sense
that's slavs
Ok but the part with no hair on it. Seems to confound whatver point you intended to make about racial skulls, dunnit?
jesus fucking christ
this is dystopian
To be fair the one on the left is inbred and the one on the right is a mutt, so it's not a very fair comparison.
It looks like the average $200 million+ Hollywood production to me.
I'm not trying to make any point about racial anything, so I have no clue what you're on about.
>heard a kendrick lamar song on the radio
I fucking hate niggers and jews
I've always wondered what people are going to think of ads like this a few decades from now when we're all fighting over depleting natural resources.
I'm happy
this is the best timeline
She looks good naked but thats about all the positive I can say. Also, are there no read head actresses anymore?
If Nollywood wants to make an African production of a Western IP they are free to change the casting to more local races. Same for India or Asia. That's a different thing.
so Jews aren't white
thanks hollywood for convincing me to never watch a movie in the theaters again. I'll just stick to my japanese cartoons and videogames.
The ones I grew up with were. Nazarene though is a diferent story.
Triss isn't really that bad but holy shit did they miss the mark with Yennifer.
You mean Fringorilla Nigo.
So we agree that its fine to make people any color right? Like if every character in every work of fiction WAS white it would be totally fine right?
>they're bringing back Blade so they can shove their propaganda into it
fuck west cucks
why the hell wouldn't it be?
Canadian here. Multiculturalism just meant creation of ethnic enclaves. People get along superficially enough, but our country is in no way some sort of colourless haven.
All of you are missing the point.
Minorities feel the need to be represented in every form of media in a traditionally white country because if they are not, it translates to perceived oppression and unfairness. Identity politics isn't just about racial representation in government, but all aspects of life, including popular media.
Here's the kicker. Blacks consist of only 15% of the population, yet are now over-representing in many form of media, including videogames. Identity politics, affirmative action, and the slow replacement of whites in popular media is prepping this country for a non-white majority.
The argument is not about having blacks and other minorities become characters in their own universes and media, but the blacking of already existing characters in their own universes and media. Its funny because it reinforces the stereotype that blacks must steal in order to see success. If you don't see this as an issue, you should.
Middle and upper class America, and by extension, white America, run and uphold the system. People don't like to admit it, but the only reason the country is still functioning is because our ancestors sweat blood and tears to create the institutions and traditions that allow us the quality of life we have today. What do you think is going to happen when whites become a minority? What do you think will happen when there is no more money in the system to pay for liberal minority states? Do you think those people will blame themselves, cut spending, and policy their communities?
Do you think those people will vote for measures of austerity? No, they will point the finger at the remaining whites and try to take their capital by force if necessary. We are looking at balkanization if this persists. Just look at California if you want to see what a protoype looks like.
Did she shit herself?
Why is Geralt a pretty boy then resetera?
>Dumas was mixed race, in response to a white man who insulted his black ancestry, Dumas famously said:
>"My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro, and my great-grandfather a monkey. You see, Sir, my family starts where yours ends."
Really made me think.
Westerners have been trying to genocide Slavs for over a millennia and now they are trying to genocide their fiction.
No matter how many works dumb western white uneducated feminists and SJWs try to tarnish in their uneducated attempt at projecting their white guilt upon Slavs, Slavs have no guilt to have and will never feel any obligations or responsibility towards niggers and Muslims, nor will they ever open their buttocks wide towards millions of blacks and Muslims out of some guilt that's only inherent to nu-western whites.
When it comes to cultural appropriation and misappropriation, these Netflix staff are guilty of it.
When it comes to moral highground, in this case the Netflix staff have none of it and are gurgling in the toilet.
That's the long and short of it.
>born without access to education
>hard life of strife and struggle
>support your parents in their old age despite financial burden
>teach your children good values and raise them up to a better life
>reach retirement and well earned rest
>finally reach your dream of learning to read
>realize you've been catching so much shit your entire life because your parents misspelled Alfred