Just tweeted out by Witcher showrunner. Yea Forums incels btfo

just tweeted out by Witcher showrunner. Yea Forums incels btfo

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Yea Forums loses yet again

They said it since the first announcement

They aren't adapting the source material either.
Just riding on the popularity of the title.

Are they adapting the books? If not, what's the point?

But they aren't adapting the books, so what they are doing?

have sex

Nope. The first thing their preview opened with was race bait shit. So take a guess where it's headed.

Lmao its their turn

>hahaha we sure showed 80% of our potential audience that we dont want them watching our progressive show hahaah
>im sure the people who read the books, who want to see them adapted to a screen with all the details still there, will enjoy our huge changes to the characters :)
>wait what do you mean we arent getting a season 2....????!?!?

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I’m not watching your show!!!!

Someone edit it to say "NOT RELATED TO VIDEO GAMES!!!" so it can be spammed in Witcher movie threads.

Source or didn't happen.

Give me your address so I can fuck your feminine penis

Do you think they couldn't get the rights to Game story so they had to do the books because that hack just wants more vodka money?

the perspective on that card is fucking killing my brain
her hands appear to be the same distance from the viewer and the text is angled towards the viewer as well but the entire wall it's on is somehow angled away

>only reason people care about the bitcher is the games
>lol fucking incels we don't care about the games lmaoooooo

>We took a franchise only known in mainstream because of the game and made it it not about the games
Is this like battlefield telling fans not to buy the game?
Guess netflix really hates itself and will crash even faster than expected if this is the shit they greenlight

No one outside of Poland cares about the Witcher without the context of the games.
They didn't even get official english translations until after the games came out.

this show is gonna do fucking gangbusters because they're gonna market it and design it for bottom of the barrel no-taste women who watch it purely for the quirky interactions and guys that can be shipped together

>they are not adapting the games
>they are not adapting the original novel

it's good to know that Netflix promotes fanfiction

>"and Yennefer and Triss will be minorities because I said so, shitlord"

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>just tweeted out by Witcher showrunner.

are the Witcher books even remotely good on a Yea Forums level? how would they compare to something like ASOIAF

nice source faggot

They are ok

The Polish PM hands them out to dignitaries as representative of his People's creative output.
Maybe something's lost in translation, idk.

They don't seem to be adapting the books either. Half the cast is black.

they're not adapting the books either
what exactly are they adapting
why even call it witcher when it has nothing to do with the books or games

White genocide isn't real but ginger genocide is.

there's some really gay boring shit in them, like when ciri is hanging out with king arthur

joke's on them, the game is bad too

Damn epic I guess that gives you free license to make a dogshit show with a bunch of darkies playing polish people. The games were also "adapting" the books and look how they turned out, why didn't you follow their example you worthless SJW hacks?

the first two are ok because they're just a collection of short stories about geralt fucking around and killing shit. they're basically edgy young adult novels though. the prose is not much better than that of Twilight.

The books are bad.

The games are bad.

This show will be bad.

CP2077 will be bad too.

The Witcher is just shitty Tolkein.

Have sex. Dilate. Cope. Seethe. Nigger. Kill yourself.

I disagree.
Gingers are usually decent attractive

Swearing lost a lot of it's poignancy when half the internet is composed of people who publicly say they want to eat ass.

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>We're not adapting the fucking games!!!
But why do they need to be so rude about it? I don't get it. What's the background?

All they can do is defile for profits.

it's fake, but they did say in an interview they're not taking the games into consideration

They know they can get away with it.
>Fuck you, I got mine.

by the looks of it they aren't even adapting the books so what is it? fanfiction written by some thirsty women?

Ok? But the games were what made the series popular. Only die hard fans are going to read the books. Season 1 and done. I feel like if it gets any attention, it will be from the people that worshiped GoT.

Oh, okay. I'm not on twitter or soical media so I got fooled completely.

What makes those things bad user? Elaborate

It's not based off the books either. It's literal fan fiction.

Expect Netflix to slip through their agenda. Sorceress are brown and notice in the trailer how the elves are black. The two groups that happen to be persecuted in the northern kingdoms.

>tried to play TW1
>got bored within 30 minutes
>tried to play TW2
>got bored within 30 minutes
>tried to play TW3
>actually enjoyed it for a few hours, but then got bored and stopped playing
>the source material itself is literally just polish tolkein, adds nothing new to the genre
>the netflix show will be garbage simply based on the fact that it's a netflix show, which are 95% garbage
>CP2077 is turning out to be a bland action
adventure GTA clone instead of something even REMOTELY resembles a CRPG

did you have sex and/or dilated and/or coped and/or proved you're white and/or killed yourself before replying to his post? fucking newfags

have children

Can’t spell ginger without a n, i, g, g, e, r

Unless they make Geralt+Marigold/Dandelion+Zoltan dynamic really fucking bomb as well semi-regular appearances of Yarpen, Regis and Villemtretenmerth then it's gonna be quite awful soap opera of witches fucking gosiping and scheming.

Is this like some weird ass NeoStormfront Smash Poetry?

You're right, that's why they casted some ridiculous looking hyperchad as Geralt

>Can’t spell ginger without a

>Geralt gets a sponge bath scene in every episode
I will now watch your show.

i want to see geralt fucking the negress' pussy

That poor brainwashed girl.

Except it wasn't.

Should start a meme that the show is some sort of white power fantasy about banging colored women since Geralt is like the only character they kept white.

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Why didn't they just make their own original show if they want this adaption to be nothing like any of the material at all? What's the point? Just to be fucking assholes to the fans?


I didn't even know The Witcher was based on a book until the trailer.

>quite awful soap opera of witches fucking gosiping and scheming
That's obviously what they're going for. The target audience here is women, especially middle-aged women. There's gonna be plenty of scenes with Geralts bare chest (often wet).

>we're not adapting the most successful and popular version of the Witcher franchise
>a version that made so much money Andrzej Sapkowski sued them because he sold the IP for a lump sum and would have been a trillionaire if he had just asked for 1% royalties
>because it's not about the money, it's about sending an SJW message

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>We're not adapting the fucking games!!!
>That means we're going to take 1000 liberties even though the books are really descriptive and informational in their story telling.

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bend over

From the trailer it looked like cheap trash
I dont really care if only for this crap probably killing any interest in another Witcher game

Do we have proof in the books that Trish and the like were all brown gypsy fucks?

Fangirls who want the main character to be their bf are the anchor of any yaoi series.

based user, i'm gonna make sure this gets posted in every thread

Apparently they're not adapting the books either.
>Yennefer is described as having fair skin
>Anything but fair in the show

hey, why is triss an ugly nigger? cant explain that.

They are not adapting the fucking books either

CDPR already said if they make another Witcher game it won't be with geralt so who cares.

Secondary character got the joker card for racial diversity.

Garbage, like every other Netflix adaptation.

originally the entire story takes place in the sub-saharan region, they are actually white washing it

source? i dont follow everything on twitter

sure, you "have" to make characters black now, for some fucking ungodly reason. but why also ugly?

Racial diversity AND fighting beauty standards
Two birds with one stone!

>get rights to an existing property with fans
>adapt property into new product
>does not resemble old property in any way
>tell existing fans of property to fuck off & they don't matter

I can only see this making sense if it's political propaganda. From a business, marketing and artistic standpoint it isn't logical.

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wont someone think of the fat unattractive actors that probably dont belong on screen

this is fake or can someone source it

>but why also ugly
because the only fairly decent looking nigger chick in showbiz that would be the right age to play her retired because she married a British bastard prince

It's fake you braindead fuck

We havent seen all the cast yet mate. There is still hope for a cow sized elf sorceress

Same level any tolkienshit like ASOIAF

hell triss and yen arent even the worst offenders. frigilla is literally a nubian queen.

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Netflix is a dying platform largely because their originals are hot fucking trash

I'm not watching it so I get the last fuck you.

>google search image

>first result is resetera

Go back to where you came from you fucking troglodyte

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Andrzej Sapkowski has license the witcher a lot times for tv show or polish movies.

CDPR lack licenses outside own game for own company and Andrzej Sapkowski just hate them, netflix show license from AS.

Holy crap, they casted the series on a crack house?

>The witcher is finally going to fall off the face of the map as a mainstream IP thanks to this dumpster fire of a show
Thank god.

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I seriously hope the series will be half decent at the very least. I won't watch it either way but I would feel sad for Henry Cavill who was offered much better shit that he all decline for this series.

so their target audience is non-white womans?
makes sense actually.

To make a money laundered show in a country where they can abuse children mostly legally

>that picture
That can't be real.

oh but it is, resetera is insane.

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That seems really professional.

>Netflix adaptation
They've almost all have been pure garbage. Who gives a fucking shit?

That's an early example. Now is even worse, but don't worry, that forum is declining very fast.

true, didn't they lose like 17 billion dollars or something

nothing worse than an attention whoring mod

We can only hope. Devs pay too much attention to that derangued pack of hienas

>people can believe what they want if its not hurting anyone

hey this is why nobody takes you freaks seriously

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meet your Ciri

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Some devs have gotten banned themselves, Bethesda comes to mind.

these companies are propped up by international globalist giants, it doesnt matter if the show fails financially, the purpose is social engineering. Stop consuming this crap, and discourage your family and friends from watching it too.

Don't lump Tolkien in with the rest of the garbage
LoTR will be remembered for centuries. I forgot ASoIaF existed a week after GoT ended.

Corporations only listen to twitter, they don't have absolutely any power.

What a cutie, my god

>bad faith posting
What did he mean by this?

Americans made Heimdall and Valkyrie black in Marvel movies, and filled Asgard with blacks. They love it, same with the BBC in England.

>user has been shot in the back of the head for the good of the community

that is some dystopian insanity.

What's her name? Google didn't give it on a reverse search of that image.

Doesn't change the fact that the adaptation is going to be shit no matter what. Frankly, I hope it does, because then it'll drive Netflix one step closer to bankruptcy.

Have a little more faith please

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>marketing used to be about insulting rival companies
>it is now about insulting your own audience

I'm tired Yea Forumsros...

I think I'll... just take a quick nap guys...


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fuck off Dutch I'm not goin to Tahiti, I have to insist you shut the fuck up

Holy shit every redhead....
You know I always saw redheads as a sort of fetish for fiction creators of at the very least a shorthand for "this person is special but only because I'm highlighting them."....
So I wonder if black people are the new redheads?


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judging by the casting they aren't adapting the books either

I don't care about Witcher the Movie. The girl in the image looks cute.

If the games didn't exist they wouldn't be making an adaptation to begin with.

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Nice meme
Upvoted :-)

The short stories are good but once Ciri is introduced it all starts going downhill
>the third book starts with Trish shitting herself on the road, and Geralt has to take her to a camp for treatment

oS they're adapting a fan fic, but yet again a 14 year old fan fic writer could probably write better than they could.

I read through the first Witcher book, The Last Wish, pretty quick, but I got bored really quickly with the second book. That first story about the Golden Dragon is just too fucking long. Is it worth picking it back up for the other short stories?

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Omg you're a gamer too??

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the book series has one of the worst endings I have ever experienced. It felt like the author just lost interst in the series in the middle of writing The Lady of the Lake and just decided to use this book to end the series.
That is why the games taking place after the books worked so well.

Not really no.


>black protagonists
>always black/white racemixing
>shitty writing
>ignorance of source material

I've cancelled my netflix now anyway fuck this shit. Don't even know why I still had it.

All this racemixing nonsense is so obvious and pronounced you can't even miss it anymore. Even out in real life and in all the ads.

World is going to shit.

But if whites die out and blacks/brows inherit the earth, they'll be miserable and finally realise that the only reason they lived comfortably is because they were propped up.

>not being able to say the n-word
That's unironically the worst part, I have to admit.

what are you doing here don't you have a shop owner to harass resetera?

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Be on the right side of history or else, shitlord.

What the fuck they are they doing then? Triss in the books is described as young girl with chestnut hair, she supposed to be the youngest one from the lodge yet in the show she looks like middle age woman who is older than yen

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a-and funny

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let the Chinese handle the nogs, I don't give a shit anymore. After years of colonial rule the dumb cunts seem adamant on selling their continent to the chinks for gibs

The way geralt finds ciri is absolutely shit

2nd book only exists so it can logically lead to the events of the 3rd book which is really great if you have time to get to this point, then absolutely fucking nothing relevant happens in the 4th book and that's where I stopped because I am a low attention span zoomer.

Commit suicide

Thats okay because gingers are worse than nigs

Fucking fujos ruining everything again

Good for them. I'm not adapting my money into a netflix subscription





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you mean in the book or in witcher 3?

This game is clearly for waifufags and otomestacies though

I'm guessing they're just using the name to make some GoT rip-off with some SJW twist.

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Did you see the trailer? It literally screams 'we want got audience'

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>first result is resetera
You must spend an awful lot of time there, my first result was reddit followed by this thread

Like I said, let them sink closer and closer into bankruptcy. Only then will we be able to live our lives without Netflix's bullshit.

>not adapting the books or the games
>literally just using the name to attract idiots and push their agenda

Fuck netflix

>all this groveling
No wonder treating women like trash on tinder works so well. The alternative is spineless grovelling like this shit

Where the fuck is the slavicness inherent to Witcher, it looks like every Hollywoodified fantasy shit ever

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed in frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us.

BWC only

This, same story again

It looks like one of those shitty ass SyFy channel shows that usual only last one or two seasons.

>Company once again goes out of their way to be as unprofessional as possible and taunt potential customers as childishly as they can.
I'm looking forward to the eventual fallout this sort of behaviour will generate.

Caville will either have to carry the show or it will get canned after season 2, the latter being more likely

>tweet out that casting has begun and you want ciri to be black
>the entire witcher fandom collectively points out what a fucking stupid idea that is
>get bitter and cunty and double down by racially recasting literally everyone EXCEPT geralt and ciri
>now she's antagonizing fans of the games too

>wow, culture is changing, this is why less titty games come out!

no its cause they're forcibly censored and cant be sold unless they're censored

>implying that it'll even get a season 2

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i mean as soon as they decided to cast all the characters as black, any adherence to canon is already thrown out the window.

depressing how Cavill is apparently a big Witcher fan and was really looking forward to doing this show

I await the day where the 2020’s will start. Because the way I see it SJWs and Left wing extremists are gonna die out like, hippies did in the 70s I got high hopes for what’s the come tho.

they already have a contract for 3 seasons
it's going to be a huge disaster
netflix lost 17 billion dollars in the last few months

No user you must understand we push harder to free japan from their misogynistic and sexist ways only then will they be truly happy.

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shut up, cuck

But, Japan is a different country tho. Quit, being imperialists.

>17 billion dollars

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Why does that sound so fake

It'll take longer than that, but someday in the next ten years or so these shrieking schizoids will go back to being ignored and pitied while regular people get back in control of the media. Nothing lasts forever and this current trend of pandering to the oppression olympics is no exception.

no its ok you see because, my thoughts are correct and yours are backwards and wrong.

woah half an hour? you got some chutzpah bruh.

this just sounds like bait one of you faggots posted


To this day all netflix reminds me of is depression quest or whatever that game was called where the character watched netflix every day.

>try to play the witcher 1
>can't figure the combat out
>drop it
One day I'll return to finish it

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Ghostbusters all over again except I'm mad because no one gives a fuck about the books. They weren't anything special until the games took off and now they want to spit in the face of what propped the IP where it is today. I cannot stand this spiteful, petty behavior


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I hope the creature that wrote that dies in horrible agony.

it's also funny how cavill himself is a big fan of the witcher games and books
imagine how he feels having to deal with these people and seeing everything ruined by them

>User banned (2 days): There is nothing humorous about a person's gender identity

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Witcher 3 alone is like 8 seasons of a TV show.

It stopped being humorous a while ago. Now it's just sad.

>I'm not on twitter or soical media so I got fooled completely.
You've made the right choice, and you're no fool.

He's the only reason I'll give it a go
Investement for big shows like this are so big that they have to plan for more seasons from the get go
Just click in rhythm and enjoy heads flying off

>Jews have a really specific hate for gingers

I wonder if that's where all the "Gingers have no souls" thing comes from

I'm actually mildly positive about the series because they said they will adapt the short stories. I never would have thought they would do anything beyond Geralt meeting Yennefer.

Look at all that wrongthink, they need to reprogram their userbase.

Considering where that was posted it could also be unironic.

Fuck Netflix

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Don't care, not even going to pirate that niggerfest. Fuck Hollywood.

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It's no joke bro I'll forgive you for your ignorance because you don't understand just how much real world harm waifus cause just educate yourself OK.

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An old deflective term. To argue in bad faith is to take up an argument that you know is wrong and waste the other person's time and efforts.
>smoking executive and doctor sit down for a debate
>in this argument, the smoking executive knows smoking is bad
>smoking executive: smoking isn't bad for you
>doctor: yes, it is. here's some proof
>smoking executive: can you provide more proof? i'm not convinced. also, here's some terrible proof that smoking is healthy
>doctor: here's more proof and proof that your proof is bad
>at this point the smoking executive might bring up a new argument or keep exhausting his old one until the doctor gives up
It's like devil's advocate but you know you're wrong.

>hey that doesn't sound right and it almost sounds retarded
You'd be correct because the term is being used improperly; but it has a nice ring to it and hyper-progressives love to accuse the other side of being wrong instead of debating them.

and yet all his other licenses combined haven't made him as much money as the games have made CDPR

women love shitty romantic dramas and make up the majority of Netflix' user audience. That's why the show specifically picked less attractive middle age women in the romance role, so it's more relateable to their audience. Meanwhile the lead male actor has aesthetics of a Greek God. Ciri is also very cute but she is not competing in a romance role.

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>that pic
oh look pedos and creeps projecting again

Really looking forward to this
The Nilfguard design is GOTEY
Lmao, literally patriarchal dickheads

There's something incredibly infuriating and insufferable about the posters on leftist platforms like reddit or resetera.
Just having a quick glance over those cesspools makes me understand how it was possible for Trump to get elected.


every fucking time

This list is outdated. SDCC introduced the latest victim.

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ITT: Dipshit racists complaining about "MUH SJWS" and how that will automatically ruin the show

Bingo. It's the same reason why a huge number of anime protags are generic, unremarkable and skinny guys with average looks. Meanwhile the girls are all waifu material. The target audience wants to self-insert.

Attached: anime protags.jpg (640x900, 255K)

I don't know man, Sword of Destiny was pretty neat.

Glad im torrenting this shit for free.

It worked for BFV ;)

Thats pretty accurate actually.

To be fair, Gosalyn was similar to that color. If she had an accent, then that's different.

Good luck explaining to your family this line of reasoning without coming off as the crackpot you are.

I always wondered why they did the lanky look for guys. I always thought it was because of similar reasons to School outfits and uniforms. They were lazy and didn't want to draw outside the norm.

The Josie one is especially stupid when they already have Valerie in the band.

Well then they're going to find that people either don't care or are unhappy with their product aren't they? The only fanbase the witches has is from the games. The books are shit.

Ahahhaahahahaha , bruh and to think GAF was internet sewage i don't think that tranny forum even has a term for how pathetic it really is.

Doesn't the creator of The Witcher fucking hate the games and anyone who knows the series through the games, though? Maybe they're just trying to appeal to him.


/pol/tard here, a french insider leaked on /pol/ yesterday that netflix is betting evrything for this shitshow, if it's not successful nexflix will crash

He's just salty because he took a flat payment for licensing instead of a percent, because he was banking on the games failing. Now that it made money he feels like he's entitled to it.

you're a retard if you believe that
>/pol/tard here
it checks out

Too obivous user, too obvious...

are you retarded the books are some of the best fantasy we've had, its up there with Tolkin. some games that aren't even canon by the authors standard are much less valuable

have sex

>netflix is betting evrything for this shitshow
>it has budget of a Syfy show

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>not a single link to prove OP's outrageous claim

Yea Forums is full of zoomer faggots of lap everything up, no wonder Drumpf got elected president, you niggers can't even use your brain anymore

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This is cynical enough that it's probably true.

gingers have less of a reason to be there than blacks. they are the super minority

Will this guy ever catch a break and get some hit role in an actually uncontroversial property?
It's getting ridiculous.

>We're not adapting the games!
>but the only reason this shit has any audience at all is the fucking games
>and it's not like we've been faithful adapting the books either

i mean, fuck you too douchebags

you aren't adapting fuck all with your nigger cast

>gingers have less of a reason to be there than blacks. they are the super minority
Yeah but gingers girls are at least nice to look at, unlike the other.

>We're not adapting the games
You're also not adapting the books. What are adapting then? Oh. You're adapting the general idea and adding in brown people for an agenda. Great.

the leak said they are hiding the real cost, we will only know if this is true when The Witcher fails and the heads start rolling in netflix

is the ballsack armor from the books?

this actually makes total sense

That physique is fucking ridiculous
Roids + pump + lighting + accentuating pose
Jesus, he looks Mr Olympia big

>the leak said they are hiding the real cost
The fuck are you talking about, it looks cheap as fuck, it's typical money grab directed to retarded fandom who will eat anything about their favourite piece of media, look at death note, it is getting second movie

This is pure speculation that I happen to think is probably true.


>Gonna make a ton of money

>You are all going to watch it anyway

Incels duped again.

not really he just won the genetic lottery and he takes care of himself

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>won the genetic lottery
I mean, yeah, but getting that jacked isn't the genetic lottery. That's a lot of work.

Fuck you, Saito is based.

>quite awful soap opera of witches fucking gosiping and scheming.
I.e. an adaptation of the books.

monopolies never stay good
netflix is going to be even shittier than comcast any day now

>shittier than Comcast
They literally can't be shittier than Comcast is. The hierachry of capitalism ensures this.

Absolutely. That's why I said he takes care of himself. You work out for well over a decade, have personal trainers and eat well and you can look like that without roids. Also he probably lifted right before some shots so it looked more muscular.

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Was really good in the new Mission Impossible

Lots of steroids*


It's already like 70% Bollywood shit.

it's way past the point where you can explain it by market demand
whatever the reason for pushing woke shit, it isn't economic

>are the Witcher books even remotely good
The first two anthologies and the latest inbetweenquel inbetween the anthologies are kind of entertaining because it's just Geralt doing Witcher things like drinking with The Beast (as in the beauty and the), drinking with a dragon or dueling snow white to the death.
The actual plot that develops in the later books is completely stupid and pointless. There are still some memorable things in there, like that motherfucking sadist merc who is basically the terminator, but it's all spread super thin and there's so much pointlessness to it all, you might as well not bother.

>on a Yea Forums level?
Hell no, this shit is super scrappy. You can tell the guy literally puts on the page whatever crosses his mind at that moment with zero thought or planning.

>how would they compare to something like ASOIAF
It actually tries to rip off some tropes of ASOIAF towards the end. So out of nowhere there's a chapter of a king we never heard of trying to raise money for his army (which he apparently didn't have before). This is basically never heard from again outside of the fact that there's later an army that conducts a battle.

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Steroids only work if you do a lot of work, retard. You think doing roids just grows muscles while you browse Yea Forums? LOL!

to me it screamed
>we want the charmed / supernatural / whatever the title of the modern fantasy series is that grannies watch audience
at least GoT had good production values, the teaser barely tops the Polish series

No, retard, what I'm saying that work alone doesn't get you this big, he is obviously an steroid abuser.

I didn't even talk about how in the later books almost every chapter has a ludicrous framing device of its own, like two women 200 years in the future discussing what happens in the chapter or something.

>he thinks you can't get this big just eating whey shakes and lifting heavy shit all day

I'm not saying he hasn't used roids, but no, roids are not the only way to get that build you goofball, especially for a guy whose prior jobs have been playing fucking Superman, so he already had at least a strong baseline fitness to start building from.

>gays and roasties get this
>meanwhile all the female characters look total shit
who's the target audience, cool wine aunts?

He's the perfect casting choice for superman but still hasn't gotten a good script. Shitsux

Is it that hard to accept user that some people eat the correct foods, have trainers and can build this physique traditionally? He's not huge.

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He was on roids in Superman too, and so is he there.

That's why you watch the ones with the based protags.

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>Is it that hard to accept user that some people eat the correct foods, have trainers and can build this physique traditionally?

Yes it is, because people usually prefer to the take easy path, I've seen this countless times.

Source? I don't care about him, I just feel like you're pulling shit out of your ass because you're sour grapes.

Allow me to doubt this girl's ability to read. Because the Witcher is a book series.

And I just feel like you're clueless on the subject, go ask /fit/ and you will get the same answer.

>forget I had this thread open
>come back hours later
>it's non-/fit/ skellies shitposting about how you can totally get any physique at any speed natty if you just train enough

>I don't have a source!
I knew you didn't have a source. No, a board on Yea Forums is not a fucking source you god damn idiot.

Its funny how in current fucking year some people still believe in the "just lift and eat correctly lol" meme.

>if you spend years of your life being Superman and maintaining/adding to that physique then it will carry over to a new role much easier than some skinnyfat manlet on Yea Forums starting from -10 level physique!


>eat correctly
Eating correctly for bulking is actually not eating correctly for human health. If you pointed that difference out, I'd take you more seriously.

>Eating correctly for bulking is actually not eating correctly for human health
Nor did he imply it was.
"For human health", what are you a fucking robot?
And he was on roids for Superman, great point

first column, fourth guy
he fucked his sister

>People who actually lift have no say on the subject

The only idiot here is (You).

Source for roid use confirmation?

dont like it, dont watch it. wow that was hard.
do you know what money laundering even means? honest question

>shitposters on Yea Forums's /fit/
>the foremost authorities on sports nutrition

Pick one, friend.

Pretty much yes. 35-44 age bracket is the highest viewership (currently) for Netflix, with women making up the majority of that. It's pretty obviously when Grey's Anatomy alone makes up 20% of total hours watched on Netflix.

Producers know exactly what they are doing. This user said it right

What he looked like compared to how long actors have to get in shape
Now fuck off
inb4 it's not confirmation if he doesn't say he did roids himself

I guess they get more upvotes on twitter...success???

kek what a load of crap, the only superb witcher related content will forever be the 3rd game

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shitposter.

Then go ask on any other forum, retard. Its pretty obvious that you're clueless on the subject.

if anything, this annoys the fuck out of me, and i'm a generic unremarkable guy
not expecting Netflix to be better than harem anime but still

>casting a turbochad as Geralt
Well the books are whiter than the games so they're certainly not adapting anything at this point.

or the books apparently

>muh anecdotes
>people were never this big before the invention of steroids
how's that coping mechanism working out for you?

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>I don't have any proof

This really isn't that hard to understand. You can REEE about how jelly fags on /fit/ claim anyone with an above average physique is cutting their roids with clenbuterol but it isn't a source confirming your (baseless) claims.

I really like the first game, although I acknowledge that the game is tedious for the first half and the combat is super weird.
But the story just ramps up so nicely and there's so many neat little moments in it.

Why do kikes fear the ginger?

seek atlantean brotherhood

this guy achieved that body in 10 months, just like Henry Cavill?
wow, working out and nutrition must be magic

I was just thinking about this today, there has to be a reason why jews want to remove them from all media

>10 months
>played Superman repeatedly for years
>is an actor whose livelihood relies on his physique and good looks

Yeah, he was literally 250 pounds and dunkin donuts 10 months ago. duurrrrhuyrrrrudurduerpsdududerp

>we're not adapting the fucking games
>also don't adapt the fucking books
>literally just make up whatever and fit in your personal politics when you want to
so why is this even called an adaptation?

he trained 10 months for Man of Steel, good job strawmanning

>people were never this big before the invention of steroids

How those strawmans are working out for you?

You're asking for something you know I don't have because very few people who use steroids(let alone public figures) are open about it, but anyone with a bit of knowledge on the subject can tell he is. Now stop being a childish faggot and fuck off.

its not money laundering
its netflix writers being hacks who think they're above the source material
when execs see titles like "the witcher" they see "this could be our game of thrones"
when the writers see the witcher they see "man i don't want to adapt some already popular series! i want to do MY OWN THING, so lets just change everything because i want to write something THAT MATTERS!

all this and the witcher's own popularity only matter when it was shopping for "generic fantasy series"

just look at the Saint Seiya remake. it shits on the source material and has a bland "safe" tone

And the people of Danu

It's not a strawman. Saying "he got this physique in 10 months!" is a fucking lie. He has spent his entire adult life having a baller ass physique my dude. You're framing it like he went from a pencil dick nerd to Arnold in 10 months, but it just isn't true.

if they arent adapting the games why are they bothering? the author is a no name poland fag, this directors are nobodys, and the budget is way too large for the potential if the games never existed.

is netflix retarded? the cash allotment for this series should have been a quarter what it is. theyd lose less because its gonna flop anyways.

witcher isnt on the same level as game of thrones, the character, setting, and scenarios are all inferior. they make better games but not better books. im not even going to watch past 15 mins ep 1 ill bet.

>Won't adapt the game, already butchering the characters from the book
By season 2 it's going to look like a black panther mini series.

Yes this site is a shithole mostly, but Catholics and Jews hated the Irish for "good" reasons

That website makes Alex Jones seem sane

pretty good idea desu

holy fuck, that's pure cancer

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They aren't adapting the books either since not a single thing really matches with them so far.
What are they adapting exactly?

Why are any of you still interested in most of the visual media that gets shit out anyway? it's obvious what type of party it's going to be. Am I just so autistic and socially isolated that I'm able to not care about most of without any consequences? Last thing I really gave a fuck about was Bladerunner 2049.

I'm sure it being on a platform that has gone out of its way to hide how much something is watched and the ability to review shows over the years while bleeding money is just a coincidence.

Not sure how I feel about this. I do think content creators' mental health is absolutely something that should be better supported and I love what Jack has done with his channel but also Pewdiepie has created a cult of personality that has more or less gotten people killed and cultivated a culture of bigotry amongst the youth that watch him.

>from a thread about Jack Black doing a charity thing with Pewdie pie
Holy Zombie Jesus. We're going to have to gas these people, aren't we? Like even if you're liberal it's going to come down to you or them because they're just so pure and RIGHT?

This tbqhfamalam

how are you this retarded. why is this so hard to accept?

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To be fair Netflixvania Isaac has almost nothing to do with Curse of Darkness Isaac beyond the name and occupation of devil forgemaster.

Reminder that ResetEra is a pedo hive and their shitty website hurts the vidya industry by simply existing.

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who deleted this?

>one that's inclusive to all!
>well except for these various groups of people who enjoy stuff I don't like, fuck them!
I would be okay with the end of degenerate anime and vidya, but these fags just want it full of other kind of degeneracy (and then they won't pay for it).

maybe the should if they want to keep their subs, no one likes shit shows

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>obviously steroid abuser
>rockhard muscles
>still have hair
>no pumping veins everywhere
>massive dick bulge

Hollywood actors have their steroid cycle monitored by Doctors, taking regular bloodwork. They don't shoot up in locker rooms with some shit they bought internet mail order from China that might be steroids.

Media and entertainment based all this click bait and talk shit to consumers off a data model about 10 years back. The problem is it didn't account for people getting tired of their retarded model they based it on.


Yes actually, they do that.

Yes. Mocking fans of the IP is stupid.

asioaf is way better

Wouldn't incels be the ones that read all the books? It would be normies that only played W3 that would be crying about not having two swords at all times.

The people who played the games are going to be the only people interested in watching the show.
Who the hell in marketing thought it was a good idea to antagonize them?

>The people who played the games are going to be the only people interested in watching the show.
Not anymore. After this trailer i have zero desire to waste my time on this. I'd rather replay the games.
>Who the hell in marketing thought it was a good idea to antagonize them?
Some retard obviously.

Woke fat girls, bluehairs, or a tranny.

I mean, what kind of person is triggered endlessly by every piece of media that comes out?
incels, that's who

thats doesnt excuse the two swords thing

Why did you save a tiny version of this image?

You are forgetting the ingredient that ties it all together, the fact that The Witcher is something that normalfag males would be interested in so no matter how much they hate the changes they would be forced to watch it with their girlfriends or simply their female friends.

explain the logic behind this post
>it's something male's would like so they won't like it

Ah yes... the tried and tested method of blaming your fanbase. Im SURE you were absolutely not banking on the video game fanbase at all btw, no sure the "books" yeah.

the show is only being made because of the games, what kind of response is this?

I meant that even if they dislike the changes they will tolerate them since they will get caught up with the social buzz around it.

I think it's still gonna be successful.
Pleb normies need their GoT fix and Henry is hot as fuck.
The audience just isn't fan of the books, or fan of the games, but fans of general fantasy

The first two short story collections are fun reads, but the series of novels is...lacking. The original Polish text and some translations are considered to be amazing, but the English translation loses a lot of the charm and nuance in Sapkowski’s writing.

I’m waiting for the Spanish version to be released outside of Spain, if it hasn’t already. It predates the games and is supposedly very close to the Polish text.

what are you on

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has that actually happened yet? itd be nice to think so, but they havent stopped doing it so it cant have hurt them much so far

The seething ITT.

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It's virtue signalling to zoomers and at the same time validating themselves that making everybody half black goblins was a good choice. They're already attacking their fans.

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Yeah, otherwise they can't misinterpret every single character described as 'dark' as being a nigger.


Stop spreading misinfo you dumb nigger, this is fake.


such a weak fucking pasta I can smell your wound from here.

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I have a feeling Cavil will be accused of being a pedophile once he refuses to fuck those roasties writing the show.

She isnt even close to they gray color

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