What the fuck were they thinking?

what the fuck were they thinking?

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"How do we be as BASED as possible?"

God i want to fuck meowstress so badly

I want to fuck her cuter sister

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This song is in one of the 3DS Taiko no Tatsujin games. Heard it there first and saw it was from monster hunter and then picked up generations.


Not the first time monster hunter had loli bait

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Not as sexy as Meowstress but I'd fuck her in the ass

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hope we get the grown up version in MH5

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I wanna put my face in her tummy

beat me to it

>Let's Nyance
>Mfw I expected a cat themed parody of David Bowie's Let's Dance.

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I really miss the pre-World color pallete, lads

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Is that a motherfucking God Hand reference?

Hey, that's my wife.

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"How do we filter out as many normies as possible?"


be grateful they rebooted the game and didnt go any further with this lolishit

is this the reason we had shitty monster intros in generations

God I'm so glad we don't have this turboweeb shit in MHW.

kys worldbab


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kys pedo

How do we make a fun send off for classic MH that reps then all.



I want them to have yuri sex with each other.

This too

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Monster hunter XXX when

I'm going to draw them licking each other in the near future. It's been on my backlog for too long now.

Look forward to it

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>beat low rank Glavenus
>this plays
Didn't really know how to feel bot holy shit did I want it to be over soon


stop this meme
they have 5 fingers

shut up

you finger fetishists are discusting