does it still hold up today?
Does it still hold up today?
I played it as a 13 year old teenager so I'm biased.
it didn't hold up in the day
It's pretty stiff and janky but it's still good
Yes, the added jankiness and blatant retardation adds to the gameplay. Only fags and pussies cry about the time limit.
It's good, but the AI can go be with his brother, Satan.
it's hilarious how fucking terrible Dead Rising 4 is
9/10 game, still good now as it ever was. When I picked up the PS4 version I hadn't played it since its original 360 release. I wasn't even crazy about it back then but when playing the remaster I realized just how amazing this game really is. I ended up saving all the survivors and getting a majority of the trophies. The only trophies I have left are the 5 and 7 day survivor but fuck that mode, it's anti fun.
Still as frustrating and janky as it was 13 years ago, but somehow still the best in the series.
I'm playing it for PC rn and there are times where there are like 3 escort/scoop missions that all end at the same time, so I don't see how it's in any way possible to kill all psychopaths and save all the survivors without pulling your fucking hair out.
I hate the controls every time I replay it again, but after half an hour or so it clicks again
It literally got released on steam 3 years ago and was great. Retarded AI is fine except for that one climb up to the roof vent holy shit, and AI friendly fire when you're trying to save their asses.
The jank is SOUL
doesn't feel so janky on PC. at least you can aim properly
You can escort multiple people at once. To get the most amount of survivors you have to stop the scoops at a certain point.
I realize that, but escorting 3 or more people becomes pretty ridiculous.
I would say it does. I played it for the first time ever originally on the 360, then via Steam a year or two ago. It was fine.
What's so bad about it user? It's available for free on Xbox Game Pass right now, but I hear mixed things about it. I hear the game isn't very challenging, and hell eve as a casualfag I think I wouldn't like that and would just get bored of killing zombies.
Based crowbcat. Didn't know he made a video on this. Thanks for sharing user. Boy, that's so sad. Dead Rising 1 was a GREAT game, one of my all-time faves.
Yeah DR1 is a masterpiece. Super comfy. It’s kind of like the perfect Groundhog Day game
wished it had co op bcuz this is my most favorite game of all time
Booooooring game
>What's wrong with the game
>[posts pre-packaged opinion]
>oh shit, based, didn't know thx im retard!
it’s still pretty good i replay it once a year
>[posts pre-packaged opinion]
maybe try watching the video you dumb cocksucker, because nobody talks during it. it's all gameplay comparisons
>there are no opinions being expressed in these wordless comparisons
sounds like it has some soul, but maybe it is soulless.
the game would be perfect if they just fixed the fucking survivor AI
are you feeling alright?
No human in existence would actively try to defend Dead Rising 4, especially since it directly caused the studio that made it to be shut down.
The time limit is what makes the game, forcing you to make decisions combined with the fact you can fail the main story if you don't manage your time.
If it makes you feel any better I bought it and tried it out and crowbcat is absolutely right, it's shit
Dead rising was the game that made me buy a 360.
It was the perfect blend of silly fun and zombies. A shame the gunplay was really bad
same, Christmas 2007. got Halo 3 as well and didn't bother playing it until I beat Dead Rising
why yes, of course.
No it doesnt hold up.