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Other urls found in this thread:

>a tranny in time

do you think she's naked under her clothes

The things I'd do to this precious small child


The things I'd do to this precious small user

I want to have sex with Hat Kid so badly.

I'm sorry for being such a dirty lolicon.

Hat Kid doesn't have a vagina or asshole.

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She has a mouth and a hat, and that's good enough.

Hey what's going on here guys

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>and a hat,

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Oh she does it's just really tiny like a grown-up dick won't fit.

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Cute and amusing.

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Between this and the squidkids, modern gaming is trying to make everyone pedophiles. Sick.

At least the squids taught us the importance of keeping ones race united and strong.

How will Hat Kid get out of this conundrum?

But they're both girls. How make babies?

I prefer the boy squids, though.

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Whip-tailed lizards can. I'd start by studying them.


don't summon him


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Yes, user, under her clothes she is naked, but not only that, everyone is naked under their clothes, even you.

Reminder that Hat Kid is trans and it's officially canon supported by the developers.

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cope incel
you lost

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Reminder that is fag and it's officially canon supported by his parents.

Do you have a single fact to back that up


Yes, that one dude that worked on A hat in time put a texture in a random wall of the latest DLC.


Yeah gears for breakfast approved of this.


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That doesn't prove anything.

I really liked how the devs were brave enough to talk about such important topics, like Identity politics and the triumph of Communism.

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You know, I legit got surprised when Gears for Breakfast confirmed that she is married to a nazi skeleton but I guess it's canon now.


When was the character confirmed to be this? A dev supporting trans doesn't make every character they make trans retards.
It's like saying Spiderman is trans because of that raindow flag in that PS4 game...

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Deal with it.

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Funny thing is that the trans thing is made by the cats, which are the bad guys of the DLC.

Don't feed the trolls.

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Bow Kid hates fags and all things LGBT.
Who do you side with, Yea Forums?

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How can someone enjoy pain and inflict pain on others? This is just sick, even diaperfags, furries, cucks, shit eaters and pedos aren't supporters of suffering.

Gurofags are just sick people.


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>likes being tickled
>smells nice
>is realy soft
>has a pussy

Lolis have Literaly every quality a woman should have

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what are you hiding up there young lady

It's Shadmanigger.

Full grown women are just kids who think they're adults.

>has a pussy

oh user... You don't know, don't you?

>has a pussy
That is gay, user.

She is missing boobs and ass.

>pirate and beat the game
>bought the game on gog with both its addons
>now dont want to play it
i thought this would have more replayability

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the second child can make another flute, give it to the third one and they can all go fucking die for all i care

It's a mystery.

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user, don't fail for easy bait.

the duckface ruins this picture and I am blaming you for my dissatisfaction

Whatever, nerd.

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Honestly, imagine living every day in a world where a human that isn't exactly you in preferences, race, etc exists in your head 24/7... Like, sure I could hate a tranny, but to think about them 24/7? I'd kill myself if I was like this, it sounds like a living hell...

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Same as me.
>pirate and beat the game
>played 30 minutes of seal the deal and drop it
>time pass
>get hyped for the yakuza expansion
>waited until fitgirl dropped the repack
>beat the seal level
>dropped again

alright I forgive you

>Not playing the superior community made levels.

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Reminder that Child B deserves the flute the most. If A wants it so much they can pay for it and C is a poorfag looking for GIMMIE DATS

I want to PECK Hatkid until she gets pregnant with a baby hat.

Imagine if there was a mod that just slaps big bouncing tiddies onto hat kids model, That would be hilarious, Haha


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Why does everyone want to fuck hat kid

This is the correct answer. If B wants to give it to A to play then that's their decision, then C can benefit from the music even though they can't play it themselves.

where may I find more oppai hats friend

>How can someone enjoy pain and inflict pain on others
sadism, look it up

These are all that I have seen in my travels, friend. Sorry.

Because she have a great hat.

She just made the fucking flute, dude. If Child A can use the flute as a dildo and make ass to ass with Child C on chartubate, everybody wins.

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>finding random trash in a sewer level
Water is wet?

S I C K P E O P L E A R E N' T H U M A N S C A P A B L E O F L I V I N G I N S O C I A T Y

Then it's their property to do what they wish with. If they were making the flute at the request of child A and then refused to hand it over then that's bullshit, but as far as we know in the scenario A is being a nigger like C, only A can actually play it unlike C.

Society is overrated anyway.

>it's their property
Fuck off, liberal scum. People like you think intellectual rights and land grabbing is ok.

So go live under a rock without internet or any society privileges, contrarian fuck.

>game pandering to trannies AND pedos


They made the thing user. They didn't make it for A or C, they made it for themselves. Why should they be forced to hand it over?

How the fuck is that mentality liberal? Think for two seconds here, user.

>not wanting to give handouts to poorfags is being liberal
Fuck off nigger lover.

Aaaaaand thread went to shit. Post porn so this shit can 404.

Because is the greater good.
>advocating for non-existing private property isn't liberal thinking

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and it better be hat kid with big bewbs

>the person who made thing says thing belongs to them
>agreeing with this is liberal

why does moustache girl have big lips here

Because she is racist

>in your head 24/7
also in video games, for no reason but to irritate people because it has no place in it at all
same with media in general that isn't some throwaway shit exclusively about it


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You ever think you might be exaggerating, just a tad?

The problem is, I didn't even notice the tranny logo until of course Yea Forums noticed it. That's the problem, you're obsessed. If you didn't care, you wouldn't care. That's why politics work, you care too much over the most mundane shit.

Haha this but unironically.

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It's part of the plan to give them rights like the gays got

Then you are even worse: a gay pedophile

is the flag in the game or not

Such lewd noises she make.

>If you didn't care, you wouldn't care. That's why politics work, you care too much over the most mundane shit.
if it's so mundane why is it in the game? what purpose does it serve but to bother people and empower others to say U MAD LOL GET OVER IT
it's not relevant to the game and it's literally designed to make people who wouldn't otherwise care, suddenly have a problem with it

shit can fuck off, it's not necessary, useful or needed

Is this game every game?
Is this flag in any place but that one spot?

>just stop caring and let us advertise chopping your dick off as a mentally healthy action, lmao
Remember what will happen if you forget to dilate and you shitpost instead, user!

I'm a dual lolicon/shotacon, like that guy who makes Made in Abyss.

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You know what? Why not? It doesn't affect you.

Let people mutilate themselves, for all I care.

Look, if you could successfully kill all trannies, then I'd care about the proper removal of their virtue signaling... but this has been going on for almost a decade. With no slowing down of their movement, only the exact opposite effect. Instead of caring, I just cope and ignore it. It's not my problem.

>Because is the greater good
fuck off retard gommunist

taking the bluepill solves nothing

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a man of culture

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>Every Hat in time thread ruined because fags are too fucking salty about a paint in a wall that somehow ruined the whole game

No, you don't get it. I don't see a problem to solve. You care, but I do not.

If you had even a drop of critical thinking you'd know that the people who end up spamming the flag plus trans rights whatever are just trying to get (You)'s. They really don't care about the subject matter, same as always.

Why does this game never go on sale?

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No idea.

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Did during the summer sale, 50% off.

Ah, cunny. Sweet, sweet cunny.

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That's her open mouth.

This, hat kid is trying to put a stop to trans rights.