Is it worth buying?

Is it worth buying?

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Other urls found in this thread:!Ys9XQCrK!19T1oAYHwdvHPMQZ0iiPC4gjksgyyQV2VazYK1hKmqE



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If you like Crash and like kart racers sure. I've yet to play it but I'll be getting to it soon

Careful op, you might get banned by the Nintenigger mod

If you're an autist who likes speedrun stuff, yes. The meat of the game is trying to beat time trials.

Yes, is fun

Best Kart racer on the market.

It's fun game.

Yes, now post your mains.

Wait for PC release

It is great and not a $60 pile of shit.


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Here to remind you that raids organized by discord trannies is not just some meme but very much real.

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Yes,and the game has more skill ceiling than baby kart 8

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It doesn't work as a couch multiplayer game with your friends whatsoever

The game has a steeper initial learning curve than other kart racers and you'll zoom up that curve and leave your friends behind just trying to unlock SOME of the characters.

I’m interested in this game as well but how much of it is broken? I’ve seen quite a lot of people saying that things are just not up to standard, especially on the ps4, like save corruption and lots of glitches

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So you're saying that it has a skill depth that is deeper than a bowl of soup and that casuals should stick with another game if they refuse to learn how to play.

I suck at it but i fucking love it
I'd have to say
>bought a turbo controller for it on Switch, model is near identical to a PS4 remote
>It suddenly feels so much better

It's cool to get it on Switch but it was made with the PS4 remote in mind clearly.

Only if you can stomach a kart racer that runs at 30fps.

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If you played it everyone would make you eat their dust

I bought a third party switch remote built to be identical to a dualshock 2

I am playing it.
It is 30fps on PS4 pro.
I can get over it but some people probably can't.

Redbox it first.

Is this the new thread ?
Also seethe more you fucking disgusting trannies

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I'm on PS4 and I've had zero issues apart from load times.

>game still installing when the rent date is over

>Is this the new thread ?
You already know

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So when is Beenox gonna fix that 2-player glitch that lets anyone use the Champion kart?

Why bother?

>mfw I’m a 0.1% fag for the championship category
You are in the top 5% right Yea Forums ?

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What's the 5% cutoff for the championship board on PS4?

Around number 9000 on Champion Board.
And 4000 on Nitro board.
So yeah. what's that percentage-wise?

21,603 if my math is right

I just realized, Dingodile doesn't look like a dingo at all, he looks more like a scaly opossum.

>Top 0,06% in championship
>Top 0,4% in nitro even though I stopped actively collecting nitro like a week ago when I got Motorsport Tawna
Whoever thought top 5% was going to be difficult was an idiot

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oh wow
yeah i'm way in there, mid 2000's last i looked

I have been completely unable to play online since the GP started and I haven't seen anyone else talking about this issue. I've tried everything in the book and at this point I have more or less given up on the game. So no, I am not in the top 5%.

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Are you on PS4 or switch ?


As an Aussie, his design always pissed me off, just give him a black nose or something or call it something else

He's a cartoony mutant. Crash looks nothing like a real bandicoot either.

Another Crash Team Racing thread? How many times do I have to tell you...

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mario kart > literal who CTR
Snoyboys cannot deny this

Don’t make me post inappropriate things jannie . I’m gonna make you work extra hard for the next 2 hours if too don’t stop

Your jig is up.

yes but some gameplay and online aspects are still kinda shit.

>Character stats are broken
>online is basically one dude getting ahead of everyone else whole the rest just shit each other with items.
>Required to be online to get wumpa coins to unlock some of the extra characters and karts.

besides that it is a solid game, just learn to boost and how to preserve reserves and you will do just fine.

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So the only people in these threads already have a Discord? Interesting.... It's almost as if this is a general or something....

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It is not.

How do you feel about the Mario Maker General?

There’s a way to counter items but you need to know the layout of the map. If a rocket is going toward you, you can jump over it or hug the walls and make a sharp turn. It should make the rocket explode. Always keep an item on you if you’re in the pack. It should be an insurance policy. If you have a bubble try to turn it blue but most of the time use it especially if you’re in first.

don't fucking reply
he just wants to derail the thread so the mod has an excuse to delete

Best Kart racing game available

I love Mario Maker!

Talk like that again and a mod really will get up in here and ruin your little circlejerk. All it takes is persistence and you Crashfags will never have a thread here again. You'll be beaten into submission and have no choice but to go where people like you belong; in the fucking trash.

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>Lonco leche
my nigga

Don’t reply to it don’t even pay it any attention

>just beat oxide's ghost in crash cove

thanks to all the anons that explained about reserves, i knew i was doing something wrong.

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What is it? Does it work on Switch?

That was one of the hardest ones for me. I only have dragon mines left. Idk why people bitch and moan about oxide station and sewer speed way they were both really easy

if you played the original then maybe not, the physics are too different

i am trying dragon mines now, i saw a video of some dude using turn characters to get that shortcut on the mine cart path and it worked like a charm altough i still need enter the tunel without touching the sides to not loose my reserves.

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How likely is it that we get lobbies a la MK8, where anyone with the code can join? It would make organizing Yea Forumseekend races a shitload easier.

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Is it worth buying Ami Team Racing? Of course it is! Her game is perfect after all.

I wonder what the chances the Nitro Kart Tracks will get it's own Story Campaign.

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I’m not sure desu no one has tried setting any thing up on Yea Forums

why not just buy a magic ns and use an actual ds4?

probably never or at least not until all the planned grand prix are over

The glitches are mostly online while racing. Online seems to be getting a little more buggy with each update for whatever reason (based on my experience). There are a few weird hiccups on a few tracks (hard to pull off a shortcut in one track, weird collision on an out of boundary area place in another, etc.), but otherwise its run really smoothly for me. The save thing was if you beat all the track time trials for N. Tropy there was a chance your save would be erased because of some weird code that didn't account for beating the necessary tracks AND any extra tracks (DLC, etc.). Otherwise its fine. I still backed my save up just in case though. Its pretty fun.

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Because you can't in the game, genius

I haven’t encountered any glitches on ps4 other than the occasional lobby disconnect

Yeah, I mostly mean in reference to the character models (which I kind of hope they don't fix) and lags in hits/positions online.

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>mods deleted yet another legitimate thread

Get enough people asking Beenox for it and it just might happen

>mods leave blatant avatarfagging posts that are trying to instigate flamewar in a thread
Corruption on Yea Forums? Never. What's Hiro's email? If enough of us bitch at him something will be done.

talk about the game
no meta shit
don't give them an excuse

Just pay him a visit IRL and tell him to hire people to beat the shit out of his incompetent mods until they learn how to moderate.

man this dragon mines shortcut is a fucking bicth to get, i aint able to do it even with turn characters, i always touch the inside of the tunnel.

justvtale the spiral instead, it's much more consistent

Fuck yeah its worth getting

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idk hwo to do that, i always hit the wall in that spiral.

>Mario kart lists skins as new characters
>they're not even as unique or diverse as crashes

the only thing 8 has over ctr is better music


so why havent you taken the choice to play this game?

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of course it would be nice to have it at 60fps but once you're playing it doesn't even matter and you don't think about it

Let's hope these canadian retards don't lock the game to 30 fps once it comes to PC.

If you have friends for splitscreen or have PSN for online multiplayer.

I thought Hard mode was going to be actually difficult, but nope, it's as difficult as an average race and if you can win online, you can easily win here.

come back when you've done the CTR token challenges on hard.

>people taking Yea Forums threads this seriously
well no wonder people hate discord, they treat it like Yea Forums, only not anonymous

>n-no u: the png

is it actually out? literally zero hype and talk about it on Yea Forums if yes.

It has been for a while, it's just that discussion for it was so run into the ground that not only did it get a general but it's not really fun to talk about anymore, at least to me, anyway. That's why it's started to fizzle out lately.

The mods keep killing the threads and sometimes sending them to /vg/
It's almost impossible to talk about here

>zero hype and talk about it on Yea Forums
there were multiple daily threads leading up to and since release and still are, before theyre moved to /vg/ by some retardo janny that is

Based liar

let me guess... you're leaking?

Oh, it's such a lie that CTR threads were literally being made the moment the last one died for weeks on end? Don't even give me that. People even suggesting giving it a break for once but things just kept on moving.

He isn’t lying that’s really what happened. Some autistic jannie is trying to ruin the threads

It will always be on the back of my mind though, since Mario Kart 8 runs at 60 fps on weaker hardware whilst looking just as good.

>playing multiplats on Switch

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>Always online DRM
>Forced paid online multiplayer to unlock anything because they give 10x more money
>Online is broken
>Collision bugs and invisible walls everywhere
>Broken physic meaning some jumps are nearly impossible when they used to be super easy in the original
So it's basically everything you can except from a modern remake

>it was easier to do the oxide time for oxide station than the N.tropy one
im not gonna ever say speed characters are shit. im mad im not gonna do them all as small norm, but jesus fuck dingodile can make oxide station

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AI on hard is retarded and cheat to try to be somewhat of a challenge.
If you manage to get first you can almost lap them but if you don't you'll never be able to end first

I remember Yatsuhashi

This actually. It's not good.

Convenience > power

online is dying on switch has ps4 has 1 millino people on ps4

>tfw play on Switch
>tfw CTR is the most inconvenient game to play with the joycons of all time

if fucking only
Nice frame rate bro

Online is going to die out quite quickly on all platforms because of how retarded and grindy grand prix events are. Unless beenox fixes them.

All playing FIFA and GTA V.

>online is dying
ps4 is dying LOL
Every chad will be stuffing their switch lite in their pocket right next to their massive cock by the time sony releases the ps5

You're looking at nitro points
It's less than that if you look at the championship points, that's how many people touch the online

lel that cope


play on your pc lol
literally no point to owning a ps4 if you actually have a pc. The switch actually has a selling point of pure, unfiltered, CONVENIENCE.
And the people love Mario BING BING BOOP BABY

switch lite was literally made for nip hands user, you're 100% right, it will be stuffed into their pockets but with tiny asian "cocks" lel

let's not pretend ninty isn't going for the gacha market now

not him but is that really all this site knows how to say anymore?

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>that oxide time for tiny temple
excuse me what? Thats some fucking insane time to beat

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You know how you know somebody is truly coping? When they use the word "chad" when referring to something which looks like this

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Even that's a bit misleading. A lot of people played with the trophy girls for like a day then dropped it. How the numbers are looking a week into the next GP should be more telling.

Nice power cord playbro
be i shame if the power goes out

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I have a PC and a Switch but I regret buying the game for switch, the frame rate on this $40 game on a $300 console is unacceptable.

Please tell me it comes in different colors, at least black or grey or something. Are they all pastel like that? Thing looks like it's dripping with s o ye

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Its not just a janny hes working with people on discord

A chad doesn't care what it looks like
They just want to plow Peach's tight pink butthole in mario and real life haha

>sexualizing your portable fisher price toy to cope


It's really easy once you know what it's actually asking of you and he crashes straight into a wall at the last turn. You do know how to maintain speed, right?

yes i do, but that time just mind numbs me. its a fun track but you need to maintain that speed for two laps pretty much. still fun as fuck on that track but FUCK oxide like an onahole

>give it hips
Have fun with your death stranding movie HAHAHA

It's just a dog.
Do you find dogs sexy, you sick fuck?

stop coping

stop projecting




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don't look at the time and just look at what his performance is.
All the game is asking you to do is to have a solid lap 1 and then USF the rest of the way. Since Oxide fucks up the last turn you have plenty of time to make up for it, just don't fuck up like he does and you're golden.

I am so fucking sick of playing this game but I don't want to miss on coins and nitro

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So how do i get these 10 dollars?

Then you aren't sick of playing

ps4 is DEAD

Can we please just face the truth that the only reason the mods are deleting CTR threads? It's so obvious, and I don't know how it hasn't been brought up, I'll probably get banned for saying this

It's obvious a mod has bought/played CTR, was shit at it, and now in spite, deletes all threads. You realize how it's only at a certain time, and one mod who does it? Why on earth, would they ban threads about actually gameplay discussion? CTR are the -only- threads on Yea Forums that actually discuss IN DETAIL, methods of driving, u-turning, all that. You know this is the truth, and the only reason. What other reason would they have to delete them? It's just anger they can't git gud, unironically.

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long time Mk fag here, i've been playing all MK since n64 and CTR for 20 years, i can say without a doubt that CTR is the most intricate and mechanically superior karting game ever, they literally cracked the genre with 1 try and MK is been copying most of their mechanics for years without success, MK still to this day is a RNG centric karting game, your skill does not matter when some scrub can take a crazy 8 and owe you with ease, while yes CTR has items too these are way better balanced and the game DOES favors high skilled players
the switch version is IMO the most competent third party port i've seen on the switch, its day a night compared to the disaster the N sane trilogy was, don't let shirposters like fool you
that capture was taken with the system level switch capture mode that only captures 30 seconds and the framerate is always choppy
DF made an excellent analysis about the switch version here
TLDR; its basically the same version as PS4/Xbone running at 720 and around 560p in portable mode with some minor visual adjustments, his major complain was the long ass loading times on the release version but that was fixed with the 1.0.5 patch that came out a couple of days ago bringing loading times down to PS4 times
the game runs at 30fps on all current platforms even the all mighty xbox one X is locked to 30fps so might as well just buy the switch version that offer portability in exchange for some minor visual downgrades or upgrades depending on your tastes, i for one prefer the furry less looking characters
pic related is outdated but whatever, not going to make another timestamp

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mods are just nintendo fanboys which is why smash threads are allowed and every stickied thread in recent memory (besides e3) has been nintendo related

The port is fine but the recent patch fucked up the online. It has to connect to the servers constantly now instead of doing it once.

it was supposed to fix some of the online issues and so far i've had actually more matched more frequently with less waiting time, it might depend on a case by case scenario, i'm connected through usb3.0 Ethernet adapter

I mean I've seen multiple people on here say the switch online is fucky now. I had no problems whatsoever before this patch.


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>don't let shirposters like (You)# fool you
? You can see for yourself, the frame rate will drop at the exact same area on some maps, consistently, every single time, this is very annoying when you're going very fast and can make you hit a wall or fail since you have less frames to work with (Reminder that this is a THIRTY fps game and it still dips below 30). You can also judge from screenshots taken on switch, both in handled and docked mode, the image WILL be blurry compared to the ps4/xbone version.
>updates come out weeks later after the other consoles have gotten them
>the game will sometimes fail to find a lobby over and over again because of the much, much lower player base
If I could go back in time and slap myself in the face to prevent me from getting the game on switch instead of ps4 I would definitely.
The newest patch barely improved the load times by the way.
I guess that will teach me to not buy a playstation original game on an under powered piece of onions if I want to play "competitively" online.

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Looks good, but I'm saving up money at the moment.

I can't into english apparently

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>? You can see for yourself, the frame rate will drop at the exact same area on some maps
did you even read anything i typed? the system level captured videos DOES have frame skipping and shit going on, the actual game you see and play does not show those dips and frame time inconsistency
>updates come out weeks later after the other consoles have gotten them
blatant lie
the mid-july update was advertised on their FAQ page to release on all platforms the same day with switch specific improvements
the loading times ARE shorter, i took time of the new loading times when going from the adventure map hub to a race and it takes around 25-26 seconds, it used to be 40-45 before and getting into the online mode only takes 15 seconds now
>I guess that will teach me to not buy a playstation original game on an under powered piece of onions if I want to play "competitively" online.
>all those meme words
>under powered hardware
it really is not, idk why its hard for people to understand that switch is a portable console first and foremost with literally a mobile SoC running off a battery with 7W TDP while all other consoles needs to be connected to a wall drawing around 130~W TDP
if you wanted to play "competitively" you should've waited for the PC version, because 30FPS is not competitive at all

wait, what? the cut off for the champion kart is 21k?
i'm right around 18k, i thought the cut off was somewhere near 48k? i don't want to go back to grinding dailies again.

>did you even read anything i typed? the system level captured videos DOES have frame skipping and shit going on, the actual game you see and play does not show those dips and frame time inconsistency
The frames drop in game too retard, it's quite obvious, always on the same spots and happens when too much stuff is going on at the start of the races online as well.
>blatant lie
The switch got the update after every other consoles, you're actually baiting at this point right?
>it really is not
The tegra x1 (which is fucking 20nm by the way) was already under powered and outdated when the switch came out, it's just a fact.
>B-but it's a handled!
Yeah, only when you want to argue with somebody online but you can't find a valid argument.
>if you wanted to play "competitively" you should've waited for the PC version, because 30FPS is not competitive at all
First of all we don't even know if it's coming to PC and if they're going to uncap the frame rate once (if) it does come out on the platform.
Second of all, unless the online becomes crossplay, the competitive platform to play on will still be on the ps4 because of the much higher player base, it's probably going to be like that:
I doubt very much there will be more active pc players for an extended amount of time on PC than switch, unfortunately.
Seriously though, imagine how games like breathe of the wild and xenoblade could look like if they weren't held back by the shitty hardware the switch is running on.
Oh wait, you don't have to because we already know how good botw can look thanks to cemu

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They're probably going off of the other leaderboard because the Nitro leaderboard is roughly around 50k.
I haven't done the math for the recent leaderboard though.

You have to be within 5% of the rankings of whatever the total player count is for either condition. The cut-off will increase over time, so best to just check your ranking against the total number of players.

Nitro points, you're safe if ps4, that's like 51k or something
Championship points is somewhere around 21k but like I said before, my math could be wrong

Have fun, or have propaganda i should say lol

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But reggie left, user.

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>The frames drop in game too retard
prove it with footage taken with something else that's not the compressed bullshit the switch records
>The switch got the update after every other consoles, you're actually baiting at this point right?
you said "weeks" in your original post, that's a lie
>B-but it's a handled!
so it's wrong to say the switch IS a handheld? again, read what i type before replying, the switch uses low powered mobile hardware, of course it looks under powered when you compare it to actual consoles running off the wall with no restrictions over form factor, cooling or energy consumption
>First of all we don't even know if it's coming to PC and if they're going to uncap the frame rate
keep telling yourself that lie, its coming to PC just like Nsane trilogy and Spyro reignated and even if they do not support high framerates, the community will work on a frame un cap method in matter of hours
>I doubt very much there will be more active pc players for an extended amount of time on PC than switch, unfortunately.
yes if they release the game as an epic store exclusive you can kiss goodbye the playerbase on PC
>Seriously though, imagine how games like breathe of the wild and xenoblade could look like if they weren't held back by the shitty hardware the switch is running on.
Oh wait, you don't have to because we already know how good botw can look thanks to cemu
just support CEMU and Yuzu Patreon programs and wait for games to be playable bro

also here's actual uncompressed footage of the game running in dock mode!Ys9XQCrK!19T1oAYHwdvHPMQZ0iiPC4gjksgyyQV2VazYK1hKmqE

to have fun

more like to cope

More like your upcoming exclusives are movies lol


I don't have a capture card but just jump from the ramp at high speed on tt and you'll see frame dropping 100% of the time, same stuff happens on a few other maps but this one spot on tt is the most annoying.

Watch and press a few buttons, just don't have fun


Nah, just emulate the PS1 game. Same with Crash 1-3.

okay good, I figured I was safe but wanted to be sure. I'm still playing daily but I head online for the daily bonus more than checking the GP dailies now.
Post em.

Attached: tracks.png (936x558, 784K)

i take that shortcut all the time with USF engaged and i don't notice the frame drop and as DF pointed out in their analysis, even when you play in dock mode with 4 players split screen which is the most demanding game mode, there are no drops
i made the mistake to buy N sane trilogy on switch last year and that shit was absolutely awful, the whole game looked ugly and blurry as fuck, there was an input lag issue they literally never fixed even tho DF pointed it out, the game is still at version 1.0.0
CTR is the polar opposite of that desu

Anyone have any tips on how to consistently land the shortcut in Assembly Lane?
It's cost me too many races

You're either playing on a tv with frame interpolation, blind, have brain delays or straight up lying.

always, always hit the jump from the left.

Do you want me to put how good I am at the stage or what I feel about them

>five more ghosts to go to get N.tropy

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What you feel about them.


here's footage of that specific part going at USF

is right here is the ultimate tier list

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Why's Coco so cute bros...

Okay here you go

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>Spaceway and Tiny Temple not fun
>Meteor Gorge and ThunderStuck mediocre
>Out of Time and Clockwork Wumpa really good

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Out of Time is fucking great though

Not track related, but still.

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Spaceway is easily exploited by just dropping Beakers/Nitro right after a portal to create unavoidable traps for the guy behind you and is essentially a straight line. Tiny Temple is piss easy to manage USF but one clock on lap 3, and anyone who already crossed the last chance for USF is immediately fucked without hope.

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Out of time should have the sandworms like the old game and the no going around the clock sucks cos >antigrav. besides that, the best CNK track is deep sea driving.

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Why the fuck is Twilight Tour in every single fucking map vote holy fuck.

the track is fun and there are like 2 challenges that requires you to win in that track with tawna or win like 10 times, same can be said about crash cove, people just pick it to complete the pro challenge of "versatile racer"


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Thanks for the help
Landed it 6 times in a row
Now to hope I remember that when the time comes

it's a weird one, another slight tip, if you care
try and put a nitro green boxon the jump as soon as you land on the little platform, you will destroy it for anybody whocomes, and they will either be forced to go through it, or around

so what was THAT time trial that took you ages to get done?

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Dragon Mines, god fuck that place.

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From not completing much of them (like almost halfway) i have to say Oxide station.

that was until i found out that TURNING characters can really benefit the USF Area

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literally none of them
fucking Relic Races though, holy shit over half of the fucking things took me hours EACH to beat

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Dragon Mines but I actually appreciated it because after I beat it, I never had problems taking corners again online because it forced me to learn u-turns.

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Oxide Station. It was the second Oxide Trial I beat.
I left that station a fucking man.

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so far dragon mines. it still cant u turn or take that shortcut right.

Crash cove

Look out buddy, here I come!

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Disregard the "short-cut", it's only used ever in the relic race. You will unironically go faster and have less risk by mastering u-turns and taking the spiral.

>Reserved for Ripto Tier

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gonna take a break once the grand is over. been playing this game hole summer.

pc when?

I bought it and played it for about a week. Quickly realized I just don't care about "getting good" at a mascot racer.

I like skill based games, but CTR ain't worth my time.

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Switch Emulators are working

He cute.

Motorsport Ami. No regrets.


Catbox won't work on my phone but if it is from a single player race try online

its online

I'm considering getting this on Switch since I have a USB dongle that allows me to use my PS4 controllers on Switch, switch online is also $20 a year instead of $20 a month where I live.
Question. Is the framerate or resolution garbage? Would I be better off buying Mario Kart 8 even though I already got that on Wii U?

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The port is fine, its totally playable. The playerbase is significantly higher on ps4 if you care about that.

I did all Oxide ghosts today, I must have got good while I wasn't paying attention because the vast majority of them were complete pushovers.

Now I'm doing the platinum relics and they're significantly harder, Papu Pyramid was cancer.

It's a really good port, load times just got shortened to an acceptable lenght too. Feel free to go for it.

>Mario Kart 8
Eh, Deluxe is basically the same game. Maybe consider it if you didn't get the DLC for the Wii U version and you really like battle mode.

godamn how do i make that sewer speedway shortcut as a speed character? oxide ghost does that shit with turbo and everything.

There's framedrops on the adventure hub worlds and 1 spot on the dlc track.

It's never 100% guaranteed, but if you mimic Oxide you'll eventually get a feel for how the bonkers physics work, even with a speed character. Do two or three quick drift boosts while descending in the half-pipe area and going up the raised part on the left (like Oxide does), jump and try to land in the lower middle area perpendicular to the shortcut entrance, go up the right raised part and jump at the very end of the slope, you should be shot up pretty high.



>20 people in queue because no ones playing

>no crafting system

>no magic or real turnbased combat

uh.. yeah. crash is dead bros

Did I miss the grand prix thing? Was out on duty the past month.

i get shot up high but i just end up floating at the edge of the elevated area.

You have until the 28. Good luck unlocking everything with how stingy the Nitro is

>finally fucking got it twice in a row
>beenox shit ass hitbox fucks me over in teh second lap


I beat Oxide while only getting it twice, I wasn't going to risk it three times. It's possible even though Oxide gets it in every lap because he's pretty subpar at the rest of the track.

I probably won't make it past the first tier of rewards at this point. Hope everything is just purchasable with points afterwards so it's not permanently gone.


Basically it really depends on if you have friends to play splitscreen with
If you don't, get the $40 version and get used to grinding after beating the main campaign

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Was originally around the 0.5% margin but had to leave for the weekend so I just got bumped to 1.2%
Thank Christ PS4 has so many casuals

You can beat the first two tiers still.


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might not be in the top 5 for championship but im like .5% for nitro

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you can get tawna pretty quick, but motorsport skin probably isn't possible at this point

Tawna yes
MotoTawna, probably not

Getting to 42000 for the last reward should be enough to stay in the top 5% for PS4 right? I'm well in it now even with 40000 and there isn't long left now.

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I'm not that good enough to do half the challenges, unless doing the basic ones is also enough?

MS outfit? No

>I'm not that good enough to do half the challenges
You can cheese almost every challenge that doesn't require online matchmaking by playing local multiplayer with yourself.



i hope beenox fix this fucking game in the upcoming patches.

I finally finished all the oxide races fellas, now i just gotta finish the game on hard mode and I get the platinum

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I really should get a second controller one of these days.

So the power...of a Chad...sugei!

Ok I finally bought all the gp limited skins
I had the paints and now I need to hope for wheels for the next 4 days to have all that stuff

So when they say finish in the top 5% for the champion kart, are they talking about the championship leaderboard or the Nitro leaderboard?

>few weeks ago posting here about how I couldn't beat Tropy on Crash Cove despite trying since a few days after release
>today I have unlocked Tropy
Never give up lads, it's possible. Fuck Oxide Station though and fuck whoever made it so the time had to be a near perfect run.

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>bought one pair of wheels
>immediately regret it
Oh well.

Top 5% for either board

High quality

ive had the game for like 5 days and im nearly done with the tropy times. ive murdered my sleep just to get this fucker before doing anything else

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I'd like to buy your Electron Team Bandicoot wheels

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If you plan on using digital Tropy you're far from done.

i've done some oxide times also. 4 so far. i got 4 more tropy times and they are for the CNK tracks, including hyperspace speedway.

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>i got 4 more tropy times and they are for the CNK tracks, including hyperspace speedway
They're all easy as fuck so no worries.

None of them are outright hard, the hardest 2 for me were crash cove and dragon mines. I had no problems with the others ones. I usually did the 1st or 2nd try, gl senpai

Im still working on it. switching to d-pad to pull off u-turns was a bit rough, but totally worth it

>Hyper Spaceway shit and not fun
Ask me how I know you hate going fast

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I'll stop using her when she stops being undeniably best girl.

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i want to give ocelot liz the mating press

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Good news, Megumi exists, time to stop playing as that WHORE

>Switch v 1.05


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Racer Crunch

Kabuki small norm chad here

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With added borked online.

Lit works on my machine

Did someone say borked online?

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She is NOT a whore

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Poses in Bandiboy for money.

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that happens when the person with the shittiest connection is allowed to be host

I'm sick of people picking these short ass maps when wumpa time is up

everyone's wumpa time starts when they start to play for that day

Uh, how is this thread still up? It's clearly a general. Lol.

sorry Hecktor
didn't mean to cheat you on that one

I know that
Mine is going on right now and Every damn time is some short map that barely pays anything

Can you still disconnect for first place coin insurance?

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>that warp orb icon

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Go back to your dickscord

Beautiful Brapping Bandicoot

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>black zem players actually exist

>takes forever to load
>feels lifeless
>gameplay aged like milk


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>gameplay aged like milk


Not him but ok ;_;

>gameplay aged like milk
the gameplay is unironically older than you are.

Is the matchmaking still the slowest fucking thing in the world or did they fix that?

worst taste ive ever seen, sudoku yourself bro

it still sucks
the netcode is more stable than it was though

don't know about switch but on ps4 its literally instant at all times

so its either that, or your internet user

I will never understand why people attempt to draw a fart

Never had to wait more than 6 seconds for a game, and I play 24/7.

Is it weird that I think this picture is cute even though some degenerate made it
