Just bought pic related. SMT thread?

Just bought pic related. SMT thread?

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I hope you’re prepared for autism.

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DS2 is pretty shit. Would have just emulated it rather than spending money on it.

>Yeah, I bet she’s freaky
Fucking kek

someone please make a devil survivor hardtype

>DS2 is pretty shit

>buying 3DS games in any way
I hope you like Evangelion+Persona either way, though. While it has flaws, I really enjoyed it.
Don't forget to side with best boy with best ideals!

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Yamato did nothing wrong.

>finally beat meme aleph
>another dungeon
This game is a fucking marathon.

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Can I play world of strength in record breaker or am I forced to do magic again?

That's bait, ignore it.
You did good OP, you got one of the top-tier Megaten spin-offs in terms of gameplay, and music, mid-tier in terms of story and characters.

Cor Caroli is cute! CUTE!

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>Implying playing magic is bad
I bet you kiss hookers

Isn’t that Yamato in drag?

>Switch Lite shows Nintendo pivoting toward handheld development
DeSu 3 WHEN?

After etrian switch

I legit think DeSu2 does alignments more than most of the rest of SMT, along with Raidou 2

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I prefer magic in both games but physical is almost as good as magic in record breaker and really isn't even bad in ds1. Also in ds2 you get allies with actually good stat distributions so it's not as big of a deal if your MC build sucks, and the difficulty is lower in general.

>posts a picture of a non-SMT game to start an SMT thread

If it is, Yamato's pretty damn hot then
Never ever, here's your Persona 5 revision, chibi dungeon crawler, and Dancing game

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a-any day now

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What did he mean by this?

It's literally not an SMT game. The SMT in the title was only tacked on to the western release. In Japan it's just called Devil Survivor. You fell for marketing.

Goddamn those hips are inhuman

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>uses the same demons and even has alignments like the mainline games
>not SMT

OP meant to start a megaten thread but typed SMT instead which refers to the main series only. Fortunately we know what he meant because of the image he used.

It's a Megami Tensei game you secondary, it's just not a Shin Megami Tensei game. SMT refers only to 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A IF, and SJ

Didn’t P5’s spinoffs sell like shit, though?

Post some Smt characters then

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>the first devil survivor game came out 10 years ago
Holy fuck. Where did the time go? And where's the third game?

Since you asked for multiple, here's another.

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I love bunny

Is IV good? I just pirated it and idk if I should play

Pretty good.

DeSu 2 honestly need a game with an actual budget
There’s just so much that should have and could’ve been captured in a 3D environment

just bought strange journey redux, what am I in for?

Exceeded expectations but the expectations was like 30,000 WW and it sold like 50,000 WW

This is the hero I wanted in Smash

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Also be careful even mooks can take you down if you aren’t careful
Keep on eye on your MP and weaknesses

>take the psyduck route
>yammy commits sudoku because ???
>take the daichster route
>yammy is a-okay with it even though it's almost exactly the same

Personally, i'm ok with Joker representing Megami Tensei, although I would have liked to see Jack Frost make some kind of appearance.

he's just mad alcor is on your side

It's one of the shorter SMT games my guy

I miss the Comps but specially the Gumps, those were insane

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Ive just started Apocalypse, level 9 on my way to the Sky Tower which is probably the dumbest idea after seeing a demon kill a veteran the day before and actually dying to them.
Anything I should know?so far im giving 1-2 LCK, 2 AGI, and 2 MAG each level and every once in a while give one or two points to STR/DEX

>digimon giving us a new devil survivor while smt rots in persona hell with vaporware

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either commit to full STR or full MAG (preferably the former). the protagonist can become obscenely busted later on if you min-max

Just beat Soulless Army and am heading into King Abaddon
Hope the story's as strong as the first game

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>full STR
You mean STR/DEX, plus AGI and LCK? in SMT IV I gace everything to DEX after discovering STR was useless, should I balance them now?

They made STR more useful for physical builds and DEX for gun builds

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Tokyo is an ass, where the fuck Counter Demon Military base is located in IV?


Iirc you have to kill Pellaidh, mount the Kirins across the river southwest of Ueno. and somewhere in that area you will find Kasumigaseki.