ITT: games that deserve (another) sequel but will never get them
ITT: games that deserve (another) sequel but will never get them
8 years and still waiting... :(
Did they finally fixed Win 10 compatibility ?
>never ever
I didn't ask for this feel
Kill yourself zoomer.
Prototype does not deserve a sequel after how shit 2 was.
Red Faction however does despite how lackluster Armageddon was
Seriously what the fuck even was Armageddon? All they had to do was make Guerrilla 2 with the destruction improvements and everyone would have loved it
3 could be a game that would redeem the franchise
Would have liked to see them just use this IP as a groundbed to test weird as fuck ideas.
Died with some mediocre garbage.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that all the technology that went into Guerilla also meant that development was expensive even for open world game standards, and they were told to recoup it in their next game.
just retcon 2's retarded story and we're golden
>Prototype does not deserve a sequel after how shit 2 was.
>Red Faction does not deserve a sequel after how shit 2 was.
>Meanwhile, the fan favorite and most beloved game in tthe Red Faction series is Guerrilla, the third game
What is this retarded logic?
Supreme Commander
Crimson Skies
C&C Generals
Midnight Club
Split Second
ReCore is essentially Inafune retelling Lost Planet but on a desert planet.
It honestly could be. I see so much potential for the game but it'll never amount to anything sadly since even if they did make another one they would fuck it up since that seems to be the current trend with well established IP lately.
I honestly couldn't even finish ARM. I got between like 60-80% done. I had so much fun with GUE that stepping into ARM afterwards was the epitome of a letdown.
Sequels tend, for the most part, improve on many aspects the originals could never get right, but shit on everything that gave them soul in the process.
Shiny crap attract new consumers who never really gave a shit about what made the originals special to begin with while those who gave a shit are alienated from the sequels.
>Red Faction does not deserve a sequel after how shit 2 was.
Who are you quoting?
We just need someone with enough autism to make a sequel. Just grab a game with a decent engine and pour your time and autism on it and mod it to be Prototype.
Isnt red faction evolution a new game being released
ReCore is one of those garbage games for Σοyboys who consider themselves too sophisticated for nintendo yet aren't intelligent enough for games without bright colors and childish gimmicks.
Also fuck Megaman, fuck Inafune, fuck Mighty number 9, and fuck you.
I still play it with friends occasionally.
>red faction evolution
holy shit, maybe?
So it MAY exist and it MAY suck as a lot of games have done lately.
Ill keep my expectations low that a good game will come of this.
It got a PC port, that's free on the Microsoft Store. They said they'd do a follow up or something if it did well there, it didn't.
It's one of those games, where if if someone is even mildly tolerant of card game mechanics I recommend it with a vengeance, despite hating card game mechanics so much I can't enjoy the game myself.
The planned reboot fell through hard if I remember right and honestly that was probably for the best since they intended for it to be for the 'eSports' audience. Might have dodged a bullet on that one at the cost of not getting more than a (still solid) remaster.
Rise of the Dark Spark doesn't count.
Never ever Twinsen
I'd at least like to see it re-released on pc
an actually good sequel to telltale walking dead
When I saw the trailer for the Destroy all Humans remake I immediately thought of this.