ESA Summer Marathon

European Speedrunner Assembly

Now: The Secret of Monkey Island
After: Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Later: realMyst: Masterpiece Edition

Now: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
After: Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!
Later: Ratchet & Clank

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Other urls found in this thread:

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GDQ >>>>>>>>> ESA

What's his appeal?

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God I hate fat people.

>trannies >>>>>>>>> normal human beings

You shouldn't hate yourself

Why does this announcer sound scared shitless when he speaks.
Is he being held at spoonpoint and forced to read donation???

idk bros FF runs are just comfy

>being poor

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What's up you ing ? Maybe you should learn how to take a little banter - or better yet, if you're such a delicate little flower that you can't handle friendly insults, maybe you should just block me on discord instead of throwing a shitfit and kicking me when I bring the heat - which is ironic because apparently you like heat, you ing woman.

>forgot how comfy is was to actually watch nerds play video games.
fucking AGDQ

>rain outside
>FF run on screen
Pure comfy right now

>block me on discord

this cave music reminds me of that minus8 mario porn thing

>This spooky shit without warning

My main monitor was like a thousand bucks when I got it, probably as much as your whole setup lol.

Check this guys Steam profile.

>someone though this was the correct art style to go with

Attached: comparison1[1].jpg (1600x2079, 525K)

doesn't look great in comparison desu

>copypasting comments without knowing the context of it

I can't fucking stand his hairstyle in the new one.

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It's not that bad besides the Guybrush's model which is just horrible.


need to appeal to zoomers somehow with these reboots

>never pay more than 20 bucks for vidya

Words of wisdom right there

How can you not like this?

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I know it was just ironic shitposting, all of my Steam profile comments are shitposts too. No one uses comment sections of profiles to actually flame someone.

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I guess not even zoomers liked it seeing as they ditched it for the second game.


tfw they said esa was tranny free

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turn down the music idiots

> American

Of course.

You'd be surprised how people still do it on steam, it's a dying art at this point

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>4 hours in 2 weeks

Of course it's an American

really glad this music has background commentary

what the fuck are those haircuts

shouthouts to the tech crew!!!

the Soibun and the Emo Jimmy Page

Josh's haircut is pretty ridiculous if you actually look at it.

she has that AVGN wife cunty look about her doesnt she

>I start sentences and ofrget what I'm going to say
Alzheimers warning sign there

that number will go up again when destiny pops up on steam

Attached: Destiny 2 2019.06.30 - (2560x1440, 2.34M)

Why is Tim Schafer there

>Never knew you could quickly pass on items in DotT until I was nearly finished

How much fun can you have playing this Solo or do I have to turn to Yea Forums to play this because I don't have any friends.

>playing games on Steam

>making a guy fall out of bed, stealing his clothes, and turning on the TV
what a dick

The rest of the day looks pretty stacked starting with the Gothic run, time to get comfy. Pretty good game choice by ESA, compared to SGDQ I must say. Time's are also better (as an yuropoor), but super mario maker race and last of us are on during the night, which is a shame, gotta have to catch the vod on these

he has 300 games there

>FFXIII relay
Is it good?

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when is this? is this newly added? I checked the schedule last week and don't remember reading about this. I don't know if it's good but it should be interesting, I'm gonna watch it

>I never tell a lie

We'll just go with yes on that.

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>but super mario maker race and last of us are on during the night,
well they know americans love those games so it's smart to put them during pek burger hours

Sounds hot

People actually like XIII enough to speedrun it? That's nice.

Speedgaming's channel's hosting, tournament room shit

solo is pretty boring and you're better off finding a clan that isn't full of assholes and is actually active you have to find a clan through the phone application, going to the forum or go to the general on /vg/ but enough of that back to speedrunnan

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Anons, Kaeli or Phoebe?

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The chick next to Harpa.

What does hanging feel like?

like dying

>Speedgaming's channel
neat, thanks

White hot searing pain and panic.

I wanna fuck Laverne

probably extremely painful
cutting off air to your brain is not fun

>ni- ni- ni- ni-


>iceplug on stream 2

What the heck. Stream 2 is in the main room with everyone else? Now there's not going to be any unsupervised shenanigans.

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>not real Myst

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gothic soon

>these two announcers

i thought this marathon was tranny free?

rent free

u wot m8?

i wish i had hair as nice as joshi, anything but a buzz looks like shit for me

>the only runs i care about today on both streams are being run simultaneously

t-thanks. at least we're getting the last of the PC trash games out of the way today, right? right?

Today I'll remind them

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myst is a retarded game
it's just puzzles with no reasoning behind them

>speedrunning a puzzle solving point and click

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no, soul

Setup times will fix that for you.

>adventure game with speedtechs
Now this is cool

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Gothic soon, fellow Hurensöhne

who is this goddess

swamp camp chads?


truly the pinnacle of German ingenuity

How can one game have so much SOUL?

As a game Myst fucking sucks but it has an amazing aesthetic


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New camp all the way for comfy scarf and fur armor

This run is good, it has fun glitches

oh fuck off


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Are there any good new Myst type games? Obduction was decent.

Streaming and chatting on cytube. m4c yeah. youre welcome

Is that the girl /wsg/ has a weird obsession with?

The movement looks strange. Is this a game with 'free movement' but on predefined rails?

>Check out PB's website
>They actually hired more staff recently.

Hope the new project won't be Elex 2. It was nice, but i really don't need to revisit magalan.



Boring ass game.

Elex 2 already cumfirmed, they are already got money from Europe even.

the witness maybe

really? What is there left to do with the setting?

>Dude lines lmao


Is Elex worth playing?

scam "chairty" that hands out leaflets - $2million

scam "charity" that traffics illegal immigrants and rapefugees into europe - $2million

charity that supports medical research to beat cancer, autism, alzheimers, AIDs, homosexuality - $6,000


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No idea I never played Elex more then an hour, I fucking hate the setting.

this game is shit

The worst thing about Myst is the fucking static noise on the videos.


no. It's shit.


It's weird. Gameplay wise it's a step down from Risen 3, but as usual it just oozes charm and is sprinkled with little details.
It only gets really fun once you leveled up enough to make combat trivial and steamroll everything, but that's typical PB design as well.

I'd say for 20 bucks it's totally worth a buy if you liked their previous games.

>showing his steam ui on stream

Is the story and writing good?

the power of american marketing. 90% of the donations in GDQ are from corporations to either get good goy points or tax evasion

>last time was 2010
hmm I wonder why this dull, boring, non-game hasn't featured in a marathon for 9 years...?

this music on the main stream sounds like something out of Persona 4

The main plot is shit, but the small NPC interactions and side quests can be a real treat.
It has the overall feeling of a trashy sci-fi novel from the 80's.


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oh shit

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BigJon vs. SissyBun
sad state for nords

Fat american nigger vs. the skeletal Dane

BigJon is dissapointed in you for not reaching $10k

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this nigga right now

based BigJon

>big jon
>thinking about KFC

disgusting. why isn't this ape banned from speedrunning yet?

>it's not a nintendo platformers #155 so it's not a game

This board is embarrassing. 10/10 aesthetics and worldbuilding, fun ,logical puzzles, Myst is great

It's a classic and it's very much deserved so

How did big guy jon fit in the plane to sweden

>shilling this hard for the charity

wtf, in past ESA's they'd show those videos but never really brought up the charity otherwise. between this and the censoring donations in punchy's run, is ESA going to end up cucked like GDQ?

it's not even in the cool gymnasium with stream 2 in a comfy side room anymore. fug dis

he has to buy 2 seats

myst is shit. how about showing some Euro-kino seeing as this is the EUROPEAN Speedster Assembly? who gives a shit about amerishart games like myst? kys retard hope you choke on that burger

Best RPG ever made soon after Ultimaturd

>Most of the fucking ads I see are about safe driving "drive like gran"
I mute as soon as an ad starts and I'm still sick of seeing the SAME fucking ad constantly. This shit isn't going to magically make people go "Oh I'll stop using my phone in the car" or stop speeding.

just look at this little euro boy. he's intimidated by jons presence

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>22min gothic run
That's a shitty category

I agree Oblivion is great

wtf is up with big jons body? Like, he's all bulk but his face/neck isn't defined at all, like it would be when you do actual lifting. Is this nigga pumping saline or some shit?

Not sure I can be bothered with it if the majority of it sucks. Never mind then.

that fire that burns twice as bright lasts half as long, friend

>Ultima, Gothic, Oblivion, Monster hunter
We clunky now


>those shoulders
he's pretty fucking massive alright

>more muscle

is this guy delusional?


What's a paladin?

>Tim Schafer on commentary for an Ultima run


He eats big people?

isn't there one american speedrunner who isn't a degenerate (aside from bonesaw, wow)

clunky kino incoming, get comfy

is that prize goblin himself

nice "man"bun

That's not Sent.

Wait a minute was that a Spoony reference?

hes afraid he might get eaten

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all of the amerilards are degenerate. the only good speedrunners are europeans and australians

>Going for an easy "EA bad" joke when EA wasn't always bad

looks similar

EA was actually responsible for the failure of Ultima 9 you tranny reddit freak

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Considering how long this game took to make it's clear that EA didn't always make winners even back in the day.

looks like it's just a bad game

Big brain

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>he only good speedrunners are europeans and australians

imagine actually believing this, the good ones are all japs or american. yuros and ESPECIALLY aussies are irrelevant

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EA higher ups meddles a lot in the production

t. tranny
>save the animals xDDD kick cancers butt xDDD i love dick in my ass!!!!!!
- u

Thanks doc

And there's a reason the bad guys in Ultima VII are called Elizabeth and Abraham

>speedrunners from my country are superior
all of them are losers

so this... is the power... of pc """gaymin"""

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try not to be too jealous

>every other run at ESA is over estimate

great speedrunning, sven

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Do you have a stronger dose, doc? I feel like this one doesn't cut it anymore

Danke Doktor.

>amerilards give themselves extra padding in every estimate so they have time to dilate after

>ulitma IX

whats an inventree?


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this game feels like it's so badly done

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Isn't this the game that broke Spoony

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The proper way of saying inventory you fucking plebs

Finally home. I hope I didn't miss any fun.

Is this American Gothic


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How do I get a fat gf (gamer (male) friend)

This reminds of of Kojimbo's new game.

Even the British pronunciation has the inflection on the first syllable you ESL fucko.

Attached: Clipboard03.png (654x246, 12K) ?

how do I get a fat black speedrunner bf

>yuro tards just put their pb times for their estimates

pretty dumb desu

Stream 2 is THE best

>burgers wake up
>shitposting starts
Surely just a coincidence.

Final Fantasy is great but Ultimata 9 is so hilariously broken to miss.

wherever I am I must also shitpost

ESA estimates are estimates, in GDQ "estimates" are cut off points

>good city

Attached: 1530395313557.jpg (820x534, 58K)

>twitch doesn't work with my firefox
>for some raisin vlc isn't working either
>don't want to open chrome
How to watch stream 2?

>burger's wake up
>actually more than two people posting in the thread

last thread was up for like 8 hours, barely any yuros on this site give a shit about this event

>tfw dont have the bandwith to watch both at once

ESA is baste. fuck amerisharts
>mfw an americlap starts singing o say can u shart near me

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>live in EU
Oh finally I can watch the prime time runs!
>all the runs I want to watch is in the middle of the night

Reinstall firefox or something I dunno

why doesn't it work with your firefox, i watch twitch on firefox on several different machines, some windows some linux, always with ublock origin, never an issue

>overestimate on the 2nd stream
>girl(?) literally praying

>mfw I remember Americans have part of their dicks cut off

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what even is the point of 2 streams? fucking autism

>europeans actually watch the stream instead of shitposting in the thread
wow what a concept!

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yuros prefer to watch the event that's actually worth instead shitposting

despite being in yurope, this shit is still catered to an american audience. they use dollar bills for donations, stream in english, start and end the marathon at weird local hours, etc.

stream 2 is where the trash runs go.

update it
use ublock origin adblocker
try alternative twitch player for firefox (extension)

>"I-It m-m-makes it aktshually BIGGER!"

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It's a really old build and for some reason keeps crashing twitch on the ad even with ublock.
The homepage works fine so IDK.

damn, will they ever recover?
no they wont

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Is there a reason why he's so syrupy when interacting with stuff and legitimately using the inventory? I feel like he should be a lot faster.

the ultima run is comfy

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i fucked up

In what language should they speak instead? Everybody in Europe that speedruns or watches these can speak English at an acceptable level (except French frogs).

Didn't think I'd like this but I am.

>I think we'll have to reset

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>instant replies
yeah, you guys sure seem enthralled by the stream

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the crowd really likes Ultima

Funny enough I just closed the window and now it works fine.

runner is an idiot.
>uhhh we need to reset
5 seconds later
>ok call time soon

pretty decent. informative runner.

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>Everybody in Europe that speedruns or watches these can speak English at an acceptable level

your bar for "an acceptable level" must be extremely low

Mine doesnt

>2 days
>Only $6,000 raises

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and choke
AND another choke

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How did he even die?


can I get a quick rundown

there seemed to be lava or fire nearby

Lethal telepathic attack.

If all these speedrunners just stopped being dirty neets, and donated a days wages they would have more money than they have now

this just keep getting better

just more proof that gdq launders money desu

them milkers

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>more crowd on stream 2 than stream 1
what ??

also for anons who want more JRPG there's a FFXIII relay race on the tournament stream


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does rick even play ultima?
feel like he's just there to support another dane since he barely said shit.

1 day, shit's been going for around 24 hours

even still, i feel like this is pretty low even for ESA

NA speedrunning > EU speedrunning

Why can't Amerisharts understand that 100k avg viewers for GDQ means more donations? ESA can barely break 10k viewers.

There was always shitposting in the threads my little paranoid user.

Spyro 2 soon, going to be kino.

theres +12k rn

I felt like I dodged a bullet with my dad being sane. I am the only person I know besides my brother who's is uncircumcised. And I dodged another bullet because I got a pretty nasty UTI as a kid and the doctors recommended circumcision and my mom said no, Instead I just took the prescribed antibiotic regiment and came out fine.

It was peak comfy last year. These 2 Final Fantasy runs are the stuff of legends and i'm glad based metako is there again this year.

Well good on them, last year they were hovering around 9,5k or so for the longest time.

at this time last year they were around 6200, so theyre ahead

Any good runs?

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sorry friend, but its the yuros who are so butt blasted that their """superior""" event pulls in no money and shit view numbers

>7 hours of FF13
Vomit inducing my man.

cute sluts


I love my wife Reisalin!

Germans being German.

>Not just hiding blatant shiposting bait + reply stubs

it's not about being superior, it's about having a good time

the 20$% runs were absolute peak comfy. The irish and french dudes were total bros.


Who is the donation reader?

Lmao who cares who makes more money for some scam charity. I only care about the comfyness and runs.

That would be me

How much foreskin do you have
Asking for a friend

hide THIS

Thanks doc.

Yeah they are. They sometimes do races and stuff together on their streams. The threads during those runs were amazing.

Hard to believe user, we'll need some proof.

I legit must've watched almost the entire FFX 20$% that day. If you had asked me earlier if I was gonna do that, I would've laughed hard.

Post feet

who else hype for frame fatale?

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DMC4 was pretty decent for a graveyard shift, but not exactly worth watching unless you were watching it live.
Everyone else is (sub)standard right now.



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Oh they actually do more stuff together? One of them responded to my comment on YT and made it seem like they didn't even really knew each other.

Yeah normally I skip FF runs but this one was amazing. Wonder how much money those runs alone made.

that already happened earlier this year. is there a second one going on?

Myst was cool run in my opinion but I seem to be in the minority.

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HECK YEAH, SISTER! I even got my balls waxed!

It made so much money that even Planks who sick or so came around. Also they used the idea for the Zelda run later on stream.

I've seen them do FF races together. They have also been at multiple ESA events doing FF stuff so it's safe to assume they know each other. Metako streams pretty regularly

Did moot donate yet?

In in August apparently, had no idea one already happened

Uhh, ma'm? There's something wrong with your... umm... pants?

wow, the second stream has a really filled room


everybody loves spyro

Anything fun happened during the Susan nugget run?

my dick seems to be hard for her

moot,creator of minecraft and prominent democrat

me. hi guys.

Looks like they won't have it again during the FF runs this year but during Yakuza. I think if those things are fun depends heavily on the runner so I hope they are decent.

this shit was so fucking awful last time
lots of trannies, chat not in sub mode
you can guess what happened next

>tfw Spoony

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I just discovered you still aren't allowed to upload a post with moot as your name

oh god, i thought it was just a one-off thing. yeah one already happened in May
feel free to click through the videos at random and take bets on which one will have very obviously male voices as soon as you click.

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Oh hey, it's Moot!

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Why aren't the enemies attacking this bunny rabbit?

Yeah, go watch some faggy game that's run almost as often as 2D marioshit instead of something fun and original.

For the most part no. He went full autism and told the readers to filter any "chicken" and "nugget" based donations. He also talked 90% of the time so they barely got in donations in the first place.
we were still able to squeeze in "Chikken Nugger" on the scrollbar for half the run.

Can I get some (you)s please

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What's a paladin?

having your backpack open disables enemy AI

okay but you gotta give me one


>posting a picture of sigourney weaver
wew ebin

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what's this uwu~

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g-give one back
have this beautiful frenchie

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for you

>Trump Derangement Syndrome claimed him too
What happened to the internet?

lol, tiny wiener.

fuck you

trim your bush bro

thats a german

Sorry English_Ben isn't on stream at the moment
Nah bro

remind me guys, why do we hate ben again?

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not surprising

We don't. Susan actually comes here to hate on Ben tho.

He stole my flash drive!

He stole my heart!

>not being at full mast 24/7
and you call yourself a man

>no posts in 6 minutes

is 4chin down or the thread just ded?

trainwreck runs are the best runs

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Nah, it's just ESA.

Run ruined

was taking a big shit, sorry.

There's some entertaining fuckups going on in the ultima run.

Why did he cheat?

shitposters are having a breakfast

whachu playan?

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Forgot to pick up a spell and it would have added a lot of time (to a run already going over estimate) to backtrack and get it.

Forgot to pick up a spell way back

everyone's catatonic from the comfiness that is ultima

The Witcher 3

"PC" """"""""GAMES""""""""""

Okay that is just over the line. Ban these fools.

>Taking cheating to extremes
Mad man.

Mother 3 just beat Steel Mechorilla

Oh boy

>My son you can play the timeless Ocarina of Time on the dedicated gaming console
>Or a glitchy bugfest from EA on this home workstation

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this run is kinografie

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>cheats again
>just loads a save
This run is great.

Is he going overestimate?What went wrong exactly?

>cheating all the way through
Shit run

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game crashed earlier

I was playing Deus Ex again.
Got up to escaping the MJ12 base

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I think it all started because he forgot to pick up some spell way back in teh game

We will never get to Gothic, do we?

It's not cheating, I prefer to call it "backup tool"


Want to watch the Spyro run cuz it seems fun but this Ultima run never ends



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>your daughter???

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who is that semen demon behind the second sombrero from the left

>Boring commentary
>Failed to cheat right
>Over estimate

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Shit taste.

>anime pic
here i'll split it up

>anime pic
>its clearly from a manga
if the run was good id watch it but im shit posting because its bad

Attached: Smug.jpg (551x600, 107K)

easy with the truthbombs

whats a paladin?

>its not anime its anime

See A Paladin is a holy crusader of Britannia against (((EA)))

all weebshit is the same tbqf famalam



>game mercykills itself at the end

best run of the event so far

dont answer that
a rhetorical question

It's time

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What's "No OoB"?

Good fun.

>Dies at glitch
>Right after it crashes
>Load a game
>Cheat again
>Crash in the ending
run was kino


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No out of bounds.


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>*game crashes*

the best game ever created

Had problems but was still fun. Glad I didn't skip it.

trainwreck/10 - over estimate and cheated.

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Thanks fren

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The run will be in g*rman?

>run ends in a crash
>suddenly VLC crashes
>restart the stream
>it's throwing me fucking ads on VLC
What the fuck twitch

>It's a really old build
how about you update it you fucking retard


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Ah, it's time for Moot's hosting segment.

Streamlink and the likes can't bypass ads anymore because of the way they're played now.

I literally only use it for twitch streams

Who pays for the event? Or do they take a cut from the donations later?


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Attached: 1563668305780.webm (960x720, 2.45M)

what a fucking joke event

Recently finished gothic and took some weeks to complete, eager to see how he do it in 20 mins without OoB.

what are we watching lads? Gothic or Spyro 2?

The nice chill threads were good while they lasted.

I wasn't getting anything on the actual twitch page so adblock still works?

>zelda run
>guys name is Linkus7
every time

It's good you always post anime pics with your retarded opinions so I can easily filter them out.

still no source?

tits look better than they feel

Personally I don't care much for Spyro runs so I'll watch Gothic seeing as I don't think I've seen one before.

No idea. I get them no matter what I do but my brother doesn't get any ads in browser anymore.

This spyro run is good shit, I've never even played a spyro game

Any Am*ricans here?

why not both?, and yeah, i'm a poorfag with 1 monitor.

Attached: fdsf.png (1920x1080, 1.75M)

By abusing an infinite jump glitch to access final dungeon, it's a really boring category.

what the hell is a *showcase*?


o kurwa

They will show you their sluts in kirin armor for donations


Just showing shit off, not speedrunning.

with Vivaldi you can tile that shit

if its MHW its probably just separate fights

Welp, cya on spyro 2 LMAO

The source was literally posted in that thread

eurojank makes the best runs desu

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>no comfy separate room for Stream2
Are they trying to prevent another pic related?

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Yep, it's being really boring, just save/load until he gets the frame.

THIS is the game that Yea Forums constantly shitposts about as "the best game of all time" ???????


Attached: Omegalul-png-3.png (420x420, 301K)

Why would they try to prevent it? It made them more money than any other run.

go away console african american

>nearly four hours over estimate

play it faggot

why are you americans like this?

In their mind by making sure it's front and center then it will make more money. They failed to understand that it was only successful because it was not being leveraged.

Wasn't $20% for FF11? Can't remember.


You mean FFX.

He used some glitches and skipped like 90% of the game

Ah yeah my bad. 11 was the MMO.

Pretty sure it was the last Stream 2 run so there was no reason to mercy kill it, plus it was bringing in a load of money.

what does $20% even mean?

Did she mispronounced his name?

What happened here?

The runners were fucking around and did anything the chat wanted for $20 donations, including small changes to the route and activating glitches.

yes, very badly.

>I turn the stream back on
>"I mean, why would you want to hit your dog?"

Good shit.

ESA has some cancerous chat mods, almost gda tier at this point

>quote iconic german line from this game
>deleted and muted


sounds cool, I might have to give it a watch

arent the gdq mods the same at esa

>caring about twitch chat
Just shitpost here

>last sgdq
>almost no trannies
>a lot of runs that were legitimately fun

>this esa
>censoring donation comments
>nazi mods in chat

wtf, yuro bros, i thought esa was based??

I have to replay Gothic

Arent they using this room for the ff13 relay race right now ?

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That's great lmao, Google is failing me, can you help my Neanderthal ass understand how you're supposed to pronounce facowaty?

is this game still playable in 2019. what about the sequels?


gothic 1 > gothic 2 notr > gothic 2 > gothic 3 > risen

German is such a disgusting language.

>even after fucking up in the beginning.
Based Poland carrying all the other shitters in Europe

G1 and 2 have "unique" controls, that once you get used to it are pretty timeless actually.
G3 with current patch is playable and fun, but a click fest.

A repulsive medley of guttural noises.

t. German

I played gothic in 2005 and I don't remember anything of what I just saw.
Do I have Alzheimer's?

fucking trash

The game had a brutal last dungeon where you had to play for about an hour without the ability to save, and the runner not only entered it behind schedule, but wiped in there like 3 times.
3rd time he even gave up and called the run, but his friend took the controller and played until the runner got his spirits together again and took over.

Last boss was about to wipe him all over again until he clutched it with a consumable at the literal last second.

Epic tale about guts, friendship, and never giving up.

Yknow, pretty comfy. 7.5/10

Ich glaube ich haue dir jetzt ein bischen aufs Maul.

>3 hours 40 minutes overestimate
And its a JRPG, I though speedruns of those were highly consistent (which is why every 6h JRPG run in GDQ is a fucking bore, its just efficient menuing)

yes, better donate goyim

its time

Attached: gd0ssesofsxz.png (607x730, 606K)

no you dont, he skipped 95% of the game

>gothic 2 > gothic 2 notr > gothic 3 > gothic 1 > risen

next up
>The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
>43min estimate

could it be worth it?

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Sleeper temple is just really forgettable. It's literally just a bunch of fights you should win easily.
The meat of the game is everything except the thing he just played.

Oh fuck, Oblivion speedrun. Time to open those doors.

shit taste

7/10 - pretty cool run

Attached: 73651700_p0.jpg (852x1288, 909K)

Good gosh

Nah, he exclusively did the sleeper temple part, which is also the worst part of the game, which people understandably repress the memory of.

is that moot?

Attached: makes you thin.png (600x600, 143K)

>Linkus7 is coming up soon
God yes

Attached: linkus7-dance-guy.webm (312x208, 148K)

the best way i can describe it is just to type
"fa cowaty" (space is important) to Polish google translate and listen to it

Anyone can recommend a stable mod for gothic II or something?. I tried to play but literally crashed every second, eventually .exe didn't start so i just drop and deleted it

That's what I thought when I saw him for the first time.

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G2:NotR > G2 > G1 > R3 > Elex > G3 > R1 > R2

Finally, someone with good taste.

>this voice

depressing as fuck. I REALLY hope you guys have a deep manly voice and don't sound like that dude

But seriously, is it just me or are european just healthier looking?

Btw love the small bumpers with speedtech

>listening to disgusting euro accents on your own volition
why do you hate yourself so much, user?

Attached: smug but also dying.jpg (1300x956, 132K)

This intermission music blows dick.

I just like the higher level of fashion. There are so many people in America here who lack a basic conception of what looks good as an outfit.

desu ranking anything after notr is a nightmare. They are all the SAME GAME but fuck up in new ways every time.

Can't find it on the schedule. What's that?

Oh shit she did butcher it LOL. Thanks for educating me user!

my mom left me at a very young age


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>modern woman character

>toby ass

his oblivion character looks like a GDQ runner