So is Battlefront 2 still a trashfire or is it something you can actually sit down and have fun with now?

So is Battlefront 2 still a trashfire or is it something you can actually sit down and have fun with now?

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It's fun now. Once you learn how to deal with heroes( play them yourself to realize they're actually pretty limited) and stop caring about stats, competitiveness, death count, kill count , the game even hides your KDR for this reason, because the game is super unbalanced then you'll have fun.
But if you're looking for game that requires skill with some competitiveness you won't like it, although there are smaller 4v4, and 8v8 modes that don't have heroes

it's fun to play it for few hours

it's the prime example of an "okay" game
it's really a shame because considering DICE of all studios was making this we should have gotten Battlefield: Star Wars

It's still a trash fire but for different reasons. It's a buggy mess, HvV is a shit show with lock on saber mashing, the game will suck you into melee attacks and shots if you try to dodge. Half the cards in the game are useless, other half are OP

I just noticed it's super cheap on Origin right now, and I kinda liked the first one for its style, sound quality and general Star Wars-feel.

It's an MP game. No fun allowed. You gotta be a try hard 24/7.

I can play through a lot of trash just for the sake of saying I finished it, but EA Battlefront 2 is one of the few games where I just realized how little fun I was having mid match, closed the game, and never opened it back up without a single hint of regret

Of course you have to be a try hard, half your team is in the menu screen waiting for a hero to become available

Saber stunlock is plaguing the game but they won't remove it because sabertards won't be able to kill anybody without it. They fucked up by tying the saber attacks to a lunge instead of making it so that saber swings are independent of character movement
I heard it's going for dirt cheap yeah so go for it, just don't take it seriously from the get go and you'll have a decent time.

What's funny is it's become the other way around, we're now getting Battlefront: WW2

It's really funny that the saber combat is less functional than a game released 12 years ago

someone redpill me on Palpatine in BF2

He's fucking annoying

Anyone else just doesn't have fun playing as heroes?
Also what the fuck is wrong it speeders, how do you even hit anything with those spazzing bikes?

or even a fucking MOBA, which is what the large "immersive" modes are becoming. Maps are lane focused with hero units either pushing or defending chokepoints, practically a MOBA except instead of AI grunts for heroes to farm they're actual players
the saber combat is absolutely pathetic in this game, and as if it wasn't bad enough on its own it drags the rest of the game down with it. Blaster heroes are forced to have annoying CC/stuns/knockdowns just to keep up (they don't even matter half the time vs sabers) but it ruins the blaster v blaster combat among heroes. The majority of shoddy gameplay hiccups or bugs are related to heroes and particularly sabers/force powers. DICE have failed with saber/force users but because it's a "Star Wars" game dumbass redditors can't fathom them not being in the game. This is why it was foolish to have both battlefronts be the standalone AAA games for star wars, if fallen order had been released alongside battlefront we could have gotten an actual fleshed out shooter and people looking for saber/forceplay could have had a game of their own.

Playing as heroes is for fags. Speeders are big gay too

Buy it.

heroes can be fun to play but saber/force combat is horribly implemented and insanely choppy.
The speeders have god awful controls but once you get a bit used to them you just need to learn the ideal ranges to engage the enemy, you can't be too close because the reticle freaks out and doesn't let you target what you're trying to shoot at but you also can't be too far because you won't hit shit. Hover 5-10 meters from what you're trying to shoot at and spam laser barrage

DICE literally breaks the game with every new update. The CS Naboo/droideka update completely destroyed Starfighter Assault somehow, and Naboo would crash during the boarding phase. This game is designed for little children to be dazzled by the graphics and is barely playable

apparently some PC players are completely locked out of playing online which is another major bug, but the entire team at DICE is on their mandatory Swedish vacation. They keep pandering to the subreddit which blindly sucks them off for every update just because it's clone wars. Anybody pointing out prominent bugs or gameplay issues gets ignored under the guise of being a "hater."

I go on the forums just to shit on DICE every few weeks between bans

>tfw currently in the middle of my 3 month ban for spelling "clone wars" "clown wars"
FUCK IronSoldier FUCK Preston and FUCK EA_Tom

Attached: zoeydabs.png (720x695, 388K)

I like messaging them directly and telling them just how fucking worthless they are

they don't even resp to me anymore. They're getting more and more ban-happy so I'm reaching the point where I might just post a big "fuck-you" thread when I get back and let them perma me once and for all

I got permabanned from the forums for calling an admin a blithering retard in 2013 during the BF4 era.
Ban still standing so I can't call them out on their garbage.

Just make new accounts

EAmods are way too fragile

It's okay: soms maps are just plain stupid (bottlenecking), some hero abilities are glitched, balancing issues but the shooting is decent and when heroes do work it's really fun going on a rampage. Plus it sounds and looks really legit Star Wars.

Wouldn't play it if it wasn't Star Wars tho

That IronSoldier twat thinks he’s so high and mighty

Battlefront 2 was always fine. Stop trying to appropriate superior games, EAssbandit.
