Someone had to code the penis dangling physics

>someone had to code the penis dangling physics
>penis size is determined by your SteamID

Attached: rust.jpg (800x504, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just a friendly reminder that the penis size meme is hugely overblown. I know this wasn’t the intention of your post, just wanted to let all younger lurkers know

dicklet detected

Length 17 cm
Girth 16

No brother, I’m just telling everyone else. It’s normal to be insecure about your dick size, but there no need

so what kind of steam id get's to live the Mantis Toboggan life with their magnum dong?

Attached: magnum.jpg (960x960, 182K)


rust is a fun game
i'm a big black guy with a massive dong

>penis size is determined by your SteamID
it should scale off your gametime

>have 5 digit steam id from 2003
>get a big tittied black woman
i dont even play women in video games

I play conan exiles that lets you customize (even more so with mods).

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You don’t have to be so insecure user, it’s normal to not having had so much sex in your age. Don’t sweat it

He wants your dick, user. He wants you to call him dicklet and give him your dong. Are you going to deny him? Would you be so cruel as to deny an insecure man your secure baton?

Yeah I’m not going to give him my penis, I’m trying to rehabilitate him from a having a bad self image

>get a black guy
>no clothes
>worst weapons only
>run around screaming "AYO HOL UP" and "WE WUZ KANGZ WITEBOI"

haha epic

I'm a feeeeemale!

Haha black people amirite? Epic user!

Ever seen one irl? I did once, I’m scared of them

But is it epic for the win?

Don't be, they just need you to display dominance. The next one you see just squeeze his balls hard.
He'll be eating fried chicken out of your hand.

Hahahahahaha that’s actually a good one. Imagine that, is your hand even big enough to grasp someone else’s balls? Fucking lmaoing at you

Big enough to grab your little boy sack you fucking nerd

Attached: tomyfacefucker.jpg (245x251, 11K)

Wishful thinking doesn’t make something true user

This one time I saw two guys making out in the park and that was the gayest thing I'd ever seen until I saw this chain of comments.

Attached: kidsfags.jpg (320x173, 15K)

Seethe, nigger lover.

You watched two guys making out in the park and we're the gay ones.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

So you acknowledge your raisin scrote?

Im black and i get killed on sight, grate

This is the funniest burn I’ve seen on here in a while, you’re a complete fucking moron

Calm down Insecuro

My comment was clearly directed at your
hands, try to up your reading comprehension. Also I actually posted my dick measurements here:

i see em all the time, of course they're always to busy trying to shoot each other to do anything

Imagine posting that length and girth on the internet and linking to it.

>Buy game
>Open game
>Small dick manlet nigger
Rust is fucking trash.

Brave! I can’t believe you’ve actually met some, like I actually can not believe it

Well yeah if not you mongoloids would sperg out like this idiot did Look at the post he replied to, like fucking why

yeah, i even talk to some of them, its shocking I know

>some of them
Omg really!? You’re so well versed, surely I can’t trust your opinions!

you can, and not all of them make monkey noises, only some of them do, while they're jumping around shooting each other, you know, niggerly things

Hahahahaha omg you’re so funny user, how is it that you don’t have a gf?

I do though

Oh okay, let me rephrase then: why do you spout stupid, mean and toxic shit on the internet? Don’t you understand it’s putting people down?

Kill yourself, spineless feminised trash.


Instant faggot detection word.

Give me your location right now, I’ll be there within 3 days. I’ll fucking kick your ass, you don’t even know user.

Standing up for people who are exposed to unfairness is the corner stone of masculinity you absolute dimwit, fucking man up

Yes. Real men get arrested for fighting, rather than providing for their family, and by extension their community.
You are so idealistic its like you're literally a teenager.
Perhaps you are.
Grow up.


I’m 26, what is your age?

I can easily tell your looking to figure things out in life, your counter literally falls within the confines of my argument. You don’t have to be angry at some immaterial blob of “SJW jew agenda”, fucking just man up instead


What the fuck is this? Jesus, please be bait

>standing up for niggers ist MASCULINE
Top wew

Attached: cringe.gif (370x159, 479K)

PMed you my location.

I want to suck a juicy cock right now.

Talk to me, why are you hoping it’s bait user?

>Continually berate other human beings who’ve systematically and historically been experiencing absurd levels of prejudice and disdain is COOL
top wew yourself you absolute trash level intellect

Dope replies.
Question for you boys, are you all coming from the same Discord? If so, invite me so I can engage you in Voip instead

PMed you my TeamSpeak

so are early steam IDs better or worse? Cause I have a 4 digit steam id. not that I'd buy an early access game anyway but just for curiosity's sake.

I assume there is a Discord then, invite me if you people dare

Is it true this game generates a random gender/race character for you and you can never change it?

>tfw you spawn as a female
T-thank you...

Attached: 1562733368034.png (546x454, 223K)

PMed you my discord


I still didn't cut it and I have no plan to cut my penis, and yes have sex by the way

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>don't plan to cut penis and make bleeding faux-vag
Based tranny!

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>other human beings
Are we still talking about niggers?

You're not going to be able to fix all these people with threats. The thing with edgelords is that most of them are underage and will feel like a tit in a few years all by themselves. Those who aren't underage and past 25 are probably too far gone already.

Thanks for sharing your infinite knowledge, guy who was once told by a girl that she's scared of being hurt during sex and now thinks he's Rocco Horsecocko

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nowadays not so much, nobody gives a fuck. having skins for CSGO is more important. back in the day of CS:S you could have sold it for $300 or so. today people will probably just make fun of you for being old.

I don't mean in general, who fucking cares, I meant in this game where apparently your schlong is based on your ID.

While you ARE funny with these replies, you are also only telling the world that you’re too scared to actually stand up for yourself

I don’t care for that type of reasoning. I refuse to give up on these losers. They must be rehabilitatable, if people can get off heroin then they can stop having unproductive thoughts. I refuse, but you’ve got a point about threatening them

This post bleeds information about yourself. I’m going to say this again user, you don’t have to be so insecure anymore. Things are only terrible because you’ve got your head stuck in the toilet

no, nobody can even see your Steam ID in most games. in CSGO you can see it if you type "status" in console, but as I said - nobody gives a fuck. most zoomers don't even know what a Steam ID is. I guess this shitty game (don't even know what it is, i'm guessing Rust) has some autismo redditor dev that thought it was funny to do this.

>this user calling other insecure

why are you trying to defend your ego anonymously

Explain the idea behind your post

PMed you my stand up routine

How am I doing that? Give me anything to supplement your statement, Wow you people truly fucking suck at debating

you thrusted yourself into some rando thread to anonymously gloat about your dong and feverishly reply to everyone shitposting back
it reeks of self-assurance

it's ironic considering you are acting incredibly insecure yourself

same user you reply to, this is highest quality post. Hearty laugh thank you

Why can't you roll with a neo-vag? are Facepunch Studios bigots?

Who fucking cares about csgo, why are you bringing up a dead game?

big penises are fun though, I've lost a lot of weight recently and it gives you a lot more to play with when it's flaccid, it's not a total meme, but it's more about it just looking good rather than size.


>systematically and historically been experiencing absurd levels of prejudice and disdain

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autism speaks

Please see the post above you to learn how to properly make an assertion.

The only reason I even mentioned my own dick was to quickly shut this user here up I’ve been on this website for a long time, I know how things spiral otherwise

My intention is never anything other than keeping the “quality” of this website somewhat normal. I don’t like people like the shitposters you mentioned. Not because they shitpost either, it’s because all of their shitposting seems to come from a similar source of personal disdain manifested as outward anger. At least that what I assume, and don’t seem like much pointing in another direction. See these:
I was also a teenager once, very insecure about my place in the world n so on. I used to be like you user, now I’m trying to fix others

settle down, okay

You won't fix anyone because opinions like yours are a dime a dozen and cringed at by self-aware adults who aren't insecure enough to define their identity through their race (shitskins) or through defending those inferior minorities (NPCs like you).

Yeah I can get that, and I’m not saying big penises are anything bad neither. All I’m saying is this:

If you, like I and everyone else on the planet, have at any point been insecure about your own dick - don’t be. There’s literally no need and all those thoughts serve to do is damage yourself and hinder progress.

Agree with your post though, not hostile fyi

>how to properly make an assertion
sorry, professor
but his post and how in depth you go when arguing with random anons is exactly what make you seem incredibly insecure

Why don't you post some proof then

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The burden of proof is on you friend.

Hello user, just came he to say that no one in this thead is buying your fake confidence thing

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Not even riled up, I’m indifferent rn.

I’ll tell you this, since this was a dead give away you’re underage, “self-aware adults” don’t “cringe” my man. Also, I’ll tell you this: thinking you’re self aware and more so than the general public is a super common occurrence when growing up. I’m 26 and just recently realized how non-self aware I’ve been my entire life.

Oh okay I see where you’re coming from. I do so because I think it’s better to go in depth than just writing random junk posts. You might not consider this but these everyday convos on this site reflect how the posters (ie people) think. I figured that’d it’d be more helpful to these discussions to end them by explaining properly, instead of perpetuating them via retarded memes

Nah I’m good thanks babe

They don’t have to, I don’t care what you think of ME, I only want you to consider what I’m writing. I’ll be here if you wanna shoot some ideas at me

>“self-aware adults” don’t “cringe” my man
Oh boy you don't get out much do you? Man- and womanchildren like you are plenty in the younger generations, giving those who were raised responsibly and had the fortune of inheriting a triple digit IQ more than enough opportunities to cringe to their hearts' content. This includes large parts of the general public who are not wasting their time explaining the world to you on Yea Forums.

calm down

Have sex.


I’m very calm

I’ll tell you what, here’s a pic of me. This was taken approx 2 years ago and posted in a /fit/ thread. I’m 6’2, actually have an IQ around the 140s and a Masters in Science. I’m telling YOU that you’re wrong. If you think your side of this issue still holds weight, please respond with an argument

Also, sry mods. Vidya etc

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> I’m 26 and just recently realized how non-self aware I’ve been my entire life.
Damn, this dude got WOKE right in front of us

Reading comprehension

Yeah, I did. Why do you think your reply is funny?

>posting pictures of yourself on Yea Forums
Your IQ is 90 at most

2/10 quality post

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The point where you start posting pictures of yourself or whoever that is to prove something is usually when you lost the argument, but I'll do you a favor and respond as if that didn't happen and the things you said about yourself are actually true. One thing that no amount of studying or working out can compensate is life experience. You don't get to know how people are by being smart (although it will make you cringe at zoomer and millennial twitter wisdom like yours), but by going through life for long enough until you learn that nobody deserves the coddling victim treatment you are giving niggers and other useless dregs.

This is a standard defense argument I see posted in these types of exchanges

What makes you think I lack life experience? I’ve prob done more in my life now than most

Hey, settle down, okay

Can I suck your cock

Calm down

The fact that you are 26. I'm 31 and although it might seem funny to an 80 year old that I'm berating you on that, you have to consider that the life experience/age curve is logarithmic, which means the five years I have on you means as much as several decades at a later age. That and I transitioned from being a college kid to a working adult in those years.

Ok Siddhartha noone cares

well it's a game made by facepunch studios, the most lefy and gay community there is
good thing they died

Post op fags deserve the rope.

I’m zen

Gotcha, I’m not going to argue with that. I’ve got older siblings, ones your age, and am aware of that curve. Can I ask you a question then, what’s your favorite vidya?

the only thing missing in this one was the ugly guy getting railed as well

Wurm Unlimited

>posters (ie people)

easily could be bots

Let's all just settle down before we continue this conversation

Sure smells like summer in here, doesn't it, newfag? Lurk more.

Cool, never tried it but I remember hen threads here.

Oh and I actually forgot to argue with your points in your post so prepare for wall of text. Not lacking in life experience, I work in a start up company where I’m responsible for my own salary, direct selling to clients (we’ve got big ones) etc. Have also hitchhiked across the world not once but three times, visited >50 countries and was born into this world in a family so poor we literally lived in welfare my entire childhood. I’m not inexperienced brother, so I don’t appreciate your snyde remark about twitter wisdom

What you yourself my be misunderstanding is that I’m not speaking for some coddling of black people or fucking anyone for that matter. All I’m saying is that the young posters here thinking it’s funny to perpetuate harmful language are retarded, and should stop for the betterment of everyone. I understand working for 5 years may have turned you more cynical, and I’m probably headed that way aswell, but please understand that the only common denominator in increasing people’s quality of life is affording them some god damn decency

It's Yea Forums friend... nobody comes here for "betterment".

I love these posts, I’m calm af. Going to blaze a little soon

Nice one, been here since 2010

I’m going to have to leave now, so I won’t be able to respond anymore. Take care anons

>mfw have game
>dont want to launch it because don't want to get a nigger character

I think you can pay money to get a reroll but im not sure

>this entire fucking thread

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Nah, you should calm down on your own

You don't code physics of penis, you just apply attributes, physics engine does the whole work.

Well, I can agree.
My penis doesn't give me disphoria so whatever

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Post your boypussy already

>soibois and incels are bigger size queens than roasties

(((they))) have gotta stop tampering with the goddamn water supply. This is fucking embarrassing


You should really try a fat cock in your ass. Maybe you will stop complaining then.

because I can, you dumb nigger?

hold up, so you can't actually choose what you character is like in this game?
what the actual fuck, what if i want to have a 7-inch dick ingame, just like irl?

That penis is smaller than mine desu

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what a fucking shitshow

Take comfort in the fact that people you've been arguing with are all deformed in some way. Being ugly and isolated drives them to edginess as a means to let out their frustrations and also get a little attention from another human being.

Settle down

>buy rust because of garry's post on how dick size gets bigger the lower your steamid is
>have a 4 number ID
>actually tiny ass dick in the game, even smaller than the balls

based and high test

Been with 4 girls this summer, all of them loved my dick
t. had sex

I can't unseen this, I'm leaving your dumbass stairs

user, you little sisters don't count.

But yours did.

user they just love dick. yours just happened to be in the vicinity

bruh where the fuck did your midsection go to?

Why not?

A woke stoner thinks he's smarter than everyone else on Yea Forums.
Is this the most embarrassing form of shitposting?

based weirdo

>I’m 26 and just recently realized how non-self aware I’ve been my entire life.
Kid I'm 54, you don't know jack.

Ha, you look like a guy who wanted me to take a shit on him lololololol

You fucked my trap brother? That's pretty gay bro.

>someone had to code the penis dangling physics
You can buy an animation-curve that was made for a tail or strands of hair and just put it on the cock bones with a couple of adjustments.

Attached: 1549066367141.png (512x422, 231K)

>I'm 54
Prove it

What the fuck happened in this thread? Is this real? Am I having brain problems?

Why are white men so insecure about penis size?

oh they were in VERY close vicinity, friend

It's not you, this thread just needs nuking.

Yes, my dick is 5.6, how did you figure that one out?

Attached: 1563711443553.jpg (1242x1394, 168K)

shithole you live in needs nuking, ya fucking streetshitter turbovirgin

there really is nothing better than dick compliments from your hot gf
they know its a win win situation, you get a dick compliment and they get dicked harder
based hot white girl gfs with blue eyes
t. White

1. Rust is shit. If you didn't get this on sale and can't refund it I genuinely feel sorry for you
2. The fuck is this autistic samefag doing ITT?

Hmm, I think at least I'm not insecure as much about my dick anymore and I'm barely hitting 5. Looks a lot nicer than that.

losing weight makes your dick grow?

Is there a way to determine what my Rust character would look like without buying the game?

It makes it look bigger and you might lose fat around the area so you get more base surface for mating pressing

I hope one day I will buy this game and get mammoth tits female to so skilled players will more likely spare my life

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Is this from source karts?

I don't want kids though

Based, I'm 24 but this game has been with me for almost a decade, first in WO stage. Still playing it from time to time, it's probably the most fun I've ever had in a crafting-based game.


There are dick mods?

There is in the base game (as well as tits slider) but there are also mods that let you do more (wider hips, bigger ass) so maybe there is more for dicks too.

And there is at least one sex mod with animations and all.

It's really just that I'm a trash person so I don't want to bestow my genetics on anyone

Same lol
Also imagine forcing someone to live in the future clownworld, it's bad enough already

>The people that have kids now are very likely to end up having children that believe in 99999 genders and love female nigger james bond because there is only so much you can do about the influences your kid experiences outside and telling them not to like this stuff will only make them like it more
KEK. Have fun.