How to start playing and enjoying game again?

How to start playing and enjoying game again?

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Buy a Switch

my roommate has switch, it collect dust now

Buy a ps4
Work 40 hours a week or less
Drink more water
Get more sleep

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I have ps4, it collect dust
I have ps3, it collect dust
I have high-end PC, it collect dust
XBOX 360 is in plastic box with other electronic, so at least it doesn't collect dust.

I have some games that i lined up to play, but i can't force myself to start

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Is it that im too old to play games?

>annual franchises and games marketed solely off artificial peer pressure
i see your problem
stop buying cash grabs, do the things the guy you're replying to said like getting more sleep as well because you could have secondary depression and the physical factors are easiest to target
otherwise maybe get some multiplayer games and play with people you already like talking to, or try to stick with people who seem fun in matchmaking, because aside from being burned out on cash grabs you could also be burned out on SP games

Smoke weed or get a life

Anthem is from calendar, but i have this game from graphic card promo

i enjoyed earlier installments of those franchises, that was the reason why i purchased those. Or in case of resistance and infamous i was interested what they did on consoles (since i have those consoles for like a year)

aside from coffee i don't do drugs

I haven't played a game that wasn't Fire Emblem or Megaten in 2 years. It started in November of 2017 when I downloaded Persona 3 FES on the PS3. Ever since then I have been unable to play any other games then these two series. It's gotten to the point where I have beaten Persona 3, 4, and 5 atleast four times each.

>doesn’t do drugs
>considers coffee a drug


Nowadays Castlevania and Metroid are what makes me keep playing and having fun. Besides that nothing else

see picture

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it's your prerogative but weed can definitely give you a new perspective to enjoying vidya again, and who knows what else. it shouldn't be a problem if you've already established discipline without it

i smoked weed once, with my friends, and it didn't do anything to me

Friends told me that: "you should do this multiple times and it would finally work", but i don't buy it.

I know it’s considered a drug
The point I’m making is that your stiffer than Jimmy Saville at Minecon
Loosen the fuck up, obviously you can’t enjoy pure time-wasting entertainment if you’re taking life too serious

Drink more water and stop being depressed.

>Spend hours waiting for a download after getting an urge to play a game
>Remember THAT mission
>can't get to the start menu before shutting the game off

that's literally how it works though. they were just telling you. i'd say know harm in trying if you want to rekindle interest in stuff but your call

I almost exclusively drink water, since im fat cutting soda and beer was good decision.

You just need to be 10 years old again. Isn't is simple?

stop being fat and lift weights. Also normally you don't get high smoking weed the first time because you don't smoke it properly although I'd argue don't smoke weed so you can play video games. You need to just stop having such shit taste in video games desu.

enlighten me and show me "good games"

It's not

Let's just say that i don't want to do drugs.

it's because you're exhausted from work and life stuff
once you retire in 40 years you can sleep in until you're rested and you can play games without worrying about all the stuff you have to do the next day

P good start is to stop buying every single AAA studios story games and just buy games that look good to you. Or play the backlog of nearly 40 years of good games that are available.

Been playing Minecraft, sleeping dogs and new Vegas recently, been playing them bit by bit everyday, don't force yourself to play a game for hours, play for a bit get bored and switch to another game

Play singleplayer games. Stay away from any sort of game that has regular events with rewards that you'll miss out on forever if you don't play at those times. Only play when you feel like playing.

Play boomer shooters.

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Look at his fucking games all he plays on ps4 is their story driven cinematic experiences.

I play only singleplayer games, even if game is tailored towards multiplayer, i only play sp.

Only exception is csgo, for some reason.

because i only play games i couldn't play on my pc

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>enjoying game again?
Video games are a treat for yourself, like how soda and candy is. Do it everyday and it stops being special and becomes stale. Take a break from gaming and look for a different hobby to excite you.
I stop gaming for a year and took up bodybuilding and playing the guitar for a year. One day I gave gaming a try again and started enjoying more like I was when I was a kid.
Give it a break altogether, do something different. You got a good 60 years, enough time to try something new.

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Why would you play bad games just because they aren't on PC? Also your steam hours look like a generic autistic persons steam hours. Stop playing CSGO it went to shit a few years ago and you'll be a lot happier when you stop, I know it sure helped me out when I quit. What's your rank even

This is false.
Play games until to get completely sick of them and never want to play them again. Then you just never play them again.

Play Total War and Crusader Kings 2.

Generally a lot of the "stopped enjoying vidya" posts are from people for whom games arnt sufficient anymore to stop them from thinking about the crushing weight of life on them. I know ive had some thousand yard stare into the screen moments.

Or you might just need a new hobby

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Loads of people have tried to help and give you advice but you just keep coming up with stupid responses
Stop playing vidya and get the fuck off my board you polack shite

Play while drunk

tackle the problems you have bit by bit, taking a break playing vidya or something in between. Make vidya a reward as well as an escape

You don’t, because every single game made on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters. Vidya is dead, and not being able to enjoy it anymore only shows that you have a good taste and you should be happy about that.

take a break for vidya.
go out to the real world and enjoy life. it makes those sweet little moments of vidya better.

you seem like the most boring person alive

Why should you?

Screw all the tweakers/potheads ITT. Don't listen to em OP. You'll develop anxiety and other negative side effects.

Stop trying. It happened to me a few years ago, and i didn't play any game foe like a month, i just watched shows and films. After a while, i just felt like playing a game again, then i fell right back in.

Try a new genre. Play some oldie game. Find a friend female to play with.

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Probably not, you probably just are spending too much time on it. You should try getting another hobby in addition to video games. Also, you might want to try and explore new genres

just do it. It is THAT simple. sit down, shut off discord, shut off skype, put your phone on mute, close your browser, and launch a game. FUCKING. PLAY. SOMETHING. Don't even reply to this post, just fucking close your browser and go start a god damned game.

Reminder that these constant "jaded gaymer" threads are a psyop designed to demoralize you.

How and why?

Keep fat americans in a constant state of depression, make them easier to radicalize.

I can see your problem: you are buying trash AAA games. Not a single one of these is good game.

Talos principle
Snake pass
Slay the spire
Street fighter 5
Dirt rally
Trails in the skies chapter 1
Kunoichi boutan

Just to name a few.

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They dont need to do that.
Americans do it to them selves without even playing video games you delusional faggot.

get fucked faggot. SF4 is better in every way.

>all those shitty weeb social/life sims.

time to kill your self.

Suicide is your best bet.

Stop playing shitty ass games

i dont think the guy was that bothered? all he did was call coffee a drug which it literally is.. i dont think that means he's not living life to the fullest does it?

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Unplug your internet. When you don't have an infinite stream of new bullshit 1 click away it's a lot easier to concentrate.

stop going on Yea Forums

Street fighter 5 is my second fighting game (doa5 was my first). Sorry that your masterpiece game has 0 concurrent players and 0 tournaments. Maybe it isnt as big masterpiece as you think since all its fans only talk about it online instead of playing it.

Only two games off that list are weeb, but i wouldnt expect anyone to know all of them. Thats why i listed them. They are all fucking unique in one way or another and guaranteed to catch attention of OP: jaded old gamer who played too many trash open world soulless AAA games.

>/int/ poster is retarded
Why am I not surprised?

>Street fighter 5 is my second fighting game (doa5 was my first).
>dead or alive
your opinions on fighting games are invalid.
get the fuck outta here with that shit.
SFV is a barebones game made to be a service. and DoA has and will always been there just for titillation. the game play and balance as always been shit.
does not surpise me from someone who likes social sims.

>recommending mordhau
>a game losing player numbers exceptionally quickly
>a game where unless you are the absolute sweatiest tryhard, you just won't be having fun

If you don’t have fun with vidya, then why force it? Just do like I do, browse Yea Forums and fap whenever you start to feel bored. That way you will never feel too dull. Fapping is always fun and takes your thoughts away from anything you don’t want to thini about.

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>anthem poster
literally commit suicide

it's calendar you fucking tard

Why do something you don't enjoy?

Because i did enjoy playing them in my youth

dont play games you have no interest in.
If you dont feel like playing anything, then dont play anything.
Go watch a movie or read a book or something until you feel like playing vidya again

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>your opinions on fighting games are invalid
My only opinion is that fighting games are fantastic unique experience for any fan of games. Everybody should try them at least once. I recommended sfv simply because i know its good.

>social sims
Excuse me?

Its the only modern game i am aware of with very quirky mechanics, ability to chop someones hand so they lose their current weapon and they still can go and try to either punch you or switch to dagger or similiar. Its extremly fun.

Its like complete opposite of modern sterile esport multiplayer games where nofun is allowed.

Just look at that list, its all mostly time wasters: the games. He doesnt even have darksouls there...

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>i know its good
>has not played any other SF/KoF/GG/SamSho/Tekken/VF
>only plays shitty weeb games based on waifus
SAD and faggotpilled.

This. Just fap when you feel like you need something to do, it’s all you need.

not op but i never feel like i can spare the time necessary to watch a whole film, and i kind of have difficulty focusing on words on paper sometimes.
what do then?

mordhau was fun in the first week or two. then it got plagued by metaslaves and animation exploiters. now it's just a clusterfuck of getting frustrated because your tarded teammate just got you killed, or there was no way to tell if your opponent was actually about to attack because of their spasmatic movements, etc.

Get a hobby outside of games/shitposting the less you play the better unless your being paid to play

>then it got plagued by players better than me
So getting gud isnt your cup of tea. Good to know. Then you probably wont like street fighter neither. Still try out the rest of the games i listed. They are all superb.

I wanted to call you boomer, but that would imply you are older person. Sadly the implied boomer age doesnt correlate with your ability to have conversation or make a statement based on anything but ad hominem.

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My problem with this was as simple as not being comfortable. I can't play a game from a desk chair. Try a comfy couch.

Those are some really really bad games

Is this some kind of new meme where you try to drive other anons to depression?

Have you tried the vox populi mod for civ 5? It's pretty fun

Youve grown up. Congrats.

then i want to go back

Be good at a game and dominate others

There is no depression if you fap when you start to feel depressed. Fapping takes the pain away.

user, that's called forming an addiction.

Stop coming here

>No Bloodborne

i'm not interested in dark souls's

I have a shitload of games on Steam due to humblebundle and Steam sales. I employ the following system:
>different categories for backlog, completed and dropped games
>"Favorites" contain only the games I play now
>I cannot play a game until it is in favorites
>when I add something to favorites I either have to finish it or drop it completely
>no more than two or three games can be added to favorites at the same time (depends on the genres, having two logic games or VNs might not be what I want playing after a long day at work)
>no multiplayer at all unless it's with friends

It works rather well so far, it makes me try out new games and I can commit to finishing the ones I have started instead of pushing them away because something else grabbed my attention. Previously I would start several games, get to maybe 1/4 of them and then return to whatever shitty multiplayer game I was playing at the time.

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Get off this fucking board. Yea Forums doesn't actually like video games.

Get a job. Just like food and water, you enjoy vidya the more you are deprived from it.

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