The device that saved Nintendo

What color will you be getting?

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That will never surpasses 3ds family with 15 years of backlog behind it.

>3D and motion gimmicks
>VR was held back these 2 things
>there is no 1st party nintendo game that actually uses either of these things
what the actual fuck were they thinking

This piece of trash is even more expensive than the normal switch here.

The age of the 3DS and playstation is over

Not until drift is confirmed not there
If it is right now, hopefully the class-action suit forces them to fix it before release


i really want teal!!

>fix it before release
lol, pretty sure it's so far developed right now that they wouldn't be able to fix it.

It has no clamshell, only a fool would buy a non-portable handheld

Imagine the joycon drift.

You're getting the brown one

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I actually dont know if i want to buy the Mini or the new one with the better battery, how much of a difference is there in size between them?

How would they make it clamshell? The thing looks like it can at least sort of fit in a larger pocket. It's not like the gameboy was very pocket sized, but people still carried that everywhere.

yeah just like phones are all clamshell/flip phones. or how the original gameboys were clamshells.

oh wait, you're just a retard

>last handheld attempt lost to Mario, again

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>they are gonna release switch 2 before releasing the first game for switch

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at least we still have diversity and LGBTQ, tendie.

>The device that saved Nintendo
I already have several NDS...

I read somewhere that it's the same width as a switch with one joycon taken off, and a little bit shorter

Too soon for 3ds. Making a dedicated portable handheld device without 3ds BC features is beyond madness. Kid will still choose cheap 2ds than this.

That d-pad looks like shit. Why the fuck can't Nintendo make a good d-pad for just once?

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>Actually want a Switch for those 1-2 Nintendo Exclusives a year + indies
>Realize ports like Bloodstained exist because its an underpowered piece of shit

Man, fuck.

>Kid will still choose cheap 2ds than this.
Were you ever a child? If i was a kid now i wouldn't want santa to bring me a 2ds piece of shit, lol

They will choose the platform supported by the most of games. And cheaper too.

News flash, kids don't give a shit about 2DS. They have phones to play games on now.

Yeah it looks like the gamecube one and that one was super ass
Also, still no joycon replacement with a regular d-pad either

Perhaps the PS Vita failed because Sony doesn't fit into the manchild legume gulping handheld market. That's Ninty's niche, and you little manchildren are slurping up their sharts.

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Wrong, they'll choose the shiny new toy they saw on ads and that their favorite ecelebs are shilling.

>looks like shit
>must be shit

I want the Lite but I don't want to deal with the drifting issues.

For me, it's zamazenta

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That's usually how it goes for d-pads though.

isn't that one coming later? if at all, in the west?

>"handheld" with 60$ games
no thanks

> We made the Switch an inch smaller

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Don't forget

>handheld with $60 games and paid online

desu, I don't know. Just shitposting. I'd never buy a nintendo device

pffffth prprhphppprpb-prrrrrrrRRRRRRR BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP *plop* pfft

post her bhole pls

imagine the kind of life that leads to typing this.

>no TV out at all
>it doesn't even "switch"

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You mean the niche that encompasses most mainstream non-Incel gamers in the world? Most normal people were more likely to play games on a handheld or phone than on a console, that’s why they sold well.
Only fat neck beards will actually set aside valuable time at home to sit down for hours and play games when they could be doing something else
Handhelds are for people who actually leave the house and have shit to do

why's that?

I mean, I haven't owned a nintendo device since the gameboy pocket; but that's not due to me being principal about ever wanting to get another console from a certain manufacturer

When lying to yourself, do you do it intentionally or not?

>W-we didn’t want the console we invested hundreds of millions into making and marketing to succeed, we don’t even care!
Lol at Snoyboys

Same actually. Pocket was the last one i had. Not on principal, but none of their stuff appeals to me anymore. Friends aren't in the same state as me anymore, so I don't care about mario kart/party. We just play online games and nintendo is horrible at that.

I don’t lie to myself, I follow the statistics
Statistics show most casual gamers (aka, normal human beings) play mobile or handheld games. More mobile these days but handhelds still sell so well for the same reason the Wii or PS2 sold so well: universal appeal
There’s nothing appealing to most people about sitting down and wasting valuable free time on Modt games unless they’re European and it’s FIFA or they’re American and it’s CoD
I suppose that’s why those games sell the most of all PS4 games

>Statistics show most casual gamers (aka, normal human beings) play mobile or handheld games.
No, you faggot. They show casuals play almost entirely mobile games. Handhelds are a niche.


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>handhelds are a niche
>DS sold 150 million, even more than the PS2 which could be used as a fucking DVD player
Lmao at your life

It literally just looks like a standard d-pad

Why would you ever buy this
It's a switch but shittier and with less features
Just buy a normal switch with the better bactery

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>best selling game system of all time was a handheld
I know mobile took a bite into it but the 3DS sold 75 million too.
It’s hard to call it a niche when the units sell as well as they do.
If you include mobile as a form of handheld gaming, it’s clear that the desire for something easy and casual to fill in the quiet moments isn’t a niche appeal. While dedicated handheld devices don’t sell as well these days due to the competition from smart phones, the experience of them is still present and the desire for something of at least moderate quality is present too.

It's the successor to both the DS line and the Wii line. Rather than releasing a new handheld, they just took a console and disabled the console part.

Depends really, i'm waiting a month or two to see if the sticks have drift like the regular switch, cause that would be a death sentence for the device.

I'm actually not sure because they're such weird colours, which probably was an intentional attempt to further distinguish the mini from the normal Switch. Probably not black i guess, the other two are more intriguing.

What i really like is the Pokemon special version but the drawings annoy me

Couple of possible reasons
>better handheld form factor, fewer modular pieces and fewer moving parts means fewer weak points for potential breaks
>smaller size means it’s easier to put into bags or jacket pockets
>lower price point and essential functionality preserved means you can experience most of the same games without as much of an upfront cost

Can you play pirated games on a Switch yet?

My cracked Wii U and 3DS are great.

>it's just a switch but lighter, smaller, more portable, more durable, and more affordable
>come on guys j-just but the ps4 pro

>fewer components mysteriously disappearing at a social gathering

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black like my cock

Nobody owns a TV anymore

The fact that it took them years to make a Switch for people who don't give a shit about the TV function is astounding

you could after like 3 weeks, the earliest models of the switch have a built in recovery mode feature tied to the hardware that can't be patched out.

>get a normal switch
>get both a handheld and a console
>and 2 controllers a bigger screen and motion gesture features

Still don't get it

The handheld switch can't both be cheaper AND have more features user.

then why has the PS4 sold 4 times more than the switch

why the fuck are you even here

fucking nincel

Because the ps4 got a 4 year headstart
Reminder that the switch sold faster than the ps4 did when it was first released, and it beat ps4 and xbox sales in america recently

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either glaze that shit and make everything a solid color or fuck off w/ your toys for plebs

dont make me get out my belt

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Isn't this a waste? I'd pay the extra 100 for the tv dock functionality and the two controller feature.

finally a character from a good game gets posted

>I have 200 bucks to waste on a gaming console but to poor for 300

Waiting for the special edition Animal Crossing and Zelda ones. None of the colors but yellow look nice right now.

This is all you got, sad.

Watch I want this. I will get this for the size and because when I had the Switch (kinda lost mine on the beach) it was too big and clunky.

I also do not consider it a real console BECAUSE the fucking joy cons are trash.

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100 bucks is 100 bucks. Plus I could not even own a TV.

*keeps accidentally nudging the right stick while pressing face buttons*

PS4 outsold Switch in 2018, 5 years after PS4 launch.

It's not like it's region locked. If you're willing to pay to have it imported you should be able to use it just fine.

>It's a switch but shittier and with less features
Because the Switch docked is a subpar experience, shit doesn't even do 1440p complete with multiplats that run at their worse. The features it's cutting out are worthless on top of that. You may as well just have a more comfortable handheld experience for a slightly cheaper price then emulate Switch on Yuzu when it gets better for when you want a good non-handheld experience

>a device that sold well before smartphones were a thing

I just want a coldboot Switch hack.
Switch Lite will make a god-tier portable emulator if we ever get coldboot

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By a few hundred thousand units, despite Nintendo only having only one big title lined up for that year.

Tabletop mode is the only way I use my switch so I wont get one.

It had both Pokemon and Smash. PS4 still beat it despite having already sold like 80-90m units.

Also Switch hit $200 price point before PS4 did. PS4 still has that price drop to $200 left.

Switch hit the $200 price point first because it's a lot cheaper to make. I'm highly doubt the PS4 is going to reach that before the PS5 comes out. Also non-mainline Pokemon games usually don't perform that well

That's why Santa always gave daddy that new belt in case his shit kid threw a fit that he didn't get the latest nintendo

This shits just a psp ripoff tho. How did Nintendo get away with this blamtant plagiarism?

because i'm interested in the console we're discussing

None since I don't want that piece of shit
I'm just going to emulate all the games

>i dont want to play new games, i just want to play the same 10 old games over and over!

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Why the fuck can't Sony make a good d-pad more than once? Jesus fuck the Vita d-pad was perfect and then they dropped the ball of the DS4 despite its prototype controller having it.

It's still $350 in Australia, too expensive

Doesn't RetroArch already works with the Switch?

Its 330 faggot

>Phones as any sort of videogame platform
And you call someone else retarded?

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Every color for this looks like ass.

whatever color the version that hooks up to the TV will be.

retroarch is not an emulator, and no, there are no viable switch emulators yet.

I hope Nintendo makes a Switch Pro that is TV-only but is as powerful or more powerful than the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett.
Even better if the Switch Lite and Pro can sync up with each other and the Lite can basically be the Wii U Gamepad.
It would make for better Wii U ports, the Switch won't be as underpowered and you can still play the same games on a handheld.

You can get the Switch Lite if you only want to play on the go and the Switch Pro if you will primarily play it at home.
You can get the original Switch if you want both or get both the Switch Lite and the Pro if you have lots of extra money.

You do realize phones are the most popular ways to play games right? We're not talking about preferences here.

>I hope Nintendo makes a Switch Pro that is TV-only but is as powerful or more powerful than the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett.
haha if you're lucky it will be as powerful as a base PS4.


probably blue BUT nintendo are fucking idiots
>buttons are all grey
>they DIDN'T release an indigo model as an homage to the GBA
Fucking nips I swear

Hold the phone, user. Mobile games legit can be good if there's an honest attempt to make a full game for mobile. Lots of R&D could be done to get some fully competent RPGs or Platformers comfortably on the thing. Hell, I think the Gear VR could've been justified if people made satisfactory content for it.

The problem is Google and Apple kind of defined what "mobile gaming" is, and bury anything that isn't potentially a "games as a service" kind of deal. I genuinely think mobile gaming has a huge amount of potential, but Google and Apple are the biggest problem.


t. zoomer

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>entirely flat
>boxed design so its even more uncomfortable but it looks like a mobile device
We need someone to slap Nintendo in the handheld space. This looks just as uncomfortable as the Switch. All I was asking from a handheld since the GBA was "like the GBA but better". Yeah, we got the PSP at least. Sony doesn't have the IP power to push a handheld through exclusives tho.
>gritty white man with gun
>gritty white girl with gun
Yeah, we had Gravity Rush, but I'm sure that's not something you can stamp on a Red Bull sponsorship. So it's probably "effectively dead" as far as Sony is concerned.

Someone needs to shake up the handheld space.

Yo, reddit. Nobody ask for your opinion, save it.

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>i don't want to hear conflicting opinions
>that's why I share my opinion on an internet message board
You can just ignore it.

That was a given, dipshit.

The entirety of the post is the complete opposite, tho. If you want to prove you don't care, you could do so by not caring.

VR held back? I hope it never becomes a mainstream thing

The current switch screen is already too small for games like BOTW, why would I want an even smaller screen?