How do we fix LOD/Draw Distance in video games? It looks like dogshit in every game ever
How do we fix LOD/Draw Distance in video games? It looks like dogshit in every game ever
Stop designing them for consoles first
It honestly never bothered me
>complains about LOD
>uses a switch
it never bothered how you climb to the spot highest on the map and all you see in the distance is a fucking oil painting?
>It looks like dogshit in every game ever
>posts an example where it looks fine
Oil paintings are nice.
In Horizon it looks like shit
in Kingdom Come (PC Ultra) it looks like shit
In the Witcher 3 (Pc Ultra) it looks like shit
In AssCreed Origins/Odyssey (PC Ultra) It looks like shit, Origins less so cause deserts
The only times where it didnt bother me is Bahman Arkham Knight and Spider-Man Ps4 cause Cities are easier to do than nature i am pretty sure
Is this supposed to look good?
>complains about switch graphics
We know you hate yourself, you don't have to make a thread about it
I don't think you have a PC because SpiderMan looks fucking horrible, it's uglier than GTAV when it comes to LOD.
by not making shitty open world garbage and focus on level design
>post literally any screenshot
>say the graphics look like shit
>if anybody counters, tell them to get their eyes checked
>can't ever fully be proven wrong because art and personal taste are both subjective
Never change Yea Forums
Sorry, I meant Yea Forums never fucking changes.
R7 1700 16GB GTX 1080 your pic looks ok but go look at a forest from the top of a mountain not in skellige and see how shit it looks
You are saying this looks good.
yes. are you trolling?
I tried
It does tho as long as you dont watch the streets too closely
Yeah, that times new roman font is dastardly dreadful
Yep, this is a shitposting thread.
Red Dead Redemption 2 has great lod. Im replaying it on X now, so if thread is alive, ill post good example when I find one
Is your eyesight so incredible that you can see detail from a great distance?
Who gives a fuck?
Nature is easier. It is why Crysis was on an island before Crytek decided to do a city game.
Consoles are the issue here. As well as people with mid tier builds that don't have the cpu overhead to handle further LOD. Gpu can do it, cpu/ram usually can't. Devs focus on lowest common and we get shit looking games.
Rockstar already fixed it
R* has a built in excuse for the fog/white wash over everything. California actually has that issue. Either smog or humidity constantly cause visual issues. BOTW were just lazy devs.
Ironically the game which invented LOD still looks fantastic and it helps make the world feel bigger by making fairly close up and small things looks far away and large.
having to deal with hardware restrictions =/= lazy
You emulate it like a normal person
what anime is this
It's frustrating, I love BOTW but how many of Nintendo's IPs are suffering under them because of shit hardware and otherwise internal mismanagement? BOTW is a great game that could have been a perfect game, and it's not the only Nintendo game that wasn't fully realized recently