Yea Forums told me this was better than the first one

>Yea Forums told me this was better than the first one
>it's actually not only worse but a garbage game overall
wtf you guys lied to me

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it gets good after you stop being racist

it's only good for screwing around in multiplayer

>any UbiSoft game
>not a borefest

Multiplayer was a massive downgrade from 1, though

please elaborate


Everything short of graphics was downgraded. Even that's debatable, since the first one bad a gloomy, dark atmosphere. At the very least the overall style is worse.

I originally gave the first game a very generous 7, but I think it's now a 7.5, because this is a 7 AT BEST, and there's no possibly measurable way the second one is better than the first one.

The game play is better but the story and characters are worse. They don't fit the style of game at all.

>listening to Yea Forums
You only have yourself to blame, faggot.

so this is just a subjective opinion over the style

well that's pretty retarded

Ubisoft games appeal to a select majority of brainlets. It's the reason why BOTW is so many peoples favorite game.

>that reading comprehension

>They don't fit the style of game at all.


Finally someone that shares my opinion
Watch dogs 1 Made you Feeling Like a sneaky Vigilante in a cool Trenchcoat
Watch dogs 3 Looks promising

They're both garbage.
You're the only retard.

If you remove your pol racism it is way better

>This game features coop...
Oh sweet I'll buy it so me and my friend can pl-
>...but only mini-games though, not story mode.

I'm mobileposting so I can't give you an elaborate response about the mp but
They gutted all of the modes even going as far as removing the most fun one by far, which was a free roam which had some objectives that could be ignored and played as a 8 player ffa. Basically, they oversimplified the entire game, not just the singleplayer. The hacking gamemode which was my favorite by far was the one which left me heartbroken. You had to play the first one to understand, but they absolutely RUINED it. The first one was mostly about strategy, tactics, like a chess game dor both players, the newest one has something called a quadcopter which is basically a drone that not only lets you fly over the entire area and identify the hacker super easily, the cherry on top is that through a singleplayer progress system you can get a perk that lets you view through walls with it. Not that it matters much because the second game also featuress a "hacker vision" mode which lets you see through walls and shit. The first game you could hide in bushes, keep running circles in a tree to hide from someone, in this one all the player has to do is turn that one and it highlights every single living being in his vision, even if being a bush

Could have been okay if it wasn't for the self absorbent main characters. They were watching a movie trailer and enjoyed it, yet decided to go steal and fuck up the car from the movie because reasons. I don't want to play as a complete dick in my game.

>story and characters worse than the first
I don't think that's possible, user.

>the story and characters are worse
Aiden is one the most hateable vidya protagonists of all time and absolutely nothing about the story is memorable aside from the mission where you kill a bunch of scrubs with junkyard robots while industrial metal plays in the background.

The story and characters in the first game were generic and full of dumb shit but it was your typical revenge plot, enough to keep you interested or at the very least bearable so that you can set ir aside and complete the game, plus it has a cool plot in the end.

The second game goes from "I couldn't care less about what happens to any of these characters, even the main protagonist" to "I know I'll skip the majority of the plot if I start skipping the cutscenes but I have to otherwise I physically won't be able to complete the game" every so often

Sorry, meant to say cool plot twist.

Well for starters you're supposed to be this hacker guy who is doing it for "the lulz" and to "wake up the sheeple" but you're going around killing people with a 8 ball attached to a bungee cord while your hacker buddies talk shit and make pop culture references in the background, not like the first where you're some vigilante taking on mobsters and gang bangers or in splinter cell where you're a spy. It just doesn't fit. Man, it just ducks that splinter cell had to die for this...

I didn't find Aiden hateable but at least he shut up during missions and only Jordi joked around.

I still have no idea if the characters/story were a caricature,
everyone on the internet seems to take that shit seriously so It always confuse the shit out of me

>if you hate this game you're racis

OP here. I feel like this about the entire game. Everything is cartoony and juvenile, but honestly I don't think most of it was intentional.

He's a self-absorbed psychopath through and through but it feels like the people who wrote him aren't fully aware of it since he's still largely treated like a hero. Even when he's scolded by his family it's mostly because he's "reckless" and not because he's a monomaniacal shithead whose actions go directly against his goals.
>only Jordi joked around
Him and the redneck were the only likeable characters, which is why I ended up hating the fact that you kill him at the end. They should've just scrapped the trenchcoat-wearing charisma void and made one of them the protagonist instead.

Neither of them die, though.

This whole game series is shit. Why is Ubishit even continuing it? Does it make money or something?
>lmao Nigel Farage is a pig
>Brexit bad
Who writes this shit?

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I hated Watch Dogs 1 because no matter what there were points when you were forced into shootouts

At least WD2 gave you enough freedom that you could approach the entire game non-lethal or doing goofy shit like using a drone to call police/gang hits on people until the area you needed to go into was clear

Yes! And I'll do it again!

I actually liked the urban exploration stuff.

Interacting with different machinery in order to collect collectibles.

I didn't pay that much attention to the story all I know is that he wanted revenge and that his trench coat looked cool.

People bought into the first one because muh launch title and they were outright lied to by the gameplay demo. Ubisoft saw that they made money and made the mistake of thinking they had a winner on their hands so they went ahead and made a sequel that kind of turned out better than the previous one by enough that it actually became a financial success, so Ubisoft completely missed that they had just gotten lucky twice in a row and thought that Watch Dogs as a franchise was something people were interested in. I guarantee we'll see a Watchdogs 4 and maybe even 5 even if the new one turns out to be a financial wreck because they'll just chalk it up to one bad game in what they consider to be a successful and popular series.

We told you it was only in the combat , everything else is a downgrade

I know redneck bro survives, but don't you throw Jordi off a giant lighthouse at the end? I remember fuckall about the story except bits and pieces of cutsenes at this point.

>thinks he’s more financially savvy than the entirety of Ubisoft

Yeah stfu

Nah nah jordi survives and even makes it to 2 as DLC
Expect to see him again in legion
Hell he even calls aiden to tell him he survived lmao

the game would have been better if it wasn't for the forced nigger

You could skip most of the shootouts by using blackouts and running away. But where's the fun in that?

And yet it somehow is

This is like the only game I actually want to do a new game plus and they didn't even include one
8/10 game

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Cover was big warning. I don't know who said Antifa Dogs 2 is better than based Aiden.

I liked it. It had better support for a sneakier playstyle, which is more in line with what I think of when I imagine Hollywood style hackers. There were quite a few missions you could complete by just using your drone/RC-car and hacking.
I liked the goofier tone, it felt very much like it was inspired by the movie Hackers, which I think is a good idea when the hacking in the game is essentially nonsensical magic with how it works. Watchdogs 1 mostly just felt dreary and bland as a whole, with Aiden being a very dull protagonist.
Overall a solid 7 or so.

I really enjoyed the second one so I tried the first one recently and it's boring as fuck. There's no mission variety; it's bland and lifeless. Now I get why people who bought it at launch were so angry.

The story is good commentary on how facebook and google control everything and sell your info to the government. If you dont understand that your a brainlet

who the fuck told you any ubishit was good? As a general rule, it's all garbage, always. Anyone telling you otherwise, whether it's asscreed or watchdogs or whatever else, is a paid shill.

Ubisoft makes good games

yea, like 15 years ago.

watchdogs 2 was a failure in term of sales faggot. I don't knwo why they make another one if the second fail so hard.

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Yea Forums is filled with ubisoft shills dumbass.

this, has everyone forgotten all the "are you going to buy her game??" shit being spammed day after day

>boxed sales only
are you retarded?

2 is the best in the series. Legions will have that leveled enemies shit ubishit has been putting in all their games, meaning forced grinding and bullshit mechanics

2 is terrible. Only good part are non lethal weapons. But why i would want to play as punk s O yfag kids with notebooks? WD Legion looks even worse. UBIsoft always make wrong seguels.

They weren't even here when that was happening