The two genders

The two genders

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FO3, FO4, Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim are unironically the best western RPGs of the last 15 years

If I remember correctly, hbombers vid was shit. Literally just stuff Yea Forums had said a thousand times before just put in a video with a reddit flavor.

shut he fuck up

Replace 4 with NV and I'll agree with you

First post is a faggot baiting for replies

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Why do people make videos this long? Who actually watches these?

For me, it's because the games are designed without the more free structure that New Vegas does with it's quests. Also, the dialog and story is just boring and terrible for the Bethesda Fallout games. It's the most dull shit imaginable. Especially compared to New Vegas.

Somebody upload a "FALLOUT 3 IS FINE. I GUESS." in a year and get it to 6 million views.

Fallout 3 is a magical experience and there was very little like it in 2008. Revisionist fucks compare it to things that came after which are SUPPOSED to be better. Fallout 3 is still very fun. It has John Henry Eden and Paradise Falls, game is bangin.

Around 9.2 million people, apparently. People like long-form analysis of shit, look at the Plinkett videos.

I wonder why he doesn't talk about when he used to hang out with Metokur

FO4 dialogue in a nutshell:
>Yes please
>Sarcastically Yes
>Maybe, but Yes at a later time

I don't think people actually sit there and watch them. They throw them on in the background while doing something else. It's like talk radio or something. Besides, 2 hours is at least semi-reasonable. It's the length of a feature film. Compare them to something like the infamous 9 hour long Dark Souls 2 response video and they're nothing.

>T-these steaming piles of shit are good because everything else is even more shit
That statement speaks more about the state of RPGs than about those games in particular


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>9 hour long dark souls 2 response video

I'm pretty sure he's talking about this

To be fair it is segmented, if it was one video that would be ridiculous.

fallout 3 might be filled with plot holes and shit like that, in retrospect
but back in 2008 when it came out i played the everloving shit out of it for hours and hours, downloaded all kinds of mods, outfits, weapons, tinkered with shit, broke the game, redownloaded it, and played the shit out of it again
did all the quests and visited all the places, all the DLC and everything, and it was fucking fun

i wouldn't play it again, but i had lots of fun so it will always have a place in my list of favourite videogames, no matter how many "UHHH WHAT DO THEY EAT???" videos come out

>hating MauLer

There's 2 versions actually, one is a direct response that destroys in autistic detail Hbomber's Defense of DSII, the other is a more generalized, and far shorter video.

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>Liking MauLer

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>Disliking MauLer

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There's no proof of any of that. Go back to your stalker forums

Very true he raised money so children cut their dicks off

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>Influencer told me so
Yeah nah fuck off nigger lol
The full dialogue mod EXPOSES Fallout 4 for the trash it is

I do
Being long like that usually means they go over absolutely everything. Videos that are maybe 10-20 minutes do things quickly and efficiently, but it doesn't get their point across as well. Even if I don't care for the subject matter it's interesting to me to hear all the details of what they're talking about.

I don't necessarily agree with all his opinions, but I can at least say that his DS2 series in particular was pretty good since it was almost a learning experience on how to format your argument since the video he was responding to was just that terrible.