If you're playing addictive games like Overwatch or Destiny 2 then you're setting yourself up for financial trouble

If you're playing addictive games like Overwatch or Destiny 2 then you're setting yourself up for financial trouble

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Hope all the retards lose their money

To control my video gamey wamey addiction mommy makes me wear a pretty dress with pretty electric panties that shock my balls when I refuse to sit with my balls tucked in like a girl. So far I only play 30 minutes of gaming a day before I accidentally sit on my tucked in balls

Thank fuck this guy was save his computer and still afford internet and electricity while homeless, otherwise we would have never gotten his obviously clickbait video.

I once bought a skin in RuneScape and once paid for a meter refill in KHX. Those are my only video game sins

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>duuuuuuurrr why am i homeless?

>Overwatch or Destiny 2
I cant play them for more than 5 minutes without getting bored

I haven't seen the video but common sense (aka not being a retard like you) tells me it was probably made after he was financially stable.

It's not even hard though.

Just work then play games later. How hard is that?

My dude, if you think this transparent as fuck clickbait garbage is factual in any way, you don't have any common sense.

living the dream

Modern open world/service games just put me the fuck to sleep. I'm not trying to hate it on purpose.

fake and gay

I think they mean the spend money side of the games

They are made to make money so the world feels shallow

>How hard is that?
pretty hard if you don't feel like considering suicide 5 years after keeping up with the same shit
the retard in the OP is even worse though he's the kind of absolute asshole that prefers to look for external guinea pigs to blame his own terrible decisions on rather than actually acknowledge the responsibility for his own actions
I'm a worthless NEET not because society sucks, is specifically fantastic at making each one of us feel like expendable and unnecessary pieces of shit, I can afford it or whatnot, I'm just a terrible piece of shit that takes advantage of others and his own position in the world to waste his life away on absolutely nothing out of laziness and self hatred, and who despite awareness of that fact still prefers to spend his days in an endless, numbing cycle of isolation and self depreciation thanks to easily controllable cowardice, anxiety and sloth

I just turn my brain off and let the demons take control until my days off
...I wonder what they don't work all day

>He doesnt live in the country where you can collect neetbux
Lmao, fucking thirdies...

>Deadstiny 2

Imagine being T H I S weak willed.

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You successfully baited me into watching this.

>receives playstation 1
>"downloads the game to his phone" to keep playing at night

I have several questions.

Like what

>calling laziness "addiction" to take the blame off yourself

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>10 minutes
What an asshole

Holy shit I am dying!

Is this what kids do fucking hell hahahaha

>Got hooked to video games playing FIFA on PS1 with some sort of online leaderboard system
>Somehow the exact same game is available on phones with online leaderboard
>Turns "life around" and goes to school
>Gets "addicted" to playing Fortnite, claims he won a game that night
>Looking up his username he proudly makes a point out of in the video shows he never had a victory
None of this sounds like addiction, it just sounds like incompetence.

My first job was literally working at papa Johns and 8 years later I make 96k pre-tax without a college degree in a non-IT pajeet job.

If you’re homeless, you have zero excuses. If you’re homeless and addicted to drugs or mentally ill, kill yourself.


>get addicted to videogames
>stream Fortnite
>become millionare through Twitch donations

wtf I thought I was going to be homeless?!!?!

I'd rather rape your daughter first desu senpai
More fun that way
Also imagine being such a good goy you unironically feel pride for nothing but shallow social constructs lol

Oh look, it's one of those actually real stories totally not produced by a soulless content farm for the sole purpose of clickbait.

>t. neet

god i wish that were me

Oof, mentally ill tr*nny detected.

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At least I'm not chasing an inexistent carrot in a stick and feeling proud of it kek

I genuinely have no idea what you’re going on about, based schizoposter.

Yeah sure dilate have sex whatever
You react that way because you know it's true
Try actually building something tangible and feeling pride in that at least you fucking retard holy shit
You're literally no better than a NEET playing ASSFAGGOTs all day long

lmao at losers not living in a country with welfare that allows you to game 24/7 and not worry about shit


take your lithium bro

can someone explain destiny 2 addiction to me? I'm in a game discord with 30 + year old men that play it like a job. I never played so im really confused

live bro

Its standard daily challenges and raid schedule stuff. It's a mobile game at heart it just has sky high production values and the illusion of combat.

A friend of mine who is apparently quite good at destiny snapped during a game of gears of war saying destiny is a high IQ game which is why he prefers it over other games.

>imagine spending money on anything digital

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>Video is 10 Minutes and a few second
Yes. Definitly true

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I guess it's more high IQ than Gears. You need to do more than just shoot, you also need to manage powers and the raid stuff has obscure "puzzles". But it's like calling checkers high IQ, because it's more high IQ than tag. It's still less high IQ than chess.

Gears is actually a pretty complex game though
Above the usual mechanical skill you also need teamwork and strategy for map control and power weapon domination, and adapting to a lot of situations on the fly while keeping a long term plan in mind requires enough knowledge of the game to justify the basic repetition
In Destiny raids you're just repeating the basic optimal strategy some other nerd laid out for you, and the PvP is even more dumb bitch basic pewpew than Reach and CoD

>Above the usual mechanical skill you also need teamwork and strategy for map control and power weapon domination, and adapting to a lot of situations on the fly while keeping a long term plan in mind requires enough knowledge of the game to justify the basic repetition
Sounds like a multiplayer shooter mate.

>videogame addict
>get a job where I can game while I work
problem solved

t.night shift security guard

ah yes the first day a new raid or some shit happens they all share some youtube video of some pro doin it and they play it just like he did

Are you proud of your brain dead nigger tier job? I live in a majority white area and the only block people are “security guards” and cashiers lmao.

>t.night shift security guard
>playing games on your shift
Where do you work, what are your work hours, and what kind of valuables can I find there? Asking for a friend.

better than being homeless

>block people
Holy shit Steve is REAL

>t. slug who exists only to give interest free loans to the U.S. govt via taxes

True but barely. I hope you’re in school or something bro.

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>t.drone who enslaves himself for some big companny

>he doesn’t own his own business in the year of our lord 2021-2
haha oh wow

I wish I was addicted to video games. Haven't played one properly in months

Stop jerking off

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Oh no... I understand now...
(((they))) know that gaming communities are the most freely spoken and aren't falling for the media brainwashing, and so their next movement is to slander gaming communities as addicts or mentally ill or problematic in some way so that the whole community is put under a microscope and we no longer speak freely.

> was good at fifa
> became good at fortnite because of that
Yea, that story is bullshit.

Yes you poor little boy it is not you, it's those VIDEOGAMES.
You don't need to figure out what the fuck is actually wrong with you, what is the thing that drives you to videogames instead, when you can just scapegoat videogames themselves.
You are the brave strong lil' victim you, there is nothing wrong with you, it is not you who needs to get a fucking grip, it is the videogame medium that needs to be changed and dragged down.

Always kills me how video game addicts have the most absolute pleb taste. Getting kicked out of school for fucking FIFA (feefer in britcuck) and Fortnite.

I do envy their ability to game "all day" though. I've pretty much had my fill after 3 hours or an afternoon if I hit the arcade.


>going outside for anything but work/food/sex


And this kid was fucked even without any videogames, he'd find a way to be a fuck up even in a world without games, gambling, alcohol and drugs.

kys Brazilian scum

LMAO OP nice attempt at trying to subconsciously plant the idea in my head that destiny or overwatch qualify as "addicting" and therefore "good" games have sex sweetie

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Dab on em

You shouldn't worry about finances.

Because if you're poor, you're going to stay poor forever.
No amount of saving or working will get you out of poverty.
The world doesn't owe you anything, and you owe the world nothing in turn, so yeah, play and enjoy your videogames.


Have sex.

Literally me. Right now literally. Except I have 3 other layers of security behind me and can afford to do this.

you can get fit and marry a rich widow hag, it's not that impossible



I don't remember Destiny 2's cash shop being all that important. I mean yeah it's shit but there's nastier cash shops out there.

enjoy easy modo bro, one of the best life hacks out there, I have so much free time I'm actually happy to be alive

My addiction to this website is far worse

But you only make 50k/yr maximum even if you live in the boonies and your rent is 1k, that’s poverty tier.


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mental trouble too

Here's my mommy

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Literally who

The story doesn't even make sense. He was porn in 2002 but he gets a PS1 with FIFA when hes like 10 and gets hooked? Then he downloads it on his phone to play in school? Then he goes to a frat party where he gets told that he is a loser if he doesn't play video games? Then he plays Fortnite on a PS1 controller?

What the fuck? It's like the kind of thing a middle aged hollywood writer who had never played a video game in their life would write into an episode of CSI.

Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I play a year? Even if I told you you wouldn't even believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop playing games? A neet big enough that it could be listed on the Guinness goes belly up! Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to so let me clue you in: I am not in setting myself up for financial trouble, user. I am the trouble. A guy goes bankrupt, you think that of me? No. I am the financial trouble.

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That’s pretty toxic, bro. (Or sis! ^_^)

Pretty rude to assume they is of a binary gender shitlord.

Fuck off literal nazi


>Got hooked to video games playing FIFA on PS1 with some sort of online leaderboard system
>Online leaderboard system

Fucking wat.

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how can one play and getting addicted to those snore fests

ask me how I know you haven’t touched a titty in months

Not that user, but I'd like to know.

>trans guy
>hair already receded over half way back of the skull

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> Wow! You mean the two games with gambling mechanics and designed specificslly to keep people playing is addictive?

This should not be a surprise to anyone. Gambling mechanics are a cancer, you don't need to think games are art to see this.

>But you only make 50k/yr maximum even if you live in the boonies and your rent is 1k, that’s poverty tier.

nigga i only make like 35k, my rent is still basically 1k (including utilities), i live in brooklyn, but i feel pretty well off.
of course, i dont have a gf to waste money on