Why do gay people in video games make straight people so irrationally angry?

Why do gay people in video games make straight people so irrationally angry?

Attached: Soldier76_portrait.png (653x669, 406K)

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No one cares, shit fuckers.

>No one cares
Is that why Soldier's playrate dropped almost 40% in the month following his "sexuality reveal"?

What does that image have to do with your post?

Because gay people are disgusting and no-one in his right mind would want anything to do with them

Where's the irrational anger? Oh right, directed at people saying "naughty" words or at female characters with large breasts or revealing clothing and originating from fagots like you.

In this case, it was because it really felt like pandering. On par with J.K.'s "Dumbledore was gay the whole time!" bullshit.

wasn't he heavily nerfed right around when that happened?

Pretty much. There are characters who do more damage AND don't require you to aim, so it's basically a nobrainer to not use him.

I don't care if characters are gay, random asspull 'oh he/she was gay the whole time I was really progressive and woke this whole time' shit just needs to stop.


yes his testosterone

gays have average test levels

It's all bait just like this thread. People just like giving their inputs and explain why they disagree with the ethics of a decision.

Straight people aren't the irrational ones, faggot.

>use the most heterosexual voice acting and character design in the entire game aside from maybe mccree and reinhardt
>lol btw he's gay
I just don't get it

fags don't all sound like fags

GAY is a DISEASE and if it SPREADS we'll all turn GAY and then NO ONE will have
which means HUMANS won't EXIST

Because i want them dead. Homosexuals dont' deserve to live.

based mohammads

Yes very funny. Then you realize they are 3% of the population, yet 50%+ of them are infected with aids :)

shall we talk about the rates of child abuse and paedophilia in the gay community?

No faggot, it's called being decent and sexually stable.

Gay characters are promoting degeneracy unless it's a chick

that's a nice word for incel

>yet 50%+ of them are infected with aids :)
almost like they're not given sex ed in school.

Do I smell projection?

at least gay folks don't contribute to the overpopulation crisis

I'm straight and I don't get it either desu, I really don't give a shit if they're gay or not and don't understand why so many get fanny flustered over it
>Make a gay character who doesn't act gay, doesn't flirt with men, literally never would've figured out he was gay without the game or some lore outside the game telling you
>Why is he gay then? Why isn't he straight? What purpose does him being gay add to the story/game? This is forced diversity, you just made him gay for brownie points

>Make a gay character who is openly sexual, flirts with other men, has a love interest/husband or a love story, etc.
>Wow stop forcing your gayness down my throat, good gay characters don't go on and on about their sexuality

>muh two extremes
Middlegrounds exist. It's pretty clear when their faggotry was tacked on for social points/PR damage control.

Outrage culture, this board loves that buzzword but doesn't realize it applies to them too.

sexuality only matters when it actually pertains to the gameplay, like a dating sim
otherwise it's just a pointless label which does more harm than good because it doesn't allow the player to relate with the character who doesn't share the same sexuality

Meant to quote A good gay character is Oscar from the office. The writers gave him a personality outside of that, while utilizing it for humor, character growth (confidence) and plot (the senator)

>doesn't allow the player to relate with the character who doesn't share the same sexuality

Hey play hero instead of the thread. Forget now and enjoy the night.

yeah they kick all the gay kids out of that class cuz they're fags

there's a reason why master chief is so widely popular, because you don't know a single damn thing about him

Then it just loops back to "stop forcing your gayness down my throat" / "lol you think all gays are promiscuous? you're the REAL homophobe" and so on

See Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2, for example. Both of those were shit games but I also remember lot of people here and in general also complained about "forced homosexuality" in those games being a problem too.

It's an unwinnable situation. The truth is that people just have different approaches to sexuality. There are straight people who don't talk about sex that frequently and there are straight people who go on and on about it, gay people are no different. I don't get why gays have to be held to a much higher standard than straight people when it comes to being portrayed at all.

Because it challenges what they have dedicated their entire lives to being, they have been powering through those curious teenage years to please their parents and meet expectations and set a certain image and then see that it turns out to be completely normal, it threatens them

Why does literally everything make faggots irrationally angry?
>Ermagherd, men don't put dicks in their butts in this game that has nothing to do with dicks or butts, homphobes!
>Ermagherd, men do put dicks in their butts in this game that has nothing to do with dicks or butts, pandering!

Because no one plays and the follow up patch you dork.

>In this case, it was because it really felt like pandering. On par with J.K.'s "Dumbledore was gay the whole time!" bullshit.


not really
those examples are under different circumstances

Why does he wear the mask?

He's male so I can't relate, what a shit character!
That's the kind of logic you're supporting right now.
Plenty of popular games have well defined characters.

Again, it's pretty clear when they're just written as gay to make a point. Pic not related, Shore Leave was flaming as fuck and I guarantee you no one minded, because he's likable and entertaining.

Attached: 1523046200162.png (624x352, 191K)

How were they under different circumstances? A bunch of people complained about Steve, a bunch of people complained about the gay romances in DA2 too and Anders flirting with the player. In both of those cases their homosexuality actually fulfills a gameplay purpose (they are romancable) but people STILL complained about them

girls don't play video games

Almost like gay people aren't comparable to straight people and disgust the vast majority of them.

and many do not
I'll bet you can't name a single silent protagonist that was widely disliked

Because sexuality is used as an underhanded marketing ploy to profit the developer in some way. Whether it's revenue gained from sales increased purchases of the game or free publicity. Sometimes it's so obviously hamfisted and out of place or characters end up being one dimensional stereotypes whose identity is characterized by their gayness.

t. a homosexual

conveniently ignoring that the silent protag trope is used so you can self insert 9 times out of 10.

no fucking shit, that was the whole point

should also note that this reveal came following a scandal involving a female overwatch pro being reveled as a fake.

Sexuality is also used as a marketing ploy for straight people too, see muh waifus as a perfect example of this

As for
>one dimensional stereotypes
You are literally using the "hurr, because a few gays flirt with you you're saying all gay people are promiscuous, you're the REAL homophobe", in which case see

So are games that let you make your own character the best now?

S76 is trash and probably the worst DPS in the game, doesn't help he has been nerfed recently

I'm gay and seeing all these poorly written diversity inclusion makes my blood boil.

I never said that, just that going the silent protagonist route is the safest option when it comes to incorporating playable characters

Yeah, probably. It's a hero shooter not a character based drama, why do we even need to know his sexuality?

Most people want a character they can relate to and Soldier 76 is made for COD kiddies who want an average boring caucasian protag to self-insert into. Most people at that age don't even have their sexuality figured out and besides the point there's obviously other factors at play. Maybe more Soldier mains are playing less video games, or they're focusing on more important things like work instead. They could have switched to another main for an entirely different reason. They could have changed the character to be less effective in combat or they got tired of playing the same one. Odds are a small amount of people are genuinely prejudiced and changes characters because they're homophobic, but what are you going to do about it? People are idiots, there's always going to be idiots, there's no point being butthurt. If someone doesn't like you because of your sexuality it's a reflection of themselves, not you, user.

and I stand by my dilate comment. If you're the kind of person that has to relate to the main character then you're a fucking tranny faggot who needs a different hobby or should at least stick to bioware RPGs.

I mean yeah, sex sells. You're pretty much agreeing with me, then.

I'm saying some characters lack depth, motivation, proper development. Literally nothing about them being promiscuous. I know it's a touchy subject and people can get emotional but don't put words in my mouth thanks.

>says character sexuality should be left blank for obvious reasons
>"no you're the tranny"
lol okay kiddo, I'm done talking to you

Gays need to be lynched.

Your argument is that games should be made to mass appeal and include as many people as possible. That is some cringey resetera shit.

There is no overpopulation crisis.

tell that to our exponentially declining supply of nonrenewables

they contribute to the population ageing crisis

gays kill themselves before turning 30

because homosexuality is a deviant degenerate act punishable by an eternity of darkness. Seek redemption faggots.

Didn't they literally retcon Soldier being in a relationship with like Ana or someone in order to make him gay?

and they don't have children

They can adopt and have surrogate kids just fine.

There is no overpopulation crisis in white countries, except of migrants.

I just want to play my point n shooty vidya not some political libtard wet dream simulator

I'm gay and it makes me angry how they shove/force in gay people in video games. It's never subtle, they're alwys so upfront with it.
then again, I'm also against pride parades since it's just an excuse to ignore public indecency laws, so I'm the absolute minority of gay people. My sexual orientation is NOT my whole identity

Overwatch is shit with forgettable characters so it comes off as a vain ploy to say "e-eh look we're so progressive and our characters have DEPTH"
A good gay character should be a good character first, and none of the overwatch characters are interesting

t. homosexual

Attached: 1554688998501.jpg (600x720, 42K)

I don't really mind pride parades (live and let live), but usually I find them extremely silly
Last year, the parade in the capital of my country forbade white men from being in the front block ; they also had a ton "ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS" and "REFUGEES WELCOME" signs, which I don't believe is the point of the LGBT parade

It kinda comes off as creepy too when you have couples or lads in stripper outfits right next to two dads walking their children in the parade
I don't mind a lad in stripper outfit but not in public

76 being gay was to distract everyone from the layoffs stupid