ITT: Kino games that nobody remembers

ITT: Kino games that nobody remembers

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somebody remembers?

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I only played a little bit of it, but it was good, did it end if you got your sentence to zero?

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If there is a discussion about Playstation shmups, Einhander is gonna get a shout out

Loved Freedom Wars!!

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idk, vita broke

It was fun but that story was a mess and the constant forced stealth and walking around segments were awful. Wish it would get a more refined sequel.

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for the longest time, my brother had me convinced this game was an anime game called steamboat chronicles about a boy on a steamboat.

Man, all those fucking modding communities and skin communities. Good times.

Oh, well thanks anyway.

I think the story had a great hook
and also shooting giant eldrich creatures with miniguns is rad

Yeah, no, fuck that shitty game
>urr durr wait for the enemy to attack and then evade so you can land 1 (one) attack, repeat one million times

Metroidvania kino.

>tfw no pal release

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You can hit twice if you git gud