Now that Square Enix has ruined Tifa’s design, Yang has her outclassed not only in fighting skill but also beauty...

Now that Square Enix has ruined Tifa’s design, Yang has her outclassed not only in fighting skill but also beauty. Can we just get rid of Tifa as a character now?

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No matter how many times you post it, RWBY will never be a good show

And no matter how much you post it, RWBY will never stop being a successful show.

FF7R should just remove Tifa and put Yang in instead. It’s pretty clear people like Yang more anyway.

It isn't. They can't pay the animators for 1/3 of the hours they work. The general decline in quality is not going to grow their subscriber base either

Yep, absolutely.
Good is subjective but Success is objective, always. Get over it.

>but also beauty
Can you be even more pleb?

they ruined yangs design a long time ago with that pissy little robot arm.
she's only good in that crappy cross tag game no one plays.

Tifa got cucked so hard by Yang that now Tifa is copying Yangs shitty robo-arm with her dinky red gauntlet. Pathetic.

Blonde is objectively the best hair color. Black is for plebs and commoners.

Ok Algus


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define "successful." ask 10 people on the street about it and I bet 0 will have any idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Doesn't matter what S-E does, Team Ninja made up for it.

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Square has been a joke of a company for almost 20 years now, the fact that you're expressing disappointment or feigning surprise about everything being ruined says more about you than about Square.

>blonde better than a brunette

Not in a million years pajeet

Yang have too many arms in that picture.

Fuck you faggots. Every blonde haired white piggu I've ever known has been nothing but an absolute ultra-cringe self centered asshole. Now natural red heads on the other hand.

Did they though? Dissidia is shit.

have sex


That fight was shit fake and gay also bias as fuck

The game isn't that great but it put Tifa in an almost completely faithful outfit in modern graphics which ended up with the model getting ripped almost instantly

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Square Enix realized that Yang was the superior design and copied Yang by giving Tifa a red gauntlet that looks like Yang’s yellow arm.

that Yang v. Tifa deathbattle still severely pisses me off. the people that literally wrote Yang deemed that their shitty OC can beat a chick who can punch the shit out of a literal fucking god

Don't be mad just realize they fucked up and are wrong. I'm still laughing my ass off they made that whore win LOL

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>caring about 3D women

You don't belong here.

>letting her win to shill their shit show
these fights were always cringe too

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imagine bethesda saying alduin could beat sauron
or capcom saying redfield can kill thanos
or ubi saying ezio can take on an army of xenomorphs
the sheer fact that a team decided that comparing a character that they made and can alter to their whim can beat a character by making up shit to make their character look better is absolutely retarded.

Who is yang? What game is she from?

Yang fucks black faunus men.

She’s from that shit weeaboo Web show that isn’t the based and redpilled Smosh boys.

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So she's not from a game? Final Fantasy is so fucking well-known and you make a thread debating who's better? Well shit tifa wins by default then! Also Yuffie > Tifa

Your not a true 2000’s YouTube kid if you haven’t jerked off to Oishi. Fuck the girls from RWBY.

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Holy fuck Anthony is handsome

Isn't it common knowledge that Deathbattle is biased as fuck? I didn't actually watch the Yang vs. Tifa one, but in the ones I have seen they always completely hype up one character while severely underselling the other one.

I just know that shit from that one hideous webm that gets posted whenever people make fun of 'western anime'

the first and only one ive seen lol

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It’s like Spartan Locke showing up in Halo 5 killing the main antagonist of the entirety of the canon between Halo 4-5 in the 2nd cutscene of the game, then almost beating Master Chief in a fistfight.

Why couldn't square enix come up with this perfection?

>Success is only when everyone knows your name
RWBY is liteally a fucking web show with a massive following in Japan that gets aired even in some theatres there. RWBY has multiple games even a china exclusive one. It was one of the main series in BBTAG and it's characters are getting added to Smite or whatever. RWBY has become a successful franchise user.

The other Death Battle involving RWBY seemed like them basically admitting the other was fraudulent.

ethics department won't let them be hardcore

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Oh, so only in Japan? Well, guess what kid? Your Weeb show is going nowhere after it’s done and no one will give a shit.
You here me Rwbyfag?

Unlike Tecmo, Squenix have ethics department.

Too bad this game is fucking shit by most accounts.

i actually fucking hate how skinny cloud looks here

holy based
based yang btfoing tifaniggers

Lol what a bunch of bullshit. Nobody knows your shitty webshow here and bbctb did horrible

RWBY is shit

Blake isnt black


Your cringe. Fag


Nah, i’m Good. It’s you that needs to cope. Lol


Honestly think Yang was hotter than Tifa already. Tifa has always been grossly overrated.

Nah, I don’t need to. I’m not obsessed with a mediocre Show that steals models from MMD. And cater to Disgusting Ramen drenched fucks like you. :)
Besides, Early YouTube is so much better.

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>oc shit
who care....

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Is cringe all your gonna say? Really?



Better boobs that shrunken saggy Tifa

Yang lost her arm to some emo cunt with a sword of nippon steel. Could you have made a worse choice?

What a dumb thing to say. Even for these standards this is fucking stupid.

I never hear about it. Willing to bet more people like FFVII over RWBY and I'm willing to bet more people know who Tifa is over Yang. So fuck off retard. you're already done.