All the other boards makes fun of us and use Yea Forums as an example of awful board and the worst one of them all,fuck bros,how did we sink so low?
All the other boards makes fun of us and use Yea Forums as an example of awful board and the worst one of them all...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea Forums is not representative of "All the other boards"
I only go to Yea Forums and Yea Forums All the other boards are full of weirdos.
but Yea Forums is utter shit tho.
Yea Forums is cancer
>Yea Forums
>worst board
pick one and only one, retard
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums still exist
/adv/ is the worst board.
I went to Yea Forums once and holy shit its like Yea Forums if there's no sound of reason to call out the autistic faggot shitposters.
Yea Forums hasn't been a newfag filter for a long time, so Yea Forums ended up becoming babby's first board instead.
It's universally agreed that Yea Forumsermins are the worst thing that's happened to the site
>Yea Forums ended up becoming babby's first board instead
Not it's /pol/ because they keep banning the altright reddit boards. They come for the political faggotry then stay for the hobby boards to shitpost in.
yeah, Yea Forums is much more based than the average board
Hasn’t it always been this way?
the joke board is /x/
the actual worst board is Yea Forums
nah Yea Forums >>>>>>>>>> Yea Forums
this is right
Yea Forums is a cesspit if I've ever seen one
People say the same of Yea Forums.
So either Yea Forums is the lowest of the low, or you can't trust the opinions of normalfags.
Forgetting Yea Forums or /gif/
Yea Forums has been beyond saving since 2012. Zoomers are just beating a long dead corpse. It's glory days are long, long behind us. I only come here out of habit and addiction.
Blame all the retards who love to latch on and fucking spam the newest shitty meme
Go fuck yourself reddit. Yea Forums became a cespool of moeshit since moot left. /vp/ is not better and makes Yea Forums seem like an actual /int/ at times in comparison.
Been here since 2008, Yea Forums is actually better than a lot of boards because the sheer cancer of this place keeps newfags away
This board still feels very "Yea Forums", just today we had a loli thread that hit 700+ posts.
Compare that to boards like Yea Forums which is composed entirely of tumblr tourists or Yea Forums which became overmoderated /r/anime-lite or /pol/ filled with actual facebook tier boomers
Nah, zoomers have the worst fucking posting style and sense of humor it makes most threads unbearable. I actually long for the days shitposting and trolling actually felt like someone giving some sort of effort to get you pissed. Now it's just actual retards acting retarded. There is zero irony, subtly, or sarcasm.
>le pol boogeyman
Yea Forumss been Yea Forums2.0 for at least ten years. The only thing that changes is which pr rep is shilling this year
I have a plan to save this board.
You in?
Yea Forums was somewhat fine in 09-10. Something happened between 2011-2012 that turned literally everything to shit. Rise of mobile posters?
it's better than the old reputation of easiest board to bait. even though that's still probably true too.
fags and trannies
this is the answer for most questions like yours
naw /ck/ is ok
You're a goddamn retard. Irony and sarcasm is the zoomer mantra. This current generation, especially on Yea Forums, thrives on being behind five layers of irony at any given time so they can save face and not risk any of their actual opinions coming under attack because their fee fees will be hurt. And in the same way, anybody being sincere or enjoying anything unironically or trying to foster genuine discussion is "reddit" or "cringe". Fuck you flaming homo faggot losers and I bet you yourself are a zoomer too, the cutoff is 1995 fuckhead
Yeah mindlessly posting endless wojak edits and typing actually retarded responses sure is so ironic and sarcastic, along with the eceleb worship and nonstop OHNONONO posting. It's not funny or trying to be ironic, it just makes you look like an obnoxious retard. Zoomers took the joke too far and went full retard.
do we get to kill all the pepe and wojak posters?
Pretty much. tortanic is what made it clear that Yea Forums actually had some influence. Since then, shilling your game on Yea Forums has become commonplace
>You're a goddamn retard
>proceeds to post all that retarded shit
no u
>Nah, zoomers have the worst fucking posting style and sense of humor it makes most threads unbearable.
Kill anyone who types shit like "cope", "seething", "have sex", etc
inb4 le epic memers reply with those
He's using the actual meaning of irony
You're using the cancer meme definition
rent free
you are missing one tiny letter that makes all the difference OP
>this one single moment is representative of all times
are you seriously trying to argue that Yea Forums doesn't have a wojak spam problem
it's one of the funniest boards on the site desu
Yea Forums gets bad for like half the day with it, Yea Forums is 24/7 + sneed spam around 6 AM EST
Other boards don't say "go back to Yea Forums" or "fuck off Yea Forumsermin"
They say "go back to Yea Forums" and "fuck off Yea Forumsermin"
Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers
Yea Forums is the most normalfag board though.
Not normal person, normalfag.
they sound extremely based alright
>There is zero irony ... or sarcasm
But that's, like, 90% of the typical twitter zoomer's humor.
2007 Yea Forums with all the TTGL and Muh Moeshit shitposting is what created the downward spiral, and shonenshitters are extremely more rampant.
The "moeshit" you're bitching about actually brought original content, Daily Japanese threads, waifu draw threads, visual novel threads, stuff that was actually fun.
/pol/ still exist
>go and check Yea Forums catalog
>it is somehow worse than this image
What the fuck is wrong with that board? It is an accomplishment to be worse than Yea Forums
did you mean "Yea Forums"?
The abomination guy should be Yea Forumsmblr. Fuck that board. Or at least add a second abomination
/trash/ is much worse than here, what
Typical Yea Forumstard response.
>Yea Forumstard
Yea Forums hasn't been relevant for five years.
Where did the jazz threads go those were the best in a while I'd seen? Show on break? I understand then, but the occasional one couldn't hurt.
What the fuck is with this board elitism? This is an anonymous website is it not? There’s no stakes in this? Why are you oldfags complaining about zoomposters anyway? Those are YOUR fucking kids and it was your job to teach them not to zoom, and look what you’ve done. We’re all gone die some day and the only thing left will be based and cringe
that's because Yea Forums is going the way of /int/ while Yea Forums is work safe Yea Forums.
>nonironic 3D pedos
I wish it was. Id go back in a heartbeat.
>Yea Forums which became overmoderated /r/anime-lite
Says the poster who probably spams and avatarfags 100 gay moeshit images a day and wonders why no one likes them
based 2Dpedo
the boards worse than Yea Forums are unequivocally /cgl/, Yea Forums, and /r9k/
Yea Forums is just Yea Forums but replace ironic racists with unironic pedophiles
those threads are deleted on sight and everyone who replies is also banned
an episode of some normalfag show comes on and the board is unusable for 2 whole days
Yea Forums is a much better board than Yea Forums.
Yea Forums and /int/ are the best. Their memes are so great that every other board can't help but steal them and repurpose them for their board.
Yea Forums is pretty bad:
>bad at games
>barely discuss actual games
>waifu orbiters
>bugmen that buy everything involving said waifu
>thread image: a sexy anime girl or sexy thing of some kind
>thread text: some very thinly veiled excuse for this thread to even exist
>entire thread: talking about sex and incel shit
Yea Forums - Video Games
Because you faggots wont shut up about Pokemans/smash/Final Fantasy/ and other jap garbage
Normalfaggots have ruined this site and turned it into their own little disgusting circlejerk playground. I'd suggest you find some other places to have discussion like I have. Open season for normalniggers will come soon, user. In minecraft
the majority of crossboarding cancer originates from Yea Forums
just look at this thread with the high amount of Yea Forums cocksuckers
So Yea Forums any ideas to fix Yea Forums?
Because other boards can actually talk about shit. All this place does is shitpost and act like it's fucking April Fools day 24/7. And guess what, when everyone tried to be funny, people find out real quick that many people aren't funny.
It's because they copy that one post that got a million replies and want the same attention.
Unironically because /pol/ invaded Yea Forums.