How are you coping with the drought, switchbros?

How are you coping with the drought, switchbros?

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I just play on my other systems, because there's no such thing as a person who solely owns a switch and nothing else, despite what you console warriors may think.

I've only enjoyed two games from this generation anyway that weren't translations & rereleases. So it doesn't even matter

High replayability

playing Prey 2017 on PC and thinking about how a Switch port really wouldn't work

What drought? There always seems to be plenty of games to play

Words don’t express it. its that kind of feel

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PC games, and I'm currently replaying Breath of the Wild.

>15 nintenbucks has been deposited into your bing bing wahoo account

I'm playing SMM2 and looking forward to Fire Emblem next week. What more could you possibly want?

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Drought? Mario MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 2 just dropped and the possibilities are literally endless in that game.

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>MUA3 just came out
>FE3H next week
>Astral Chain next month
>LA the month after that
What drought?
I wonder what Nintendo has done to these poor people to make them act this way.

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dragon quest builders 2

There's been a major release at least once a month. The last game I bought for switch was BOTW like damn. You guys need to seriously get a fucking hobby if once a month isn't enough for you. Oh God am I too old for Yea Forums? I've been here for 12 years. Jesus Christ.

When I don’t have any video games to play, I usually pick up on some kinda series to watch, anime or otherwise.

I'm doing alright!

I'm playing MGS2 on my friends old Vita he sold to me for $150 (I insisted I buy it for that price), my wife got Bloodstained for Switch, brushing up on some Splatoon with her

Life is good

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I'm coping by not going to reddit and getting wojacks to post on Yea Forums like a fucking faggot.

i SWITCHED to ps4 after 2 yrs of no games and dk tropical freeze was 50+ bucks while its like 10 for wii u, cmon nintendo

>Mario maker Wii U DLC


I am replaying bloodborne. I am looking forward to Collection of mana and Links awakening

Only reason I bought a Switch was because I was sure it would get the same 3rd party support everything else would. This shit system literally has NOGAMES.

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Playing PC games.
I'm on the Intermission of Zero no Kiseki so I think there's 1-2 chapters left the Ao.
I still need to finish Bloodstained too.

Playing Smash and Onimusha

What drought?
Do first party games need to be released everyday or you consider it a drought?

Playing Bloodstained on PC with SILKY smooth 60fps, no input lag and mods with high quality graphics, I don't know why you guys torture yourselves like this?

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I don’t like soulsborne games

Possibilities are endless but will still buy the sequel lmao

How many games does the Switch need to stop these outdated memes? The switch easily has the best summer lineup out of everybody right now.

The droughts over, I blew the dust off and I'm really enjoying SMM2 despite the last one being meh. You post this two months ago and you're on the money. FE3H on friday too.