Will you be playing it Yea Forums?
Will you be playing it Yea Forums?
>no local co op in a co op focused game
They immediately lost my sale. Was really excited to play with my buddy couch co op style.
I’ll try it when it goes on sale.
Really? What's the point than?
If it's another "wypipo" game no.
I would but
Unfortunately. I have bottom of the barrel expectations.
wolfenstein is dead to me
No. I might watch the story on youtube maybe.
I'm also worried about it somewhat I just wanna see what direction they're taking the story
Way I see it, I've played every Wolfenstein game all the way through, I may as well play this one.
Stop giving these people money to make worse games just because they are holding a brand you enjoy hostage. I played RTCW again this weekend and it's all we ever needed.
fucker never pays
preordered the deluxe edition on gmg, playing through it with my best friend
Yeah, pre ordered
>no local co op
This retarded fucking trend needs to stop.
Local co-op is king.
>people pre-order
>people pre-ordered this garbage
Good thing I know you guys made these posts to provoke me.
is it working?
I have a boyfriend to play video games with. Fuck you. I like fun.
You're trying, but no, I'm more amused at the money you're wasting.
>nuwolfenstein fans literally get fucked up their assholes by other men
That guy is a faggot honestly. I know you didn't buy that though. No one buys keys just to play on Bethseda's shitty launcher.
it all goes through their launcher anyway, this way i save money
So the Nazis can't be beaten, why are they still around??. Sounds like the nazis are just simply better given all the set backs with the assassination of important leaders and murder of all their personnel.
>antifa pandering the game
No thanks, tnc was trash enough as it is
Imagine paying for a game where you play as two jeiwsh lesbian and attack Nazis? Bahahaha. This is the most antifa cringe their shit.
No. I couldn't even be fucked to play New Colossus.
Even ignoring the absolutely embarrassing political pandering, they're just boring console shooters.
No Nazis = No Game
Correct me if I'm wrong but BJ freed the fuck out of American from the nazis at the end of The New Colussus yet this takes place so long after that his daughters are grown up and nazis are still occupying fucking France? Are you telling me BJ "One-Man Nazi-Killing Army" Blazkowicz stayed for what, 20 fucking years, sitting on his ass? Or worse, that he went missing or got captured in enemy territory for 20+ years? It's obvious every single nazi would be long dead by then in the nu-Wolfenstein-verse but Bethesda needs to keep milking the cow and have females as protagonists to be progressive so here we go again.
Was excited until I found out there is a levelling mechanic.