Honest opinion on my survival house? how can improve?

Honest opinion on my survival house? how can improve?

Attached: 2019-07-20_20.43.10.png (1920x1017, 1.51M)

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It's weird to me that your farm animals are way over there so you have to travel to them

thought you were playing alpha until I saw the horse then realized you just have shitty graphics

you need spider protection nigga

This is exactly how I used to build my buildings when I played Minecraft. I never advanced beyond small houses and basic walls though, so it looks great to me!

I like it but try using different blocks. If you only use one block then it looks kinda boring. Try mixing in some stone brick or smooth stone or something

This. Also double thick castle walls

rate my mob grinder/enchantment room

Attached: 12129837198237198237913.png (1920x1017, 967K)

add more accents with different stone types
add parts to the house so it isn't just a square and make it overall larger so the functional chimney doesn't look proportionally fuckhueg

if you sleep every night does this effectively avouid mobs ever attacking your house


Yeah, the only way they can get in is if a creeper manages to explode the wall i also have the airlock thing with the two iron doors

Mostly. I think the only exception is they can spawn in really really dark places even if it's not night.

>missing out on delicious creeper gunpowder

Certain mobs like baby zombies and creepers can survive underneath sunlight. You'd be fine as long as you sleep immediately to prevent any mobs from spawning.

This is my sub-basement my normal basement is basically just cobble with a map table and barrels

Attached: 2019-07-20_20.57.20.png (1920x1017, 649K)

Attached: 2019-07-20_20.59.26.png (1920x1017, 461K)

gonna ask this here. i want to play minecraft using a controller. i know with steam big picture, i can set everything to a controller. but the mouse sensitivity (and thus, the analog sensitivity, sense the analog is set to use the mouse) in the menus is way too high. the in-game sensitivie menus dont seem to effect the sensitivity in the menus, just while playing. whats the best way to deal with this?

Attached: 2019-07-20_21.58.58.png (1920x1080, 696K)

use the d-pad

give up and play on bedrock

>playing as a girl

The windows version supports controllers way better than the java version. I've looked into it a lot for my little sister

seems like i have to pay separetly for the windows version, though

i got a free download code for the windows 10 version for having the java version

If you bought Minecraft before October 2018 you can get the windows version for free

what do you mean? setting d pad as joystick makes it more sensitive

I dont know if its changed from a couple years ago but I could use an xbox controller joystick to look around and d-pad to move the mouse in menus

thank you man. was able to get it

> builds straight over the grass
Cringy nigger bullshit.

You're welcome! Have fun

tear it all down and dig a 2x1 hole to sleep in

>Playing as Alex and not Steve

how many items are there in the game? I want to make a super massive storage room with hallways of double chests for every item

That's green carpet

Don't bother, the game has horrendous item bloat. Too much redundant shit.

I meant like a really long hallway that has branching paths filled with double chests underground that I can use to make more and more chests

Attached: 1510010262659.png (403x448, 53K)

Did you guys fuck?

what the fuck do I do in minecraft
I make a world get diamonds and just quit out of boredom every time

Minecraft is a metaphor for the white man's burden user. This vast untamed world needs to be tamed under your watchful eye. Rape the world of its resources and bring it into the world of automation and giant anime girls made out of clay and wool

does forge mods works with Windows version?

Any good resource packs that aren't going for total realism? Something stylistic but well made and cohesive.


I like Excalibur.

Attached: 2019-07-20_20.14.24.png (1360x768, 824K)

I always want to go back and play Immersive Engineering again when I read things like this, but then I remember I run out of shit to do quick with no real endgame from mods. Are there any good dungeon mods for 1.12? TC lost its eldrich dimension from 1.7.10.

Is this bait???

>no moat lined with sand with cacti in the middle and a carefully-guarded tunnel entrance
not gonna make it / 10
I'd also put torches on the outside.
To prevent creepers and endermen from ruining everything? Haven't played Minecraft since like 2011.

Thanks user I'll look into it.

Best way to place the books for an enchantment room?

Tip: always make rooms three blocks wider and taller than you think they need to be. It'll look so much better and you'll actually have room to do shit.