Monster hunter armor thread!
Starting with this beefy legend.
Monster hunter armor thread!
Starting with this beefy legend.
This but red is the shit
Call me a weaboo all you want but bubble dragons female sets are top tier aesthetic
I bet you guys can't post 1 (one) actually good looking clown suit.
X/XX had some great waifu sets
If you don't wear the basic hunters armor the whole game you ain't shit.
Seltas Armor is always great
Don't forget that Palico armor!
I haven't seen this armor set in years.
I was hoping so hard for Seltas in World for that wonderful sentai set in HD.
Not even a Monster Hunter armor set by technicality but World's team did a brilliant job bringing it into HD. Not even tremendously far out of the artstyle.
>males set is some kind of fucking mazinger
>female set is some chick with a horn
Girls always get shafted in the armor department.
Here's the Desert Seltas Z armor then!
Perhaps some Tetsucabra Z armor would be more to your liking.
Running around as an adorable bundle of fluff beating the shit out of monster with a big hammer never felt so good
So exotic, here we have a Tidal Najarala set, only 50000z!
You can never go wrong with Shagaru Magala armor.
Rajang girls!
My favorite. I love armored dress.
I was gonna post that
It's so kino
The opposite here
didn’t they make this pre order exclusive in world
I want a Kirin hunter to sit on my face
both shit, but probably female
both are good, male because female looks too beefy
female B wins by a long shot
Yeah, but you can get a layered version from AT Zorah so you can have the look without the garbage stats.