Get in the fucking car, we're saving Final Fantasy

Get in the fucking car, we're saving Final Fantasy

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What's Lightning been up to since coming to Earth and doing some light model work? Haven't heard from her in a few years.

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show your feet

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oh no OP it looks like you posted the wrong image

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Shut up toriyama

>tfw xiii is my favorite final fantasy unironically

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hold on i have to tell my mom first

No need to, I already did.

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giving toblerone to people and starring in porn

I'll never not like Lightning's design. In fact, I enjoy a great deal of the character designs in FFXIII. I would very much like to see that style return.

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I knew Vanille has been in the industry since coming here but not Lightning. What sites does Lighning work for?

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toblerone time?

>All the FF magic has been poured into and thrived in XIV
>ewww, it's an MMO, lol

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SE tends to just ignore the MMOs and let the MMO dev teams handle them so they don't meddle in the games and ruin them like they did to XV

The designs in general, locales and enemies and characters. The music is easy winner. I fell in love with the battle system. The lore interested me greatly, was really sad when versus xiii broke off from it to do its own thing as xv.

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Someone post it!

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because I want Lightning to shove her fist up my cunt so much

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Based lightningfistinghercuntposter

based and saved

I wanna say she ruined Final Fantasy, but that isn't the case. Still a shit protag.

As soon as you get in the fucking root CUNT! 13 IS SHIT!

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Who is this cute girl? Name?


That doesn't have anything to do with public reactions and interest in the game though.

No way I'm getting in a car with that stupid bitch, even less if she's the one at the wheel.

Do you have the other one too?

What is it with Lightning and trannies?

Fuck off Randy.

best protag faggot

One in the pic is cosplaying Vanille

you'll probably get run over then

>not even orange hair
at least attempt accuracy.

>XIII has ok plot, hindred by the amount of lore it quickly throws at you and shit tier gameplay
>XIII-2 has godtier gameplay, hindred by a plot that shit itself until the very ending which is a cliffhanger that doesn't get resolved in the sequel
>nobody played XIII-3
how did they do it?

exposed pits

XIII and XIII-2 have functionally the exact same gameplay
I played LR, was fun

>Awful sister
>Impulsive and violent
>No curves
>Forced down people's throats by the director

Sure, then after that maybe Thelma and Louise can take me for a safe, leisurely drive.

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The music is great, I’ll give it that
The promise is beautiful

Monster recruiting and Phoenix Down made the game more fun.

her sister was probably even worse. completely codependent despite being an adult and only a few years younger.

pretty sure thats Bailey Jay. also

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I don't know why but i really like her facial expression there

I won't deny that
>toss mog every-fucking-where because you can pick up invisible items with him
>pick up something that isn't an item
>its a cute white seed monster for my battle team
>have collected basically only the tutorial monster so eh, fuck it
>it's cute anyway
>it's also fucking khorne incarnate bathing in the blood of my enemies
so much fun

>Impulsive and violent
At a few points, yeah. The situation was fucked, though, and by the end, she's a unifying force rather than a dividing one

sup senpai

She's protecting her boyfriend

Why some people like to ship them? I haven't played 13, what makes people think that Lightning and Cloud could be a good couple?

Haven't played 13 as well but they were cute in WoFF; I assume that they're both aloof.

People just like incest

>they were cute in WoFF

Where does the Lightning and toblerone thing come from?

>Terra dragging Cloud

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I don't understand why toblerone?

Some guro hentai doujin with Soldiers ripping out, still attached to the rest otherwise, and snapping here spine, getting censored by some comedy affine user with a Toblerone.
Really now though, I find guro just disgusting but this shit was just so retarded even without the dumb Ice Jew chocolate bar it is funny.

Bitch you RUINED Final Fantasy.


>lightning has more of a sense of humor than cloud

Same but it's tied with IX for me

Also it's worth mentioning that when i say XIII i mean the trilogy

It's just dry as fuck most of the time and the shit writing in Xiii didn't leave lot's of room for jokes anyway.
It's more apparent in LR

I want to PLAY Lightning's games!

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Did anyone get one of these?

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Because Lightning comes cums from Cloud.

CloudxTerra is also good.

Can't, trying to fuck up Negan.

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I have a confession

After avoiding it since release out of spite, I finally picked up XIII last month just because it was a dollar

... I kind of like it

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Reminder XIII is the hardest FF to speedrun.

no, YOU get in the car

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stuck in some guy's garage and then move to a broadcasting studio

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It's one of these games who got shit on more than necessary like DS2.
I understand where most of the critique comes from but it's a chill comfy game with a unique beautiful alien artstyle for me.
And the sequels are actually good, people just didn't really give them a chance anymore.

She really liked the idea of being ''cherished'' by Cloud, didn't she? she wants that Cloud DICK!

Those chibi designs are too cute.

paradigm shift me, daddy

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>Tekken 7 lets you beat the shit out of Noctis

>"But, Farron-san, weren't your games some of the worst selling mainline Final Fantasies ever?"

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Really? Holy shit.

they had good synergy in WoFF

also the Japanese are all seiyuufags

isn't ffxiii like 3rd or 4th best selling

There was a major drop-off between 13 and 13-2. And an even bigger drop-off between 13-2 and Lightning's Return.

If it got 2 sequels it must be because the first one at least sold well, don't you think?

It got two sequels because Squeenix was all hands on deck unfucking FF14 and they needed something safe but profitable to release.

so why didn't they release another FFVII spin-off
Final Fantasy VII: Wutai Tower of Scourge. There. That one's fucking free.

>Safe and profitable

worst fucking FF


>making millions out of reused assets costing you pennies isn't safe and profitable

The game sold like 8 million copies but considering how much money SE burns out of pure incompetence i think you are right about your claim

they have a very special relationship

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8 Million copies but was critically panned because the game felt like a 20 hour tutorial

13 was the best ff since the 90's

I like the seamless intro for a lot of battles like that one there, meanwhile playing stuff like Xenoblade 2 right now and devs still doing the
>cutscene ends in battle stances
>load into battle with weapons not drawn


What the hell are all these?

show pits

all one subhuman who wants ff dead

you are retard like all 13 faggots all 2 of you

8 over 3 games its failed like your life failed incel

that's one game retard

no, 13 sold around 8 million, while XIII-2 around 3.2 million, no idea about XIII-3

It's always great to see sheep adopt internet opinions as their gospel


Former Gametrailers crew, now Easy Allies

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subhuman failures in all aspects thats what a 13 fag is you lost i won you have no right speaking to your betters

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the main characters fuck it all up though the "full sized" WoFF MCs are hideous

nice projection nigger

Lightning is one of the few belt era designs where almost all of the belts make sense.

why are there so many fucking lightningfags

>I have to be a 13 fag to point out you are full of shit

cope harder OTHER TRIBE retard.

Needs better sfm.

Looking at the belts and their function thanks to you, the ones wrapped arround her upper leg are retarded as fuck though.

Can someone tell Cloud that his crossdressing is going too far?

I don't know, having that purse flopping around all over the place would be annoying

Cloud -> Lightning -> Remake Cloud
It's finally come full circle.

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Yeah, those are the only ones that bug me. The ones on the shoes are kind of dumb but I can tolerate their existence.

Let me count all the belts:
>One on her collar for no reason
>Two vertically down the vest with the buckles right over the nipples
>One thick midbelt that's actually doing something
>Three tiny clamps down the vest that I'm not sure count as belts but I'm counting them anyway
>A belt for each of her vest pockets because why the fuck not
>An actual belt to hold up her skirt
>Four lopsided belts for her random red leg pouch
>Another belt to close the pouch
>Three belts for each of her shoes to haphazardly hold them together because fuck practical footwear
>Two belts for the gun holster

All in all 23 belts. Not bad Nomura. Also 5 zippers, 10 buttons (two on the back), and a cape.

>>Two vertically down the vest with the buckles right over the nipples
overalls exist though. Also, I think her nipples are lower. Her breasts would be pretty fucked if that's where the nipples were

She wants the Buster Sword

Those vertical belts are very clearly not acting as overalls lmao

Because I want to fucking lightning

I looked at the anatomy of her outfit wrong. I thought they were holding up the bottom half.

Also, Nomura gets bonus points for the bellybutton piercing

Aw shit you guys, I fucked up. I missed the random tiny belt on her right arm.

24 belts for you Nomura. I'm sorry I underestimated you

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wtf? I never noticed the belt dress

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I counted 37 unique belts. You've outdone yourself Nomura

Never underestimate Nomura's belt fetish

lulu makes no sense whatsoever, her clothes and skin colour are remarkably unsuited to life on a tropical island.

Why Nomura likes belts so much?

You know, it's pretty awful in execution but if they were actually part of the dress and organized instead of being just fucking hanging there it could look okay

>user didn't notice the belt-dress because he was too busy looking at the top of her dress

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I've always thought it was like a greeble ( but instead of random shapes he just put on belts if a design looked too plain. I didn't actually know the definition of the word until recently but it's one of the first things I thought of

I wish he would have just made everything belts. The corset should be belts. The necklaces should be belts. The hair ties should be belts. The hair should be belts. The doll should be belts.

>whenever you want to fuck her you just undo one belt and the magic keeping it all together falls to the ground

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Fair enough. As a trilogy it wasn't bad. I honestly loved Lightning Returns for its more Majora's Mask elements.


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Bleach is a thing for people with prestige

Wy she needs 37 fucking belts!? she must take hours to dress herself

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>you go to undo one belt
>get tangled in all the other belts
>struggle in vain
>neck yourself and die

the real question is how does she even walk. one wrong step and it's over

have they not been scolded by feminists and liberals? that was really different time even in the west

that image wasn't that long ago IIRC

Post more Claire Farron please

Both Lightning and her games suck.

Someone stop the Nomura menace

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take that back

feminists and liberals seem to ignore FF for now.
If FF13 was a western game, Instead of being a stoic quiet type, Lightning would be a loud in your face dont need no man cliche.

Why Nomura merged his design with Vincent's and on top of that gave him a wing? Expanded universe/spin off Cloud sucks

This shit is so dumb, which is a shame because with a couple of edits you could make it way cooler.

>turn the cloak to gray
>remove the wing
>bandage up more of the sword but make it more organized
>remove the excess belts

Lightning was rather loud anyway lmao

Only 12 belts. Pfft, you can do better Nomura. But bonus points for the random bandages on the buster sword, metal rings on the left arm, and bat wing.

Why the fuck he needs belts on his legs? Someone stop this man! Don't let this happen again!

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>final fantasy
>16+ games

Oh Nomura...

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If Nomura made the same character with some decent TnA she would be vastly more popular.

Do you remember a touch of the wind on you?

21 belts. Solid effort Nomura

its z gundam

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FF was already unsalvageable garbage the first time lightning ever appeared.

Business up front party in back

God, I miss 2012

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No, it has one of the lowest ratios of sales to install base of any of the games did in their time

nigger, you wouldn't even be able to see the install base of any game before 13

Wouldn't even need to mess with the cloak.
>it's vincent's cloak that cloud wears in memory due to vincent not surviving the heartless fucking up their world
There, now there's a reason for it. Not like he'd be the first FF character to be canonically dead in KH.

look, just because his point was nonsense doesn’t mean you have to debunk it that easily.

I'm actually convinced, Nomura's personal canon is that she fucks like a tiger with her dry wit and no nonsence personality but running arround like that.
I actually know girls like that.

Reminder that Lightning canonically reverse standing pine needled Hope into the ground so hard that even as an adult his fondest memories are spending time with her as a child

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Since Toriyama refuses to give her a love interest, I'm convinced she fiddles with Hope

Save me a search anons, any good porn with this one?

I assume he himself is her official love interest.

IIRC he actually says this in DFFOO. Even chose to come into the world as a child because of his "fond memories of Lightning".

SE pls

>Reverse standing pine needled

Wait, that hack of a director made his wife go to the real world?

>literally becomes the face of a Louis Vuitton campaign
When will your fav sis?

Search for monkeybeard for patrician Lightning porn

Jesus that art is fucking bad

Are you a retard? even the SNES has sales numbers.

Yes, and how would you determine if anyone played it?

Remasters when?

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Because there are also sales numbers for the games you fucking retard

Which is what I was referencing in my post.
Its like standing pine needle with the positions swapped. Agata has used it a bunch. You can see it in this book, for example.

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The games hold up quite well graphically, what would be the point?

She's a literal demigod by that point, the armor is practically ceremonial. Also you can equip her with different clothes anyway

That's the secret/extended ending of LR

Drooling downie, he was talking about the install base, not the sales numbers

Holy shit, you are beyond retarded. Please kill yourself

Yes, console sales numbers, you fucking moron

KH Cloud was one of the worst things Nomura ever created.

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You. Are. Retarded.

Why can't you fucking read, dumb nigger?

Feels good to be the best final fantasy since 9.

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And the best FF OST since 9 as well

Asking for sauce for all the newfags who won't

It's a strange place where a fucking MMO expansion is considered to be the best FF game in recent years

The only thing I don't like about the game is farming for items to sell for Gil.
It just fucking kills the game

I heard she’s in a crack dungeon.

You dont have to do this to finish the game, just to get 100%.
I have a save file, I may never go back too, all it requires is a few million more gil to unlock that equipment trophy but I just cant be fucked.

The remasters are pretty much the Xbox 360 version on the One X, run at 4K with better textures and effects

It would be if Bravely Default didn't

Bravely Default is shit

>Bravely Default

not a FF game. Plus the second half was poorly designed.

I gave you the artist, I believe in you to find it from there.

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Majority disagrees

You don't get to complain about BD's second half, which isn't even that bad, and ignore the absolute shit that is the entirety of ARR and the LITERAL hundreds of intermittent filler fetch quests throughout the game, all in the same breath

He wanted to put Vincent but was forced to put cloud instead thus creating this.