Is pearlina really canon?

(idk if it got really posted but i gotta post a obligatory image) Just an average Splatoon fan, wanting to know if Pearlina REALLY canon?

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>is my waiu fag/blacked?

>is my waiu fag/blacked?

im actually not saying because of "i want my waifu to be straight..." im just wondering since the internet thinks pearlina is canon but okay.

is futa on female lesbian or straight?

Good Question.

No, it's shipping autism. Don't believe their lies.

Makes sense, since Nintendo hasnt had a same sex couple in any game.

is it their first time?

I don't really well know, people say "PEARLINA IS CANON" but Nintendo hasn't really confirmed that.

They're joined at the hip but they do offer snatches of why that is exactly in the octo expansion. They seem more partners and inseparable friends than lovers.

I know right? I don't know why people think their lovers/lesbians if it were, the game would have been rated differently, even though splatoon has some dark secrets

(100+50)/2 = 75% gay

what are you trying to say?

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Can you imagine if a bunch of video game girls did a futa/dickgirl x female party and they came in pairs?
>Peach and Daisy
>Chun-li and Cammy
>2B and A2
>Bayonetta and Jeanne
>Marina and Pearl
>Kat and Raven
>Shantae and Risky Boots
>Fio and Eri
>Ivy and Taki
>Jill and Rebecca
Imagine a bunch of vidya girls on a sex party and some have dicks to fuck others haha

how the hell does futa have to do with the topic with this post?

>two girls being friends means they're lesbians

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cuntboy falseflaggers?

Splatfags are the literal embodiment of nintenbaby. Imagine playing a game for children then sexualising the childlike characters. I bet you niggers get off on ridley and bowsette too huh?

Not really, if they were there would be evidence, unless you have of course, also why two girls = lesbians, it doesn't make sense. It's like saying
"oemgee!! peach and daisy are friends, their confirmed lesbian XD!!"

imagine making this kind of post, goodness

Haha yeah. They only live, sleep, and eat together. They would never sleep in a shared bed, snuggle up on stressful days, or explore each other’s bodies haha

Did you mean to link OP or any of the other 7 posters?

>Haha yeah. They only live, sleep, and eat together. They would never sleep in a shared bed, snuggle up on stressful days, or explore each other’s bodies haha

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Well yeah
The real question is which one wears the strapon

it's just one bad post after another in this thread but "bad on purpose" is a completely different breed of faggotry

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>what you just said except with wojak that represents you hoop de diddle de doop

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This is what you post like when you wank over literal children


It's be said that they actually live together. Marina loved into Pearl's house. In the Octo Expansion Pearl and Marina show pictures of each other sleeping. I'm not saying it's canon, just that it's not Onion to say it's being hinted at.

>>what you just said except with wojak that represents you hoop de diddle de doop

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Pearl is 25, and Marina is 19.

Suuuuuure they are boss, still look like children though don't they?

No, it's a fucking kid's game.


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I haven't owned the last 4 nintendork "consoles", I just like jacking off to the squid characters and think it would be cute if they were in love.

>In Splatoon, all the playable Inklings are aged 14
Nice try lads, I'll be calling the party van now

where are the adults user

So where are the inklings from splatoon 1? I wish we could at least see them.

Fates is 5+ years old.

Marina is 18 Pearl is canonically 21 years old.

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Uh, how is that related to "same sex couple"

There are same sex couples in fates.

Woah really? Should have had researched baka.

what the? i literally typed shaking my head but it changed to baka? ...

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Sexualising literal children/childlike characters.
Imagine making a toddler physique character a lesbian then saying it's ok because they're 20. Gonna go full party van on yo nonce ass

Pedos and newfags lmfao

Yeah, no thanks i'm okay.

t. Newfag pedo

Bruh Moment.

Have you seen their Splatfest art? They're absolutely a couple

okay senpai.

Lurk 2 years before posting, newfag

please leave

i literally am new to Yea Forums and just tried to ask the question here s_m_h

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23 and 20 by now actually.


There is a mentally deranged poster who hates waifus and Nintendo

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Well thanks for the info, I guess.

Pearl drills for oil with her giant chaotic squid cock