Nintendo has been on a downward spiral for a long time. The graphics, hardware, games its all been in a freefall. Basedtendo has been playing catchup ever since making their biggest mistake and betraying Sony. Nintendo always likes doing shady shit like forcing 3rd parties to develop only for their system but the playstation is a safe haven from that and they still haven't grown up and stary making games for grown ups like Sony has.
My question to you Yea Forums is how long do you think Nintendo has before pulling a Sega? Gimmicks can only last so long and since all the best 3rd parties are already devoted to Sony I don't see those 1st party games (that let's be honest here appeal to children) can keep them afloat. Especially with the PS5 on the horizon.
PC & VR is the future. There is no longer any dedicated companies for consoles. Xbox and Playstation will always be around to appease the normies, but they are produces by larger companies (Sony & MS) that aren't focused on consoles.
inb4 the pathetic nintendo mods get buttblasted and delete this thread for consolewaring
Hunter Torres
I don’t know why Nintendo doesn’t just do what sega does, they could make more money if they sold Mario or Zelda games on ps4, Xbox and pc.
Eli Wilson
Nintendo made their own worst enemy by betraying Sony and can possibly ever hope to compete with them by relying on gimmicks, children's games and outdated hardware.
Isaac Fisher
Kek Sonyfags have been on a real shitposting marathon this week. I guess this is all they have to do now that their system is dead.
Playstation never dies it's been the most revelant brand since the 90's
Juan Morgan
I'm sorry child, but Nintendo have sold more consoles than Sony, Nintendo hardware innovations are visible in all Sony systems, Sony are constantly copying Nintendo's ideas and every GOAT ever compiled is completely saturated with Nintendo games in the TOP 20.
You cannot handle this reality. This is why you're constantly upset and seething about Nintendo.