Is this how a Caster should look like?
Is this how a Caster should look like?
great big... mana pool
No one should look black.
she looks like she fucks white boys
like every female character in any game since women in any combat role is ridiculous in the first place, they should be eye candy
Magic casters are either nerds or big titty goth gfs
no. absolutely fucking no one should look like this
just wait for the buffs lol
Fate really went to shit, huh?
She looks better with the veil, something about those lips just doesn't look right.
Boobs don't jiggle like that.
Does Yea Forums think that tits defy laws of physics?
>boobs don't jiggle like that
uh oh now you've exposed yourself as a shut-in who has never seen a woman
>not loving negress lips
yes she's a cum conjurer
her DSL game is too strong
it's just lipstick
poor girl
>I never played or read anything about Fate but I complain about it as if I pretended to care about it in the first place.
Tertiary faggots always disgust me.
Schez is a better take on her myth than Medea fate was
Yeah, thats my mommy.
Schez is also really great at what she does, being an anti-king servant after all her buffs. She has a role and fills it well, so any complaints should hold no weight.
I wanna fuck that mouth pussy
Like it or not, this is peak Caster body.
No, you never knew it fate you secondary. FSN novel reader here even before Deen anime.
I'll take Sheba and Nito over Schez's ugly mug any day
Is that pinkjoe? Wait is that official art?
You'd never leave her, would you?
Reminder the artist is the original one from Chaika novels
>he denies the conquerors spirit of his forefathers
What a fucking retard
Yes it is. Its the artist style
Voiced valentines its the best 2019 update in jp. Shez has some really good events and interlude this year as well
>Japan completely hates Agartha and Schez to the point her interlude is a "we're sorry" from the devs
>Finally get to play that singularity
They were overexaggerating a fuck ton with Agartha being worse than Septem, the trap jokes were annoying but not to a point i would drop that shit, Pent, Shota Fergus and Dahut were fine, Wu Zetian was an idiot and Colombus was great, how it can be worse than Septem when is just a retarded Nero wankfest i don't know.
As for Schez, she was an idiot and a coward but she wasn't as unlikeable as most people said she was, she was just ok as a villian, nothing really that offensive, her whole "i don't wanna die" schtick had reasons for. the whole "have sex" at the ending was dumb though
And then you have the whole "she trash-talked Romani" when she just said she envies him for what he did, what she said was wrong but she wasn't completely dissing him (but Japan has Roman in a fucking altar so it doesn't surprise me).
I'd ask her to never take that veil off
Why is Japan the only country capable of making attractive brown and black girls?
What was the name of this again?
Because for them it's just a color, they don't tend to tack on the personalities normally associated with it.
Because they want to make everything attractive.
And that's a good thing.
it's namanikuATK, and yes
I've heard that translation for Agartha is toned down from the original, but it's not like I can read Japanese to verify that claim.
I would like to know if that's true, Agartha did had some strong sexual themes and I would be surprised if what we got was toned down from the original.
How about being a cube?
Merlin a shit
Is Medusa (3* standard one) locked behind story progress?
I've gotten like three fucking Kiyohimes, two Hassan Serenities (I like her though so that ones fine) and a bunch of other shit but no Medusa from FP Summons yet.
Also I'm saving for Jack. This is what Assassins should look like.
sauce me up
Nah, you can get her from Friends summon regardless of progress. I got her really early on.
no, but she's pretty rare to get for a 3*, at least from what i have seen.
Its not worse than septem, you read it wrong japanese never put Agarta so down but its the worse of the 4 Epic Renmnat and is worse than the lostbelts that come after.
However Schez become more popular with recent events and her last interlude where she takes a detour to every order to know more about mc and write about an story about it. She also have an important role in Oku event (CCC secuel) alongside Kiara and Mata Hari.
Yeah it was more tone down since the sexual themes were more explicit in description
One could say she is a....Cummoner
Big white cock.
>no combat role
what is she good for then?
>Of course, The men among you in particular should serve us well by providing us with strong offspring.
Of course, fool...I speak of them that way because that is exactly what they will be. Naturally, your cooperation is not a factor. You will be told where to go, what to do, and you will be made to obey, one way or the other.
>Of course. And the role of the man is a given--- you will spit out strong seed for us.
Are you stupid? It's not 'just like'. That is exactly what it is. Of course, you will have no right to choose your partner. After one finishes the next will come. After one finishes, the next will come. You are merely things to sow your seed in the empty wombs of our women.
Bed warming.
iirc in a singularity poll Agartha ranked lower than Septem, dunno if that is still the opinion in JP.
I also know the devs have pushed her a bit more trying to make her more popular, also her buffs are great and now she's a solid servant.
Give me more lip pics, for reasons.
Japan likes Nero so maybe not having her in Agartha might have affected that poll but still not retarded enough to say Septem is the best because of her. Its the only conclusion I have draw since sometimes very popular characters have a certain effect in story polls.
I do know now that japan likes Shez more than before. NA will have Shez and Nitocris team for new summer so you can enjoy this pair of chocos.
that's so fucking hot
a brown gyaru, blonde hair, hint of twintail, pink microbikini hybrid clothes
muh dick
how did she make up so many good stories
He used to work for nitroplus now its a freelancer for mobiles. FGO, Taimanin Asagi, etc
im sadden that japan hated her so much.
that's great to hear, i love alll the chocogirls in fgo.
Made for big white cock
Here you can see the pv. All the group characters are teams, Moriarty obssesed with being Frakestein dad was hilarous.
that doujin emptied my balls the first time i saw it
Ignore the people calling you a secondary/tertiary, yes it went to shit. There is some good stuff in GO but it's nothing compared to how much it shits on the original lore.
This game sucks ass and can only be enjoyed by tertiary faggots.
This series went to shit when it stopped being modern fantasy and turned into this stupid fucking sci-fi fantasy mix.
Fuck Extra
and Fuck Grand Order.
That doujin was nuts
Thats because Nito is Egyptian, which is Low African, Schez is full nigger
The original lore didn't have much to go on, and got shat with Apo, Extra, Prisma Illya even before FGO
Yeah, everything after Zero was a stain on the original lore, no disagreement there.
One hundred percent.
Gachashit aside, the plot is just bad.
Ok so, from what I understand
God tells Solomon to send his ring into the future
Solomon does, and because of this can be summoned in the Fuyuki Grail War (which happens like 200 years late for no reason)
Because Solomon is summoned, Chaldea can be set up to solve the whole incineration problem
but because Solomon makes a wish to become a human his body can be hijacked by Goetia, who starts doing his incineration shit.
Solomon needs to then erase himself in order to stop Goetia
I mean, was this whole thing just one huge 2000 year long prank on Solomon?
Then there's this shit with the Alien God which I don't doubt is Chaldeas fault too.
What the fuck was the point of Chaldea?
They just cause multiple apocalypses one after the other.
You can tell how shit a series is going to be by when it diverges from the FSN timeline
>Strange Fake: IDK what the fuck is up with this shit, seems closeish to FSN though, is decent
>Apo: Diverges during third war, is shit
>Prisma Illya: Fourth War averted, is a glorified fanfic. Fuck you Nasu give us the actual Illya route you cunt.
>Extra: Mooncell means it diverged billions of years ago, absolute trite bullshit
>FGO: first Grail war was in like the 2000s for some reason, diverging like 240 years ago somehow at least. Complete trash
Favorite characters of the Primary CHAD: Shirou, Kotomine, F/Z Gilgamesh.
Favorite characters of the Tertiary virgin: Mash, Astolfo, Whatever FOTM waifu he happens to spend several hundred dollars on.
The alien god comes from another star to invade it wasn't chaldea fault in fact it fear chaldea because it was the only counter-measure against its methods. Its not clear if its was waiting for Salomon or not.
Sauce? All I'm getting is the untranslated Pixiv.
Im only fan of Shiki you tertiary
>not Ado Edem
Lmao what are you trying to prove you quadrary
>Literally sword autism
Pff Gun God is better
fate has always been shit, you mongoloid.
this is how an assassin should look
What about Fate/Requiem?
What the fuck is this shit
>UBW, HF, and FZ
The Types and Gaia should really just kick it's ass.
Gaia would really be pissed at some alien faggot that it didn't invite to the party coming to fuck it up.
And if the fucking Types couldn't beat it then realistically there's no way Chaldea could either.
Zero is one of the worst, most divergent from the themes of the series.
Other than everyone just relentlessly shitting on Saber rather than putting her on a pedestal. How do you figure?
In what fucking way? The themes of Zero directly tie in with the original 3 routes. Kiritsugu's worldview is touched on in FSN and they just developed on it in FZ. How is it divergent?
who’s more useful: Illya or Sitonai?
fucking who?
Actually, don't answer that.
Another alter grail
>"Once, there was a large war. The war ended, and the world became peaceful. Now, anyone has a "Holy Grail" and summons a Servant bound to their fate. There is only one girl, Utsumi Erice who doesn't have one. This girl encounters the last Servant summoned into the world, a boy. But, she has no idea what her fate shall be"
Seems this new reality everyone has a servant. The writting is done by Meteor who is one of Liar-soft main writter.
>inb4 "Bcoz it edgy" completely disregarding how fucking edgy Tsukihime and FSN actually were
The alien god already destroyed the world in a few days and killed every human being in a way faster than Nasu did with Notes but couldn't touch Chaldea so it sent its agents servant, one of them being Kotomine servant.
Where did it go wrong? I have never gotten ito the series.But I saw it everywhere in the last decade. Saber, that red girl with the twin tails, that purple girl and 2 or 3 other male characters. It was one of the biggest visual novels and I kept seeing it everywhere. Fas were posting art and remarking how great the story was. Now all I see is a factory of porn with the fate name churning out lewds at breakneck speeds every hour of the hour. WTF happened?
Jokes on you and Narita, Strange Fake is now apparently super diverged from FSN.
> everyone has a servant
What, are they just fucking pokemon now?
What the fuck?
Mobile games and the sheep who pay for them happened.
It literally reaches the exact opposite conclusion because Urobuchi can't write happy endings without Taiwanese doll TV writers holding his reigns.
>Oprah writes a Fate entry
The humans in Notes were all super-beings with ultrafuckyou powers.
"It couldn't touch Chaldea."
but why.
Why is Chaldea some fucking Avalon tier structure.
And being able to lifewipe humans as they currently are would be very quick.
Sitonai is another Illya but unlike Prisma Illya collab its actually FSN Illya combined with Sitonai, Louhi, Freyja.
Fate is as usual, not a single change in quality since that visual novel then.
>FSN Illya combined with Sitonai, Louhi, Freyja.
>FSN Illya despite the timeline of FGO being so different Illya wouldn't even exist
That makes no sense
Where did she come from?
What the fuck is up with the shill divine servants?
Where are they getting the vessels to summon them into?
so, Strange Fake is good?
imo the plot, even outside of the fact that it's literally just femdom fetishism: the singularity, is fucking terrible
literally everyone betraying you made sche betraying you feel like nothing to me, "i hate men because the king was a dickhead" was honestly dumb, and the various cities just felt dumb to me
by the end i just wanted it to be over already
How the fuck was Zero supposed to have anything other than a tragic ending, you retard?
No shit it reaches the opposite conclusion, thats the entire point. Kiritsugu's worldview was flawed and childish, but he only realized it at the end. It's very similar to the way Shirou develops his worldview in FSN, but he chooses a better path. Are you really so idiotic you couldn't see that was the WHOLE point while you were watching the show? Not only that, but the reason things were left on a tragic note with loose ends untied is because it leads into FSN, dipshit. You really think they could've made a happy ending when Sakura needed to be in the snakepit, Kiritsugu needed to be cursed, Kotomine had to be left as Rin's guardian despite being her fathers murderer, etc? Fuck off retard.
Naturally your only other criticism is the urobutcher meme. Do you really think "FZ had a tragic ending" is a criticism?
Some weird shit happen in one of the wars and every human born in that era get its own grail to summon an spirit except our heroine who was born with an evil one.
>has nothing to do with Fate
>has nothing to do with HF
>only matters at the end of ubw
The only meaningful tie-in is the shit with illya and archer. Everything else is just plot devices like Gilgamesh and Avalon
>Where did she come from?
The same place Rin and co. come from, I assume.
My desire to hit skip was at an all time high during the entire thing
>is unable to see that the contrast and comparisons with Kiritsugu's worldview is relevant in all 3 routes
brainlets need not apply
What the fuck.
And these servants don't just immediately say, "alright then fuck this I'm going to take over the world"?
The whole cooperation between a master and a servant is because the Servant wants a wish and needs to cooperate with their Master to get to that stage.
They aren't fucking magical superbutlers.
It couldn't touch them because of the rayshift they do, the details escape me but Da Vinci did an explanation of Chaldea defense system thats why we get invaded from the insade when they sent agents from the magus tower before the alien's god attack.
agartha was so fuckin trash
Shin sei Den
Da Vinci is full of shit.
yeah it might be a personal thing but jesus christ the plot is just zzz
oh we're in this giant underground area. oh noes, these amazons wanna kill us. now we're with these rebels and we gotta take down these three cities because ???
oh no, it turns out this dude we thought was cool isn't! oh no this girl who straight up said she'll do anything to live betrayed us
the only okay thing that happened was the ending, because reminding you that yeah, this is happening in the early 2000s and we're about to crash a fucking city into the planet was actually kinda neat
otherwise, boring ass singularity, only things of note were the fetish bait and that last spoiler.
Dunno much about that since there is only one vol that was published in comiket 95
they do if they're big enough dude.
>t. sees women jogging as he's driving every now and then
I really like the idea of a caster in heavy armor
it's not done *too* often though
and i'm not talking about clerics, I want arcane magic
it's from Reddit I think
post was how they lived or something
Don't worry. Kotomine took care of her
This series is a fucking shadow of it's former self.
>The whole cooperation between a master and a servant is because the Servant wants a wish
Some servants just want to stick around to live a little again.
>caster servant that’s afraid of getting hit by a stray arrow
>wears full body plate just to be safe
I can dig it
Based Kirei.
Too bad he didn't finish the job and they had a fucking spare or some shit.
Fuck FGO.
Romani deserved all the bad shit he got.
How can you be so short-sighted when you have Clairvoyance: EX?
While Nasu as hack as it is, were to write every fate spin off it could make more sense but he let every friend he has to write a fanfic about his works the inconsistencies will only grow bigger.
>struck by a stray arrow
>from an Archer
>rips them a new asshole
that's like, 5 percent of all servants.
I thought it was something to do with drawing all the demons out to wipe them out for good
Nasu is only a decent writer when he's depressed and has no money.
But that's fucking stupid.
Schez X either gender Guda is my OTP
Alien's god action are impersectible to everyone, those who see the future cannot see it, those who can detect prescence cannot perceive him, true when no one notice the alien priestess not even servants but their action seems to have some limitations.
Haven't played grand order, whats the deal with this woman and that Scottish dude with the closed eyes? Why are they always shipped together and stuff?
Ok but why don't the planetary super-beings get involved?
Gaia doesn't like being murdered.
is it a blur, or do they just see a fake future when alien god doesn’t destroy the planet?
Fergus (scot) wants to fuck her and his shota version told her to stop being a stupid coward and have sex.
Gaia isn't being killed the alien seems to just wipe the "greater history of humanity" literally humans and their story but let the crypters handled the lostbelt to suplant the reality
Fergus wanted to fuck her and was shipped with her in Agartha but since then she attached to the master and basically avoids Fergus at Chaldea because she's afraid he will fuck her to death
You ready bros?
inb4 futa
Hasn't it literally turned the surface of the planet into a blank slate?
Gaia doesn't appreciate uninvited alien niggers fucking up it's lawn.
Neither does Alaya.
I fapped countless times to the other Chaldea Manias, when is this cuming out?
C96 next month
Reminder Nasu loves Dark Soul and Evangelion.
what is it
Comiket in august, get ready those faps my user. My only gripe is that FGO launch summer events right before comiket if there is a hot servant it need to wait until december.
more delicious brown pls
>Columbus was great
When he was still Rider of the Resistance he was good, then he actually got revealed as Columbus and man did it just drop from there.
It's like, we can come to terms that historical figures did shit that wouldn't fly nowdays, but the way they beat you with a club about it right after you beat Pent just felt forced as fuck.
*game conveniently glosses over Cu Chulainns nasty rape habit*
or his Prolicide
i only like fgo for the character interactions, the story is bad.
Reminder that brown boys belong to white cocks
Rereminding everyone that brown boys are only good for breeding by big white cocks
I wish I was cool and strong like Kintoki
I guess
most schez doujins have been good so far so i have hopes
hope it doesn't
The original doujin team broke up.
Used to make hentai based on Chinese mythology.
After the breakup, the other artist started making only futa shit which sucks.
Yeah, that's so gay, i wish there where more bulky men with bug cocks instead of futas.
>bug cocks
i don't wanna know what are you fapping to
am I the only one who doesn't get upset with the multiple entries of fate that exists right now?, I mean sure while FGO can be shit but it's still a has really fun moments and the same can be said about all of the other stuff and can be easily ignored specially if you only like the original VN or also Hollow ataraxia
and also the reason I like fate more is how they make thier own spin on mythical and historical figures and explain how and why they are like that no matter how crazy or stupid it's explained with the magical bullshit of that universe
>bulky men with bug cocks
Does such thing even exist
that fucking sucks, just hope this doujin doesn't have that shit
I agree with you user.
>the other stuff and can be easily ignored specially if you only like the original VN
I try, but because of how successful it's been for all intents and purposes fate IS grand order now. I hate mobage in absolutely all forms, the fact that the most successful and most popular entry in the fate franchise is a mobile game is just salt in the wound.
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.
I can see your point user, I also think the mobile being the most well known thing about fate and being the main source if you want more lore stuff of servants and more that had been done rather horribly at times hurts the series a lot, the most you can hope for is for the mobile game to lose steam, since nasu seems to want to finish the story of that game with the current part 2 and hope to god if he decides to write something to do with fate again, it's in something outside the mobile game
just b ur golden self!
lol homo
>archer class
>most servants don't even use bows and use dumb shit like projectile swords or even their fucking eyes
Whats the point of this?
To be fair, judging by what the japs put into their isekai shit. "Slavary bad" may not be totally obvious to them and they may need it spelled out.
Reminder that THIS is your Grand Caster
needs armpit hair and a thick pubic bush
I usually dont care about weak characters but the way she literally begs you to not put her through battle is really cute.
I would just pump her ass full of mana and have her be a house wife.
God dammit. Did they seriously put him in FGO as well?
Cant they come up with other villains instead of reusing that one.
I enjoyed Stay Night's VN and anime adaptions (the Deen ones less so in hindsight but I enjoyed them at the time). I enjoyed Zero, Apocrypha etc. I'm enjoying Grand Order and Case Files right now.
I dunno, man, I just find the setting and its brand of story telling and character writing appealing.
If I had any complaints it's that the IP could do with more game versions. I loved Fate/Unlimited Codes, would love some kind of Grand Order fighter.
>its brand of story telling and character writing
The story telling and character writing in FSN and FZ compared to something like Apocrypha is like night and day. The characters in apocrypha are almost all awful, barring some exceptions like Vlad. The setting I get, but but to say the writing the spinoffs is equal to the best stuff in the series is an insult to the entries that have actual good writing.
I mean I never said it was all equal. There's a noticable difference in what they go for and I definitely think SN and Z are more substantial and do more with it compared to Apocrypha, but Apocrypha still has fun with the concept and that's enough to entertain me.
Looks like a girl I saw at the strip club
I threw her $20's
You don't need the "like", you ESL retard.
me in the middle
Why does she have a white cock? Seem kind odd for a dark skinned female to posses one.
hey there Not!Satsuki.
Strange Fake is secretly a Tsukihime sequel.
Still though it's got wiggle room. It's basically America got all the data from Fuyuki during WW2, and that war goes as normal. Then they spend 70 years building a secret mage CIA to start a grail war of their own in the year 2000.
It's semi-canon to El-Melloi II Case Files though, and Fate/Zero still happened. If it holds to the FS/N timeline then the true and false war happens before F/SN.
Essentially the third war and fourth war happened the exact same way.
Thoughts on this dude?
>lancer class
>most servants use spears instead of lances
>saber class
>most servants use other swords instead of sabers
You are taking the class name too literally.
Why bother with armour when bark/iron skin spells/potions/item effects exist?