You told me this was good. Why do you lie, Yea Forums?

You told me this was good. Why do you lie, Yea Forums?

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-t. a faggot that doesn't eat Pork Bun

you're just a zoomer

>Definitive Edition

nobody has ever said that was good

It is good.
Not our fault you have objectively shit taste in videogames.

i mean, you have to have good taste to enjoy it so it would make sense you wouldn't enjoy it

But the controls and animations are so fucking clunky and the combat is extremely repetitive.

It's literally the best sandbox game of the past couple gens. It's phenomenal

it’s really really good, only gta clone that’s as good as gta 4 if you ignore time of release and platform
you just have shit taste, probably think gta 5 is the best in the series

>It's phenomenal

It really isn't. The combat is boring, and the driving plus shooting are pure garbage.

I'm willing to bet you've never eaten a pork bun.

because this place is full of kids
shoutinmg zoomwer and boomer
they have no fucking idea

lets follow the minimap and collect every fucking thing I see
that sounds like fun
>tfw you pissed on your keyboard

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Have sex.

I like the game.
But calling the driving garbage is an insult to garbage tbqh.

great argument bud

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you fucked up kid

dont fuck with me

enjoy your vacation


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youre not whole man

just fucking do it Pete

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>2781536104432476.jpg (306 KB, 817x1200)File: 1536104432476.jpg (306 KB, 817x1200) google yandex iqdb wait

this was my experience with it too. everyone on Yea Forumseddit told me how good this shit was. eventually got it for free and got bored halfway through and dropped it. it wasn't terrible it was just bland and clunky. the MC has some cool outfits though

stand by my original comment
(other poster wasn’t me who you replied to)

wot r u sayin?

Every day I give thanks that this game exists. Thank you, square enix overlords for stepping in and saving this game. All our lives are better for it.

I posted encouraging you to have sex.
the person who replied with you fucked up and the chain from that isn’t me
my opinion is still have sex.

i got it for five cents. Its okay

A lot of the game is pure atmosphere. If you don't like the atmosphere, you probably won't like the game. I loved it.

Bruh if you werent pissed when they killed your boy towards the end then you arent a man

it was so stupid just sending him home after the incident on that little island
Wei is a fucking retarded imbecile

Using faggot OP's thread to post an image of when this board used to be pretty funny and original on the regular.

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OP has the reaction time of a fork