Sentinel Prime is the Doom Slayers home world. He is not the same dude from Doom 1 and 2.
Sentinel Prime is the Doom Slayers home world. He is not the same dude from Doom 1 and 2
>Sentinel Prime
lying to yourself isn't a healthy way to deal with cognitive dissonance
nigga's from earf
Doom 64 is a thing.
One of the devs said that they were constrained by Doom's lore while developing it was considered a serious sequel to Doom 2.
Doom 2016 makes pretty blatant reference to the ending of Doom 64 as the beginning of Doom Slayer's story
>Doom Slayer
>Not Doomguy
You must be 18 to post here.
Prime, the Geneva Convention!
I don't understand why people are freaking out about doom lore of all things. Who cares? It's a first person game where you kill everything in front of you
just like in Doom 2016, you dont have to care about the lore
killing things is more fun when the circumstances are right, like the nigger pirates in far cry 3
In this modern era of video games, story is a big deal.
Why do you think people make "lore" videos about COD/GTA characters?
Because the Doomguy/Slayer is a cool power fantasy concept. A mere mortal fueled by anger to kill every demon he comes across, when we as regular humans have innate fears of demons and monsters. Plus the idea of Hell being just an alternate dimension of aliens that consume other worlds and dimensions is cool as well, as opposed to the fire and brimstone Christian Hell we're so used to.
the lore is cool tho
doom is shit
>armor is based off the original doomguy, but with too much fucking details and details that are suspicially identical to a certain xbox character
>"mysteriousness" added to double down the idea that he's a self insert
>"doomslayer" possibly being chosen as a name that is more marketable than "doom marine" (or maybe because he MUST have some cool nickname like dragonborn or terror billy)
>whole concept of his power level being based off a fanmade version of the character inspired by chuck norris jokes rip offs, a line from a comic book and a popular mod
There, the "Doom Slayer" in a nutshell.
Doom's Hell always felt like a mix of actual Hell and stuff that isn't really Hell.
The original Hell in the series felt like a mix of ideas to the point their dimension is just a mix of weird shit that makes levels both abstract universe-wise and have some shit to offer for level making tools.
Later games part Final Doom had more "strict" versions of Hell until 2016 went hard with the floating rock landscape approarch.
Following it up with discribing some demons as almost alien like (See: Hellrazers being the result of a virus, possessed soldiers being hit by a wave than actual possession) and most of them being manmade (Cybernetic demonis, Specters).
At that point, they made Hell look weak.
Isn’t there a reference to one of the Doom 64 levels in Doom 2016 too?
It’s unironically smashfags that want to make a distinction because they want DoomGUY and not DoomSLAYER.
The armor was made by a demon, there is no mystery about him, Doom Slayer is a name that the demons gave him after he killed so many of them and tore the Titan to pieces, so of course it’s edgy, and the powers he has were given to him by the Serephim.
Yes, 2016 claims that the demons collapsed the Blood Keep temples on top of Doomguy in order to capture him, and Blood Keep was a map in 64.
They actually worked together to do that?
You walk through the corpse of the titan on your way to the final level
He's referred to as Doom Marine multiple times in the game's writing.
>They actually worked together to do that?
The demons? Sure, why not. It's not like they're all mindless beasts. Doomguy probably just deals with the expendable frontlines most of the time.
Wait do people actually think he isn't doomguy? Thats dumb
>It’s unironically smashfags
People have been discussing this shit ever since 2016 released.
I just think it’s weird because most demons hate each other, and infighting is even referenced to in the Codex.
I think 2016's codex mentions that demon priests set the trap up instead of regular demons.
Do you think those demon priests are the same guys that are on the Doom Eternal Deluxe Edition cover art?
it's more interesting if they're different people. why do loreblobs always feel the need to connect everything
Doom Slayer is this guy
hell yes my dude. white trash doomguy best doomguy
Why are you still posting these threads?
Because it makes for an interesting story. Just like Ranger in Quake Champions writing down his memories of home so that he doesn’t forget his family.
In the reveal trailer doom guy has his classic suit so does that mean we are going to get the current one later?
Ion Maiden/Fury ripped it off.
I bet he finds it on that UAC base.
Whoops forgot photo
>A homage is ripping off
Do you also not like Doom because it plagiarized its entire soundtrack?
connecting every id character into a single familial continuity is not interesting, it's just autism. and not the good kind.
It was different then
You sound fun at parties.
It could just be that things changed since the first trailer and the classic armor isn't actually in the game. Who knows, though. There's definitely a lot of fan wank in the game.
So are all Barons in Eternal the ones with craggy gray skin and fire underneath, or is that a special variant? A normal red one is shown here , but have we seen any since? It seems odd that a bunch of demons were redesigned to look more like their classic counterparts, but then Barons look less like they used to.
It’s possible. Doomguy is going to have skins in the game already.
why is the 25 anniversary slayer just black n white? is that just a place holder?
I like the idea of Doom turning into something like Dark Souls where there's infinite Doomguys running across infinite planes of hell killing everything, and it also explains how players can invade one another.
Place holder. What do you think it is?
only in the multiplayer
Well the campaign IS Multiplayer. There isnt any MP mode
yes there is
Huh, I figured they cut it and just were doing the invasion stuff
It's a reference to this piece of artwork.
There’s nothing keeping them from doing both. It says Campaign, Invasions, and Multiplayer.
i just checked and i was wrong anyway, the skins are for singleplayer too
>Optimus, I know we're mortal enemies but I hope this truce lasts.
I'm a little disappointed that Hell Knights have eyes. I think they looked cool without them.
The third person cut scenes make more sense now knowing that
Here's your Doom Slayer, bro.
Yeah, I feel the same.
>Piss off martians and meatballs are back
>You will have to fight against both of them along with summoners
That shit will be cool
how many slayers club points do other anons have? i'm up to 2344
so is this shit gonna have a mp like the last one?
I’m a bit disappointed too.
I have 450, any ways to get alot quickly?
Technically, he is, and isn’t at the same time. Doomguy is from the id timeline, while Billy and Billie are from the Machinegames timeline.
No because that would be retarded.
They are, but it’s not going to be like the last game’s multiplayer. They’re developing it at id instead of handing it over to some different company.
I like the new suit
Events and looking at the news.
not really. read all the news/events, watch all the videos for like 15 seconds each, open all the screenshots/concept art/wallpapers, polls and trivia, you get three shares a day across like all of this as well, then there's the forums, the discord, and the spotify (for those last two you just click on the boxes they're in at the bottom of the home page). idk if you can still sign up for orion but that's an easy 50 too.
I wouldn't be surprised if summoners are gone, with archviles taking their place.
Hell has sentient demons, imps and hell knights are grunt labor and pit fighters but that magic cunt from 2016 who teleports around and throws energy waves at you is intelligent. The only smart demon we probably saw in 2016 was the Spider Mastermind considering it was just Olivia Pierce given a new form.
How many times are you going to repost this? Why do you care if people believe Doomguy=Doom Slayer?
I remember reading somewhere that Archvile will be like the elite summoner like the Baron is to hell knight but i might be wrong
So this boy's getting in Smash, right?
he'll get in mk11
I wish this was real but even without glasses Gendo could point out this was shopped.
I hope they use both, like the hell zombies were different from the UAC ones in 2016
>he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him.
>Doom 64 states Doomguy CHOSE to stay in hell to keep the demons at bay for eternity.
You're actually fucking retarded, delusional, and in denial.
We already know MK's dlc.
Who the fuck cares, I just hope Hayden is in it again and gets away scot-free with being a robotic dick again, despite raising half a dozen of redflags to be sure to get a shotgun to the face.
They always had eyes, they're just pushed to the sides of the head
The twist is he ends up being the final boss, he will become the true Cyber Demon
the merauder skin look like a Wingless dreadlord from Warcraft
we're all thinking warhammer when we see that imperial maruader right?
how are you so retarded and still manage to not kill yourself while eating
"Hello Yea Forums, I am VEGA"
Just wait till they make him black and its a circlejerk of
>why change it
>why does it matter
Chaos doom marine? Emperor save us
I thought it was implied that his rampage has been going on for so long that nothing even remembers that it began as just a Marine arriving on Mars in a hanger full of dead marines.
Dooms gay
>Just wait till they make him black
People would just point out that they should have used Phobos instead. Similar to how people think it's stupid that the new Doom movie has a female protagonist but she isn't Crash.
This is pretty much correct.
The UAC had something in their databanks regarding him (its the first Codex entry you get) that refers to him as the Doom Marine, so they know he was on mars at one point as a marine before all the rest of the lore happened.
George Clooney?
>the new Doom movie
Don't even fucking remind me, same with the fact that they're making a monster hunter one
Although i found it funny how fast the id Doom team distanced themselves from that dumpster fire
Hey Vega. Nice to see you again.
are the guns gonna get skins to go back to how they looked like in the first nudoom because the """updated""" models look like ass
Watch the trailers
Hi cortana, where's the nearest gas station?
Atleast the Monster Hunter movie will have my favourite exhibitionist actress and on model cgi monsters.
the only trailers I've seen have stupid looking demonic rocket launchers and some dumb ass crossbow instead of the gauss cannon, Im asking if we can reverse that stupid shit
>like the nigger pirates in far cry 3
god i love that, im using that to describe somalia now
>Friend shows me Doom16
>Has picked the scope for the AR
>Call him a retard
>Get it myself later
>Install zoom on gauss cannon
>Complete the game
>Get siege mode in NG+
>Call myself a retard
Is there a way to make "Sniping" modes on weapons not suck so much dick compared to the alternative?
The zoom upgrade on the Gaussrifle is completely retarded to the overkill that is the siegemode same with the windup on the Minigun compared to fuck you I have three miniguns,
The AR scope has it's uses though, while the mini missiles are just more dps while being outclassed by tons of other shit.
what the fuck is that knight of morr doing?
did he turn chaos?
>The AR scope has it's uses though
Such as? If i wanted to hit shit that's far away i'd either gauss, plasma or grenade, all the while not losing sight (literally) of what's going on around me
I like the new assault rifle and shotgun. I will miss the 3/2016 plasma rifle, though. It's neat that they want to emulate the look of the original games, but that gun's always been ugly.
I found to do tons of damage when aiming for weak spots from afar with good mobility especially before you get the gauss rifle.
It's also good in multiplayer but you don't have the missile version there anyway.
Who knows? The only weapon skin right now is for the Combat Shotgun, and it just gives it a few wooden parts.
the shotgun is almost definitely better, but they fucked up the plasma rifle foley
Doom 2016, the plasma rifle has a soft fuzzy, sort of "gooey" sounding "fwip fwip fwip" sound, which would have fit a lot better for the retro-plasma rifle from Doom Eternal, while that one has a tinny "PEWPEWPEW" sound that should have been on the Doom 2016 one
I pre ordered for the classic shotgun honestly
When its fully upgraded, it has huge damage, it can 6 shot Cacodemons for example, which is a lot more efficient than constant siege mode shots.
Josh Brolin as doomguy ?
Is this the most satisfying AR in a game? i can't think of anything else like it
god that gets my cock hard
>he doesn't keep the "infinite ammo at 100 armor" rune equipped at all times
Doom's Hell absorbs places it conquests. It's why Argent D'nur had a hellish landscape most likely.
>he didn’t upgrade it to make it infinite ammo at 75 armor
it's odd, but it's up there
the assault rifles from the killzone series also qualify, extremely satisfying machineguns, gotta be top 10
This and I'm the guy the defended the AR scope in the first place.
Then again ,my first playthrough was on nightmare so it usually was like bonus time at the begining of each gauntlet.
oh my mistake, I forgot which number it was, I just remember it being "infinite ammo at X armor amount" I thought it was 100/150, not 75/150, but I haven't played the game since last year
Are the mortally challenged finally going to win this time?
You we’re right. It’s infinite ammo at 100 armor at first, but you can upgrade it to make it so you get infinite ammo at 75 armor after you hit a certain requirement.
Hey Google, is 4.2 inches average?
Why won’t this thing work??
Imperial looks like Blizzard trash straight out of Diablo 3
But they’re free, so it’s okay.
Go on..
>Infinite ammo with high armor
>Enemies drop armor when glory killed
>Increased equipment effectiveness so siphon grenades can give you armor if your health is full
>Never upgrading max health so my health is full more often and I can more easily drain armor to get above 75
Bullets for days. I hope Rich Get Richer is still in Eternal.
They’ve already confirmed that they’ll bring back all the old runes in Eternal, while also adding new ones too.
The wiki says the 2016 game takes place in 2149, but where does that info come from? I can't find anything in the data logs saying the current year, just mentioning events as recent as 2148. Not that it really matters, I'm just curious. Also, they use the format "MTC 2148". Apparently, MTC is a proposed method of measuring time on Mars, but it's only used for seconds, minutes, and hours, so the use of it as a label for years doesn't really make sense. I guess there's not really any way of knowing if the dates given are relevant to our dating system or are part of some made-up Martian system.
Sweet. I'm guessing there are still limits to how many you can equip, though? I'm not a fan of that. This is a straight-up shooter game, not an RPG. Don't make me choose.
Sounds like they just forgot halfway through they thought of something there.
English text on armor is pretty big give away. Especially with the recent doom pic showing doomguy looking out of place in d’nur. Like it’s pretty obvious
I want porn of doomguy dicking Cortana, uncorrupte her
Is that supposed to be the original doomguy’s face in the visor?
They’ve got to balance it out some how. Otherwise that would take away from the challenge.
Where did you get that screenshot? Is it available in wallpaper size?
Looks like the only wallpaper sized version is full of markings telling you what color paint each part uses.
Jesus Christ, the texture work on this thing is so impressive, I only have the faintest hopes of achieving this level quality on my GTX 1050 TI.
hahaha those are cute as fuck
that's totally doomguy
Actually a bretty good port. The rest of the console ports were pretty shit.
Who cares? What's with the continual attempts to disown the new Dooms on every level?
I don't remember this amount of sniveling cultural weaseling with Doom 3, and everyone had plenty of reason to disown that one.
Doomguy/Billy being associated with cute characters is oddly in character seeing that he owned a pet rabbit. Fans like to portray him as not just a warrior but a guardian as well.
I hope the speed of the new game is higher. Doomguy needs to move around faster.
Movement speed seems the same from what I've seen, but the dash will help at least.
more fun than you piss stain.
Nah it being you from the first game is better than him just being some mysterious alien superhero.
>Sentinel Prime
yes. literally perfection
>Rip and tear till it's done
Will he die at the end ? it will never be done
He's already died once. You're forgetting he's in hell, he'll just respawn.
Naaah, it is not autism, it is canon.
is that the Wretch in the left of the picture?
But you're factually and scientifically wrong. Also stupid.
Oh fuck that is true i forgot Doom 1 eps 1 end end, i always forget the respawn thing
>too much fucking details
*too many
So yeah. Don't mean to sound like a "le epic" reddit fag but basically he's not trapped in Hell, Hell is trapped him. That's pretty much canon now.
Is that a monster they turned into a battle tank
*with him
Doom 4's canon makes numerous references to hell connecting many dimensions. The Doom Slayer is the original Doomguy after running through Doom 1 and 2, every single wad and finally Doom 64 before being entombed and ending up in Doom 4's UAC.
Prove me wrong, protip: you can't.
It’s canon, so it’s okay. He’s always been a bit of a freak, since Hell literally tells him to get out by making a teleporter to Earth after he kills the Spider Mastermind in Inferno.
I like to think he's the same guy, but he might not be.
I don't get this whole issue anyway. nuDoom is another canon to me. Making nods to the old games but not really trying to string anything togeher either, like Zelda games before retards whined so hard Nintendo threw them a bone.
That's no coincidence. Doom's Hell is determined to spread chaos, despair, and suffering not just on Earth, but beyond their own universe. They want to travel to other worlds and cause absolute mayhem and destruction.
What if it means it's his NEW homeworld? Earth is pretty much dead now.
I'm curious about the fact that we're going to the Sentinel's home world. I assumed it got absorbed into Hell and everyone died. Does this mean that they're not originally from Argent D'Nur, or that Argent D'Nur was just a city and the rest of their planet was spared?
So it’s like a parasitic dimension?
I got that impression from 2016 as well. But it was vague enough with its hints that it could go another way in Eternal.
Zelda may be a bad example since most of the older games were all directly connected. It didn't stop connecting well until Four Swords because that got a half ass rewrite part way through production that fucked it for where it went in the timeline.
>NEW homeworld
Homeworld usually refers to where someone was born.
Zelda is a bit of a bad example, since Doom is pretty straight forward.
Play DOOM multiplaer you cunts, I want to get my last two dumb grind multiplayer achivements and I'm tired dying to the same 6 max prestige level fuckers.
Here, I drew a quick diagram of the Doom canon for this moron who won't stop making this thread every day. Doomguy starts in the top left and travels around in a clockwise circle.
Zelda games always had connections, they just needed to be officially confirmed.
Doom's hell is basically a universal disease. It spreads like aids. Basically imagine if God himself had cancer. THAT is what would happen. Not just the end of the world, but the entire multiverse.
Especially since a certain skeleton in TP is definitely OoT Link.
Jesus. Hell is starting to sound more eldritch than anything from Quake.
>saving the mobile version
Yet some angry fuck with a gun can kill it all, humans are just hillaiously incompetent.
Even dumber if you asume the multiplayer is fought out by normal grunts as strong as the Doomslayer without runes.
What the fuck is that image trying to show me again?
Where does the non-Hell portion of Doom 64 take place, anyway? Phobos again?
Sorry, it’s the only version I could find. Just follow the arrow, and ignore Commander Keen Mobile.
It's a very scary thought. These demons are no joke. They want God to see his creations suffer. Not just humans, but every living thing in existence. And yet somehow one man can try and prevent all this from occurring.
Argent DNur seems to be one of the planets the Sentinels colonized and where they kept the Wraiths so that the production of Argent energy would be safe. Sentinel Prime is the home world and likely fell even before D'nur did and the only reason D'nur was safe was because it was where the Wraiths were.
It depends entirely on Doom Slayers mental state. The chronology of things also doesn't make sense for Sentinel Prime being his homeworld. He's suppose to have been in hell for a while, but Argent D'nur was a recent conquest. At the same time, the first testament also says that the Slayer bore the crown of the Night Sentinels, but that doesn't make any sense anymore, as we have seen the king's soul in footage. Daisy is also featured in artwork as a callback to Doomguy.
So was an amnesic Doomguy spit out of Hell after unending years of combat, became the leader of the Night Sentinels, only for the entire order to be betrayed by the King? Or is Doom Slayer an unrelated guy, or possibly the king still somehow. Which still seems silly. The armor given to him by the Wretch has english lettering and numbers, baring the UAC. Does this mean that the Wretch was a human soul transformed? Was the Wretch the original Doom Guy, giving his armor to someone he felt was worthy to take up his mantle?
>A long forgotten relay satellite barely executing, decayed by years of bombarding neutrons, activates and sends its final message to Earth. The satellites message was horrific, from the planetary void there came energy signatures unlike anything sampled before.
>The classified archives are opened. The military episodes code named "DOOM" were not actually completed. A single entity with vast rejuvenation powers, masked by the extreme radiation levels, escaped detection. In its crippled state, it systematically altered decaying dead carnage back into corrupted living tissue.
>The mutations are devastating. The Demons have returned even stronger and more vicious than before. As the only experienced survivor of the DOOM episode, your commission is re-activated. Your assignment is clear: MERCILESS EXTERMINATION.
You will never convince me the name Doom Slayer doesn't sound dumb as hell
This pic needs to be adjusted. He killed the Titan before the wretch gave him the armor.
He slays the servants of Doom so it's a good name
>ClassicTimeline>Spear>Wolf3D>CommanderKeen>Doomguy gets demoted and sent to Phobos for attacking his commanding officer>Doom>Doom2>FinalDoom>Years later>Doom64>Doomguy stays in Hell.
I'm okay with the demons calling him that since it's fitting for them to speak melodramatically, but I wish it weren't the name that the developers and now the UAC use for him.
Demons came up with it so you're good.
>Implying he gives a fuck what anyone calls him
Can confirm
>Yet as the mighty Titan fell and dread engulfed the armies of Doom, the demon priests of the Blood Temples laid a trap to capture this scourge of Hell. Insatiable, even by the vanquishing of the Great One, the Hell Walker sought prey in the tombs of the Blood Keep. And blinded by his fervor, the lure drew him in. The priests brought down the temple upon the Doom Slayer, and in his defeat entombed him in the cursed sarcophagus. The mark of the Doom Slayer was burned upon his crypt, a warning to all of Hell that the terror within must never be freed. There he lies still, and ever more, in silent suffering.
It's the name the demons speak and use in the loud speaker system, so what else would they call him? I don't want exclamations of HIM throughout the game. Nor would I want them to confirm him as a BJ.
Yeah, it's weird. The order of the testaments first mentions the titan and then goes on to talk about the wretch and then finishes with this.
One of the data logs says some of the UAC call him the Doom Marine, just go with that.
>Hell>The demons resurrect the Betrayer’s dead son as the Icon of Sin>Argent D’nur is assimilated into Hell>Doomguy fights around in Hell until he gets new powers from the Seraphim>Kills Titan Demon>Gets new armor from a demon call the Wretch>Demons trick Doomguy to go to Blood Keep from Doom 64 and bury him in it>Doomguy gets sealed in a tomb while knocked out>Hell tries to invade Doom 3 universe and fails>UAC from another universe finds and brings back Doomguy’s tomb>Doom 2016>Doom Eternal
But Doom 3 Guy is the Doom Marine.
wasn't he just some random nigger or am I thinking of that later Unreal singleplaer game.
>Whoa man I'm so scaaard now!
They're fucking demons. Demons make up names and titles. And they don't use human buzzwords and terms like "guy". That's kind of their thing. They call him The Doom Slayer because he is the only one who been able to stand in their way, and is seen as a worthy enemy by Satan himself.
>MachinegamesTimeline>TOB>TNO>TNC>Youngblood>Commander Keen Mobile>UAC Established>Doom 2016>Doom Eternal
Doom 3 Guy is just some random Corporal that got sent to Mars to replace some other guy that died.
the hell is this from
Doom 3 DLC.
not him but literally the first time I heard about this and I actually played through D3 when it came out, or rather when a friend made a copy for me.
There is also another dlc in the BFG edition where you play as the beta or whatever squad only survivor
So this is what he's suppose to look like fully armored up? Like if you picked up the mega sphere?
Is Doom Marine the Doom 3 one ? i don't remember it's outfit
Yes, that would be correct.
I guess.
Looks like shit.
Have you sold your soul to the devil and preordered the CE?
I'm getting it as an early Christmas gift
Dr. Connors?
And then why he has a pet rabbit named daisy.
let's be honest it would be kind of deflating if it's not the original doomguy, get away with that Star Wars "EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED" bullshit
I fucking despise the people who decided to add pointless dumb lore to Doom
I despise people who feel the need to butt into things that don’t concern them.
Since I am a man that likes Doom and hates stupid bullshit, it does concern me.
I despise jews like you.
Then make your own Doom thread, dumbass.
Sam is unironically one of the best characters in years.
And I'm a sucker for Doomguy suddenly being a force of nature, instead of just some fuck that somehow invalidates the rest of humankind not being able to shoot some evil animals.
He was always a powerhouse. Just look at everything he does throughout Doom 1, 2, and 64.
Memes spawned from overanalyzing game mechanics aren't what the games ever told us user, It was just a guy with a gun.
I could listen to Samuel speak for hours on end and never get tired of it. Doom unintentionally made me interested in the fucking characters aside from Doomguy himself..
A guy with a gun that cleared out the entire Phobos base, died, woke up in Deimos, cleated that out and killed the Cyberdemon, found out that Deimos floates above Hell itself, goes down to Hell, and kills everything until Hell lets him out.
Angel Dust looks like he's about to take the BFC.
Literally the same guy.
He's got a similar story and i think it's mentioned in doom16 that the 'doomslayer' has traveled through not only the dimensions but also through time, always killing hell's demons along the way.
Also Daisy.
If we take the fluff seriously, Samuel actually gave himself this Decepticon voice to intimidating and based as fuck
The codex is canon, so he did.
I get not liking how Doomguy went from "just a man in the wrong place at the right time" to "RIP AND TEAR MEME INCARNATE". I don't think you can be faulted for that. I don't like how Brutal Doom had such an impact on Doom after BD's release.
But even if you don't like it, you can't deny that Doomguy did clear out a whole base of demons on multiple occasions, and kicked Hell's ass so hard that they sent him away. At some point I think he stopped being just a man. He survived in Hell for eons, so he appears to have stopped aging. Does he even eat and drink any more, or does killing demons give him all the sustenance he needs?
not just prevent
demons are absolutely terrified of him because he takes the fight to them and is literally too angry to die or know fear
Doomslayer acts as the living antithesis to the demons of hell
Little fun fact I just saw on the wiki.
>When Hayden walks away to his office, the player is given control of his weapons, and can shoot Hayden. However, the bullets strike an invisible force field of sorts, dealing no damage to Hayden, who simply shrugs it off while telling the player to save their ammunition.
Samuel was prepared for that encounter because he KNOWS that Doomguy would try that shit with him. He's fucking smart.
Well you could argue two things.
One, Hell being not a unified force as hinted anyway.
Two him being a mutant, I mean on a subtle genetic scale, that thrives on that hell shit instead of becoming a zombie yes.
How does that relate to anything in my post
When you're faced with a genocidal threat you tend to put aside your differences temporarily until the threat is dealt with
Yes, but they used the one variation of the helmet you find ingame that has a visor and it looks like crap.
Doom Marine canonically never puts on a damn helmet anyway.
I wish id would just come out and tell us directly to our faces so we can put these gay threads to rest.
It's even more aparent since Vega has a normal voice
Well yeah, he was tha smartest Human of his time and then got his intelect enhanced with cutting edge processor technology,, it's like he wanted this cancer to kill his former body.
You go back to the classic suit later in the game when you switch protagonists. Doom guy and doom slayer are not the same character and our game is planning to address that
God damn id makes it so hard to not be interested in NuDoom.
nobody cares
Hey remember when Carmack was in charge of Doom and he ran it into the ground and killed the series with the objectively worst mainline Doom game?
Is Fartmack the original hack?
Disregard that, Carmack is still a great dude actually, was thinking of John Romero.
Carmack is responsible for Doom 3.
I thought Doom 3 was Tim Willits's baby.
Carmack quite literally killed Quake and id at the same time. I thought everyone on this board has read up on id lore?
Carmack's contribution was the engine, he didn't care about the actual game. This is when he went full programmer mode. After Doom 3 he started going crazy into megatexturing and then ET:QW and Rage happened.
Tim Willits is why id was garbage for years.
Doom 3 is a good game.
Wait a second, people actually play doom for it's story??
The story is a vehicle for the gameplay.
Predator wannabe
I want to say that the most intelligent demons are the summoner archvile arachnotron and I would also add pain elementals.
Here is where I put all the possessed human enemies including revenant.
Next in line we have imps barons and hell knights. The imps are at least smart enough to run away when they see room guy running away the hell knights often work in a group of 2 or more showing degree of team work and coordination Baron might be dumber then both the imp and hell Knight but he has some brains to flank the slayer.
mancubus might be mentally handicapped he dosent do much but shoot his weapons and just stand there.
It just works
Look at this Caleb lookin asshole.
what happened to that movie anyway, did they cancel it after the reaction to that awful trailer?
I wouldn't worry I have a ryzen 3 2200g and and rx 570 4gb and I still think I could run this on high settings because id tech is so well optimised
Carmack never designed any games you moron, he only worked on the tech
No. It’s direct to DVD. A fate worse than death.
believe me, i know, i designed the dude.
It was meant to release straight to dvd.
Releases in October
uh actually that was me, sweaty
he'll make it to the third
I'm actually happy that he's returning. It was a cool detail for doomguy to take his backup chip thing before blowing him up.
He did work on design for Doom 3 actually.
There needs to be more of these wholesome pictures of doomguy showing various characters how to handle UAC weaponry
I'm imagining that is certain far flung parts/ levels of hell that are so far away from DoomSlayer is home to a lot of clan v clan infighting or racial tension between each species of demon.
True, but it’s also well known that certain demons are just universally hated. Like Lost Souls.
Fag probably tried to take Hell on by himself with his new sword and got beat the fuck up by the first Hell Knight he encountered.
The Marauder is probably the Combat Engineer from D3:RoE since he was exposed so much to the heart of hell and supposedly "died" in Hell after he fucked up the Betruger demon.
Probably it was Hell's way of crowning a champion to fight DoomSlayer?
The being that is talking to you in Doom 2016's opening sounds like the same one for Doom Eternal's gameplay trailer. I wonder if that is the Markon (The angel thing we see in the trailer) or the seraphim that blessed you.
Another thing I am interested in is what was the demon voice that spoke the Slayer's testament and convinced pierce to start the events of 2016. It's gotta be a high ranking demon and the only high ranking demon we know is the fourth demon lord as spoken in 2016's codexes.
Might possibly be Deag Grav, but that voice doesn't sound like it comes from a frail old fart like him though.
The Kahn Maykr, the angel in the trailer, is probably something different. The Deluxe cover art seems to picture him as the big bad.
It's possible, we did fight around a sarcophagus in Doom 3 Res. of Evil.
I dunno about that. While Doom 2016's opening sounds like the voice is supportive of Doomguy's actions, the voice sounds like it is saying that the burden of fighting hell is no longer on Doomguy's shoulders, sounding something like an "angel" would say to a warrior it is now taking the place of. Of course Doomguy doesn't support this notion at all.
I dunno, it sounds more like a celestial emperor telling a over zealous warrior that his fight is in vain.
I don’t know. Maybe we’ll get more details this week at Quakecon.
people like doom for doom. all You care about is the killing
We still have yet to see the gameplay of pic related, any ideas on how this is going to play out?
I love potato quality because it feels like I am playing a late 90's shooter again.
Sabaoth 2.0.
My guess is he will hover around and fire rockets, both from a cannon and from his hip. If you get close he will try to melee you with some sort of chainsaws. In addition to rockets he will probably shoot you with some bullets.
That chainsaw looks like the Doom 64 chainsaw.
Heh. Can't unsee the color scheme. BTW, I hope when they update The Empire in TWW2, then they will add the Knights of Morr along with other Knight Chapters.The Knights Panther Chapter House is available and waits for the actual knights, the Blazing Suns Chapter House along with aforementioned knights was since the 1st game, so we all wait.
Do I even want to ask?
Since earth lore "angels" are now canon, when do we get to fight one of the real demon lords of Hell like Mephistopheles, Leviathan, Satan, or Beezelbub (Not gonna bother with Lucifer as there's no way we're going to get the head honcho of hell)
ohio gozaimast
Holy fuck how did i forget about all the ancient history shit in doom 3, it's starting to make sense now.
That's pretty accurate
Suddenly i am less excited to see this guy now
Still incredible it reminds me of a Necron Destroyer.
Looks like Icecrown Citadel, not gonna lie.
It is. The artist used some blizzard art as the background base.
I always figured "the wretch" was the guy from Doom 3 because it's his specific upgrade that gives Doomguy his hell-energy leaching powers (from the soul cube I presumed)
The Soul Cube became a paper weight in Olivia’s office.
That Zombieman in the back doesn’t look like he’s doing too good.
He just experienced Hell's equivalent of Taco Bell.
I did see that, I also just presumed it was being used as a paperweight because its ability was fused into the Praetor suit.
Still excited to see where this all goes, though I hope you can turn down the glowing shit on the pickups.
I wanna fight a titan.
>that eerie atmospheric music
Like an entirely different game that is.
More like Charlie Sheen
I'll repeat the same theory I said in another thread. No he is not the leader of the Sentinels who betrayed the Knights. The codex literally establishes them as two different people, since Doomslayer literally became the leader AFTER the betrayal. I think originally it was intended for Doomslayer to not be the same character as Doomguy, however they left it ambigious and kept hints to see what the fans thought, if the old fan boomers liked the game, they'd make him Doomguy, if it was just newfag Zoomers that liked the game, then they'd make him a new character. Ultimately we know how that turned out and they changed his face model to look more like Doomguy, since his original face model looked like a different guy, pic related.
They probably chose Doomslayer because now he's gone from being a Marine that just killed demons to someone who has locked himself into hell and has started destroying hell itself. So I say the title of Doomslayer is well-deserved.
I like to think Doomguy's original armour was melted down and then reforged to create the Praetor armor, you can see a lot of UAC symbols in the Praetor armor, so it's possible that's what the demon did and that's why it still kinda looks like Doomguy's armor but not really. It's clever honestly.
I am 99% sure that's the Wretch. I am even convinced that was his voice in the trailer and he was concerned about "the heaven's wrath" because he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire as he was still a demon and could get killed despite having defected to the "good guys"
This. Also Doomguy bearing the crown of the Knight Sentinel doesn't mean he's the original leader. It means he took the mantle of leader temporarily after the leader decided to be a retard and betray his knights in order to bring back his son. I agree that the original leader is the ghost in the trailer tho. Also for the armor, I already explained that.
I like to think the ghost is the soul of the king of the night sentinels and the marauder is his body being used by hell as a puppet to fight against Doomguy.
Yeah, I doubt he'll actually physically fight them, maybe they'll act as obstacles but I don't think Doomguy has a NEED to fight them, since they are kinda doing his job as well, kinda like how he doesn't immediately kill Hayden because Hayden was still useful to him, Doomguy isn't really mindless, he's pretty intelligent in his actions (like how he backed up VEGA during the self-destruction).
I fucking hope so.
>(Not gonna bother with Lucifer as there's no way we're going to get the head honcho of hell)
This better happen in the third game.
I also hope that Satan possesses Hayden like how the Mastermind possessed Olivia. Makes sense because of the "S.Hayden" thing.
That would actually be really fucking cool actually and it makes sense because the Maurdaer's face is vaguely icon-of-sin-ish like his son. That would be an interesting idea desu
>holy shit
>holy shit
>holy shit
>thank you, vega
Wait what? Proof you know what you're talking about?
Why is doom 64 so goddamn pivotal to the doom lore?
I always see this game popping up every time doom lore is discussed.
What happened there that's so important to keep dragging it instead of ignoring it from the overall lore?
The ending, where Doomguy locks himself in Hell to keep demons from ever coming back to invade.
Because it was just the latest canon game. Even if the entire Doom 1, 2, and 64 timeline could be summarized in two or three sentences.
64 is pretty pivotal to the Doom 4 interpretation. The first story text blob has Doomguy giggling to himself as he enters, and the second has him deciding to stay in hell forever.
Just play 64 EX. It's not very long and the game is pretty good.
So I supposed Loli is included in Vanilla now?
It was pretty cool, you got bullet time, a gravity gun rip-off and the double barrel shotgun in it.
As in Doomguys pet rabbit from the instruction manual of Doom 2 you retard.
Gets mentioned in Ultimate Doom's ending blurb as well, ingame.
That's a "no" big chief
Tomboy loli is top tier
Is impreg?
the killing is doom
and doom is the killing
It's an integral part, but if you just replaced the intricate levels with flat areas and and enemy placement with endless hordes, and the simple but solid premise of fighting hell with some dumb bullshit, you'd get a string of much worse games by much worse developers.
Because its fun?
He clearly doesn't tho, It's just the way the new armor is obscured by the camera movements.
Look at his boot that crushes the skull right at the start, its clearly the same boot as the ones he's wearing in everything else Eternal related. Same with the glove, you just can't see the blade.
I remember in an interview that came out not long ago after the Doom Eternal stuff from last year that there will be multiple variants of some demons, including the baron.
You've made this fucking thread nearly every goddamn day since E3. You are a shill from Bethesda or genuinely autistic
Why? It's vanilla as fuck
My headcannon is that was what Sergeant Kelly got turned into after doom 3 guy killed him
There's a difference between Pregnancy and Impregnation my dude.
If you're aroused by a gravid belly, then I'm afraid you're a little off
We both know that the majority would be fucktards that don't know anything about Phobos getting pissy because they're piss babies
source please
>if you find your pregnant wife attractive you are "off"
Can you expound on that chief?
This one is lame and dumb. Old one was win and awesome.
Pregnant woman aren't able to accept your seed, so there's no reason to find them sexually arousing.
I see....
Isn't "muscle girl" is tomboy related? Or it's just referred to as "athletic"?
The difference is that the Monster Hunter one is guaranteed to be really, really stupid. So stupid from a director who has perfected the art of stupid that, even RE fans look at him taking a decade-long shit on their franchise with more laughter than contempt.
Whereas Netflix adaptations are just kinda there. It'll be a pandering personality black hole.