Okay. This was funny
Okay. This was funny
Do Americans really like this juvenile humour? Every time I see your "comedy" it's either toilet humour or people being unrealistically dumb.
>being this boring
Every time I see your comedy it's a white woman getting raped by a Muslim.
>unrealistically dumb
That's realistic in America.
This is boring. It's like watching him roleplay as discount Bart Simpson, and doing even that poorly. Oh boy, he named him Buttlicker McGee, what a zinger. For his next joke he'll fart into a microphone.
you could say it was both cute AND funny
Based Mike
>unrealistically dumb
user, you're talking about burgers. Come on.
Incessantly whining about America just isn't that funny to us. Don't know what to tell you user.
>this is the humor of an almost 40 year old man
what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Statements like that hardly makes any sense whatsoever.
Is it some weird prison powerplay thing where you prove how gay someone else is by fucking them?
Or maybe its a dare thing along the lines of "I'm sure your too much of a pussy to fellate my schlong".
"YOU'RE ADOPTED" was better
I didn't know Mike streamed Pokemon Emerald. Something tells me he'd probably be shit at it.
You can only blame Emerald for asking.
>hahahahh he said poo-poo pee-pee again mom, I'm gonna piss my pants xDDDD
fucking lol, the absolute state of Yea Forums
Is any of this really a surprise? If you look at Mike's old comics which had Mexicans shitting on their own faces, and videos like BROWN BRICKS IN MINECRAP it's obvious that Mike's sense of humour never evolved past that of an 11 year old boy's.
>Do Americans really like this juvenile humour?
Probably. I haven't followed him much but in the streams and videos I've seen he seems to really look down on RPG systems deeper than "oh duh I equip the water tunic in the water temple/ you can find this one super OP item within ten seconds of starting the game if you just smack this wall and then bam the game's an unfun cakewalk from now on until the credits roll" NES-style shallow """RPG mechanics.""" I feel like it'll take him an obnoxiously long time to get through cave sections and such, and his team will probably be painfully mediocre at best because he doesn't really like to think about how the combat works. But, I'unno, that's just my best guess based on what I've seen from him before.
I don't know why, but I was expecting Eat More Ovaltine. I even got a bit excited halfway through
Only a true retard could find something that shallow as hilarious enough he has to drop the controller and bury his face in his hands laughing hysterically. What the fuck is wrong with Mike? He will NEVER be the star of Cinemassacre, when will he realize this?
Damn, that suit looks sick as fuck.