MMO RPG are garbage
MMO RPG are garbage
Mint ice cream sucks
shit tastes
Is this the thread where people with shit opinions congregate?
I agree, but only because I'm wrong.
talking mad shit for someone in asura strike distance
Chocolate is the only good flavor
based mod who pinned this
>Gets acid demo'd
Heh nothin personnel, kiddo...
Real like people can never compete with my collection of furry/anime characters and my imaginary friends
absolutely plebeian.
mint choc chip is objectively the best flavour and i will fucking fight you over it.
Ice cream? I love top tier ice cream!
ice cream sucks
i think we can all agree massive mommy maternal bonding online rpgs are great, though.
absolutely based
>eating anything but gourmet ice cream
i would rather play a mommy milkies offline rape playing game
coffee ice cream is the ultimate casual filter
More like the ultimate vomit inducer. Do you have instant coffee granules sprinkled on top, too?
What are you, a fckin casul?
>Gets final strike'd
Forgive me master... I must go all out... Just this once.
I prefer a twist, thank you very much
For me, it's tea ice cream with a nice tea bag in the middle and tea leaves laid across the top, I eat it with a teaspoon.
>only having seven flavors in your whole life
Based and truthpilled
Posting in a sticky dont mind me.
With strawberry, vanilla and raspberry ripple, why do I need any more flavors?
>Cookie dough shit tier
Absolutely cringe and bluepilled
goddamnit op stop making me hungry I've been fasting for a day and a half
yeah and the only people who disagree are mindless degenerate autists who want to forget how shitty their real life is
>Liking the goldstein race mixer swirl
>Raspberry shit in top tier
>Cookie dough in shit tier
Holy shit fuck off.
Actually mint cookie crumble is patrician tier
>Eating gourmet ice cream
Fuck off I only eat gelato.
you aren't wrong OP, but not all MMORPGs are created equal.
All the good ones are already dead.
>no rum & raisin or salted liquorice
ice cream? god I love ice cream!
Turn this completely upside down and it becomes based.
ice cream? god I love ice cream!
Gives me a gag reflex because my body thinks I am eating tooth paste