What the FUCK were they thinking?

What the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: torso-zb_uk.0.jpg (1200x800, 210K)

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She's got some dirt on her bikini

That people like titties.

Keep 'em complaining about controversy and no one has the time to see that your game is actually shit.

Rip Tiddy

I'd jack off on it

What happened to Dead Island 2? It has been some years now since that trailer...

More mutilated women

They wanted the gurofag audience.

I put my dick between it

a severed head would have attracted less negative attention

Attached: boink.gif (190x180, 1.79M)

they made a good game instead and are now working on a sequel to it

man these games were fun, i wish dead island 2 had a more certain future

not any worse than mortal kombat

anything else like this?
i think its still in development? hope it is. i fucking hate dying light its genuine reddit-tier garbage.

i didnt play dying lights but people told me its parkour based, it sounds kinda gay

i just loved throwing my knifes at zombies, fast pace, fun builds, fast quests, no long bs cutscenes, fun atmosphere, not many games like it imo unless i have not discovered them


"Britain is screwed, how to best visualize that?"


Not gonna lie. I would have titfucked the hell out of that thing if I had it.

What's wrong with it? If it was a bloody decapitated torso of a man no one would blink an eye.

Because the first thing anyone thinks when they see it is, "Some weirdo is gonna rub his dick on that thing"