Got word of a settlement that needs your help.
Got word of a settlement that needs your help
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dude just make an empty world thats only good for the mediocre combat and make the player do the rest of the work
Daily reminder that settlements and settlement building are one of the biggest, if not the biggest problem with this shit game
man the voice acting here was just terrible.
p r o c e d u r a l
m i s s i o n
l i n e s
I already know about it.
I'll head there right away.
what year is it?
dude minecraft lmao
got word of a sucklement that fucks your help
>You are now the leader of the Minutemen. You decide everything we do now. I look forward to serving you "GENERAL".
>haha, nah, fuck you. Go do this bitch work for me and go help these settlements, and do whatever I tell you to do if you want to complete the questline.
You post it like it was some memorable line or something.