>"gg ez"
How does Yea Forums respond?
>"gg ez"
How does Yea Forums respond?
Overwatch filters this to various stuff like "I feel very.. very.. small"
Ni gg er
literally never happens
I don't. I never respond to gg, wp, hf, ez or whatever else. It's pointless. I just play the game.
You beat them, and turn it around on them
I've told this before, but I don't mind sharing again
>Rocket League
>Playing 1v1
>Opponent is a total asshole, I'm losing 0-5 with only a minute and a half to go
>Throughout the game, this dick has been saying shit like "ggez" "kys" "uninstall" blah blah blah
>Somehow start making a comeback against this guy, and with 2 seconds left, 5th goal
>Lasts maybe 20 seconds before I score
>Tell him in chat "yeah, gg, ez. Asshole."
>Bout 5 minutes later got this on PSN
>"Hey man, listen, I'm sorry for the shit I said. I had a real crappy day at work, you were the first I went against, and I was taking it out on you. I'm sorry."
>Tell him "I don't forgive you, because you aren't sorry. You want pity points because you lost. Go fuck yourself."
With a report
>thanks, you too