>spend two years shitposting on breath of the wild
>figure it can't possibly be as good as people say
>finally play it
>it's literally the best zelda game ever made
bros... what have I been doing with my life?
Spend two years shitposting on breath of the wild
>it's literally the best zelda game ever made
Oh, no. You caught a case of shit taste.
I want to fuck Rukia. I want to bend that womanlet over on tall furniture and remodel all of her holes with my dick.
>it's literally the best zelda game ever made
It's really not
the picture is by farm the best thing about your post
It really is shallow. The graphics and atmosphere are indeed nice, but the gameplay and the world itself are so shallow and devoid of character.
>tfw no good rukia ryona and size difference porn
life is suffering
>Find out from friend that whatshisfaceMC doesn't end up with Rukia, and that she instead ends up with the absolute dickhead guy
>they didn't make childhood friend lez it up with punch girl when they clearly had more on-screen chemistry than childhood friend and MC did
>literally the best zelda game ever made
Wow, what an accomplishment.