Kingdom Hearts 3 Is Now the Best-Selling Game in Franchise History

Times where Yea Forums were wrong?

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Whens the dlc coming out?

it's the best selling game precisely because it carries the weight of 'conclusion of a long running series that many people hold dear'

in other words, it only sold because of the strength of its predecessors. it is not that strong a game on its own.
the best thing to come out of the game was this smooth song.
really the whole big hero 6 world was surprisingly good.

>Game with 13 years of build up sold well

Woah, color me surprised. Still dogshit.

You do know GTA exist right?


it must be because of olette, she's carrying the whole franchise

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are you retarded

>KH3 is a franchise

Juts like Persona 5


When Yea Forums said MK11 was gonna bomb because it had 3 blacks and isn't lewd enough yet sold better than T7 and SC6 on Steam while aslo selling 1 million copies digitally under a month

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MK bombed in the soul department, just like the best selling movie of all time is Avengers: End Game, all of filmmaking and all of Ed Boon's Mortal kombat both bombed. because both of those things are now soulless

KH3 was okay but as an overall game it felt weaker than KH2.

Its been on sale for $16




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>Times where Yea Forums were wrong?
who said it wasn't going to sell well? Most people were just saying the game was disappointing.

Like RDR2, even the fanbase turned on it after a month.

The "fanbase" who "turned" on it are mostly secondaries and clout chasers. Twitter is a cess pool for it and it happened back in 2006 with KH2 very similarly to what happened here. It's very easy to say "new kh bad, old kh good" and get likes and applause because it's considered cool to the people on the outside and people in the middle

it should've reached that milestone MONTHS ago

well it is pretty hard to top the greatest action RPG of all time

Idk, the 6 million of kh1 is hard to beat for a lot of games especially considering the type of game KH is now with a running continuity. The first game was like lightning in a bottle for the most part in being able to sell this crazy idea and how word of mouth spread. This game bringing people back and bringing in new people was a hard feat but they did it

>Times where Yea Forums were wrong?
Pretty much 99% of the time. Yea Forums is basically the broken clock analogy.

MK11 almost certainly did not meet internal expectations, as we STILL don't have any official sales numbers.

That's not Pokemon

Sales numbers for Mkx literally did not come out until many months after release yet nobody shitposted about that.

Is it really as bad as people say it is?

Point being, when publishers give us numbers and metrics that aren't actual sold copies, something went wrong and they're doing it to save face on some level.

Take the original Destiny, for example. It still sold 9 million copies right away, but since it didn't meet forecasts and expectations, Activision gave us hours played or number of characters created or some other bullshit instead of actual sales numbers for months and months. Because providing numbers that were lower than forecasts makes the product look bad and could in fact hurt long-term sales by creating the perception that the game is not as desirable as the publisher made it seem. Its all about positive public perception.

MK11 definitely didn't flop or anything but I also don't think it met their expectations.

Sales numbers won't change the fact that I felt fucking cheated by that total letdown of a story.

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No it’s just the only KH that goes for less than 20 bucks now.

It sold well because of marketing, tie-ins to extremely popular Disney franchises like Frozen and because "it's the real conclusion guys! really!"

It didn't sell well because it was any good

>Not even six months old
>Already $20 because stores need to dump copies that aren't moving

I'm sure it sold fine, but it seems like they overproduced and have tons of unsold copies rotting in stores.

>after a month

People were shitting on it week one, liar.

It sold well because of 15 years of hype.


Its not even hype, the hype wore off a decade ago. Its just people who have been waiting and want to see this shit end, one way or another. Every die-hard KH fan I know didn't even play 3, they just didn't care anymore. In the same sense I'm not at all "hyped" for Star Wars IX, but I'm going to see it anyway just so I can properly shit on it and see how this garbage heap concludes itself.

Is this the KH thread? Zootopia world when?

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Yea Forums said it was going to flop
Internal expectations are always inflated from marketing stooges trying to get bigger bonuses

>I'm not at all "hyped" for Star Wars IX, but I'm going to see it anyway just so I can properly shit on it and see how this garbage heap concludes itself.

people were shitting on it pre-week 1, cuz of the leaks

Quints confirm

>Every die-hard KH fan I know didn't even play 3, they just didn't care anymore
That means they stopped being a fan, what are you talking about. And that's not to shit on anyone who feels that way, I'm just saying you're appropriating a term to the wrong group of people.

The die hard fans are the ones who buy the new game day 1 unless it's physically impossible to play. I'd even go as far as saying the true die hard fans are the ones who aren't so weak to unironically cringe at anything cheesy or emotional from a character like a lot of people.

We do have some numbers though that being the digital and Steam. Steam numbers are at 35K witch only DBZF only surpassed in the fighting game department and 1.8 Million is way better than what MKX did it's first month

But I need to be able to articulate HOW and WHY it stinks when mouthbreathing apologists disagree with me, Mr. Critic

So everyone who didn't like Sticker Star isn't a Paper Mario fan anymore?

I 100% agree.

The San Fransokyo theme fucking sucks and it sounds like generic shit you'd hear in a commercial for a dentist

dude, the only objectively good world in KH3 is the Pirates world

Nice quints, an 8 for you my friend and Zootropia becomes truth

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I want to see all the numbers, I'm not taking their PR team's canned, vague and non-specific metrics at face value. If the game did well, then tell us how well. I don't think it sold better than MKX did overall, even if it sold a little faster at launch. How quickly something sells at launch is not a reliable indicator of overall sales. Look at Dragon Age 2, for example. Sold faster than DAO but sold less overall.

Cry some more bitch nigga

Well they can still be a fan, just not a die hard fan. It's called that because it takes more than one game or even 2 games for you to disconnect from a series.

Also you can dislike a new installment and still be a diehard fan. But for sure the diehard is going to play that game at release and talk about for a long time

Even then there was still some damage to the brand. I don't think they are making a fourth.

You can split Kingdom Hearts fairly evenly in two periods - before BBS, and after BBS. Since that one game, people lost sight of what made KH good originally, and mistook the flanderized and fucked-up version of the series for how it's supposed to be. On these terms, 3 is a good game, and the best in a while no doubt, but the writing, gameplay, and novelty of concept are still well below the mark the series used to maintain.

Olympus, pirates, toy box, Corona and BH6 because movement is fun. Good amount of solid worlds

Sounds like you're just making arbitrary exceptions for Paper Mario "fans".

This nigga

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Game sales are higher now than they were in mid-2000s. Not to mention the economy is strong right now. Not surprising really.


See you when KH4 comes out.

Will you still be alive in 2035?


Wow, it outsold KH and KH2?
No way!

Seething KH2fags make me immortal.

>it only sold because of the strength of its predecessors
just like any other sequel

We need Duckburg and New Orleans

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It'll be you, Keith Richards and two cockroaches left at the end of all things.

I'm just making a distinction between a fan of a series and a diehard fan, I don't actually know anything about paper Mario but I infer that sticker star isn't as good as the original from what you are saying. But I guess it's just easier to be a diehard for a series with more games like KH than something like Paper Mario, unless you include all Mario 2D platformers

I almost read that wrong. I thought they were saying it was the best selling of any gaming franchise in history, to which I was about to call bullshit.

But now I’m like, duh? Does this surprise anyone?

Not really shocked, it was the second most pre ordered game behind Smash Ultimate beating out other major releases even but
how many of these sells do you guess are from bandwagoning retards who thought they could jump into the games at the ''''''''Third''''''''' entry

(You), with the grammar in your post you faggot.

we do not.
high school musical and Waterboy starring Adam Sandler world is what we need

Good thing
>More Triple A KH Games for me
Bad Thing
>KH Youtubers won't fuck off
>Fandom won't stay comfy and small like in the pre KH3 days
To be perfectly honest I kinda wish KH3 sold less and was less known, so I wouldn't have to see retarded opinions from normalfags with rosetinted nostalgia glasses.

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The next game better be DDD 2 but on console because I would cum 50 times

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cmon user, DDD fucking sucked other than the Fantasia and last worlds

The overall premise and system of the game I liked a lot and still think it can be better with a few tweaks. But more than that I think a framework like DDD is good for another rplayable character, better than BBS's way slightly(for overall story reasons) and a lot better than kh3's way(character progression reasons)

it was terribly disappointing and no ammount of sales will change that

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I still don't understand why they made combat so fucking floaty.
You can tell they didn't give a fuck about how bad the combat felt have the time because they knew it was going inevitably sell. Feelsbad.

No, it's actually really good just not as good as kh2fm in content and some story bits , dlc might fix it ,but since some speedrunners don't like it because they can't get good times without spamming links in the hardest difficulty and get called out for it , then they get exposed as just shitters that spam the best shit to win and leave the game because "it's not as fun" then retards follow their words like sheep and start shitting on the game

DMC2 is the best selling DMC
AC3 is the best selling AC

the best games are the games before the best-selling ones

>DMC2 is the best selling DMC
that's not even remotely true

Nigga floatiness don't mean shit when you can defend, attack and use items in the air , Sora is as good in the air as in the floor, stop parroting shit other faggots say and form your own opinion

DMC2 sold 1.4 million copies in its first month
DMC took 5 years to sell 2 million copies
The point is if the initial hype from the previous game is high enough, the next game will do well regardless of quality


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>Terrible game
>From franchise with huge nostalgia factor
>Literally 13 years of waiting
>Shit convoluted story, so edgy tweens love it
>OP expects anyone to be surprised by this news
You are the biggest faggot in history

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It's still shit who cares how much it sold if it all its soul

>multiplat game sold more than a bunch of PSP/phone games

Ive heard tons of people say on this board the game wont even hit a million before it came out

Why no one is talking about it?

No people here are just retarded and wanna shit on popular game
I remember when kh2 came out people online hated on it aswell
Now its like the fan favorite
I still think 2>3
But 3 is a good game regardless

Plot's a bigger mess then usual and the gameplay is so dull no one wants to play it a second time.

A horribly boring world for a horribly boring movie.
Olympus and Monsters Inc. were kino as fuck. Toy Story world was good, but not great. Everything else, meh.

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Yea Forums's reached the "It's shit" phase. So the shitters are in full force and everyone who liked the game (most people) don't care enough to argue/deal with them.

Because then the shills would have to actually defend it instead of just going

Why would anyone want to actually discuss kingdom hearts on Yea Forums when all you're met with is braindead shitposting?

>Monsters Inc
Was a linear hallway in a generic factory with a single good scene.

Which sold better?
REmake 2 or KH3?

up until 3 actually released Yea Forums had pretty good KH's threads, except when that one guy kept bringing up ff15 for some reaosn

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>Darkqua was a completely pointless plot point only meant for trailer bait
I will hat Nomura forever.

>only meant for trailer bait
And hypno / mindbreak porn

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Because KH threads are met with constant shitposting. That stuff got tiring after just one thread but a single incel made it his mission to spam that shit every single thread for months.

Yeah but that's what I mean. If you're not going to be having decent conversations, at a certain point you just move it elsewhere. After a couple months of dealing with online discourse, I just talk about KH with my closer friends because it doesn't make me clench my fist

You could say the same about sora losing his keyblade for 10 minutes and being betrayed by donald and goofy for no reason in kh1 yet people love it

I think as a fan of the game that did not deep dive in to all the spin offs and really get the hype with the fucking master of masters shit.
A KH game without Sora is kind of a shit outlook for me to continue with the franchise.
KH3 was "Meh it was okay" for me.
Bad points
>Villan was really good all of the time. He was just seening how far evil could go.
>That whole Frozen level. I paid for Kingdom Hearts Square not a ticket to see that fucking movie.
>No FF characters.
One of the founding points of the whole franchise was the cross overs and team ups.
I think Disney had to much of a say when it came to this one.
>The Disney rides only had like 4, and none from the Haunted Mansion
One Job Square and ya blew it.

Only KH1 and CoM had a western sense of self-awareness and believable character interaction. KH2 onwards went full Japanese anime autism where nobody acts like a real person.

>And hypno / mindbreak porn
Of which there is almost none, good fucking job Nomura.

Ok but what about sora turning into a heartless in kh1?

What about goofy "dying" in kh2?

Its like people who complain about kh3 story have never played a kingdom hearts game before

That scene was about Sora learning to stand on his own without the Keyblade's power.

Not thanks to me. Waitinf for the eventual (hopefully) PC version.

>none from the Haunted Mansion
How the hell did they fuck up this bad?

none of those were teased in a trailer as a crucial plot point with years of build up

>you aren't allowed to hate something because these other games did it too
And Goofy's "death" was stupid too, but at least 2 had a bunch of other quality parts to pick it up.

It is Disneys most famous ride. So much so people dispose of their loved ones ashes on it.
Only to get them vacumed up and put in the trash
Also no Epcot

It was like 20 bux on Prime day. That could be why.

>walk into fucking Gamestop the other day
>multiple shelves fucking lined with deluxe editions
I asked if they got a second shipment in or something and the girl said these are day one editions no one bothered to pick up, I was fucking baffled.

irrelevant. you'd have to have no brain to watch a trailer and remember the details in it

it already dropped to $20 seems like it failed to me.

Dude can I buy some pot off you?

>that song
Actually Oscurità di Xehanort is the best thing to come out of KH3.

Keep eating dogshit, bitch.

>sales equals quality
This shit used to be laughed at here

this man gets it

I fucking loved BBS, but it has rather mixed opinions (here), DDD and De Coded were OK at the best, and I doubt anybody cares about the android games. 0.5 wasn't even a game

KH3 had little hype from the previous games (they all sucked more or less). It was all on itself as a conclusion to the story.


It still is, my sides are in orbit at all the newfag trying to pretend they fit in.

It was all from 2 and the development hell meme that almost every third entry falls into like Half Life.

>it still is
It clearly isnt laughed at enough

Oh fuck user, I forget this theme sometimes. Don't make me choose. Fucking kills me they more or less don't fucking use it.

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KH4 super-confirmed

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>plays for two seconds
Doesn't count if you don't actually hear it while playing the game.

>It was all from 2 and the development hell meme that almost every third entry falls into like Half Life.

there were WAY too many shit to mediocre games between 2 Final Mix (which was not released internationally until a little ago. OG 2 is the norm) and 3, but sure the next game would be alright, no?

Also dev hell NEVER helps the games, if anything by rule of thumb people would avoid dev hell games.

KH3 got its ass saved because admittedly Square sold the product well with their trailers, like Kojima and MGSV

I forgot how huge this motherfucker's feet were in the first game

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I really can,t wait for the leaks and discussions about its plot...

Literally the only disney related thing regarding games that can be considered meeting expectations, or higher. Disney should just give Nomura the keys.

They all are, Yuffie is clipping into his.

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Excuses excuses excuses

Yes I know that's what you're making but are you actually going to come up with any proper arguments instead?

You said kh3 is bad because of this
I pointed out other kh games do the same

Stop being such a fag just because you dislike a game

Are you actually claiming Sora turning into a heartless wasn't an extremely important part in 1?

>Best selling
Who gives a shit. Tell me about the profit.

The sales of KH4 is what will tell us what the general concensus of KH3 really was. A lot of people said they are opting out of the series now, lets see if they aren't all talk.

>You said kh3 is bad because of this
Where? You've got quite a fucking chip on your shoulder about 3's quality, user.

see you in 10 years

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>ps4 is such a runaway success that every game that releases on it becomes it's series best seller
>persona 5
>kingdom hearts 3
>nier automata
>monster hunter world
And it's doing this by itself, even if they release on PC or Xbox they sell almost all units on PS4.

>but what about sora turning into a heartless in kh1?
You mean the part that literally created Roxas?
>What about goofy "dying" in kh2?
I'll give you this one, completely fucking pointless, that said at least it wasn't used in KH2's advertising

This. Even fanboys said it was an underwhelming experience.

It really wasnt
Its just given importance in the later games
Which btw nomura was never sure if any games after kh1 were ever being made

Roxas could have been created through any other pull ass explanation it doesnt matter it happens in the second game
You could also say aqua turning evil could matter in later games
See what iam doing here? Youre a total faggot btw

>See what iam doing here?
Desperately defending a shitty game's story?

I hope you get cancer barry

they'd have to completely redo the concept of nobodies to create a roxas with plot importance as current roxas. It's obvious that nomura had a vague idea of what he was doing with heartless and nobodies

Kh3 is currently the second best game in the kh franchise
Also hope you get cancer barry

I hope you get a new boogeyman to pretend is everywhere

Barry look we get it ff15 is never getting finished while kh3 is getting all its dlc and is square enix new flagship title
It was bound to happen after ff13 and i couldnt be more happy for it because i know square is going to give us lots of great kh titles while ff is being used to fuel the development of new kh games
So thank you barry for your dedication to ff the more people buy the next mediocre ff game the better the next kh is going to be
So keep on shilling your shitty games


>Kh3 is currently the second best game in the kh franchise
I love how you faggots never try and pretend it's better than 2 because you know there's no winning that fight. Unfortunately for you you're still wrong because 1 blows it the fuck out of the water as well.

>No FF characters
>No Critical mode
>game is extremely easy on Proud Mode
>mash X to win
>reused keyblade transformations
>Disney worlds are completely pointless, literally no plot until the end
>Organization members pop in, say meanie things then disappear, every time
>Rushed character reintroductions
>Most of cast is pointless, Riku does jack shit, Aqua does jack shit, Kairi does jack shit, etc.
>No exploration of Scala
>Hundred Acre Wood
>Twilight Town
>no Colosseum
>barely any post-game content
>Frozen and Tangled are literally just replications of the movies
>awful voice direction
>only 1 laughably easy superboss
>Xehanort was a good guy all along!
>no actual ending, more sequel bait
wtf happened

You need help.

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2 is only best because of the final mix content
Base game is comparable to 3
3 critical is already better than 2 base
We are just waiting for final mix while you fags cry over ff dlc being deleted

>Xehanort final battle is literally trash if compared to Xemnas

Barry post
Barry post

>2 is only best because of the final mix content
>Base game is comparable to 3
>3 critical is already better than 2 base
None of these statements are true in the slightest.
>We are just waiting for final mix while you fags cry over ff dlc being deleted
XV was trash through and through, keep pretending everyone is Barry though, really helps your cause and totally doesn't make you look like a fucking loon.

>falseflagging just to proove you arent barry


>wtf happened
Nomura threw a hissy fit because Square wouldn't let him make Versus.

FF15 is trash, but KH3 is as well.

>What is Tangled

2 base is just mash x to win
Doesnt matter if youre playing on easy, normal or proud
T. Someone who actually played all kh games on their respective consoles unlike you

Kh3 is better than any game released after 2015 i dont give a shit what you fags say

Barry literally doesn't know how to falseflag, he will never ever admit XV had any flaws in the slightest even if he's pretending to be someone else, he's that fucking autistic.
>T. Someone who actually played all kh games on their respective consoles unlike you
Clearly not otherwise you wouldn't just be repeating decade old memes.

Take market inflation and advertising reach into account and no it's actually a huge failure. it also has a bad score meaning people are buying it for nostalgia then being dissapointed by how shit it is.

This thread is the reason why i rather talk about kh on any other site

I did you faggot i hope you fucking get killed for trying to say i never did you stupid fucking cunt get canver you fuckhead

I don't give a flying fuck about Kingdom hearts, but...

Sales=\=quality. Most people in gaming have shit taste. There's a reason Call of duty lived so long, and why modern Minecraft still has 10's of millions of active players.

Because other sites are echo chambers full of shills and cocksuckers where no one calls you out on your fucking garbage taste? Then why the fuck don't you go back there, maybe /vg/ is more your speed.

Kh is better than any other game thats beloved on Yea Forums because Yea Forums has shittaste in games
I fucking wish every faggot on Yea Forums would fucking die now

>What is Tangled

Better than stupid shitposters and people who obviously hate kingdom hearts
Hope everybody itt dies of cancer

fuck off to your tranny hugbox then

A boring linear hallway with scenes ripped straight from the movie and without context?

Just don't interact with them you fucking baby lmao

Well, leave then. Gbye. Back to whatever echochamber you're from.

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No id rather shitpost and annoy you peeps

that's not very nice user

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Hope you fucking ni**er get killed
Fuckhead bitchassniggwkrkhgidjdjduqhdhdhsiiwwwooeoeieiiejdjfjchxjxjswpapalapaapaoqpwpw
Die a slow terrible dead

How's that autism treatin ya fag.

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Iam sorry cute girl youre not meant with this of course

Die you fucking nigger die die die die die ifidididididedieidieidoeididididiiddididididi ahhhhh ahhh the voices ahhhh ahhbb xkkdkdowkakkakaksi hear them again ahhahahahaha iam god iam god iam giod

I love you lets be best friends


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Each and every one(?)

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Love how my autism killed the kh3 hate thread faggots

Not even that guy but Sora literally became that way by committing an act that saved Kairi. Thats pretty important regardless of what happened later in the series.

Wait was Sora sent back in time after the heartless tornado, what the hell

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Nomura said in the Ultimania that Sora erased time like King Crimson, only he erased the past instead of the future.

Aqua only became that way because of an act that saved terra

No, she was fine for a decade and then suddenly goes dark so Nomura can bait people into buying the game.

how can kh3 be bad when it has gameplay this fun

>suddenly goes dark

Someone didnt play the game huh?

.......So.......Everything before KH1 is essentially non-canon now?

>Ansem throws her in the lake like two minutes before Mickey and Riku give up and job to a tutorial boss
>grrr... I'm edgy now
>this is good writing -Tetsuya Nomura and a retard on Yea Forums

Why? He just erased the part where all his friends died

>new games sell more than old games because gaming is not as niche of a hobby as it used to be


No? Where do you get that?

Not saying its good writing but kh never had good writing at any point
It was always asspulls the series


Cringe & bluepilled.

How is it you 3fags can only ever defend it by pretending the rest of the series is as trash as it is? Why is there never "it did this well", it's always "well 1 and 2 were also garbage so it's okay".

>as a crucial plot point

Not saying its garbadge either
I enjoy kh for what it is dumb fun
Not my fault you see everything as either trash or not

Quints called it. Screencap now

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>Sora you have to save Aqua and Ventus
>actually you got your ass darked so now Riku and Mickey need to
>seriously we absolutely need to save Aqua and Ven because we need seven light keybladers
Gee user, I wonder?

If i told you what kh3 did well you would just say its shit so i dont really wanna do it
Literally no point with you fags

The rest of the series is dumb fun, 3 is just plain written poorly.
>durr I hate having actual discussion
>I just want people to agree with me and suck my dick
Then fuck off? Clearly this website isn't for you.

I just hate you faggots who complain about kh3 because it does things that happen in kingdom hearts games like having a dumb story
Like wow maybe you hate kingdom hearts in general?

thanks frozen

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Can you please atleast try? Come on this shit is getting boring i dont even care

that means there's a whole lot of people that don't know what the fuck is going on

>implying kh1 or 2 arent written poorly aswell

This is how i know you fags never played a kingdom hearts game before

I'm just glad it had a lukewarm reception instead of being an outright flop

in 2019 that's almost a miracle for a sequel

That's called reductionism you twat
>KH3 had a protagonist
>well KH1 and 2 also had a protagonist so that means they're the same
Like really, do you not understand context or quality at all?

Sucks that they made that shitty gatcha game canon
I wouldnt have minded a shitty phone app but does it really have to connect to the story in such a major way aswell?

If you hate the series so much why are you here defending 3 besides shitposting?

Tell me what about kh1 or 2 is written good
And i can tell you why its not

sales =/= good game
by that logic yearly rehashed sports games would be decent games

>you cant love something while also being critical of it

Hope xou fucking die

The people who said it would flop are wrong, but the people who said it’d be dead were not.

Does anyone else feel like Kingdom Hearts 3 only sold well because 1) The idea it would end the Xehanort Saga (and it failed to do this with so many blatant subplots) 2) It used majorly iconic Disney films like Toy Story.

I don't feel that the next Kingdom Hearts game is going to sell that well. So many people were disappointed to see KH3 leave a bunch of cliffhanger story threads all over the place. Not only that but Nomura already said that KH4 is not going to happen yet, you need to buy a new Side Game before KH4 so it just feels like.....everything in the entire franchise is unfinished. Like the Xehanort Arc is not truly done at all and none of it is even well written either.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm finished with Kingdom Hearts because I also don't give a damn about the newer Disney films like Moana or Coco. Doesn't help that Disney has become blatantly more unlikable in this entire decade to the point it's rather easy to drop the Kingdom Hearts series where you will mostly spend time in Disney Worlds. Fuck the Disney Corporation. May it collapse one day and death to all the normies who support the Disney Live Action Shit Movies.

>you cant love something while also being critical of it
That's my line you cock gobbler, 3 is the contrarian's choice.

What the fuck do you want? Most of it was written well, 2 has choppy points but for the most part the really shit writing didn't start until Days.

holy shit user you cracked the code to the series' success

Kh 3 is the best in the series and theres nothing you 1 and 2 fags can do about it i hope you all fucking die this entire thread iam gonna post my dick now bye

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It’s differ t because you can tell KH3 was trying to get through as much content as possible.

Meanwhile RDR2’s fan base got salty because they didn’t like the pacing, despite the fact of how incredibly polished it was.

No shit it came out on the Xbox One too for everyone's surprise, and it actually sold well there.

Who would have guess?

I want your ass

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>worst narrative in any KH game by having 50% of the game being pointless filler
fuck you and fuck frozen


>and it actually sold well there
I was still seeing people talking like it was a PS4 exclusive even a couple months before launch

And fan demand for the collections on Xbox was pitiful, literally only a couple thousand people at best from what I saw
Xbox has historically been a terrible platform for JRPGs so I find it hard to believe KHIII sold even half on Xbox what it did on PS4


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>Xbox 1 2 4

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The Xbox brand never at any point had as many jrpgs as it has now. Especially when you consider the ones that are coming from the Windows to the Xbox. We get plenty of those now.

Huh, so it really was xv-kun.

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Does that mean there is no one genuinely defending 3 and it's just him trying to make it look like we all have shit taste?

Oh great. Olettefag is back. Aren’t you and xv-kun inbred cousins?

Olette is a treasure

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Yes. The story is dogshit filler padding for 80% of it like they never learned from the past games. And the combat is nowhere near as good as its 14 year old counterpart.

Seems not, he thought others were Barry and went on the KH3 is the greatest game on existence like Barry and FF15, though the autism was the same.

All of the Disney worlds are filler padding.

>what is falseflagging
He's done it multiple times before. Which is odd, because replying yes to the other user seems to make you think the same as me.

I agree with you then.

Okay Olettefag

Yea Forums is always wrong about how popular something will be and how good or bad it will sell.

This literally sounds like the generic shit you would get in some kind of garbage renpy dating sim

Don’t listen to the others user. I really like that song too