>The best soldier of all time is a manly woman.
Fucking SJW pandering. Back in the day when video games were based they wouldn't have subjected us to this shit... oh wait...
>The best soldier of all time is a manly woman.
Fucking SJW pandering. Back in the day when video games were based they wouldn't have subjected us to this shit... oh wait...
What point are you even trying to make here, you dumb cuck? If anything this proves that video games already were diverse WAY before spastics got riled up about it.
It's literally ok when the Japs do it
It proves that it was fine before gamergate happened and incels decided to work themselves into a seethe for all time
cause she was still an emotional bitch flapping her tits everywhere so it was believable
She's way more feminine than 99% of women in western games.
Must not be too good to be killed by Snake. Thats the problem with games of today trying to reuse the trope. They make the female soldier unbeatable to force how strong she is. Big Boss was well written but also defeatable.
She's a woman because Kojima wanted her to be a women, not because he was guilt tripped into fulfilling a diversity quota.
>so retarded he doesnt understand what a manjaw is
This unironically