What's your favorite type of combat in vidya? Why?

What's your favorite type of combat in vidya? Why?

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Ninja Gaiden: Black is 3rd-person combat perfected.

Anything high mobility. Pharah, Storm Spirit, any character in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Anything that lets me be deliberate and measured. Dark Souls is often a good example of this.

I've been playing a lot of monster hunter this year, and i just feel that the combat is top-notch. I love games that highly reward players that prepare themselves and kit themselves out with as much gear and items as possible. even if you don't fully minmax the game is flexible enough to reward you for building utility and defensive gear instead

i always appreciate souls games for just taking what ocarina of time invented in terms of combat, improving on every aspect, making every hit highly lethal, and forcing you to make deliberate attacks. it's perfect groundwork for any third person game.

This. dmc fags can't fucking deny this.

>floaty with no player feedback

nah lmao

Whatever you call what Sekiro is

fast souls with jumping.

KH mix of RPG menuing and real time character action combat also Dishonored and Dying Light get the FPS parkour quick movement feel right without feeling disorienting also melee attacks are just satisfying

i honestly like really fast paced, hack n slash stuff

Turn based with an emphasis on exploiting elemental weaknesses, and the occasional timed critical attack.

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>it's perfect groundwork for any third person game.

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My cousin played my copy of red dead nightmare and he always ran up to the zombies to do the critical one hit kill which played a cutscene every time. It made it all look so boring.

>can attack or use weapons anywhere and on anyone
>they actually connect and aren't just empty swinging
>characters and environments react to them
>some are even used as tools and in puzzles
>different weapons are more about playstyle preference rather than numbers
>no ammo/charges/durability
>attacks slightly home and lock onto targets but are otherwise completely directed by you
>enemies require more creative thinking than just mindless bashing

japanese turn based

whatever KH2FM is, it's done to absolute perfection

FFX-2 style ATB system

I like a large variety of combat if it’s engaging. Turn-based, hack n slash, ARPGs, SRPGs, etc. Personally, I love it when the combat is customizable as fuck and allows you to approach a fight in a variety of ways.

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first person shooter like Halo

Third person, mostly melee, let me attack and move a lot at my control


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If I had to be brutally honest? If Resident Evil 5 played at a slightly faster pace and let you move while shooting, then that would be it. Keep the rest of mechanics as they are, though.

Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.

Oof. The furry ninja game Overgrowth has decent combat, Fire World Pro Wrestling has the best costumazation for attack moves and Prince of Persia 2 has some of the best systems around. Nah I go with Gothic 1.

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the slickest and most fun combat ive ever played in a game was ninja gaiden 2. its a shame fighting anything besides human enemies is a drag though. take out the werewolves, demons, bony skeleton bugs, undead zombie chainsaw things, etc and the game would be perfect. landing a critical hit in pso with something that hits hard is also extremely satisfying. this guy is redpilled as well

Really enjoyed Devil May Cry series combat, Breath Of The Wild pretty good though.

Go ahead and elaborate on your claims.

Should I go for the DS version or the
Switch version?

>I spam the same webm of an experienced player killing 4 incredibly weak enemies over and over again for years

Well, if that’s what you like, then that’s fine. Maybe for your next one you can try that on the Boar in the same area.

DS version, bar none. Far more engaging gameplay.

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>experienced player
heres the problem,literally just walk behind enemies and click attack,once you find it theres no way you cant do it

Lock on mechanic like in Ocarina of time

That physics-based damage system was stupidly fun. You could take a dozen hits like it's nothing or run into a kick to break your neck and die.
Exciting risk/reward that keeps you eternally on edge.
Too bad literally no other game does it and Overgrowth itself is a incomplete mess.

>here’s the problem
Your reasoning skills are the problem. Someone playing the game “blind” in an area this early may not have realized how “broken” the back stabbing mechanic is on these specific enemies. So yes, experience and familiarity with the game is a huge factor in determining how a player plays. The fact that I even have to go through these methods to explain this to you is just testament to everything wrong with Yea Forums.

Overgrowth has a predecessor, Lugaru. It's basically the same thing in ugly and it works better.

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>always webms of backstabbing literal zombies
>never webms of parrying enemies

it's almost as if one mechanic is a crutch for new players, and one mechanic is for people with brains.

>ninja gaiden


Anyone who says turn-based is autistic and should feel bad.

Pretty based

Hack and slash
Good choice
DMC is my favorite series but you can like both

>works better
Performance wise or do you mean the physics-based combat?
If the latter, how so?

Performance wise. Combat is well.. In this game you can take on Wolves in Hand to Hand. No jump kick required. It is hard but manageable and rewarding when you manage to take one down and the next one kills you in one hit. There are also wall kicks, I forgot if they are also in Overgrowth. But the animations are much faster which is not helping. The variations of planing an attack route is better in Overgrowth.

Bastion had really fun combat, I remember the testing grounds arena being insane with the right settings

I love how Supergiant makes the combat in their games so customizable.
I was having a pretty chill time Pyre, so I gave the enemy team faster respawns and if they teamwipe they all instantly respawn. It made future matches way more intense and that final battle with Oralech was super clutch because he no longer had his HOPE:1 handicap.

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Whatever Mountain Blade is.

Anything that doesn't force me to time an invincible dodge roll correctly. I've done it for too many games now, at least give me a counter or something.

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>if you know the optimal strategy you have an easier time winning