It is 2019

>it is 2019
>Yea Forums STILL can't answer this correctly

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Other urls found in this thread:

But it's already been settles?
Ocarina of time dude.

jackie chan

dead fucking simple

FFVI, Chrono Trigger or Paper Mario TTYD

persona 3



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lmao get a load of this fucking retard

Phantasy Star 4.

Movies aren't games.

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jrpgs are for cucks

prove me wrong


kill yourselves you fucken over wieght neets

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pick one

It clearly has to be one of the earliest Wizardry or Ultima games. After all according to Yea Forums all RPGs with turn-based combat are JRPGs so these qualify due to Yea Forums being retarded. Also do remember that the whole JRPG genre only exist due to inspiration from these games.


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Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

Paper Mario, The Thousand Year Door

chrono trigger is better than ff6 in every regard,why even put it in this list?

Final Fantasy Five SNES

t. FFVII fanboys who probably spend most of their time on Yea Forums crying about "BUT MUH TIFA TIDDIIIIIIIIIIIES"

clearly terranigma

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Let's make a poll to decide which 20 year old dogshit game It's going to be, nostalgia is fun!

Skies of Arcadia, you're welcome OP.


What is Star Ocean 2

Probably Persona 5 if it didn't hold your hand so much. FF7 remake is looking like it could be a contender based on the combat alone

That image is trying way too hard

OoT isn't an RPG (but it's still a good game)

>be 14-15 year old teen
>hear about this praised Dreamcast JRPG that got ported to Gamecube
>get it, it's fucking great
>recommend it to a friend
>he hates it for the "kiddy shit" weapon color change weapon system
Fundamentally changed my opinion of that guy since then. He also turned out to be a insidious druggie faggot who sold out his friends for super minor amounts of cash. I'm convinced that people who dislike Skies of Arcadia are just bad people.

that's a trick question, there are no good jrpgs

This, Recettear or Disgaea. Personal choice.

>image edited in paint with comic sans is trying too hard
I guess in the age of wojack and pepe spam, anything else is "trying too hard".

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>weapon color change weapon system
weapon color change weakness system, fuck.

>what is final fantasy vi

I understood that reference.

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According to everyone it’s FF6 or Chrono Trigger

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Final Fantasy 5

T. Contrarian desperately trying to be different by not saying FF6

cringe as fuck

Eh, V is pretty damn good, and maybe it just happens to be his personal favorite.

I fucking love V too. I hate how no FF game took the job system to the next level since then, well, maybe except for Tactics.

We did that already, people now just deny that it was real because they are assmad about the results

Came here to post this



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Fuck no

FFV and XBC2 for me

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Great story and worldbuilding
Really fucking shitty combat though, too bad Atlus didn't really decide on what they wanted to make out of Persona at that time yet.

Now this guy gets it.

Nah 6 has problems with it compared to 5 that bug the hell out of me, the bighest pf which is that there are too many goddamn party members.

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>P5 shit tier

Look ma! I'm being a contrarian online again! Look at all those You's!

don't worry you're not alone FF5 is my personal favourite aswell i love the job system too much to rate it any lower

This isn't how you answer Jeopardy questions you dipshits
Thank you

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garbage nostalgiafag taste

honestly, the persona series didn't perfect the combat until p5. i really wish atlus would remake 1 and 2 with 5's combat system. now that hackshino isn't in charge anymore, maybe it will finally happen.

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The fact that it makes contrarians seethe so much proves it’s a masterpiece

What is autism?

Saved an entire studio and made the entire industry felllate it for a number of reasons.
Was so good and widely loved here it was on Yea Forums's birthday postcard for 2017.
Your opinion is irrelevant.

>These Mario RPG tiers

So this isn't rated by fun then?

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>still no sequel
Man, fuck Squeenix.

>honestly, the persona series didn't perfect the combat until p5
It still misses a decent combat mechanic that also applies to bosses. One More! works great but almost no bosses have weaknesses and relying on crits for your main mechanic is fucking shit too.
I love the shit out of it for random encounters though, press turn can suck a dick there.

I'm sorry you like shit games user.
I'm sorry, it's barely a game since your "gameplay" is split between spamming all outs to the win and engaging in bland VN segments.

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Trick question. There's no best JRPG since there are no good JRPGs.

Dark souls 2

only americans would answer a question by asking a question

>wanting modern Square to make TWEWY 2
It’s for the best, honestly. The ports alone show that they don’t understand what made the game so great in the first place.

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Autism is correct

+ $200

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>None of these niggers answered the correctly or in the form of a question.

What is Xenogears.

Chart automatically shit

I'll take "Niggers Tongue My Anus" for $1000, Alex.

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if it's popular it has to be good right ;)

What is BoFIV

This is the right answer


>automata higher than the original
Automata was significantly weaker than the original. Just because it spawned some god tier porn does not make it any notable achievement in RPGs

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Xenogears is an overrated entry level RPG.

Vastly superior combat system. Combo system and seamless party swapping > dragon forms from 3.
Infinitely better pacing and story. 3's story had its moments but it's not as consistently good and uniqe as 4. No character to rival Fou-lu and his story line either.
Also better spritework and among the best spriteworks ever done in JRPG industry.
It's just all-around better.

jeopardy prompts aren't questions you retard, that's the whole point
jeopardy gives you the answer and you think of the question

no can do user the creator of that picture never played the original nier like most automata fags

What is Ao no Kiseki

Automata was significantly stronger than original in pretty much every single way imaginable aside from party banter. Don't delude yourself.

What is Final Fantasy IX
Thank you
I'll take Weeb Shit for 800

What is Chrono Trigger?

The world and story was some of the most creative shit. I don’t think there’s been anything like it for a bit. It’s mostly bogged down by a shit ton of tropes though

oh wait you're serious

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>ITT:"look, i hate turn-based rpgs with a passion, but THIS ONE is special
mothersona 5: the thousand year tale is the best rpg ever made (i would know because, i dont play rpgs) because it lets you do this other thing in a battle and the story makes itself out to be really deep

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Stay ass shattered.

I dont like FFVII that much either, FF6 is bad as a game and bad as a story, all it has are graphics and style which is something the future FF games have just as much of

>The Last Story

Is this worth playing? I got it a long ass time ago but I didn't take my Wii with me when I started uni so I never touched it. I could totally do that now.

you're the one mad here buddy

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to compete with automata the og nier first need an actual ending e patched into it

Pretty simple.

Turnbased: Suikoden 2
Active/Action: Vagrant Story

Dunno user, i'm not the one posting funneh reaction images out of frustration

i'm not the one telling people they're ass mad

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Either Nocturne or Xenogears.

Only correct answer in this entire shirty thread. Fuck SMT elites.
Shut the actual FUCK up retards.

That bad boy aged like fine wine

Xenoblade and xenwhatever are meme pandering shit for zoomer faggots

When comparing the two, automata is predictable. The original had this kind of shock factor to it as there was some sort of tragic element behind everything that happens.
Knowing this, nothing that happens in Automata has an impact because you know shits going to go south just by Title association.
Even if you haven’t played the original, a lot of the themes are on the nose. Character-wise, 2B was the only character I found interesting. But then I’m forced to either play as a whiner or discount Kaine the rest of the game.
I just can’t see why it’s the better game outside of people who are unfamiliar with the creator’s work getting their first dose of it.

What is Final Fantasy V?

Last Story is a mixed bag. Some pretty uniqe for an action oriented JRPG gameplay mechanics (cover, proper aggro system, tactical screen) greatly soured by non-existent difficulty. A rags to riches story that is cute and has good party banter but doesn't leave any real emotional impact like Lost Odyssey. You decide.

Xenosaga aged like milk.


fucking no I've tried 3 times on DS, mobile, and Switch. Still shitty visual novel bullshit

megaman x command mission

Breath of the wild

Xenosaga 1 was fucking amazing. For a heavy anime-artstyle game, the characters were pretty neat and the atmosphere was really just eerie and depressing, which was great because people were fucking dying left and right. They don't make 'em like they used to.

Play that fucking bitch again
It's great and the models look amazing

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my dick overweight
your grandma's daughter dont mind
(that is your momma)

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>visual novel
t.zetta slow brainlet

Threads of Fate

Aspect Ratio you nigger.

It has to be MGS3.

>heard such high praise of this game for years but could never play it because it was so rare and I wasn't going to pay $200+ on ebay for it
>finally played it years later via emulator
>it literally plays itself and you have zero agency, you may as well be watching a really bad movie

Why to Japs love making "games" like that?

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The original had zero shock factor if you knew anything about Taro. Both Nier games are generally tamer than Drakengard and it's okay, especially given the Flower/Lunar Tear disparity. You're just outing yourself as a newfag who started with OG Nier instead of the first Drakengard.
If you found 2B interesting but not 9S (who is essentially Gideon mixed with Brother Nier) you also have no taste. 2B is a fake protagonist and Taro most likely dragged your newfag ass into the franchise with fanservice. Playing a role of Sisyphus in the story is the only thing she really has going on for her compared to a guy whose incarnations are behind all game events.

It's also a better game thanks to the better route structure with route C being way ahead in terms of presentation than anything in the original game. It's a better game thanks to having actual ending E inside the fucking game instead of side materials. It's a better game thanks to having way better musical direction. It's a better game because it has an improved gameplay. It's just better, in every single way imaginable aside from party banter, which was sacrificed because of what manner of story he was building up between 2B and 9S.

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Persona 4. /thread

I really dont get how people that dont like rpgs can like Earthbound since its pretty much a DQ romhack

What is Tales of the Abyss?

Man of culture and taste

Shit like the rest of the series.


What is Mother 3?

>Ar Tonelico mid tier
I’m guessing sucking dicks is S tier on your fetish tier list huh

Being the best out of Gust kusoge doesn't make it any special among JRPGs in general.

>Nocturne that high
>DQV that low

It’s not special to you because you’re a retarded faggot. It’s special to me because I am God and can respect the immense talent of Akiko Shikata and Akira Tsuchiya, of course.

Isn't it wonderful how you can get how shit someone's tastes based on how they feel strictly about FF7, 8, and 9?

pretty decent 2bh. FFX is too high

dark cloud 2

Live A Live?

Neither are JRPGs.

You can listen to the OST outside of an unfortunately very mediocre game it's attached to.

FF8 fag tears are always delicious.

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>Libtard 3 in GOD Tier
What a fucking joke.

what is Suikoden II

unironically yes

>automata over nier
>those Tales positions
>those FF positions
>that entire Low and Mid tier
>lots of sequels over originals
>no M&LSSS


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are acceptable

You can arbitrarily section off qualities of a game when discussing what makes them special in comparison to other games if you want to. It doesn’t make you any less of a retard spamming terrible JRPG “tier lists” on Yea Forums though.

Let us see your tier list user

it's probably overrated, and Yea Forums loves to shit on it these days, but Persona 5 was one of the most fun experiences of my life

A good OST attached to Gust kusoge won't make Gust kusoge anything but a Gust kusoge with good music. That studio is just fundamenally shit.

My condolences

Not a big fan of JRPGs then are you.

>XC2, low tier
>FFX-2, shit tier
Fuck off with this bullshit ass list. X-2 has some of the best combat in FF games and XC2 was at least mid tier

It was good before the 2nd dungeon

it's fun

No it wasnt

Need I remind you that the OST isn’t the only “section” of the game receiving praise in my post, since you probably didn’t pay very much attention to the game and/or can’t read very well. Both of the people mentioned have talents far extending outside of the OST, which in and of itself is very much in harmony with the rest of the game; whether that be through lore or characterization. But Akira Tsuchiya is far more talented than “just music” as you stubbornly claim like the retard that you are.

It will be useless as yours is, mostly because it's full of popular and well regarded opinions. I already stated my complaints with yours.

XC2 is on a weaker spectrum of Takahashi games. It's not completely irredeemable but it sure as fuck doesn't deserve to be anywhere higher given the enormous overdose of the shittiest anime tropes he decided to inject into it for no reason after 2 decades of handling them with relatively good taste.

X-2 is a good combat system attached to Motomu Toriyama game. Even worse, it's a Motomu Toriyama game that ruins a relatively solid entry with an awful sequel. Anyone who love his games should check up for brain damage.

I just want another good ff game with x-2 tier combat. Ending the game with alchemist who can mega elixir the whole party while dks rape vegnagun with hp sacrifice was kino af

Yakuza 0

everything else is filler

Chrono Trigger

*drops mic* *sunglasses descend from off screen and land perfectly on my 10/10 face*

Just play resonance of fate.

the one i don't have to play