Please give me some good games with Amazonian women

Please give me some good games with Amazonian women

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god I wish that were me

This is basically the plot to every My 600 Pound Life episode

>tfw tall buff Amazon's will always be rare love interests both in games and shows because of insecure faggots
I always tend to just make my own in games that allow for it, like Dragon's Dogma, so I don't have any legitimate characters come to mind, op. There's Dragon's Crown that pops in my head and that's about it.
is there any update to that little bunny guy and his huge gf?

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Flemish giant rabbits are fucking adorable.

AC Odyssey

Ocarina of time

thanks god femdom is a fetish that will never take off.

Diablo 2

femdom is a surface level fetish

what really puts me off about femdom is humillation. I know it's a fetish, but if I wanted someone to treat me abusively, I would still live with my mom.
Maybe that's why I like hugging and holding hands so much


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Was laughing till the end then turned cringe

Fucking gay


If you google the headline you can get the news article which links to the bunnie's instagram account. He seems particularly obsessed with her ass

what about amazonian monster deities (female)? still waiting btw

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based ass bunny

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Imagine being this beta

the true virile thing is to be a switch and a bisexual

Do you make your arisen young or short to get with a taller beloved or make your arisen normalsized and pawn a big amazon?

Bisexuality is an incredibly important part. It's not enough to be able to fuck women, you also need to be able to pound weaker men so they know their place. People who argue otherwise are inherently cowardly and would buckle at the first threat of having their face fucked.

absolutely patrician bunn boi

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There should be law disallowing women to shave their pubes.
That is all.

That's right. You'd be surprised how being bi changes the dynamic you have with straight people and sad gaylords in general. They know you can fuck them and desire them, which puts them on edge.

That's enough to establish a clear sense of dominance.

>Take A to the extreme
The nature of man

Yeah, that small bunny is definitely an ass man.

>tfw no tall Greek amazon gf

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what can change the nature of one?

Amazon fetish is a precursor to shotacon

Playful teasing humiliation can actually be really hot. What I hate is obviously mean spirited shit. I can't believe people will spend money to have some fully clothed ugly bitch stare into a camera and call them a piece of shit loser for 10 minutes.

there's nothing wrong with both

>snake god
>has human legs
Literally ONE fucking job

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>because of insecure faggots
Or maybe its not our fault we are programmed to like small, cute, submissive versions of the opposite sex?

Besides, it's the amazons that don't want a smaller man. If she's huge, you have to be even freakishly bigger.

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