Is Earthbound basically Dragon Quest set in the modern world?

Is Earthbound basically Dragon Quest set in the modern world?

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It’s basically kino

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Sure but with worse balancing and mechanics

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yeah, but more quirky

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>always knew about Mother but never played any of the games
>heard a lot of good things about them
>give them a shot because why the fuck not, don't have anything better to do
>games are poorly made, poorly balanced, and poorly written
>somehow fall in love with them anyways
What the fuck

It's more casual than dragon quest

Draqon Quest is fucking shit so no wrong

Cool argument but no DQ maintains an almost perfect and satisfying balance of difficulty up to the very final boss, mother games cant say this, specially 2 which is the most broken game of the trilogy, and DQ doesnt have superfluous/bad mechanics like food condiments or having to call a pizzaman to store your items

Nobody plays them or the incredible combat or captivating story and characters.It's just a charming game with a lot of flavor in texts and good artdesign and music.

Pretty much.

Have you played the early DQ games? They were pretty jank.

>specially 2 which is the most broken game of the trilogy,

So you have next to no idea what you’re talking about then. Alright.

>Mother 2 is more broken than Mother 1
>Mother 1 is more broken than Dragon Quest 2

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to be fair the only big imbalance is at the beginning. If you clear that hump the game and battles flow fine up 'til the end.
Even moments like Jeff solo in Winters is handled pretty well, giving you enough boosts to accelerate your level and overcome the higher difficulty curve there. If they only did that for Ness' own beginning, there'd be no issue at all.

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Ive played them all yeah
2 has problems with death spells at the end but hard games were the thing in that moment, I bet Horii played wizardry 4

In 2 I can just PK Freeze/ bottle rocket my way through 90% of the game not even 1 is this stupid

You can’t but you can make false, exaggerated claims all you want, that’s fine.

I wish there were more RPGs set in modern day.

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>mother 1 is broken and annoying but it's because of the spawn rates
>mother 2 is broken and annoying but it's because of the way the story progresses
>mother 3 isnt really broken in my opinion but some of the bosses require farming

Skip the first 2 or use hacks, it's not worth playing the whole way through.

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>poorly written
that's a yikes from me dawg

has anyone remade earthbound with a run button yet?

It's a Kafkaesque Ultima-vania with a touch of boomer-infused 60's retro B-flick undertones.

Just use the bicycle lol

why do you need it the maps are quite small

>some mother 3 bosses require farming
Which one exactly,I'm at chapter 7 and haven't farmed for any boss.Literally didn't even buy gear since I never had enough money until I realized I could also withdraw money from the frogs.

Zoomers won't understand any of this.


zoomers everyones!

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I'm not wrong, though

Pretty much. Mother and DQ are both fantastic series.

The maps are fucking tiny

I just played the game blind for my first time as well. No farming is required as long as you’re not rushing through the game like a mindless retard, user. Don’t worry.

>mother 3 isnt really broken in my opinion but some of the bosses require farming
Which ones? I never had to do worse than re-adapting by hauling my ass all the way back down Thunder Tower to get the anti-thunder gear in the shop that I didn't think I needed that badly. Buff bois also made me need to backtrack a good bit for stuff as you're kinda starved on Tanetane. I guess you could call that stuff grinding. Otherwise I streaked through most of the game. The slow tick-down of the HP gauge makes most of the challenges overcome-able anyway.

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She was optional, right?

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earthbound > mother 3

Did you by any chance played earthbound first like most people?

For further perspective on your intuition, I played both at roughly the same time and don’t “rank” them. They both appeal to me in different ways very greatly.

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there is functionally no reason to not have one, it would make the early game a lot more playable, especially the whole 'run back and forth' parts, and detract from nothing

I think so, maybe.
It's been a while.

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yeah she only fights you if you touch the friend yoyo

She is as I expected. You have to touch the encased yo-yo to start the fight, but you can continue up through Thunder Tower if you want. While I fought her, there were some optional things I missed like Porky Statue and King Passion. I interacted with Porky Statue instead of three times, plus he it was scary.

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