Comfy MH thread

Comfy MH thread

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Mate if you want a comfy monhun thread you have to post a weapon icon and nothing else otherwise shitposting who never played the games will ruin it.

Also MH3U best roster despite underwater cancer.

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Nah I posted stuff like that and its all guuci. Just ignore listfag whenever he comes

I hope the other returning armor sets won´t be HR as well...

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any reason i should get this on ps4 vs pc, or vice versa?

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PC gets content always later than PS4
PS4 performance is pretty trash

even on pro?

>tfw gust + butt slammed into cart
Shitty rat cunt

If you play on PC you have easy workarounds for awful grinds that you have grown tired of, like Kulve.

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Ps4 pro runs at ~40 fps with drops. Spin your camera around while fighting Teo/Luna and you're gonna go down to 20. Also the loading times are all 30-60s.
If I had a good enough PC I'd play MHW on PC instead.

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Compared to the near instant load times on PC?

>hunt a few more monster, use sos, post easy gold investigations
>no one shows up still
>say hi in the 'lobby' through text, ask if anyone has monsters in HR they want to do
>no one answers
>all i have is the palico and handler
>i don't even like the handler
At least I got a Bazel gem from that last investigation. You guys made it sound like this would be jolly cooperation fun, but no one talks or joins anything. I know the game isn't dead, the lobbies are consistently full. I just smell like dung pods, I guess.

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ill get it on pc then thanks

Still waiting on that Brachy footage

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Guess those were the wrong people.
Just some hours ago we had some fun hunts with people of the last MH thread.

Something about Geralt speaking in the monster hunter language gave me a decent smile.

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If you already have a good PC it's worth waiting for the PC release of iceborne
If you haven't played the base game yet and pick it up now you can probably do everything then have some time to cool off before Iceborne so you don't get burnt out

First for flexing should make a return

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Underwater is the future of MonHun. Imagine the possibilities with the new maps with verticality.

Eh Iceborne is coming and looks like PC is 3 months behind per usual.

It was a collab nobody expected. You'd think RE or DD would get one by now

Thirsty rath

Good times

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They already turned Lavasioth into discount Gravios, fuck off

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Not trying to hate on the MH community but what's the point in stuffing as many similar monsters into World when it's just recolor after recolor and only a slightly adjusted move set?

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Bootleg Agnaktor, not Gravios. How'd you fuck that up?

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Before the event I was honestly hoping they would just use Polish for his MH Language voice, no one would be able to tell anyways

We still get a lot of new monsters.
Usually there are a lot more subspecies rather than new monsters in G games

>Be me
>Be Worldvet, pretty confident in my skills
>Decide to try out GU
>Do the boring gathering quests, easy enough
>Get to the first major monster, Maccao
>"Pssh, this'll be easy"
>Before I know it I've triple carted to this motherfucker
>I'm flabbergasted, I only carted once to Great Jagras
>Try and fail my next three attempts to beat this thing
>Finally after several hours I manage to kill it
>"Quest complete" pop-up doesn't appear
>Turns out you have to kill TEN (10) of these fucking things in one quest
Fuck this game, I'm glad World exists so we don't have to deal with bullshit like this anymore.

They're not just slightly adjusted move sets, the fights play out differently from regular variants and you need to find new tactics. And also it just makes sense because subspecies exist in real life too.

haha imagine how hard he got

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I want to believe someone this dumb exists.


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Gonna be crown hunting for those when Iceborne comes out lol

Why did mainline start to use Frontier music for 2nd gen maps from the jump MHF2 to MHFU?

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what settings should I turn down on pc pls I keep getting drops

Haha yeah :)

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>want to get back to MHW
>overwhelmed by all the sets and tactics I've forgotten
>dunno what to do with anything on my 400 hours save
>never come back
How do I deal with this? No fucking way I'll make a new save, fuck LR

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Just get into it retard

I just feel like I'm missing out on a huge part of the game. I'm getting along solo just fine, but literally the only mission I did with someone was a very early tobi kadachi with some guy who had a spanish name. This game is lonely.

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Subspecies haven’t been JUST recolors with slightly adjusted movesets for the entire fucking lifespan of the franchise. In fact, they noticeably stopped being that when P2ndG/FU came out and introduced the subs for the crabs and monkeys. Ever since then, subspecies have actually been pretty kino. Some more than others, naturally. But it looks like they’ve really hit a stride with Iceborne. Can’t wait to see how they handle Pukei, Paolumu, and Tobi

The game /is/ jolly co-op. I suggest hopping lobbies until you find a group doing hunts you enjoy. That can be a little difficult because the game doesn't easily let queue with the same people repeatedly. Your other shot is to hop into Yea Forums sessions or to have real friends.

Ha, Downy Crakes are small time.
Try getting the Endemic Life Guild Card BG

>been hunting with kb+mouse since day 1
>mouse broken
>mfw have to relearn the whole game with controller
Feels great man. Kinda wishe i had picked up controller sooner.

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Hi monhun friends

Playing world for the first time since near release basically.

Any ideas on what i should be aiming for?

I main hammer and currently have pandemoniums root and have done the only two available 9 star optional quests in my log.

I have no idea. I actually prefer these, especially the swamp.

Tons of jap games are meant to be played with a controller cause nobody in japan plays PC games

Fog shit first, LoD after that.

I keep triple carting to the lunastra + teo quest that the smithy wants me to do

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Ha... yeah... friends. Guess it's solo hunting for me, then.

Kulve is returning next week so you might want to grind her for her R8 Sleep hammer. Its the best hammer atm with natural white sharpness and decent raw.
Do Behemoth for his gears, if thats not an option blunder blade them. 4pc Drachen is widely used in most blademaster sets.


For starters, it's an excuse to make that monster G rank. A lot of people have liked the looks of say, the Odogaron armor, but you'd be unable to wear it due to the stats being so shit without a higher rank subspecies. Also it does a lot more than slightly adjusts the moveset. It's not like Rathalos to Azure Rathalos. Most newer subspecies have a lot of effort put into them. And lastly, it saves effort designing a new monster. There still seem to be a lot of new monsters, but World really needed to fill out its roster.

Pukei-Pukeo actually has five subspecies, four which cycles through seasonal festivals.

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How difficult is solo Behemoth?

Is it bad that I prefer MH3U than MHXX?

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G-rank games always feature a bunch of "recolors". It's just a question of how good a job capcom does with each fight. Variants tend to just have a new mechanic, subspecies are usually a different element with different attacks, rare species are usually some bullshit super version.

there's too much shit going on and I can't separate them with poop


Whoa whoa whoa. Don't just lie like that. Blue Kut-ku, Red Khezu, and Green Plesioth were still around back then.

Yeah and they weren’t new in FU either

You do remember that FU was the G expansion to F2 right

even though I put 500 something hours into it, i'd rather play anything other than mhxx at this point, to be honest. something about it just feels off. maybe it's the visuals, and hypers and deviants being such a chore.

Blue YKK had an extra move, and Red Khezu a different weakness since 1st gen.

MMan, why the fuck can't they do something interesting with Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos? I really hate them since they are some of the laziest subspecies in the series.

>Everything with both the raths is rape and cucking
>Any human/monster stuff is either kirin getting Khezu'd or just outright gay.
Where are the nice consensual male monster/female monster or female monster/ human male stuff.
Come on Japan.

MH Casual here. How am I doing so far?

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Controller is the superior form of MH gameplay. *laughs in radial menu*

Theres a reason why Behemoth is the only monster people choose to blunderblade his shits instead of actually killing him.

Been playing P3 recently, that game is excellent and brings back the comfy PSP feels of FU. Also I have finally realized that I think I like the hunting horn more than the hammer.

I want to replay MH4U but MHGU and MHW spoiled me on how good is to play monhun on my fucking TV with an actual controller and Citra is ass.

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New game when?

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how do I git gud at bow

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Decent. If anything your kit looks badass as fuck. Keep playing and as long as you like it and enjoy figuring out the nuances of what armor skills you like, you're good. When you get into decorations your build options will open up even more.

What am I doing wrong then?

>git gud

>feeling sad for myself because no one will join my sessions
>finally take on nerg
>watch cutscene, fire sos
>three guys load up into my game within 3 minutes
>cut his tail, break his horns, kill him in the second area
>carve a gem and a horn+ from him
>total time was 6 minutes
Bros, did I make it?

shoot the monster
don't get hit

playing world, and also baguette stick

>Citra is ass.
it's not that bad nowadays, if you're using a proper build for monster hunter, but it's still pretty lacking

Nice. Normal Nerg or AT? Anyways don't let it intimidate you, just be fucking careful of the big damage dunks.

>Feeling proud you got carried
Beat Nerg solo it's an extremely fun fight.

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SOS are a fucking gamble to me so I don't know what to say

Just the normal one, the event one. I feel he definitely would have been harder than the Pickle solo.

>they didnt give us g rank barioth armor

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No, you will never make it.

Is there something I'm missing with the Alchemy style? Tried most weapons with it but doesn't really fit any of them.

is there still no way to remove shitty items from my item bar?

They might and maybe this is just HR armor. Who knows

It's a funny scenario.

>F2 changes Snowy Mountains theme but keeps the Dos music
>MHF is a thing in between and gets its own music for everything
>FU takes the MHF music but still insists on keeping F2 Snowy Mountains
>By Gen, 'Arctic Ridge' starts using the MHF music

On this note I did find it neat how Frontier does different themes for HR1-4/HR5-7/GR maps, the devs even did this for ones that don't even have high rank quests up all the time. Even if a music switch should've been a thing since not all music is equal, I like the general idea.

3U is a well-rounded title, albeit with probably too few elder dragons than I'd like..

Shut the fuck up retard.

New monsters are MR only. Having said that, there could be an alpha/beta armor thing going on and the old GR armor could show up that way.

The cutscene preventing multiplayer bullshit is fucking dumb. I'm trying to go through the game with my boyfriend and it seems like every story mission there's some little part before it that prevents multiplayer. So we either have to do the level alone or one of us has to get to the point where they say we can use an SOS flare, return from quest, then have the other person make the quest. Does this shit stop soon?

user i have played this game on both those platforms and i can say without a doubt the right choice is PC. Playing a game like this at 60fps is a must and the modding scene is pretty decent as well. There is a great unofficial transmog and playing ranged with a mouse feels great. The only downside is the delayed release to everything

Nope. Gonna continue in IB even.

Not even worth a (you) nintendie

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What if instead we got

>Initial M-Rank progression having one armor per monster
>But at the endgame every monster has another, stronger set

Wasn't there another male Anjanath set sighted that was different from the MHWI beta one?

What is this nintendo boogyman. Plenty of PC players have a switch as a side console.

>same exact filename
you're not even trying, listfag

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It's called b8

Is Capcom ok with mods? Is transmog visible to other people or just you?

It stops in end game.
It fucking sucks and I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. Older games didn't really have this problem.

Capcom hasn't really taken any action against mods in the slightest, no telling if something will happen or not. I've heard something about a takedown on an event quest mod but never got the full details.

Get some fucking friends to play with then you sad cat posting dunce. It's not rocket science.

Realistically how much a monhun monster need to eat?
an african elephant is 7 meteres long and needs to eat 70,000 calories, something like shagaru is about three times that length and a lot more muscular, unless prey monsters are calorie dense to a physically impossible degree I don't see any large monster surviving. Starvation is only pronounced with deviljho, even though something like rajang would also need to expend a shit ton of energy if not more since it moves so fast. What in the actual fuck would things like Dalamadur eat?

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>comfy thread
>already console shitposting

I feel bad for you lol

Why is World such a big target for consolewar niggers anyway?

Dromes when

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I absolutely love the look of the female Fulgur Anjanath Set.

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MH game that's been on Nintendo all the time until it came to PS/Xbox/PC EXCEPT Nintendo and it sold 13 million compared to 2-4 million of previous MH games. It's shitpost ammo of the highest caliber


I want Baggi and Wroggi back.

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It's not that bad once you get used to his patterns.

I imagine something like Dalamadur would chomp on an elder dragon or two and just hibernate for awhile.

I haven't played since Jho hit, racked up about 155 hours and have only kinda kept up with the game since.

I'm looking to get back in, so what's the most important shit I missed/should get rolling before the expansion hits?

MH games that's been on Nintendo most of the time* sorry

But it was on Sony before Nintendo.

Hopefully never. Just make some new raptors that aren't outdated and boring.

yeah I fucked up and fixed it

Comfy times ahead bros.
Monster Hunter Lan party when the Switch Lite is released.


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Drachen armor set from behemoth (you can part break farm this)
X weapon from Kulve Tarath if your main weapon isn't GS. Try to get the Glutton HBG regardless of your main weapon
All the mantles

First time playing Monhun seriously, what do you guys recommended for a someone who is tired of bow?

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That's a good question, all I got is iirc Lao Shan Lung would eat parts of mountains?

Try other styles before switching weapons.

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Nice. I have 4 gold wyverian prints so I guess I could put those toward the Behemoth armor. Is he really that tough?

A shitload of power creep. You know how Teostra's armor had Master's Touch? Well Behemoth has Drachen, a set with that AND a ton of affinity skills to actually use it well. Biggest observable power creep in the series. Beyond that, Kulve Taroth brings a relic grind (albeit with fixed stats) and you don't approach Lunastra like you would Teostra. Also, The Witcher collab that at the very least can get you a free attack decoration if you do the sidequests.

The devs did EX/GX equivalent sets in the form of Gamma armor, for beating Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons (that's locked behind rotating event bullshit). Good time to get back in because the events are going to be returning for five weeks straight in the coming days.

I've enjoyed insect glaive. High mobility, good damage, easy mounts. The kinsect dust effects and extract buffs are a great benefit too.

He is soloable if you're skill enough. The thing about Behemoth is that you need a group that isn't going to do retarded shit that would get them carted immediately because they're retarded. Simply put it, your teammate is the hardest part of a Behemoth fight.

>Also, The Witcher collab that at the very least can get you a free attack decoration if you do the sidequests.
I don't suppose that's repeatable? Attack decorations are relevant to my interests but maybe I should just wear AT Narg stuff.

>playing World
>there's an animation in the forest where you dive underwater
>get excited
>it's just that animation

Underwater was amazing. My favorite area was 11 (12?) in Loc Lac's forest where you were swimming in the open ocean.

They're giving away an attack deco as a login bonus in july 25. If you didn't do Geralt quest, then you can get 2 EZ attack decos

Nope, you only get it once. My only advice without spoiling it is to check the supply box and grab at least the extra lifepowder. Other than that, on the 25th Capcom is handing out an Attack deco in celebration of 13mil sales. So basically you'll get three Attacks decos by that point.

How nutritious is a mountain?

What are some good ideas against AT Luna?
She is the only AT I don´t have the Gamma armor yet because I did not want to fight her.
I barely understand the normal Luna fight

how do I into HBG

Thanks user!

How's the Charge Blade (in MHW)? I tried it out a bit in the training area but never in a real situation, I don't get what the vials are for or where are you supposed to find them, I only saw empty vials during my first playthrough

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Oddly I miss Gobul, Nibbelsnarf just ain't the same.

some dood posted this on mhg, I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. Seems like we're reaching a fever pitch with this leak stuff, I wish capcom would stop teasing us so much, just release a trailer that shows all the flagships already!

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Hey boys, do I pay this artist again for more art of her but first see if a subspecies happens or pay someone for a custom model and hope it can be modded into the game?

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legiana bow set with KO skills and impact mantle

Get one with lots of pierce shots

tua mamma

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>icons unchanged from second gen
Now that's fake as shit

I'm an SnS main but recently swapped from PS4(only just got to HR so not too far in) to PC. I autistically made every element SnS so I put in a lot more hours than I should have in LR. I'm using hammer now since I don't need to have more than one realistically. When would be a good time to start making SnS again?


You know what is the most annoying thing about MHW? Its the fact we didn't get to partner up with Serious Handler and we're stuck with credit stealing bitch hole.

For the PC, you play it like a 3rd person shooter due to mouse look. Regardless, you're looking into 5 playing style: Cluster, Spread/Shotgun, Wyvern, Pierce, and Sticky

Cluster is a solo (or a cluster party only) that you use Cluster ammo. Basically, you abuse the hell out of your mantle and spam highly explosive bombs in close proximity. Weapon of Choice is the Dark Devourer and Magda Gemitus.

Shotgun/Spread is basically just walk up close to monster face and shotgunning them in the face. They are the highest consistent damaging ammo style without fucking up your team members, but at the risk of being close to the monster's range. You should aim for the Destruction's Fusillade as your main shotgun until the Kulve Taroth event happen. Then just farm her until you get the Taroth Assault Glutton (the best shotgun), Taroth Assault Horn (highest raw damage shotgun), and/or the Glutton Gold Cannon (if you somehow don't obtain the Glutton or the Horn).

Piercing more for a long range user. When you fire a pierce ammo, it pierce through the body of the monster and the bullet tumble within the body, causing a bunch of number damage to show up in a straight line. The larger and longer the body, the more damage it does. It very ineffective against short body monsters like Kirin. It not the most damaging ammo type, but one of the more "safer" of the set. Ideally, you want the bullet to hit the most of the weak spot of the monster as much as you can. As for the bowgun you should aim for, the Legia Shattercryst is the 2nd best pierce hbg you can get due to all the low recoil, good reload speed, and zero deviation. When Kulve Taroth is up, farm her and get the Taroth Assault Support or the Kjárr Assault "Water", which is a straight upgrade to the Legia Shattercryst.

I want to flash my dick at it.

You kill yourself.

One of the most OP weapons out there that doesn't take much skill. Got 3 nerfs and a 4th one coming in Iceborne and it's still a powerful melee weapon. Only issue is that you'll be doing the same thing over and over with no variety

Here's a guide that'll give you the gist

Wyvern Ammo spam is another play style that you just spam Wyvern Ammo constantly. You play this if you want to see big numbers and large feedback, and it will damage ANY part of the body regardless of the defense. Be mindful of where you aim since it can knock back your teammate. The play style also requires you to be in close range. I like to aim at the wing or the tail since the damage is the same regardless of the area of the monster. You should get aim on getting the Griffon Blazooka or the Taroth Assault Horn. The Taroth Assault Horn is slightest stronger than the Griffon Blazooka.

Finally, there is Sticky. This is an alternate playing style of the Cluster user that want to be a long range stunner/cc. These ammo IGNORE ARMOR REGARDLESS OF BODY PART. The damage is consistent and you could get like 3 knock down if you have slotted all those slugger mods.

All thing considering, you should learn how to craft the main ammos you need on site, more so for clusterbombing. Use the hotkey to let you craft the ammos and have the material in your bag ready to make them. You can save the crafting hotkey and items in the load out. On top of this, pick a playing style for your defense. Do you want to block? Get those shield mods on the HBG. Otherwise, get evade extender and learn to dodge. Anyways, I hope this helps.

>Downy cake
Hey, Handler's not quite old enough to be a cake

Well I tried that but it didn't work.

Phoenix Wright crossover when? The judges gavel as a hammer would be funny.

Portable 5th in 2020.
World 2 in 2021.

>no trap Handler
>no cake Handler
I wish you could edit ccertain features of your Handler as well, but that might suggest the voice wont fit and they sure as hell ain't making multiple voices

Why would you expect a Deep Down collab, it's dead son.

Walking around in a suit would be cool too

DD is Dragon Dogma

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It took me a week to get the Giant Bomb Arawnawa to finish up the notebook.

Good fucking luck.

Ever hunt in real life? Around here most people will sit in a tree or blind for hours alone getting shitfaced. All the multiplayer sessions i joined, no one ever really talked unless it was behemoth. But the only reason people talked in those given sesisons was from rage. I mean if you want to count pre typed messages and stickers as talking, theres that i guess. But you arent missing out on much. Maybe its changed since the anniversary thing back in February, but im doubtful.

Why would they pick Dual Destinies over Trials and Tribulations?

We all love dragons dogma user, but that shit is OLD

Hoping for a new handheld game.
Still have plenty to do in GU but it's gonna run dry at some point.

>>tfw I caught three giant fish trying to catch the ancient

Look at that brachy though

Don't be a quitter. Try again.

During that week, I ended up with like 9 Petricanths.

People saying that fish is rare. Giant fish are the real bitch to catch.

y-yeah, who would still want old ass franchises collabs?

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>Endemic Life now have crowns in IB too
Hell on earth for me

Oh no. Please no. Please no achievement for it.

Still haven't caught of of them. Despite actively looking.

Rarity in this game is kind of fucked though. I caught prism hercudrome on my second hunt. Caught the regular one last purely because it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb

Will probably not even matter for me, as long as the crown is displayable somewhere in the Guild Card or Hunter Notes, I have the urge to get it.

Stevechads WW@

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If he's in he'll definitely get a subspecies, right? I think he's one of the only flagships with no variants whatsoever.

Its not. Frame is uncapped and sometimes goes around 40. Ps4 gets iceborne and every content before pc. Pc players never played MH and are gay faggots, come to ps4

World's SOS killed comfy pub lobbies

Are PC boxes available for this game or is it just downlaod code?

Help me out here Yea Forums, what should I focus first?
>jho scalps and gem for longsword
>nerg for armor set

Comfy Anjanath

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nerg set is overrated piece of shit, though.

Every Monster Hunter is on PC though. PS4 has only one.

I'm not seeing anything better after just beating him. My weapon generally doesn't use stamina either.

>counting emulators
big yikes from me

Only Japs and few weebs have played MHUN before World, don't kid yourself.

You mean the definitive edition of Monster Hunter. Available Only on PC™

There was a picture of some unique Anja design.

Might be present as an alternate form. I'd like to see Tigrex X, his HR set is okay, but not my thing.

>Fighting Lunastra
>framerate dips from 60-70 to sub 40
>caught against a wall during nova

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How prepared do I need to be for Iceborn? Is it going to be like post AT Nergi difficulty?

How DO you deal with her nova anyway?

World's multiplayer is pretty trash compared to the other games because they really just royally fucked up lobbies to the point where there's no interaction

Blocking feels like cheating but I don't care. Lancing is easy and fun.

I don't know, I've been going into her fights with like 30 fire resist and health boost so usually I can survive it if I time my superman jumps correctly. You can also run away if you see it coming in time, but it's ridiculous how fast she can prepare it in comparison to Teostra. I had 3 people including me die to a single nova because she did it in a corner of Elder's Recess where no one could get away

Are there any SnS I can build that can be used for everything. I usually build all elements but I just want to get to endgame fast

god PS2 and PSP games are so soulful my first game was 4U but i emulate the older games instead

>Fighting Lunastra
>She roars
>You freeze
>She runs
>You stumble
>She whips her tail
>You're immobilised

If you think Lancing is broken, then you haven't play block HBG with KT Glutton HBG

G Rank's(Master Rank) difficulty increase is a lot more natural than ATs.

Dive, retard

either book it out of there or spam supermans

I fucking hate how long stuns and tremors last in World

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World's online is shit thanks to SOS and the Gathering Hub not having the essentials for people to stay in. Iceborne is apparently fixing this.

Looks JUSTed

>start running for the exit when she goes up
I'm probably bad but I recommend just spamming supermans.

I guess the jump emote would work too?

I love how it's just a crapshoot even with dives because lunastra has to be as awful as possible

Hah, bitch. I fought Nerg on launch month and not single person accepted Nerg quests because how fast he killed newbies, it was basically a waste of 30 minutes each time.

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>I guess the jump emote would work too?
ha, no. It doesn't work on anything except for behemoth

DELET shitflies

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No-one joins anyone's sessions unless it's a kulve taroth room.

Jesus christ how horrifying.

I honestly don't see why people need to jerk off in each other's faces when it comes to monster hunter. It's either "I did that better" or "My game is better than yours". I'm getting too old for you constantly angry people.

I'm coming from GU to World. I really miss the poke poke slam burst combo on GL but being able to use burst from a moving thrust is pretty nice.
So what GL type does the wyrmstake benefit from most? How often should I be using it?

>Three of the post launch monsters are designed and scaled for multiplayer only
Being a solo autist is suffering

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To emphasize just how shit the jump emote actually is outside of its gimmick, players can hitstun you out of it.

i dont have many GL hunts but from what I have read on previous threads GL wyvernstake sucks dicks

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Come hunt with us, it's fun

Why the fuck did they not add an option to disable them from controlling your camera. I don't care if the map design is so ass that you need to guide my every move just to navigate it, let me control my fucking character.

Yeah pretty much this. It's like not enough that we clearly are fans of the same series. I *have* to like the iteration you like or everything I have to say is invalid. I dabbled in MH on PSP and then again on 3DS but never really felt like getting far in it till World.

at least they added it in iceborne

More art of her, my dick will be forever grateful.

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I feel you


I don't use guns. I must be close enough to see the light go out in my preys eyes.

what said. Wyrmstake's pretty shit in world. Just shell more

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Just take the sospill.

It's meant to start right after Xeno. So if you've kept up with post game stuff, you should steamroll right over the start of master rank. Eventually, you'll want to upgrade your stuff though.

That is why I specifically mention KT Glutton HBG. Its basically a shotgun on steroid and it damage output made it the most ideal tank weapon in the game. Its THE tank weapon of EX Behemoth

Was Wyvern fire damage always that shit? Jesus. I want to love GL but Capcom doesn't make it easy.

We had the Argentinosaurus at some point.

gunlance numbers have never been very impressive. Just remember that this is without artillery factored in.

>despite underwater cancer.
Underwater was great. I have no idea how you guys can shit on it while defending bad hitboxes and wanting the games to revert the nice quality of life changes that World brought.

I miss the -ggis

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which monster would you most like to chill and have a beer with?

for me it's my boy Peco

i was the same when i started to play the iceborne beta and was getting mad af at my skill drop so i just went into the training area for an hour. its all muscle memory after that

>no Wroggi armor while running around the wildspire
it's not fair bros


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>watching gameinformer content
>already getting mad at those direwolves constantly harassing and jumping on the character no matter what zone youre in
fuck all the other QoL improvements, the fact that i didnt have to worry about bullfango smacking me full charge anymore was the greatest feeling. how do i get a hold of capcom to take them out?

I mean it's not like the base species aren't in Grank. But yeah the majority of subs are noticeably different from the og monster

I want to have intercourse with a Tzitzi.
>miss my flash pod
>waifu still flashes flying monster

That depends, what mosnter is the most fuckable?

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Me too
>return to GU after a while in World
>forgot most moveset cause they are so different
>brought my lategame IG set out to dust up my skill
>got my ass handed to me by a fucking lvl 1 deviant Zin
My god it was humiliating. Got into the groove again a hunt later tho

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you can on pc

I'm not sure if she's presenting or about to claw into someone's face, but I like it.

So chill, would be a great fuck buddy

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What is your favorite weapon design from World?
Mine is probably Vaal Hazaks lance.

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the Hammer from Vaal Hazak is also really good looking, its a giant axe.

>I want to believe someone this dumb exists.
They do.
This copypasta comes from streamers/youtubers playing gu after beating world and struggling to get though low rank.

Brachy icon already proven wrong by cookie leak

the fuck do you get these damn snuggly birds to spawn? been switching between areas for hours

3U is my favorite. I just wish it was ported to better systems.

Do you mean hacking? Is that 100% safe?

Vaal Hazak's hammer. Shame it's fucking irredeemable trash.

So they only spawn when your camera isn't looking at them. You can sit near the Aptonoths or whatever crouched and hidden and just turn your camera away from the monster and then turn back after 5 seconds of it facing away or so. I got mine in the big water area of Wildspire doing that.

Questions like this are beyond retarded and only autists ask them because the game isn't close to being realistic with things like that. Rajang shoots fucking lightning out of his mouth. Do you realise how much energy is in a normal lightning bolt let alone a sustained beam?
Either way there exists a thing called bio-energy in the world which fuels the majority of the super natural occurrences.

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I've been using cheated Drachen forever lmao capcom don't care

Some fire monsters like Teo and Gog eat gunpowder, so I presume they have biological functions that can convert it to bioenergy with great efficiency, or that they use it to increase the efficiency of ingested calories.
Dodogama and Uragaan flat out eat rocks, and as we see in MHW the world has extreme energy pills in the form of those bioenergy crystals, so MH minerals are packed full of acessible calories to certain monsters, mostly free of competition too. Dala and Lao devours entire mountain ranges, so they probably feed like that too. Fuck, Raviente probably drinks oil deposits like soda if they can proccess that stuff.
Big ass herbivores like larinoth or diablos have big ass vegetation to support them, like the jurassic frontier or ancient forest. I highly doubt diablos can survive on the few bushes of cacti we see in the games, so she probably digs all over the place and is also why she's dangerous as fuck.
For carnivores we need to know how many calories stuff like aptonoth or apceros yields. For them to survive they either have to eat a fuckton of aptonoths, and therefore those fucks breed like bacteria, or their meat is energetic as fuck for some reason like the biocrystals. And holy shit considering how much energy a hunter can shove inside with the meals it's no wonder they can chokeslam a rathalos.
And it's not like those monsters aren't a danger to the ecosystem by devouring everything until they die of starvation. My headcanon is that those big monsters are small in number, the ones we see are big in the story for that reason: they're rare, they're ever changing and always bringing competition along which turns the natural area into a combat zone instead of a feeding ground, so we never really get to see their complete ecology and how they really fit into the ecossystem. The whole point is that their survival and by extension the survival of the whole place is at danger because flying wyverns are shitting the place.

tl;dr: anime biology

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>Drinks water
>Breathes fire
Explain this Wycademy fags

>making sense out of Monster Hunter

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Two sacs containing different chemicals that when mixed ignite.

Huh, neat.

What do we think of the music?

Does Teo eat gunpowder? I thought it just exuded gunpowder.

>Try to dive AT nerg divebomb
>Hop off ledge instead

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I have literally never equipped a ranged weapon and i never will.

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>how many calories stuff like aptonoth or apceros yields
Geralt did mention how ridicolous (for Witcher World) meaty they were.

It does something with it. The only reason it came to the arena that one time was for gunpowder

>Drinks water
>Breathes air
Explain this animalfags

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If you have your sound turned up and can hear the sounds in the zone you will hear loud, incessant cheeping when they spawn. Also remember to stay a distance away from the Aptonoths or use a Ghillie Mantle to stay hidden. Like most rare Endemic Life they will run when they see you. So approach them couched and slowly and have your net at the ready. Then stand up and shoot them with the net. If you miss they will run off towards a bush or shrub and you can still catch them by shooting into the bush if you're fast.

Good Luck.

Water and air aren't opposing elements you duck

Oh right.

Bazel GL is pretty sick

I will remind them

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It's so fucking satisfying when they do spawn.

>just need one
>bag like four

You don't even have to do hacking, just mod the game. There's a mod right now that lets you craft the desirable Kulve drops with some tickets.

So many research points.


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I want to rub my dick on it.

>Breathes water
>Unlocks sixth sense and burns enemies with naruto eyes

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I'm still playing monster Hunter 3 U on my 3dse . This console is fucking comfy compared to the ginormous switch.

Can't wait to start playing 4u. I fucking love video games and my orange new 3ds™. And also birds.

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You can fix that with a simple mod.

Play on PC and you can remove them.
The game is so much better without them it's ridiculous.

Gore Magala is the best monster, prove me wrong.

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You're supposed to hit the monster so that you'd collect some red vials, then charge them into your shield to have White Vials. Then switch to Axe Form and explode the fuck out of the monster. Just play Switch Axe, it's much less complicated for what you're getting.

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>have to fix the game because Capcom fucked it up

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Brachy "I make vets seethe" Dios exists

Schrad castle... Home....

Its colour design fails to follow the 70-30 rule.

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That's messed up

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The HUD has full customization in Iceborne. You can disable shitflies.

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Which of those options is scoutflies? Sorry I don't speak frog.

Why would you even want to though?
I feel like this is gonna be another damage number situation where everyone complains about it but no one turns it off because it's too useful.

>implying I didn't mod scout flies out
>implying I didn't turn damage numbers off
fuck off shitter

Don't know, but the source said you could disable scoutflies.

That better be true because none of those options look like scoutflies.

I love this meme.

Nergi is a little challenging at first, but he's still in my favourite monsters list.
He's a very fun fight solo once you get the hang of it!

It's called using your eyes and iceborne has tailriders now, shitflies have no use.

Naviciole is some retarded word I can see them using to translate "scoutflies"(contraction of navigation and luciole Aka firefly). So yeah you can disable them.
t. frog

Have they said anything about transmog in iceborne?

Neato armor sets mean little when the skills are guaranteed to be shit like they always have been.

Little behind on MHW. What is currently the hardest hunt? Behemoth?

Actually, the best way to deal with Lunastra's Nova is to hit her with crystalburst, preferably just as she jumps in the air to start it. It'll flinch her and stop her doing it.
You can flinch Luna out of most of her attacks with crystalburst.
Do note I said crystalburst and NOT flashpod.

Thank you montee.

Although to be perfectly clear this option disables "scoutfly notifications" so whatever that means

Craftable layered armor is confirmed

No, it only hides the notifications of items and footprints your scoutflies are lighting up. It's highlighted on the screen.

You can also disable scoutflies affecting your camera.

Gun lance is ultra based.

Yeah thought so.
I see an option that deals with scoutflies and camera on this screenshot though so we won't have our necks snapped anymore. But no option to disable them entirely.

nah bro, flash her out of that nova
I'm sure it'll be fine

That's the important one though.

>tee hee force a camera change
who the fuck thought that was a good idea

GL numbers look bad because shelling, wyvernfire, and wyvernstake all completely ignore body hardness numbers, so they always hit for the same damage anywhere on any monster
As opposed to slash/impact/pierce/projectile which all have to deal with body section hardness numbers that reduce their raw numbers

When's Rajang

I'm gonna assume that's the bottommost option on the left screen.
Guess I'll have to keep using my mod that disables them entirely. The maps are so much more beautiful without the green shit everywhere.

How can a meat be more meaty? More muscle?

Yeah, it says "camera and scoutflies: follow". I might disable them entirely with a mod too once I'm familiar with the maps.

Hopefully never.

How could anyone *not* be sick of 'jang after apex shit.

> Wanted to enjoy some monster fighting with frens
> They say that combat is bad and the grind is tedious
> They drop the game and go play on empty servers in rust

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70% matte black
30% bright glowing purple

By being beaty big and bouncy.

>Hammertard thinks he gets head priority over sticky shots
By all means, continue to try. The legs will still be there for you when you're done ragdolling and impotently trying to launch me

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I need Anjanath Fangs right fucking now.

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First title update

if gore m'lady doesn't make it into world I'm gonna kyoani capcom

My friends didn't even bother trying the game.

You really should. I can't stress enough how much better the game is without the scoutflies.
The only downside is that it's harder to notice items and food prints.

>fighting tempered luna in wildspire
>she starts to nova and I realize I forgot to pack the crystalburst

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>Friend tries Dauntless and really likes it
>tell him that it's similar to MH and if he liked Dauntless he should give MH a shot
>He tries out the Iceborne demo
>He doesn't like it
i don't get it

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While the crossover itself is cool, Geralts mission was utter garbage
> If pukey pukey dies, in Leshy batte, you have to restart the sidequest
> If you don't collect all cat scribbles in the forset before talking to elder, you will fail the sidequest
> Restarting the quest forces you to go through all the cutscenes and dialogues again without an option to skip to figting Leshy
> Geralt blames Leshy for transfering him into mh world, while in his own game the portals could either be created by elves, ciri or witches
The fight itself is okay, but the boss spams aoe roots too fucking often

Does your friend play Fortnite?

Dauntless is for the brainlet fortnite audience.

He does, he's not even a zoomer he's fucking 24 years old

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24 is zoomer you retard. Anything past 1995 is Genz.

t. 34 year old

Why are people so mad about mhw?

consolewar shitposting

It's one guy. Ignore him

I've been here since F2 and it's always "new game bad".

I think there was a copypasta somewhere, describing problems about mhw. Probably bait, since it listed being able to heal while moving and canceling weapon sharpening via roll as problems

Because it made and doubled down on changes that are steps backward, yet it gets so much praise and people will immediately call you a shitposter for disliking it.

wait, people actually had pukei die? I didn't really even pay attention to it, maybe threw 1 or 2 life powders and that was all.

That's gone now since it's spam and mods dealt with it a week ago. It started being deleted when people found out he's samefagging all platforms for maximum shitposting (PC, Sony, Nintendo)

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Mate, that post was nowhere near inflammatory enough to be listfag. You're jumping at shadows now.

It's going to be an armour debuff, isn't it? I wasn't expecting a Glavenus deviant either way, pretty cool.

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Then that explains it. Dauntless' graphic style is that of Fortnite and he use to that instead of the superior MH graphic.

get fucked, nigger. Concentrating on flaws and ignoring improvements all while spamming it constantly for TWO FUCKING YEARS is bullshit. I'm glad its gone and irrelevant, especially when Iceborne's fixing the core issues like weapon models and roster

Subspecies. And ye it probably will be armour debuff, everything acidic has been.

ah fuck replied to the wrong person. I meant

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Which monsters outside of jho actually use the Defense Down debuff? might actually have to use defense down resistance against this guy

>superior MH graphic
Now I love MH and all but I hope you're not too serious.

was about to say, I made a comment about pukei, not fucked your wife.

I made too many mistakes during the fight used up most of my healing items before the pukey joined in. My mistake and I don't hide it. It's just that having to do the mission from the very begining is tedious. In witcher you could save scum all you want, but here game saves only happen inbetween missions.
You sure you replied to the right user?

>Probably bait, since it listed being able to heal while moving and canceling weapon sharpening via roll as problems
There are people that unironically consider them problems even though in previous games you could simply leave the area to do both of those things.

Are you seriously implying fortnite's artstyle is better than MH's?

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>Iceborne comes out on PC
> E6 gets filled with SFM porn of old monsters like Narga or Tiggy

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I had to do it twice since I ignored all the side quests the first time. Unskippable cutscenes was definitely the worst part about the mission.

It's literally just Jho and some tiny wyvern bird thing in the Elder's Recess.

Lying nigger, afkd for hours in that area and never saw one.

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What am I supposed to do, pretend that I like it? I'm not some machine that objectively weighs the pros and cons of the game (if such a thing is even possible,) I'm a living being that actively feels as it experiences things and it just so happens that I didn't feel good playing the game, despite wanting to like it and clocking in a solid hundred hours.

What birds are you referring to?

>in previous games you could simply leave the area to do both of those things
You could, but almost literally nobody did. Most people either tried to heal or sharpen during gaps in the monsters attack patterns or just did it after the monster ran off before giving chase again. Are they still not allowed to complain about the changes?

Nigger, nobody's forcing you to like it, but people like listfag tries to force their disbelief on everyone and instantly derail every discussion until last week. Everyone already discussed the flaws, but one guy still couldn't let go

You don't like MHW? good for you, go play the classics they still exist and active

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Drowny cake
I'm trying to 100% canteen and finish any side content like endemic bounties.

You are getting at least white and red buffs at all time right, and you're not spamming jump attacks constantly? If so, you're doing alright.

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>go play the games you have already played to death
Stop using this retarded argument. I'm going to judge the new game that comes out because I could have gotten a good one with fresh content instead of it.

All this means is that you have shit taste. Don't worry, you were born with it, so it's not your fault.

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>You could, but almost literally nobody did.
why lie on the internet?

then stop spamming the flaws. People argued about them and discussed it a year ago but it was still spammed regardless, and got dealt with. Last (You) from me since I'm the only one biting your shit

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Stop biting listfag posts, he just got BTFO in the /vg/ general and migrated here

what's the best top 3 hammers in MHW?

No because it's stupid. You're literally just waiting in the middle of a fight for no reason at all and there's no logical explanation why you have to stand still to drink.

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They aren't inherently "problems" but they do affect the game design in fundamental ways, the direction which is of course up for debate. The only actual problem is when new World players see convenience as a means to an end, a sort of design ultimatum if you will, which results in tensions and misunderstandings between newcomers and veterans.

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To be fair, MH3U fucked the water up from Tri. Tri had dedicated up and down buttons, and MH3U did not, and forced you to adjust your camera each time you needed to go up or down.

Fighting Nerg solo was some of the most fun I had. I carted to him twice, learning from my mistakes. When I finally got him down, our fight was the deadliest dance.

or they're mostly nitpicking passing it off as a core flaw

Also, aren't we forgetting that this "list" was made by someone console-warring both sides? How is it an argument when it was manufactured to shitpost

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That's a pretty small-brained thing to say, really. Neither of us will ever know which one has the shit taste, and claiming that you do know only outs you as close-minded and therefore likelier to be the one with the shit taste.

When was I spamming the flaws? Just expressed that the game is shit, which I truly believe. What's wrong with that? I feel fully justified in making that statement, and that it is completely within my right to do so.

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Easiest monster in the game, I haven't even been flashed once.

>If you don't collect all cat scribbles in the forset before talking to elder, you will fail the sidequest
I only ever collected one. You don't really need more than one anyway to start the sidequest.

It's a gameplay thing. The whole point is that you learn a monster's patterns to the point that you know when it's safe to chug a potion or sharpen and when it isn't, and if you fuck that up you can be severely punished because you're forced to commit to the action. It's simple risk vs reward.


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Good point, but does keeping design for the sake of preserving it's fundementals can hurt it by never fixing the flaws, limits or mistakes the fundementals had.
This one's kind of a double edge sword
> You don't really need more than one anyway to start the sidequest
Yes, but if you ask the elder to translate the scribbles, before you have all of them, the quest is considered failed. Kind of retarded, to punish player for not having all pieces of the puzzle before he even knows how many does he need

>that quest with three of them in the arena
Pure chaos. I love it.

>Yes, but if you ask the elder to translate the scribbles, before you have all of them, the quest is considered failed
I have no idea what you're talking about. I never failed this quest and I only ever collected the one scribble.

>You could, but almost literally nobody did
But you COULD.

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How fucking bad are you that you were zoning out every time? What the fuck?
If you got COMPLETELY FUCKED, like three potions worth and needing sharpen then fine, I'd zone out. But jesus christ, having to load between zones actively discouraged this shit. I'm not surprised that World is now the favored game among people like you, if that's how you played.

nah if you haven't completed the gajalaka scribble bounty then he'll have no idea what it means, and the quest will autofail. I did this like a couple days ago so I can confirm that's the case.

shut the fuck up listfag you don't even play these games

Oh the one outside the quest, right. Gotcha.

I did it so long ago, I completely forgot what it was.

Yeah what a goddamn crime, right? Giving the players freedom of choice and having varying levels of efficiency to those choices? Forget that noise, though. In World, you will play how we want you to play and that's that.

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then stand still lol

> It's simple risk vs reward
Although rolling during sharpening cancels the move and weapon will not be considered sharpened until the animation ends
Same for healing, if we're talking potions. You would only heal partialy to what you could, if you let the animation finish.
Letting the player cancel animation still allows player to learn good timing. It's just that the penalty isn't as harsh as before

What's a good SnS to get through HR with?

World gives you more choice.

So what's up with Kiranico not having Deviljho parts categorised yet?

Kiranico is kinda dead

Dude what?

W-what do you use instead then? Don't tell me you use the hunter's guide notebook...?

What can I use for my autistic percentages now?

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>I've been here since F2 and it's always "new game bad".
Except FU because its fans are faggots.

>Kiranico is dead and Fextralife is fucking trash

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Also you sip slower if you move at all. If you stay still it's about the same as the old potion animation length.
Although by the time you're farming AT monsters I assume most people just bring their 2 Max Potions and enough shit in the bag to make 5 more on the fly.

Fuck fextralife holy fucking shit

>Also you sip slower if you move at all

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yeah you heal much slower if you use potion while moving. Did you actually play the game?

collabs and crossworld events and other "easter eggs" about other games in video games like this one make me feel overboard wholesome and just make me feel like a child playing video games again, i wish so much they just happen alot more. It injects crazy amounts of soul into video game characters somehow, like, you played the witcher games alot, and you remember saying good bye to geralt back in the blood and wine DLC's ending, and suddenly he's transported through a portal to another game's world and you meet him again, it's like meeting an old friend and you take him and introduce him to this different world. He was used to only riding a horse and killing weird monsters for contracts, now he's in a huge world filled with dinosaurs, but he's STILL geralt of rivia, he talks business and takes contracts in the new world.

I use the guidebook yeah, it cool capcom finally decided to add a way to look at important important shit without having using an external website, although it's very brief and not extremely detailed
Fextralife sucks so fucking holy shit, that shit website loads so fucking slow and to top if off its not even complete, world's been out for a year and a half and they still have unfinished pages

Nigger you expect me to ever stand still while sipping?

Fextralife is the worst fucking abomination of a wiki, but it always shows up as the first fucking result. It's bad for Souls, it's bad for MH, it's fucking shit.

That's wrong though. The potion heals at max speed as long as you're not dashing.

>It's just that the penalty isn't as harsh as before
This is the entire issue that people take with the changes, though. It's not like either of these things were overly punishing before, why change them?

>Fextralife is garbage, but the only one with a remotely complete list of shit for divinity: original sin games
it fucking hurts to use that piece of shit

It's an option. If you don't like it, stand still then. What's stopping you?

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It's pandering. Do not underestimate how shit at videogames and unwilling to learn casuals are.

Just reached HR in MHGU. Got the Glavenus LS upgraded once. Should I go back and get the hidden saber ?

stop arguing with listfag dude

Pretty sure they explicitly said in an interview that they let you move while healing because you didn't have the option of just running through a loading screen anymore. It was never meant to be particularly challenging, you sip after a monster does an attack with more than half a second of recovery and you're good in any MH game.

Why is everyone even replying to this guy? 6 times he was found out to be shitposting for the sake of shitposting. Why argue with someone who's not even here to argue but only here to derail discussions?

Do anons have the memory of a fucking goldfish?

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What happened to the guy? Did he give up on MHW?

>He was used to only riding a horse and killing weird monsters for contracts
It's pretty clear that MHW to Geralt was like going to your favorite chocolate factory as a kid and seeing all that fantastic shit. Crossovers being in-character like Geralt of even Behemoth shitting all over the recess are fucking great, I love that they're doing more of it beyond simple in-character dialogs and quest descriptions like the AC one or Samus having a ptsd from seeing a Yian Garuga.

> This is the entire issue that people take with the changes
Being a feature whore and keeping things the exactly the same as they were before, without attempting to give options or fixing mistakes isn't the best option

Has anybody actually watched the Apceros go into their little defensive stance when a large monster is present?

It's cool as fuck.

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>Teostras feet block his head hitbox from the side
>Majority of his attacks hit right infront of him
If this ain't the dumbest shit.

It's an option with no punishment for choosing the easy way out. Moving with the potion is just safer, running out to heal breaks the pace and makes you want to get hit less and learn openings so you can safely heal during the fight.

They have the memory of a crowd of anonymous posters.

They may not even be actual anons, the dude samefaged a console war argument with himself for 30+ post trying to bait people to join in, it kinda amazing how deranged people on this website can be

Ok, how about a personal weapon tier list? Rate and post yours
> I'm trash and I know it, but figting with slow weapons agains spammy monsters isn't fun

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>i wish so much they just happen alot more
I want the opposite. I hate these crossover things and it muddies up a lovely setting with all these other fucking videogames. I remember literally kicking people from my rooms without a word that even so much as had that goddamn sonic gear on their cat.

Can you say with a straight face that stationary healing was a mistake when it worked for a dozen fucking games? At what point can you accept that it's just pandering to casuals?

Acting like a 5 year old is also good and well when you're 5 years old user, but not when you're 30.

LS, CB, IG, Bow
>don't know, haven't used enough
Lance, Hammer, horn, LBG

They made the game Nintendo exclusive for a dozen games too but that doesn't mean anybody liked it.

Calling it now, his weapons are gonna have a weird gimmick like Seregios.

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Yea but I'd rather wait three months for the expansion to drop than have one hour of gameplay crippled by loadings

Check out all the nintenbabys

Controversial, but true

>Finally get rid of listfag
>Now everybody is apparently listfag
Please fuck off with this shit, calling everybody who has any kind of complaint about World whatsoever listfag is just retarded and is honestly beginning to derail these threads almost as much as listfag himself was. This entire argument started because one guy earlier in the thread made a pretty innocuous post about how playing World was a mistake (which might have just been a joke for all we know), and now there is no discussion happening because loads of people overreacted to it.
He can't post the list anymore. We're free now, so please act like it.

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>ranged babbies in S

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Should I play 3U, 4U, or world


Because he stopped using his spam these days so its difficult to find him. Anybody could be just saying out of their mind about some of MHW's flaws. Then again there's no point repeating about the flaws when everyone already discussed them to death years ago. The point is that he's not obvious anymore so anybody could be him and any of them could be just him samefagging since he did this multiple times

tl;dr no fucking point. Just ignore it and let it be. It's basically a snake without venom and fangs.

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Didn't get to try them all, all of the weapon in D tier are those that I didn't experienced with extensively. some are lower because I can only judge them on how proeficient people online were with those

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>He can't post the list anymore. We're free now, so please act like it.
That doesn't mean he can't shitpost threads anymore, he brings up the same antiquated talking points every fucking time, and get refuted the same way fucking every time
anymore this probably him when he get btfo'd he falls back console warring as a last ditch effort, I except the wojacks to come out pretty soon

3U has really shitty early game, where they give you 50 free defence and everything is very easy.

Tri had a better start, and was more interesting to boot with it's Night/day cycle, as well has getting water combat right (which 3U fucked up). So if you really want to play 3, play the first for low rank, and then move onto 3U.

4U is handheldonlylmao, and while at some point I would have said YES PLAY IT, world pretty much outclasses it in every way but story. You visit a handful of different hubs throughout the single player, and that final cutscene after you finish (low rank?) is some really nice soulful shit.

Play World if you feel like you never want to play the earlier ones, because it dabs on them in almost every department but amount of monsters. I find usually I cannot go back to earlier or simpler titles once I've played much better ones. The games world feels fucking alive compared to the previous games, and it almost completely ruins them for me.

I can't into horn, otherwise I enjoy everything as well.

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Just Solo it anyways!

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In world it seems like the only way to cart is from stuns or dying in 1 hit.
If you have stun resistance you're basically unkillable.
Is this the same for past games?

How far are you through world?

did you even reach Xeno?

I wish they'd start making frontier like music for world. World has good music but frontier absolutely blows it out of the fucking water
>frontier music in mainline never
>frontier music never again once it gets offed

There aren't many in World that do this currently but several monsters can combo you or have quick followups meant to catch you when you try to get away

>Then again there's no point repeating about the flaws when everyone already discussed them to death years ago
But there's also no point complaining about that happening. It's only natural that a topic that gets constantly discussed for years by a constantly changing group is going to have the same points come up again and again, this happens with almost literally everything. It's not a big deal at all, yet I see a ton of people acting like it's some massive issue that only affects Monster Hunter threads.

What's the rush, chancellor?

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I still don't get the /mhg/ hate. I've been with them on lobbies for years and had no issues. If its something about discord or general discussion, then I'll never know cause I only go to the general for lobbies so I kind of miss out the autism for the most part

Worst thing I have ever experienced in /mhg/ is the whole SSD wank and even then I just ignore it since I already have an SSD inside my PS4

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>needing armor skills

Just wear what you want and git gud

Playing in groups is a faceroll no matter what you wear so it doesn't matter either way

where's your extremoth proofs?

Place got shat up hard by the usual /vg/ attention whores and drama queers for a long time. Dunno how it is now, haven't looked in ages.

Glavenus intro at SDCC

This guy is already ten times cooler than the original Glav

That's fucking rad
>Girros's only relevant purpose is to be a punching bag
poor guy

Credit must be given, Great Girros put up a decent fight

Greatest Girros when?

>needing armor skills

Way to put words in my mouth, gaylord. Next time use your cock instead.

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Ayyy still here I see, we'll get nergi next time

For those curious about Valstrax's lancewings

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Pretty fucking cool intro

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Will Iceborne allow you to assign a layered preset to your equipment loadouts? Tired of adjusting what I layer every time I switch gear.

HOT DAMN his bgm sounds spooky as hell, i love it
>minions dead
>Girros still does a last ditch attack
>Iai slash nuthin personnel'd by katanatail
Props to the guy

"Leaked" roster, 24 monsters
>Fulgur Anjanath, Jade Barroth, Gore Magala, Khezu, Silver Rathalos, Shrieking Legiana
>Ebony Odogaron, Blast-Fire Paolumu, Bazelgeuse Variant, Zinogre, Gold Rathian, Glavenus
>Acidic Glavenus, Seregios, Water Tobi-Kadachi, Final Boss, Banbaro, Nargacuga
>Barioth, Brachydios, Sleep Pukei Pukei, Tigrex, Velkhana, Beotodus

If this was the true Iceborne roster, how would you react?

Attached: roster.png (160x97, 35K)

Will he even have acid versions of Glav's fire projectiles?

>Completely unchanged 4th gen Seregios icon
>Jade Barroth coming back when we already have Banbaro

higher than I thought. I expected 20 max. The problem is no Valstr-
>gore magala
No fucking way

Don't join my quest and triplecart then blame me because I accidentally took your dumb cat's health bug

>No Shaggy
>No Valphalk
>No Chameleos
thank god it's fake

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Zoomers are the most pathetic fucking people on earth. Thank god fortnite is dying down.

>Posing after the spirit slash on Girros
What a fucking weeb.

Shaggy is there, you dumb dumb

no lagiacrus no buy

Also, it seems like there's no water monsters on this list. Except for the slim possibility the Bazelguese variant is water. Unless Capcom really just don't care about element balancing, I just can't see this being the final roster.

>Says game is shit
>Spams the same thing purposely in mh threads when he could just not join these threads if he doesn't like the series.
"I-im not spamming!"


Is it? I can only recognize Gore

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>water bazel flies around dropping water balloons on you

Wait, I got confused with Seregios.
I mean, if Gore is in, Shagaru will be a DLC anyway

I’m going insane from crown hunting for black diablos and the elders, need tips

Then don't do them retard. Stop shitting on others' happiness ya contrarian fuck

What, the footprint sniffing bit? You get a bonus to the meter if you find a footprint then complete an objective so just do other hunts on those maps and make sure to find at least 1 track before you finish.

Put on some good music to distract yourself from going insane

>Black Diablos
Good luck, kiddo.

Anyone feeling like playing some 4U? I kinda want to do a dalamadur hunt.

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help lads
my MH cravings are coming back but there's no reason to play until iceborne comes out

EDF 5 finally came out on PC

Is it an immersion breaking thing for you?

I wonder how wide and tight her cloaca is haha

>mfw trying this shit with randoms with current rank gear and weapons
Felt more like a test of knowing how Superman dive works because the number of carts is absurd online. Not even sure how I got away with even doing GOG with randoms.

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I prefer it this way. Every time i played multiplayer in 4U some retard won't skip the cut scene and we'll be sitting for 2 minutes watching dalamadur or mohran cutscene. At least in mhw you only see it once and never have to see it again you retards.

Remember you can only get crowns from investigations with at least one silver and one gold reward, best for me seemed to be 2 silver 1 gold. If they're tempered, you need at least 3 boxes. Measure the monsters before you engage, there are videos on youtube for each monster. You aren't required to get the crowns for Luna and Deviljho if you're only going for the trophy/achievement/whatever. You may want to bring a ghillie mantle to prevent unwanted encounters. Otherwise, the rest is pure luck. Good luck, I just finished my crown hunt with small Kirin the other day.

I will repeat my opinion so that people will think about what they're consuming instead of being in a "game is good" echo chamber.
Also, you saying that I do not like the SERIES is extremely presumptuous.

does eating for element resist up instead of defense up have any tangible benefits against lunastra

her fire attack will do less damage to you, defense up is pretty self explanatory