Doomguy/chosen undead edition. Are you ready for the chad character combo?
Rosterfag thread
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Jokes on you, my most wanted has always being Ridley, and know I am living the pipedream that it's the Morrigan x Kosmos combo.
he's in
If it's not leon or crash, your choice belongs in the trash!
Fuck off reddit
Phoenix Wright is just as likely as Leon, Jill, a Hunter, or any other Capcom rep. We’re all in this together.
I'm ready for these threads to die off.
if kiryu wasnt deconfirmed the true chad combo wouldve been pic related
I'm ready for Yea Forums to fail to predict either of the new characters.
he's in
good luck, even if Nintendo never makes a second season, or out of season DLC, the mere possibility of it happening will keep this threads going for at least another Year.... Until it DOES happen, then the cycle will start all over again.
Nah, characters with moveset potential are far better
Would honestly be based.
After Banjo, Goku is the only one they can give us who can really surprise people.
>3 or 4 different styles he can switch through
>each changes his fighting style significantly
>brawler obviously being more of a straightforward fighting style
>rush being more focused on speed and dodges
>beast being more of a grappler and throwing style
>heat mechanic with each style having different variations of his heat moves to make them more unique, like beast whipping out a bike
>characters with moveset potential
kiryu absolutely has potential user. just think of the music that would come with him as well
You sure about that?
I mean, is not bad idea, it does have potential indeed, but for a character focused on switching STYLES... yeah, they may as well go for the obvious choice.
before it ticked down to only 2 slots left dante was one of my candidates, but i went with kiryu because of personal bias
Wouldn't really be shocking - Square Enix already has two characters, Geno is already in as a spirit
Sakurai addressed Bond years ago
>“Showing realistic guns = no good! Character uses an actor’s likeness = no good! Since the original game is based on a movie, getting those rights = no good! He’s Rare’s property = no good! Blocked on all fronts.”
Now, the guns and Rare parts don't matter anymore, but still.
>banjo gameplay debut in fall, likely late september or october
>likely leads into fighter 4
>right on top of luigis mansion release
it could happen but i imagine this whole DLC pack is guest characters
Anime Swordsmen have more SOUL than realistic mutemen.
Earthworm Jim
Please understand
should've been in tekken instead of that character from that shitty TV show
ive lost all hope of him being in tekken
>style switching
I agree with everything you’ve just said. It would make a lot of sense, but the DLC seems to all be third party. A shame really, king boo is really cool.
Look, you guys sold me the idea for CU, really, but the mechanic in DMC, DANTE'S mechanic in fact, is literally switching styles, name and everything.
Post them
>You should be happy we're getting new characters at all
We're paying for them, you fucking moron.
Here’s an old one
if anyone was lower than a rank 3 star sticker theu have literally 0 chance of ever being in
Artorias would be based as hell
Steve is in
I want to believe, but I get the feeling there's no Capcom character at all
>Implying two of the ones in that pic won't make it and half the characters will also not make it in for Smash 6.
But in all seriousness, whoever made this picture is an asshole. Let people like and want things jeesh. Where did they touch you?
What makes you say that? There’s still a bunch of missing mii costumes and Capcom has so many iconic characters still not included.
Capcom's still got a fuckload of stuff unrepresented and 2/3 of the DLC fighters so far came from companies already involved with Smash
If anyone is not getting another character it's gonna be square/namco