Its not getting a PC port is it?

its not getting a PC port is it?

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does this play alright on ps4 slim or is it complete shit

It is complete shit full stop, doesn't matter where you play it

Who wants to play some cinematic, nigger loving, sensitive cowboy simulator. Might as well be broke back mountain with gimped shooting mechanics and just implied ass secks

It usually goes
Xbone (unplayable and/or 720p) < PS4 (1080p with dips) < PS4 Pro < Xbone X

Plays like shit on the base consoles, gotta play it on the pro or X for it to run okay.

That goes for most games post 2016 really.

I played it on regular PS4 and aside from some noticeable dips in Saint Denis it was pretty smooth

Why would a cowboy in that time period think blacks are equal to whites and get offended when race realists propose otherwise in game?

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l u m b a g o

>race realists
Oh you mean racists ?
Yeah, there is nothing "real" 8n race """"realism""""

Because black cowboys were extremely common and the idea that drove a lot of the outlaws at the time, and ranchers too, was that nobody could control anyone or stop their pursuit of whatever life they wanted.

They were wrong in many ways but why do you alt right retards think the 1800s were just modern day Alabama? There was literally a war over this stuff. You might logically deduce that some people weren't lynching every black.

Hopefully people know not to buy the base Scarlett/PS5.

>You might logically deduce that some people weren't lynching every black.
Doesn't mean the people that weren't hanging the coons didn't think they were worthless apes. Even Lincoln, the man who freed them and killed thousands of his countrymen and tore up the constitution to do so, knew they were filthy animals.

Rockstar focused entirely on making it "cinematic" to the point that you feel like you're wading in molasses the entire game. Acceleration curve for aiming weapons is completely fucky to the point it's better to turn your normal camera to look at a target and let quickscoping aim for you.

Also, instead of being a former outlaw in a spaghetti western like RDR1, you're a current outlaw in an anti-western. Impossible to play the game without slaughtering dozens of people, there's a guy who'll obviously betray you that you can do nothing about, but somehow killing injuns is off limits.

Because Dutch and his gang are fucking weird

base/S x1 are 900p
it's alright

Yeah!!! I'm not gay!!!!

Gays are faggots kid, sooner you realize this the sooner your dad will actually shake your hand and look you in the eyes. If you want to be an asshole addicted fruitcake your whole life then that shits on you. White fucking power.

the gameplay is awful regardless of the console

Playing through it rn on a release model PS4 and it's playable. Actually it runs better than it has any right to for how it looks. Much better than say FF XV which ran so bad it made my eyes and head hurt

>Yeah, there is nothing "real" 8n race """"realism""""
I picture this user having AOC eyes

Do you guys ever wonder if blacks were happier as slaves?

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People seem to have forgotten about this flavor of the month walking simulator quickly. We used to fill up threads with nerds pretending like it was the best thing ever. Truly this seasons GOW. Glad I skipped this nigger loving trash

Trust me man. You don't want it. It seriously has some of the least satisfying gameplay/movement of any game I've ever played. Just moving around feels like absolute dogshit

It's getting a PC port a year after the PS5/Xbox Scarlett versions of the game, so expect it in late 2021. They want to get people to triple dip on it

Both RDR games are anti-western you stupid fuck

Slim is okay except in cities. The frames are so bad it's still playable but you'll actively avoid them.

However, 30 fps + motion blur make this game complete garbage. Riding on a horse everything is a blur making exploration completely retarded. I can't imagine how these console poorfags even enjoy anything on this piece of shit platform

Can't believe people even buy this nigger shit once. Cinematic and pro-nigger aren't red enough flags for these communist faggots?

>"White fucking power"
>Calls another user a kid
Oh the iron knee it's palpable

and then you combine it with the input delay, long animations and clumsy movement, and this game becomes unplayable

Lenny wouldn't be accepted by Dutch's gang in that time period. It's completely retarded.

On a completely unrelated note, why the fuck wasn't there a button prompt to call black characters niggers? Immersion breaking since that would be the norm in those days.

You know the answer.

Attached: 1543136835743.png (808x853, 749K)

So a gang of outlaws that lives by a philosophy of helping the poor and the destitute, a gang that's actively helped the Native Americans in the region wouldn't accept a black man? Oh wait they would your prejudice just will not allow you to see that

Have sex, unironically

>So a gang of outlaws that lives by a philosophy of helping the poor and the destitute
you mean a gang that goes around robbing and killing people?

It'll happen after the next gen port.

No, of course not. Rockstar is a shell of it's former self.

Are you retarded? Obviously yes Dutch's gang goes around robbing and killing people but their "philosophy" that Dutch preaches (and does not live by AT ALL) is to help the poor and disenfranchised