
Attached: 503fcc7fa4e69d5f979754b8c88c36dc.jpg (1000x1000, 530K)

stop laughing at me

Attached: DtstdoIU8AUUrOS.jpg (857x1200, 149K)

so you finally learned how to blankpost

I miss Fate.

Why haven't you played her game yet, Yea Forums?

Attached: fate-extra-ccc-psp-cover-2.jpg (500x603, 125K)

girls with shit-eating grins ?

Because unless Passionlip has a romance route, it doesn't have a reason to exist.

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reminder that BBcuckolds literally live in headcanon world since they're BTFO by hakuno

Stuck on a dead console and written in a dead language.

Best girl already has a route.

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based and high test

>Translation status: Never Ever
At least they chose the game I can stand not playing. From what I've seen, the original extra was much better.

>PSP exclusive
>not even a fan localization out there
Besides, BB or not, I can do with less neroshit in my life, thank you very much.

>From what I've seen, the original extra was much better
Ah, to be an ignorant EOP again.

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suck my dick, slut

Extra was better than CCC though.
CCC is a poor man's Carnival Phantasm that unfortunately takes itself way too seriously.


fuck extra

and fuck gacha


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I wanna stick my head in there and die

>nu-mods banned sakurafish

>attempt to post sakurafish on Yea Forums
>get banned for spamming despite being the first time I do it
The absolute state of Yea Forums

Attached: -a-mods.png (1265x220, 15K)

Yea Forums went to shit the second they started allowing Naruto threads.

Extra at least had the best girl in any Nasu related franchise in it.

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I blame moot when he put that naruto song board wide.
Also fuck konami.

Its ok just make sure to go make more twitter screencap threads those sure """""enhance our community""""

the original extra is much better.

The people who make them are the people attempting to demoralize and divide and conquer Yea Forums, aka resetera and twitter.

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>mfw letting her kill that fucking whore of Babylon

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You're in luck

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Why do you keep posting images of this anime girl

>you will never be ballbusted by a girl who turned herself into a literal god

No amount of Sakurafaces will replace the original in my heart.

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What is she looking at?


They're just shitposters. Yea Forums isn't some crusading army, there's no divide and conquer because there's nothing to conquer.

(You). She finds your existence to be humorous.